Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 5 →
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Freemasonry knew what it was , they might change their opinions . Bro . Callender and a largo number of tho Grand Officers here left the room , having to return to Manchester , and the chair was taken by Bro . James Spencer . Bro . Charles Tiplady , Prov . G . Trea * . of East Lancashire , proposed "The Visiting Brethren , " ami joined with it the name of Bro . the Rev . James Taylor , vicar of Bamber Bridgeand in
re-, plying to Bros . Hine and Wike , said the generosity of Blackburn Freemasons had never been appealed to in vain . The toast was cordially honoured . Bro . the Rev . Jas . Taylor , Chaplain and Secretary of the 313 , Preston , in responding , said he folt ho was about to speak a fewwords under most peculiar circumstances , and since so many of the brethren had just left the room , he felt half disposed to tell the ladies some of the secrets of Freemasonry . Freemasonry
was founded upon truth , uprightness , honesty of purpose , manly dealing , doing unto others as they would be done by . When others cursed they blessed ; when others kicked they embraced ; aud if ever Masonry worked throughout the world , wais and unpleasantness of every kind and shape would be banished , and there would be a true and ripe millenium . As a parent , no one
ever objected lo his child becoming a Mason , for there was truth in the foundation of Masonry , honesty in in its superstructure , and faithfulness in its towers . Freemasonry had been in existence from the earliest days , and it had been a p ioneer to guide them through the dark and almost impenetrable fortresses of superstition , and so long as the world lasts , Freemasonry will be a bond of union and of brotherhood . He thanked them for coupling his name with the toast , though he was scarcely a stranger in
Blackburn . Bro . Brierley , jun ., Grand Warden , in a humourous speech , proposed "The Ladies , " and the toast was drank with enthusiasm , and responded to by P . M . and Prov . Gland Dir . of Cers . Thomas Clarkson . "The Provincial Grand Stewaids" was proposed by Bro . Thomas Bertwistle , and responded tob y Bro . John Clough , Bro . Proctor proposed "Thelieallli of Bros . Le Gi-ndre Starkie , R . E . Dodgson , II . Shawand D . Thwaitesjun . " for the
, , , loan of the flowers and pi nits ; and the toast of " All poor and distressed Masons , and a speedy relief" having been drunk , the lodge was declared duly and properly closed . Amongst many visaing brethren were Bros . Porter , W . M . 343 , West Lancashire ; lie v . Taylor , Sec . a :. d Chap . 343 ; G . W . Dawson , 343 ; Daniel Wilson , 333 ; etc ., & c .
LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLAND . LEICESTER . — SI . John ' s Lodge ( No . 279 ) . —This lodge held its last regular meeting prior to the summer recess on Wednesday , the 4 th inst ., at the Freemason ' s Hall , tho W . M ., Bro . W . E . S . Stanley in the chair , who was supported by the I . P . M . and Prov . G . M ., " Bro . Kelly , and several other P . Ms . There were several visitors present , including Bros . Deaue , No . 414 ,
Reading ; George Toller , W . M . ; W . B . Smith , P . M . ; and other members of No . 523 . The lodge having been opened , and tho minutes read and confirmed , a F . C . ' s lodge was opened , when Bros . J . S . T . Clarke and llobt . Overton , jun ., were called to the podestal , and having passed a highly satisfactory examination , were entrusted and lvtired ; after which , tho lodge having been opened in the third degree , they were raised to tho sublime degree of M . M . Two other candidates Tor the third decree were
not iu attendance in due time , and their raising was consequentlydeferred . The lodge having been closed down to the first degree , Bros . Stanley , W . M ., and Dr . l ' earce , Sec , were appointed to iv-present tin ' s lodge ou tho Library Committee of the hall , in order to prepare a proper catalogue , and to take a general supervision of the books . It was resolved that the next regular meeting ofthe lodge took place in the first Wednesday inSeptember . On the conclusion of ihe business the ledge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
MIDDLESEX . FitovixciAi , GitAX \ D LODGE . Tho meeting of ihe Provincial Grand Lodge of Middlesex , took place on Friday , the Gth inst ., under the presidency of R . W . Bro . Colonel Francis Burdett , Prov . Grand Master , in the lodgo room of the Villiers Lodge JS'o . 1 , 194 , at the . Northumberhind Arms , Isleworth . Villiers Lodge was opened by Bro . E . ClarkJP . M . and Treas ., n tbe absence of the W . M ., Bro . J . Trickett , C . E ., assisted by
Bros . Osbaldiston , S . W . ; Lancaster , J . W ., and Smale , I . G . One candidate was initiated , two brethren were passed , and one raised . The ordinary business of the lodgo being concluded , the members of Provincial Grand Lodge were received . The chair of K . S . being taken by Bro . Col . Francis Burdett , Prov . Grand Master , who was supported by Bro . J , Ilervey , G . Sec . as D . Prov . G . Master ; Or . CordweU , Prov . G . Reg . as ' Piov . S . G . W . ;
J . M . Steadwell , Prov . J . G . W . ; H . G . Buss , Prov . G . Treas . ; R . W . Little , Prov . G . Sec . ; E . Clark , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; W . Smeed , Prov . G . Purst . ; F . G . Marsh , Prov . Assist . G . Purst . ; D . Shaboe , M . A ., Prov . G . Chap . ; A . Cocliier , A . Avery , G . Kenning , F . Cubitt , J . Taylor , Prov . Or . Stewards . The following were also present : Bros . G . King , jun ., W . M . ; E . A . Baber , S . W ., 1 , 238 ; F . Walters , W . M ., 1 , 309 , J . Coutts , W . M ., 1 , 310 ; W . DoddS . W ., 119 ; II . Allman , J . W ., 1 , 194 ; J . GilbertProv .
