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Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
£ s . d . Joppa , No . 188 6 6 0 Constitutional , 55 , 39 18 0 Royal Somerset House , 4 , 32 11 0 Loyal Berkshire Lodge of Hope , 574 24 2 6 Grand Masters' , 1 , 17 17 0 Abbey , 9-15 22 1 0 Social , 62 23 2 0
Panmure , 7 l 5 50 IS 6 Perfect Ashlar , 1 , 178 22 1 0 Pythagorean , 79 3110 0 Castle of Harmony , 26 25 4 0 Nine Muses , 235 45 3 0 Friendship , 6 21 0 0 Westminster Key Stone , 10 35 14 0 Globe , 23 61 19 0
Tuscan , 14 12 12 0 Royal York and Perseverance , 7 28 7 0 No . 1 , 810 20 0 0 Neptune , 22 , 34 13 0 Mount Lebanon , 73 40 0 0 Leigh , 957 3110 0 South Saxon , 311 3110 0 Ancholme , 1 , 282 24 3 0
Province of Cheshire 5 5 0 No . 1 , 289 21 0 0 Regularity , 91 47 5 0 Churchill , 478 34 13 0 United Pilgrims , 507 ,. ' . ' . ' 21 0 0 St . John ' s , 90 52 10 0 Caveae Chapter , 17 G ,., 15 15 0 Union 414 "' '' 10 10 0
, .... .. British , 8 27 6 0 Confidence , 193 32 11 0 Israel , 205 ' , ' . ] 29 8 0 Old King's Arms , 28 21 0 0 Caveae , 176 G 7 4 0
1 , 296 46 3 0 St . Alban's , 29 26 5 0 Macdonald , 1 , 216 .... ' 36 15 0 Vitruvian , 338 63 10 G Lion and Lamb , 192 21 0 0 Apollo University , 357 10 10 0 Rutland , 1 , 130 90 6 0 Royal Gloster , 130 154 17 6
Grove , 410 39 IS 0 Royal Alfred , 780 65 17 6 Acacia , 1 , 309 23 12 6 Jerusalem Chapter , 185 15 15 0 Callender , 1 , 052 105 0 0 Industry , ISO 65 0 0 Socrates , 373 21 0 0 Devonshire 264 14 G
Gihon , 49 51 9 0 St . George ' s and Corner Stone , 5 48 G 0 Old Dundee , 18 ..., 84 0 0 Shakespeare , 99 , 74 11 0 Ifeyptian , 27 47 5 0 Moira , 92 45 3 0
Royal Cumberland , 41 97 13 0 Salisbury , 435 132 16 0 Grenadiers , 66 59 17 0 Fortitude and . Old Cumberland , 12 42 0 0 Stability , 217 49 7 0 Fidelity , 3 37 16 0 Sydney , 829 133 7 0 Chigwell , 453 2 G 5 0
Emulation , 21 53 11 0 Britannic , 33 24 3 0 Temple , 101 03 0 0 Domatic , 177 107 2 0 Victoria Rifles , 833 26 5 0 Humhcr , 57 36 15 0 St . John Baptist , 39 22 1 0 Homsey 890 110 5 0
, Chmvell , 599 17 7 0 Doric , 81 40 0 0 Relief , 42 115 10 0 Indefatigable , 237 100 0 0 Royal Oak . S 71 36 15 0 Jerusalem , 197 23 2 0
£ s . d . Dorset and Wilts 63 0 0 Peace and Unity , 314 16 2 6 Villiers , 1 , 194 10 10 0 Bro . Creaton 10 10 0 Bro . F . Ledger 2 2 0 Secretary ' s list 130 0 0 Giving a total of £ 4 , 050 lis . Od ., with 14 lists to come iu .
The Chairman then gave "The Vice-Presidents , Trustees , various Committees , and Medical Officers , " in complimentary terms , mention being made of the great exertions of tho Secretary , and also a kindly reference to the late Bro . Crew , whose death had recently occurred , and who had held the post of Secretary for 20 years .
