Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 5 →
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Craft Masonry.
with great feeling and felicity , aud hoped the time was not fardistant when some of the junior members of his family might be enrolled under the banner of this noble Order . The I . P . M . then in very flattering terms proposed the health of the W . M ., who replied in a very eloquent speech , which for brevity and effect sake we will characterize as worthy of himself , and it was listened to with profound attention . The W . M . then gave tho . toast of the visitorsand called upon Bros . BinckesSteward and
, , Richardson to reply , Bro . Binckos then recapitulated the heads of the address which the W . M . had delivered , and in an eloquent appeal enforced its application with a suitable admonition . The W . M . then said he had now a pleasing duty to perform , which was to present the I . P . M . with a ten guinea jewel , and said from the faultless working , tho urbanity of his manner , and the many influential brethren he had introduced into this lodge , he ( tbe I . P . M . ) had been the means of raising it to its present
proud position , Bro . Edershoim then returned thanks in an affectionate address which went lo the hearts of the brethren , and in delivering which ho was sensibly ail ' ected , Bro . Gottebrune replied on behalf of the charities . Among the brethren present were : Bros . Lord Leigh , Prov . G . M ., Warwick ; J . Ilervey , G . Sec . ; Binckes , G . Steward ' s Lodge ; T . Adams , P . G . Purst . ; R . A . Wright , P . G . S . D ., Herts ; Raynham W . Stewart , P . G . S . D ., Essex ; 0 . HosgoodP . M . 192 Canton 969 ; MasseyP . M . 119 ;
, ; , , Alexander , P . M ., 1 SS ; Alexander , jun ., J . W ., 1 SS ; Croski , P . M ., Lisson , P . M . ; Braid , S . W ., 1 , 196 : Tyrell , Johnson , Frost , Rhodes , aud several others . The harmony of the evening was greatly promoted by Bro . Croski presiding at one of Kirkman ' s grand pianofortes , Bro . Edersheim accompanying with the violin , when some fine instrumental and vocal music was discoursed , and brought the evening to a happy and fraternal close .
DUXE OE EDIXBUBGII LODGE ( NO . 1 , 259 ) . —The installation meeting of tin ' s lodge took place at the Now Globe Tavern , Bowroad , on Tuesday , the 3 rd inst ., Bro . John Wright , W . M ., in the chair , supported by the whole of his officers . The minutes of the last regular lodge having been read and confirmed , Bro . J . Cleaver was then passed to the degree of F . C . Bro . Edward Jex , S . W ., W . M . elect , was then presented for the benefit of installation , and having assented to the ancient charges and
obligations , was duly inducted into the chair of K . S ., and the brethren saluted him in due Masonic form . The W . M . then appointed the following officers : Bros . J . D . Lusty , S . W . ; J . Salter , J . W . ; J . Deer , S . D . ; S . Wcatherill , J . D . ; W . Darling , I . G . Verry , Tyler ; Watson , Treasurer ; and Hogg , Secretary . The W . M ., Bro . Jex , then presented Bro . Wright , I . P . M ., with an elegant Past Master's jewel , and paid a graceful tribute to the zeal and assiduity with which ho had managed the affairs ofthe
lodge since its consecration . The I . P . M . replied that in laying the foundation of this lodge he had only done his duty ; being actuated with a desire to benefit the lodge and promote the happiness ofthe brethren . He sincerely trusted that tho same unanimity of feeling would long continue among them , and that he might be spared many years to he with them . The auditor's report having been read , and vote of thanks to the Treasurer and Secretary carried , the lodge was closedand the
, brethren adjourned to the banquet . After tbe removal of the cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to . The Treasurer , Secretary , and officers of the lodge and Tyler ' s toast was given , and the brethren separated at an early hour . The visitors present were Bros . P . M . ' s Humsey , 206 ; E . J . Read , 781 ; McDonald , 30 ; Scurr , 933 ; Steadman , 754 ; Harris . S 31 ; Hallet , 831 ; Holt and Ruag , 781 : Chown , 831 ; and Eltham , 1 , 000 .