, , G . Tyler , and many others . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , The Prov . G . Master proposed and Bro . G . Cordwell seconded a proposition that a resolution be forwarded to the Earl de Grey , M . W . G . Master , and Earl Carnarvon , V . W . D . G . M . nominate , expressing the condolence of the members ofthe Provincial Grand Lodge with their lordships in the unhappy bereavements which
they and their families had sustaiued through the recent massacres iu Greece . The resolution was put by the J . W ., and carried unanimously . Tbe Prov . Or . Master then invested Bro . Shaboe as Prov . G . Chap . It was proposed that a Masonic calendar for the province of Middlesex , similar to that issued by Bro . Spiers , of Oxford , be published , and that it should he compiled bBro . K . W . Little
y , Prov . ( St . Sec . for Middlesex . Bro . King objected to the brethren being called upon to carry the resolution , without knowing what amount the respective lodges would he ca'led upon to pay towards defraying the expense of publication , in which objecti m the Pros ' . G . Master concurred .
Bro . Little , in reply , assured the brethren that the expense would not excoed sixpence per member , in consideration of whicli each member would receive a copy . The proposition was then carried . ( From the facilities which Bro . Little possesses as a Clerk in the Olr . md Secretary ' s office , we have no doubt it will bo a useful publication ) . It was announced by the Prov . G . Master that the next meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge would be held at Uxbrid
ge , in March , 1871 . The Provincial Grand Lodge was closed , and the Provincial Grand Officers retired . The chair was then resumed b y Bro . Clarke , when the Villiers Lodge was closed with solemn prayer . A banquet followed , which was attended principally by the brethren of tho Villiers Lodge aud some ofthe Provincial Grand Officers . The chair was taken by the Provincial Grand Master .
I-Lumv / w . — Consecration of Harrow Lodge ( No , 1 , 310 ) . —The MAY . tho 01 . M . having granted a warrant fur a lodge to bo named tho Harrow L'dge , to meet at the Railway Hotel , it was arranged that the ceremony of consecrating the lodge and installing the W . M . designate , should take place on the 7 th inst ., when the petitioners and other brethren assembled inconsiderable numbers . Shortly after live o ' clock the Dir . of Cers . formed a procession , and the brethren within the lodge received the
representative ofthe G . M . with the usual honours . The following brethren werepriscnt , viz .: Bros . John Hcrvev , G . Sec , P . M . 54 S ; W , Smith , C . E ., P . G . S ., P . M ., 2-i , 320 , S 10 ; E . J . B . Bumstead , G . A . Smith , S . D ., 019 ; J . Harrison , S . D ., 27 ; T . Biewer , 27 ; C . Atkins , 27 ; T . Lambert , S . D ., 5-JS ; J . R . Stevens , P . M ., IS ; W . II . Hubbard , P . M ., 1 , 203 ; G . Kenning , S . W ., 1 , 293 ; W . N . Waghorn , 1 . 01 ., 9-16 ; J . C . Hall , 193 ; G . Stacey , P . M ., 209 ; W . S . Segert , W . M ., 54 S , aud others .