Bro . Potter replied . " The other Masonic Charities , and success to them ; viz ., the Royal Masonic Institute for Boys and the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution" was then given , and responded to by Bi-Or Binckes , who , in the course of an able address , said that he had been described as sensational , a character he wished to keep , and
he hoped to have a great sensation to place before them on a future occasion . Bro . Farnfield also responded , and said that although he didnot possoss the eloquence and ability of Bro . Binckes , he hoped that the result of his exertions on behalf of the noble institution he represented would be appreciated by the brethren and result
in increased prosperity to the institution . "The Stewards of the Day , thanking them for their services , " and " The Ladies in the Gallery , with thanks for their attendance , " concluded tho toasts of the evening . The report of tho Treasurer shows tho total income of the year ( including balance in hand from the previous year of £ 2 , 695
3 s . 5 d . ) to he £ 8 , 597 19 s . 6 d . The expenditure during the year was £ 5 , 558 Is . 5 d ., leaving a balance iu hand of £ 3 , 039 18 s . Id . During the evening a choice vocal and instrumental entertainment w , is provided under the direction of Bro . Wilhelrn Eanz , Org . No . 4 , PM . 435 , assisted by Mdllo . Matilda Enequist ,-Madame Tiiaddeus Wells , Miss Lucy Frankleiu , Bro . Frank
Elmore , Bro . Beck , and Bro . Frederick Penna , Bro . Wilhelrn Ganz presided at the pianoforte , assisted by Hen- Heerman ( violin ) and Mdlle . Heerman ( harp ) .
Tho following address was circulated amongst the brethren during the Festival : — "Benevolence , tho proud characteristic of the British people , was never more generally felt or more efficiently exercised at any period of our history than at the present time . Education is more widely spread ; provision for tho distressed of nil classes more liberally distributed ; and the deserving poor in every part
of the land have their wants supplied and their sufferings alleviated . Freemasonry , which imperiously demands the practice of every moral and social virtue , and which , from the earliest records , has stood pre-eminent for practical benevolence , has its Asylum for aged and distressed Masons , its Annuity Fund , its provision for widows , its Fund of Benevolence for brethren in distressand its two Insitutions for educating the children of
, Freemasons , whose circumstances shall have become reduced through misfortune . " The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Girls , supported entirely by voluntary contributions , was instituted on . the 23 th March , 17 S 8 , at the suggestion of the late Chevalier Bartholomew Rusp ' mi , Surgeon Dentist to His Royal Highness tho Princo of Wales , for the purpose of educating , clothing , and
maintaining a limited number of girls , whether orphans or otherwise , the children of brethren whose reduced means prevented them atl ' ording their female offspring a suitable education . His late Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , with other members of the Royal Family , the nobility , clergy , and gentry , and many of the most influential members of the Craft , gave the project their warmest support , and by their united efforts established this institution , which has preserved numbers of children
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
£ s . d . Joppa , No . 188 6 6 0 Constitutional , 55 , 39 18 0 Royal Somerset House , 4 , 32 11 0 Loyal Berkshire Lodge of Hope , 574 24 2 6 Grand Masters' , 1 , 17 17 0 Abbey , 9-15 22 1 0 Social , 62 23 2 0
Panmure , 7 l 5 50 IS 6 Perfect Ashlar , 1 , 178 22 1 0 Pythagorean , 79 3110 0 Castle of Harmony , 26 25 4 0 Nine Muses , 235 45 3 0 Friendship , 6 21 0 0 Westminster Key Stone , 10 35 14 0 Globe , 23 61 19 0
Tuscan , 14 12 12 0 Royal York and Perseverance , 7 28 7 0 No . 1 , 810 20 0 0 Neptune , 22 , 34 13 0 Mount Lebanon , 73 40 0 0 Leigh , 957 3110 0 South Saxon , 311 3110 0 Ancholme , 1 , 282 24 3 0
Province of Cheshire 5 5 0 No . 1 , 289 21 0 0 Regularity , 91 47 5 0 Churchill , 478 34 13 0 United Pilgrims , 507 ,. ' . ' . ' 21 0 0 St . John ' s , 90 52 10 0 Caveae Chapter , 17 G ,., 15 15 0 Union 414 "' '' 10 10 0
, .... .. British , 8 27 6 0 Confidence , 193 32 11 0 Israel , 205 ' , ' . ] 29 8 0 Old King's Arms , 28 21 0 0 Caveae , 176 G 7 4 0
1 , 296 46 3 0 St . Alban's , 29 26 5 0 Macdonald , 1 , 216 .... ' 36 15 0 Vitruvian , 338 63 10 G Lion and Lamb , 192 21 0 0 Apollo University , 357 10 10 0 Rutland , 1 , 130 90 6 0 Royal Gloster , 130 154 17 6
Grove , 410 39 IS 0 Royal Alfred , 780 65 17 6 Acacia , 1 , 309 23 12 6 Jerusalem Chapter , 185 15 15 0 Callender , 1 , 052 105 0 0 Industry , ISO 65 0 0 Socrates , 373 21 0 0 Devonshire 264 14 G