Sr . MABYIEBOINE LODGE ( NO . 1 , 305 ) . —An emergency meeting of this now lodge ( ivhich was consecrated by the Grand Secretary on tho 13 th ult . ) , was held at the Eyre Arms , St . John's-wood , on Thursday , the 5 th inst ., when Messrs . Gutteridge and Smith wore initiated , and eight brethren were elected as joining members . A committee of five was elected to form a code of by-laws—On Friday , the Gtli inst ., the first regular lodge meeting was held , when Mr . II . Ashwell was initiated b y Tottell Hereford
Bro . S . G . , W . M . ; Messrs . Byrd , , aud Shilllbeer , were initiated by Bro . Codner , P . M ., who is J . W . of the lodge , assisted most ably by Bro . J . J . Pope , P . M ., S . W . The W . Jt ! then delivered the lecture on the tracing board in a very effective manner , indeed the whole working of tho lod ge by the principal officers left nothing to be desired . The lod ge was afterwards closed iu due form . Eighteen of the brethren and three visiting brethren sat down to a very bountiful aud reclierclie banquet
provided by the worthy host , Bro . Thomas Young . Tho brethren appeared highly pleased and satisfied with their beginning , as , indeed , they might well be , for we understand the entire expense of forming and furnishing the lodge and all other expenses were paid , leaving a sufficient balauco in the hands of Bro . W . B . Betting , the Treasurer of the lodge , to pay all the expenses of the current year . We may here observe that the lodge furniture is really superb , the pedestals being ebony and gold , and the massive carved and gilt candlesticks , and all the other articles in keeping . There appears every prospect of this lodge becominghighly influential .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . PJJOVIXCIAI . GEAND LODGE . The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of East-Lancashire took place ou Thursday , the 5 th inst ., at the Townhall , Blackburn , which had been kindly placed at the disposal of the Craft by his Worship the Mayor and the Town-hall Committee .
Lodge was opened iu the three degrees by Bro . Spencer , W . M . and P . M . of 269 , assisted by Bro . Procter , W . M . of 345 , and Bro . Kearsley , W . M . of 346 ; and immediately afterwards the Provincial Grand Officers entered the lodge , and were presided over by . Bro . W . Romaine Callender , 1 ) . Prov . G . M ., in the unavoidable absence of Bro . Stephen Blair , the Prov . G . M ,, in consequence of severe indisposition . A letter of apology for absenceand expressing his deep regret at not being able to be
, present , was read by the D . Prov . G . M . The whole of the Provincial Officers were present , with this single exception . The attendance of brethren from the different lodges was very numerous , there being seventy out of seventy-five lodges represented , and iu the whole numbering about 350 brethren . Bro . Hine , of Manchester , read the report of the proceedings of a sub-committee appointed at the meeting held at Rusholme , in November last , respecting certain important alterations
contemplated by the committee of governors of the Masonic Charitable Institutions , and which , if carried , would have operated disadvantageously to the lodges in the different provinces . The report and proceedings of the sub-committee were fully approved by the Provincial Grand Lodge , resisting the intended alterations , and the committee were unanimously re-elected to continue their labours . The following brethren then had the Provincial Grand honours conferred , and were duly invested , viz . -. —Bros . R . H . Hutchinsou .
Prov . S . G . W . ; W . Harrison , Prov . G . Reg . ; R . Radclifle , Prov . J . G . D . ; J . Spencer , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; T . Clarkson , Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Rev . W . Radley , Prov . G . Chap . ; J . Tunnah , Prov . G . Sec ; E . A . N . Royds , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; W . Gonhlthorp , Prov . G . Org . The D . Prov . G . M , then intimated that the next duty devolving upon the Provincial Grand Lodge , was tho election of Treasurer , and he was ready to receive nominations for that
office . Bro . T . Clough , P . Prov . G . Reg ., said he ha . i v ,-ry great pleasure in proposing Bro . Clurles Tiplady . P . M . 3 to , as a fit and proper person to seivc the office of Provincial Graud Treasurer . He had known that gentleman intimately for forty years ; and with regard to his conduct in the lodge , the Charity committee , and his attendance at the business meetings of the Craft , ho believed him to bo well qualified for the office , and
would fully merit the confidence reposed in him . Bro . Wike , P . Prov . S . G-W ., seconded tho nomination ; aud their being no other candidate , Bro . Tiplady was unanimously elected , and briefly expressed his thanks to the brethren for the honour conferred upon him . Bro . Dawson was unanimously re-elected Prov . G . Tyler ; and Bros . J . Clough , 269 ; R . C . J . Duckworth , 345 ; and Amos Annistead , 316 . Prov . G . Stewards . Bro . Hine read a report of the Charity Committee , held at Manchester on