The ceremony of consecration and dcrlicatiou was performed by Bro . R . W . Littler in an admirable manner . The installation of W . M . and tbe addresses to the officers and brethren b y Bro . F . Walters . The W . M . having been installed , proceeded to invest with the collars and jewels of their respective offices the following brethren : —Bros . E . C . Massey , S . W .: W . If . Green , J . W ; G . Cattel , P . M . and Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M . and Sec ; E . Harper , S . D . ; S . Homewood , J . D . ; G . Pymm , I . G . ; F . Smith ,
W . S . ; and G . Bavin , P . M . 147 , Tyler . After several propositions for initiation aud joining brethren , the lodge was closed about 7 . 30 p . m ., according-to ancient custom with solemn prayer , and the brethren retired to the banquet , which was presided
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry knew what it was , they might change their opinions . Bro . Callender and a largo number of tho Grand Officers here left the room , having to return to Manchester , and the chair was taken by Bro . James Spencer . Bro . Charles Tiplady , Prov . G . Trea * . of East Lancashire , proposed "The Visiting Brethren , " ami joined with it the name of Bro . the Rev . James Taylor , vicar of Bamber Bridgeand in
re-, plying to Bros . Hine and Wike , said the generosity of Blackburn Freemasons had never been appealed to in vain . The toast was cordially honoured . Bro . the Rev . Jas . Taylor , Chaplain and Secretary of the 313 , Preston , in responding , said he folt ho was about to speak a fewwords under most peculiar circumstances , and since so many of the brethren had just left the room , he felt half disposed to tell the ladies some of the secrets of Freemasonry . Freemasonry
was founded upon truth , uprightness , honesty of purpose , manly dealing , doing unto others as they would be done by . When others cursed they blessed ; when others kicked they embraced ; aud if ever Masonry worked throughout the world , wais and unpleasantness of every kind and shape would be banished , and there would be a true and ripe millenium . As a parent , no one
ever objected lo his child becoming a Mason , for there was truth in the foundation of Masonry , honesty in in its superstructure , and faithfulness in its towers . Freemasonry had been in existence from the earliest days , and it had been a p ioneer to guide them through the dark and almost impenetrable fortresses of superstition , and so long as the world lasts , Freemasonry will be a bond of union and of brotherhood . He thanked them for coupling his name with the toast , though he was scarcely a stranger in
Blackburn . Bro . Brierley , jun ., Grand Warden , in a humourous speech , proposed "The Ladies , " and the toast was drank with enthusiasm , and responded to by P . M . and Prov . Gland Dir . of Cers . Thomas Clarkson . "The Provincial Grand Stewaids" was proposed by Bro . Thomas Bertwistle , and responded tob y Bro . John Clough , Bro . Proctor proposed "Thelieallli of Bros . Le Gi-ndre Starkie , R . E . Dodgson , II . Shawand D . Thwaitesjun . " for the
, , , loan of the flowers and pi nits ; and the toast of " All poor and distressed Masons , and a speedy relief" having been drunk , the lodge was declared duly and properly closed . Amongst many visaing brethren were Bros . Porter , W . M . 343 , West Lancashire ; lie v . Taylor , Sec . a :. d Chap . 343 ; G . W . Dawson , 343 ; Daniel Wilson , 333 ; etc ., & c .
LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLAND . LEICESTER . — SI . John ' s Lodge ( No . 279 ) . —This lodge held its last regular meeting prior to the summer recess on Wednesday , the 4 th inst ., at the Freemason ' s Hall , tho W . M ., Bro . W . E . S . Stanley in the chair , who was supported by the I . P . M . and Prov . G . M ., " Bro . Kelly , and several other P . Ms . There were several visitors present , including Bros . Deaue , No . 414 ,
Reading ; George Toller , W . M . ; W . B . Smith , P . M . ; and other members of No . 523 . The lodge having been opened , and tho minutes read and confirmed , a F . C . ' s lodge was opened , when Bros . J . S . T . Clarke and llobt . Overton , jun ., were called to the podestal , and having passed a highly satisfactory examination , were entrusted and lvtired ; after which , tho lodge having been opened in the third degree , they were raised to tho sublime degree of M . M . Two other candidates Tor the third decree were
not iu attendance in due time , and their raising was consequentlydeferred . The lodge having been closed down to the first degree , Bros . Stanley , W . M ., and Dr . l ' earce , Sec , were appointed to iv-present tin ' s lodge ou tho Library Committee of the hall , in order to prepare a proper catalogue , and to take a general supervision of the books . It was resolved that the next regular meeting ofthe lodge took place in the first Wednesday inSeptember . On the conclusion of ihe business the ledge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
MIDDLESEX . FitovixciAi , GitAX \ D LODGE . Tho meeting of ihe Provincial Grand Lodge of Middlesex , took place on Friday , the Gth inst ., under the presidency of R . W . Bro . Colonel Francis Burdett , Prov . Grand Master , in the lodgo room of the Villiers Lodge JS'o . 1 , 194 , at the . Northumberhind Arms , Isleworth . Villiers Lodge was opened by Bro . E . ClarkJP . M . and Treas ., n tbe absence of the W . M ., Bro . J . Trickett , C . E ., assisted by
Bros . Osbaldiston , S . W . ; Lancaster , J . W ., and Smale , I . G . One candidate was initiated , two brethren were passed , and one raised . The ordinary business of the lodgo being concluded , the members of Provincial Grand Lodge were received . The chair of K . S . being taken by Bro . Col . Francis Burdett , Prov . Grand Master , who was supported by Bro . J , Ilervey , G . Sec . as D . Prov . G . Master ; Or . CordweU , Prov . G . Reg . as ' Piov . S . G . W . ;
J . M . Steadwell , Prov . J . G . W . ; H . G . Buss , Prov . G . Treas . ; R . W . Little , Prov . G . Sec . ; E . Clark , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; W . Smeed , Prov . G . Purst . ; F . G . Marsh , Prov . Assist . G . Purst . ; D . Shaboe , M . A ., Prov . G . Chap . ; A . Cocliier , A . Avery , G . Kenning , F . Cubitt , J . Taylor , Prov . Or . Stewards . The following were also present : Bros . G . King , jun ., W . M . ; E . A . Baber , S . W ., 1 , 238 ; F . Walters , W . M ., 1 , 309 , J . Coutts , W . M ., 1 , 310 ; W . DoddS . W ., 119 ; II . Allman , J . W ., 1 , 194 ; J . GilbertProv .