Gihon , 49 51 9 0 St . George ' s and Corner Stone , 5 48 G 0 Old Dundee , 18 ..., 84 0 0 Shakespeare , 99 , 74 11 0 Ifeyptian , 27 47 5 0 Moira , 92 45 3 0
Royal Cumberland , 41 97 13 0 Salisbury , 435 132 16 0 Grenadiers , 66 59 17 0 Fortitude and . Old Cumberland , 12 42 0 0 Stability , 217 49 7 0 Fidelity , 3 37 16 0 Sydney , 829 133 7 0 Chigwell , 453 2 G 5 0
Emulation , 21 53 11 0 Britannic , 33 24 3 0 Temple , 101 03 0 0 Domatic , 177 107 2 0 Victoria Rifles , 833 26 5 0 Humhcr , 57 36 15 0 St . John Baptist , 39 22 1 0 Homsey 890 110 5 0
, Chmvell , 599 17 7 0 Doric , 81 40 0 0 Relief , 42 115 10 0 Indefatigable , 237 100 0 0 Royal Oak . S 71 36 15 0 Jerusalem , 197 23 2 0
£ s . d . Dorset and Wilts 63 0 0 Peace and Unity , 314 16 2 6 Villiers , 1 , 194 10 10 0 Bro . Creaton 10 10 0 Bro . F . Ledger 2 2 0 Secretary ' s list 130 0 0 Giving a total of £ 4 , 050 lis . Od ., with 14 lists to come iu .
The Chairman then gave "The Vice-Presidents , Trustees , various Committees , and Medical Officers , " in complimentary terms , mention being made of the great exertions of tho Secretary , and also a kindly reference to the late Bro . Crew , whose death had recently occurred , and who had held the post of Secretary for 20 years .
Bro . Potter replied . " The other Masonic Charities , and success to them ; viz ., the Royal Masonic Institute for Boys and the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution" was then given , and responded to by Bi-Or Binckes , who , in the course of an able address , said that he had been described as sensational , a character he wished to keep , and
he hoped to have a great sensation to place before them on a future occasion . Bro . Farnfield also responded , and said that although he didnot possoss the eloquence and ability of Bro . Binckes , he hoped that the result of his exertions on behalf of the noble institution he represented would be appreciated by the brethren and result
in increased prosperity to the institution . "The Stewards of the Day , thanking them for their services , " and " The Ladies in the Gallery , with thanks for their attendance , " concluded tho toasts of the evening . The report of tho Treasurer shows tho total income of the year ( including balance in hand from the previous year of £ 2 , 695
3 s . 5 d . ) to he £ 8 , 597 19 s . 6 d . The expenditure during the year was £ 5 , 558 Is . 5 d ., leaving a balance iu hand of £ 3 , 039 18 s . Id . During the evening a choice vocal and instrumental entertainment w , is provided under the direction of Bro . Wilhelrn Eanz , Org . No . 4 , PM . 435 , assisted by Mdllo . Matilda Enequist ,-Madame Tiiaddeus Wells , Miss Lucy Frankleiu , Bro . Frank
Elmore , Bro . Beck , and Bro . Frederick Penna , Bro . Wilhelrn Ganz presided at the pianoforte , assisted by Hen- Heerman ( violin ) and Mdlle . Heerman ( harp ) .
Tho following address was circulated amongst the brethren during the Festival : — "Benevolence , tho proud characteristic of the British people , was never more generally felt or more efficiently exercised at any period of our history than at the present time . Education is more widely spread ; provision for tho distressed of nil classes more liberally distributed ; and the deserving poor in every part
of the land have their wants supplied and their sufferings alleviated . Freemasonry , which imperiously demands the practice of every moral and social virtue , and which , from the earliest records , has stood pre-eminent for practical benevolence , has its Asylum for aged and distressed Masons , its Annuity Fund , its provision for widows , its Fund of Benevolence for brethren in distressand its two Insitutions for educating the children of
, Freemasons , whose circumstances shall have become reduced through misfortune . " The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Girls , supported entirely by voluntary contributions , was instituted on . the 23 th March , 17 S 8 , at the suggestion of the late Chevalier Bartholomew Rusp ' mi , Surgeon Dentist to His Royal Highness tho Princo of Wales , for the purpose of educating , clothing , and
maintaining a limited number of girls , whether orphans or otherwise , the children of brethren whose reduced means prevented them atl ' ording their female offspring a suitable education . His late Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , with other members of the Royal Family , the nobility , clergy , and gentry , and many of the most influential members of the Craft , gave the project their warmest support , and by their united efforts established this institution , which has preserved numbers of children