Tuesday , the 3 rd inst ., from which we gather that various grants were made to deserving objects . The report having been adopted , aud the financial business brought to a close , the Provincial Grand Lodge was duly closed , and tho brethren formed in procession from the Town Hall to the Exchange , iu order to attend the banquet , which was given in the Assembly-room of the Exchange , The room had been fitted up as a banquet hall with splendid effect . Two tables ran the length of the spacious room ; the Provincial Grand Officers
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
with great feeling and felicity , aud hoped the time was not fardistant when some of the junior members of his family might be enrolled under the banner of this noble Order . The I . P . M . then in very flattering terms proposed the health of the W . M ., who replied in a very eloquent speech , which for brevity and effect sake we will characterize as worthy of himself , and it was listened to with profound attention . The W . M . then gave tho . toast of the visitorsand called upon Bros . BinckesSteward and
, , Richardson to reply , Bro . Binckos then recapitulated the heads of the address which the W . M . had delivered , and in an eloquent appeal enforced its application with a suitable admonition . The W . M . then said he had now a pleasing duty to perform , which was to present the I . P . M . with a ten guinea jewel , and said from the faultless working , tho urbanity of his manner , and the many influential brethren he had introduced into this lodge , he ( tbe I . P . M . ) had been the means of raising it to its present
proud position , Bro . Edershoim then returned thanks in an affectionate address which went lo the hearts of the brethren , and in delivering which ho was sensibly ail ' ected , Bro . Gottebrune replied on behalf of the charities . Among the brethren present were : Bros . Lord Leigh , Prov . G . M ., Warwick ; J . Ilervey , G . Sec . ; Binckes , G . Steward ' s Lodge ; T . Adams , P . G . Purst . ; R . A . Wright , P . G . S . D ., Herts ; Raynham W . Stewart , P . G . S . D ., Essex ; 0 . HosgoodP . M . 192 Canton 969 ; MasseyP . M . 119 ;
, ; , , Alexander , P . M ., 1 SS ; Alexander , jun ., J . W ., 1 SS ; Croski , P . M ., Lisson , P . M . ; Braid , S . W ., 1 , 196 : Tyrell , Johnson , Frost , Rhodes , aud several others . The harmony of the evening was greatly promoted by Bro . Croski presiding at one of Kirkman ' s grand pianofortes , Bro . Edersheim accompanying with the violin , when some fine instrumental and vocal music was discoursed , and brought the evening to a happy and fraternal close .
DUXE OE EDIXBUBGII LODGE ( NO . 1 , 259 ) . —The installation meeting of tin ' s lodge took place at the Now Globe Tavern , Bowroad , on Tuesday , the 3 rd inst ., Bro . John Wright , W . M ., in the chair , supported by the whole of his officers . The minutes of the last regular lodge having been read and confirmed , Bro . J . Cleaver was then passed to the degree of F . C . Bro . Edward Jex , S . W ., W . M . elect , was then presented for the benefit of installation , and having assented to the ancient charges and
obligations , was duly inducted into the chair of K . S ., and the brethren saluted him in due Masonic form . The W . M . then appointed the following officers : Bros . J . D . Lusty , S . W . ; J . Salter , J . W . ; J . Deer , S . D . ; S . Wcatherill , J . D . ; W . Darling , I . G . Verry , Tyler ; Watson , Treasurer ; and Hogg , Secretary . The W . M ., Bro . Jex , then presented Bro . Wright , I . P . M ., with an elegant Past Master's jewel , and paid a graceful tribute to the zeal and assiduity with which ho had managed the affairs ofthe
lodge since its consecration . The I . P . M . replied that in laying the foundation of this lodge he had only done his duty ; being actuated with a desire to benefit the lodge and promote the happiness ofthe brethren . He sincerely trusted that tho same unanimity of feeling would long continue among them , and that he might be spared many years to he with them . The auditor's report having been read , and vote of thanks to the Treasurer and Secretary carried , the lodge was closedand the
, brethren adjourned to the banquet . After tbe removal of the cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to . The Treasurer , Secretary , and officers of the lodge and Tyler ' s toast was given , and the brethren separated at an early hour . The visitors present were Bros . P . M . ' s Humsey , 206 ; E . J . Read , 781 ; McDonald , 30 ; Scurr , 933 ; Steadman , 754 ; Harris . S 31 ; Hallet , 831 ; Holt and Ruag , 781 : Chown , 831 ; and Eltham , 1 , 000 .