, , G . Tyler , and many others . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , The Prov . G . Master proposed and Bro . G . Cordwell seconded a proposition that a resolution be forwarded to the Earl de Grey , M . W . G . Master , and Earl Carnarvon , V . W . D . G . M . nominate , expressing the condolence of the members ofthe Provincial Grand Lodge with their lordships in the unhappy bereavements which
they and their families had sustaiued through the recent massacres iu Greece . The resolution was put by the J . W ., and carried unanimously . Tbe Prov . Or . Master then invested Bro . Shaboe as Prov . G . Chap . It was proposed that a Masonic calendar for the province of Middlesex , similar to that issued by Bro . Spiers , of Oxford , be published , and that it should he compiled bBro . K . W . Little
y , Prov . ( St . Sec . for Middlesex . Bro . King objected to the brethren being called upon to carry the resolution , without knowing what amount the respective lodges would he ca'led upon to pay towards defraying the expense of publication , in which objecti m the Pros ' . G . Master concurred .
Bro . Little , in reply , assured the brethren that the expense would not excoed sixpence per member , in consideration of whicli each member would receive a copy . The proposition was then carried . ( From the facilities which Bro . Little possesses as a Clerk in the Olr . md Secretary ' s office , we have no doubt it will bo a useful publication ) . It was announced by the Prov . G . Master that the next meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge would be held at Uxbrid
ge , in March , 1871 . The Provincial Grand Lodge was closed , and the Provincial Grand Officers retired . The chair was then resumed b y Bro . Clarke , when the Villiers Lodge was closed with solemn prayer . A banquet followed , which was attended principally by the brethren of tho Villiers Lodge aud some ofthe Provincial Grand Officers . The chair was taken by the Provincial Grand Master .
I-Lumv / w . — Consecration of Harrow Lodge ( No , 1 , 310 ) . —The MAY . tho 01 . M . having granted a warrant fur a lodge to bo named tho Harrow L'dge , to meet at the Railway Hotel , it was arranged that the ceremony of consecrating the lodge and installing the W . M . designate , should take place on the 7 th inst ., when the petitioners and other brethren assembled inconsiderable numbers . Shortly after live o ' clock the Dir . of Cers . formed a procession , and the brethren within the lodge received the
representative ofthe G . M . with the usual honours . The following brethren werepriscnt , viz .: Bros . John Hcrvev , G . Sec , P . M . 54 S ; W , Smith , C . E ., P . G . S ., P . M ., 2-i , 320 , S 10 ; E . J . B . Bumstead , G . A . Smith , S . D ., 019 ; J . Harrison , S . D ., 27 ; T . Biewer , 27 ; C . Atkins , 27 ; T . Lambert , S . D ., 5-JS ; J . R . Stevens , P . M ., IS ; W . II . Hubbard , P . M ., 1 , 203 ; G . Kenning , S . W ., 1 , 293 ; W . N . Waghorn , 1 . 01 ., 9-16 ; J . C . Hall , 193 ; G . Stacey , P . M ., 209 ; W . S . Segert , W . M ., 54 S , aud others .
The ceremony of consecration and dcrlicatiou was performed by Bro . R . W . Littler in an admirable manner . The installation of W . M . and tbe addresses to the officers and brethren b y Bro . F . Walters . The W . M . having been installed , proceeded to invest with the collars and jewels of their respective offices the following brethren : —Bros . E . C . Massey , S . W .: W . If . Green , J . W ; G . Cattel , P . M . and Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M . and Sec ; E . Harper , S . D . ; S . Homewood , J . D . ; G . Pymm , I . G . ; F . Smith ,
W . S . ; and G . Bavin , P . M . 147 , Tyler . After several propositions for initiation aud joining brethren , the lodge was closed about 7 . 30 p . m ., according-to ancient custom with solemn prayer , and the brethren retired to the banquet , which was presided