Sr . MABYIEBOINE LODGE ( NO . 1 , 305 ) . —An emergency meeting of this now lodge ( ivhich was consecrated by the Grand Secretary on tho 13 th ult . ) , was held at the Eyre Arms , St . John's-wood , on Thursday , the 5 th inst ., when Messrs . Gutteridge and Smith wore initiated , and eight brethren were elected as joining members . A committee of five was elected to form a code of by-laws—On Friday , the Gtli inst ., the first regular lodge meeting was held , when Mr . II . Ashwell was initiated b y Tottell Hereford
Bro . S . G . , W . M . ; Messrs . Byrd , , aud Shilllbeer , were initiated by Bro . Codner , P . M ., who is J . W . of the lodge , assisted most ably by Bro . J . J . Pope , P . M ., S . W . The W . Jt ! then delivered the lecture on the tracing board in a very effective manner , indeed the whole working of tho lod ge by the principal officers left nothing to be desired . The lod ge was afterwards closed iu due form . Eighteen of the brethren and three visiting brethren sat down to a very bountiful aud reclierclie banquet
provided by the worthy host , Bro . Thomas Young . Tho brethren appeared highly pleased and satisfied with their beginning , as , indeed , they might well be , for we understand the entire expense of forming and furnishing the lodge and all other expenses were paid , leaving a sufficient balauco in the hands of Bro . W . B . Betting , the Treasurer of the lodge , to pay all the expenses of the current year . We may here observe that the lodge furniture is really superb , the pedestals being ebony and gold , and the massive carved and gilt candlesticks , and all the other articles in keeping . There appears every prospect of this lodge becominghighly influential .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . PJJOVIXCIAI . GEAND LODGE . The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of East-Lancashire took place ou Thursday , the 5 th inst ., at the Townhall , Blackburn , which had been kindly placed at the disposal of the Craft by his Worship the Mayor and the Town-hall Committee .
Lodge was opened iu the three degrees by Bro . Spencer , W . M . and P . M . of 269 , assisted by Bro . Procter , W . M . of 345 , and Bro . Kearsley , W . M . of 346 ; and immediately afterwards the Provincial Grand Officers entered the lodge , and were presided over by . Bro . W . Romaine Callender , 1 ) . Prov . G . M ., in the unavoidable absence of Bro . Stephen Blair , the Prov . G . M ,, in consequence of severe indisposition . A letter of apology for absenceand expressing his deep regret at not being able to be
, present , was read by the D . Prov . G . M . The whole of the Provincial Officers were present , with this single exception . The attendance of brethren from the different lodges was very numerous , there being seventy out of seventy-five lodges represented , and iu the whole numbering about 350 brethren . Bro . Hine , of Manchester , read the report of the proceedings of a sub-committee appointed at the meeting held at Rusholme , in November last , respecting certain important alterations
contemplated by the committee of governors of the Masonic Charitable Institutions , and which , if carried , would have operated disadvantageously to the lodges in the different provinces . The report and proceedings of the sub-committee were fully approved by the Provincial Grand Lodge , resisting the intended alterations , and the committee were unanimously re-elected to continue their labours . The following brethren then had the Provincial Grand honours conferred , and were duly invested , viz . -. —Bros . R . H . Hutchinsou .
Prov . S . G . W . ; W . Harrison , Prov . G . Reg . ; R . Radclifle , Prov . J . G . D . ; J . Spencer , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; T . Clarkson , Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Rev . W . Radley , Prov . G . Chap . ; J . Tunnah , Prov . G . Sec ; E . A . N . Royds , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; W . Gonhlthorp , Prov . G . Org . The D . Prov . G . M , then intimated that the next duty devolving upon the Provincial Grand Lodge , was tho election of Treasurer , and he was ready to receive nominations for that
office . Bro . T . Clough , P . Prov . G . Reg ., said he ha . i v ,-ry great pleasure in proposing Bro . Clurles Tiplady . P . M . 3 to , as a fit and proper person to seivc the office of Provincial Graud Treasurer . He had known that gentleman intimately for forty years ; and with regard to his conduct in the lodge , the Charity committee , and his attendance at the business meetings of the Craft , ho believed him to bo well qualified for the office , and
would fully merit the confidence reposed in him . Bro . Wike , P . Prov . S . G-W ., seconded tho nomination ; aud their being no other candidate , Bro . Tiplady was unanimously elected , and briefly expressed his thanks to the brethren for the honour conferred upon him . Bro . Dawson was unanimously re-elected Prov . G . Tyler ; and Bros . J . Clough , 269 ; R . C . J . Duckworth , 345 ; and Amos Annistead , 316 . Prov . G . Stewards . Bro . Hine read a report of the Charity Committee , held at Manchester on
Tuesday , the 3 rd inst ., from which we gather that various grants were made to deserving objects . The report having been adopted , aud the financial business brought to a close , the Provincial Grand Lodge was duly closed , and tho brethren formed in procession from the Town Hall to the Exchange , iu order to attend the banquet , which was given in the Assembly-room of the Exchange , The room had been fitted up as a banquet hall with splendid effect . Two tables ran the length of the spacious room ; the Provincial Grand Officers