Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 5 Article SCOTTISH CONSTITUTION. Page 1 of 1 Article SCOTTISH CONSTITUTION. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1
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over by the newly-installed W . M ., Bro . Coutts , in a manner excelled ouly by the way in which , it is well known , he performs his duty in the chair of K . S . MONMOUTHSHIRE . NEWPORT . —Silurian Lodge ( No . 471 ) . —A lodge of emergency was held at the Masonic HallGreat Dock-streeton
, , Wednesday , the 4 th inst ,, Bro . the Rev . S . Fox , W . M ., in the chair . The minutes of the last lodge having been . icad , aud also- the recognition convening this meeting , Bro . Vine was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . This emergency was called through Bro . Vine being about to proceed to sea . Tbe lodge was closed in harmony at nine p . m . —On Friday , the 6 th inst ., the usual monthly meeting of the members of this lodgo
took place at the Masonic Hall . Bro . the Rev . S . Fox , W . M ., and Piov . G . Chap ., in the chair . The minutes of the last meeting having- been read and confirmed , Bros . W . Olmer and W . H . Matthews were passed to the degree of F . C ., and Mr . W . 11 . Ponymere , of Ceom Bran , being in attendance , was also initiated into Masonry , both ceremonies being most correctly rendered by the W . M . This being the whole of the business the lodge was closed in harmony at nine p . m .
SOUTH WALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . BRECKOX—Breclcnoch Loiye ( No . 051 ) . —This lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Brecon , on Tuesday , the 10 th inst ., when there were present , Bros . Evan Jones , W . M . ; Rich , P . M . ; Puce , S . W . ; Webb , pro J . W . ; II . Jonos , S . D . ; Handler . J . D . ; Rev . W . Howell , Chap . ; James William , Sec . ; a"d Watkins W . Williams , Clark , Wright , aud other . The lodge was opened
in due form and with solemn prayer . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Wright , a F . C ., was present for the purpose of being raised ; when , the lodge being opened in the second degree , and the candidate having passed a satisfactory examination , withdrew r or preparation . The lodge was then opened in tbe third degree , and Bro . Wright being readmitted was raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., the ceremony being performed most effectively by Bro .
Jones , W . M ., who also delivered the lecture , using tho tracing board to illustrate the several grand points in that degree . After the ceremony the lodge was lowered to the first degree . A motion for an address of condolence to the Grand Master elect and Deputy Grand Master upon the bereavement in their families by the atrocious massacre committed by the Greek brigands was unanimously carried . The lodge was then closed in due form and with solemn prayer , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment at the Castle Hotel , where harmony prevailed until high twelve , when the brethren separated .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . Htm . —Kingston Lodge ( No . 1 , 010 )—The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 20 th ult ., when the following brethren were present : —Bros . C . J . Todd , W . M . ; J . Humphrys , S . W . ; James Pyburn , M . D ., J . W . ; LI . W . Longstaff , P . M ., Prov . J . G . W ., aud others . Bro . F . A . Hopwood , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . B . No . 237 was present as a visitor . Mr .
, , John Scott was initiated by the W . M . The report of the committee , appointed on the 5 th January last to arrange the removal of the lodge , wits presented and adopted , and a vote of thanks was accorded to the committee . This was an emergencymeeting , aud the first meeting for business held in the new lodge rooms . Tho lodgo is much to be congratulated on having secured a location in every respect suitable to its requirements .
Scottish Constitution.
GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND . The quarterly communication of this body was held at tbe Freemasons' Hall on Monday , 2 nd inst ,, when the Right Worshipful Substitute Grand Master , Bro . Henry Inglis of Torsonce , occupied the throne in the absence of the Most Worshipful Grand Muster , the Earl of Dalhousie . Bro . W Mann , Senior Grand Warden ; and Bro . W . Officer , Acting Junior Grand Warden . There was a very good attendance of office bearers
Scottish Constitution.
and members of Grand Lodge . The Grand Lodge was opened in due form , and a iter the discharge of the ordinary routine business , was pleased to appoint Bro . Captain Henry Morland to the office of Provincial Grand Master of Western India , vacant by the resignation of Bro . Dr . Barton . Bro . Captain Morland beiug in attendance , was ushered into Grand Lodge with full honours , aud invested with tbe regalia of his office in due form , ful Sub
and effectively installed therein by the Rig ht Worship - stitute Grand Master . The Three Globes Grand L-dge of Germany having conferred the honour of honora-y member of that grand body , as also representative thereof at the Grand Lodge of Scotland , on the Worshipful Bro . Henry Inglis of Torsonce , this opportunity was embraced for the rccep'im of the commissionand the Worshiful Substitute Grand Master having
, p retired , the chair was occupied pro lem by the Senior Grand Warden , Bro . Mann . The appointment having been confirmed , Bro . Inglis was , on his return to Grand Lodge , received with every mark of honour and esteem , and was invested with the dignity of his new office amid the acclamations and congratulations of his brethren . A commission from the Grand Lodge of Denmarkappointing the Right lion . Viscount Strathallan as
, their representative at tbe Grand Lodge of Scotland , was also received and confirmed . Sundry notices i . f motions having been tabled , Grand Lodge was closed in due form by the Right Wor-. jhipful Substitute Grand Master .
Royal Arch.
LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLAND . LEICESTER . — Chapter of Fortitude ( No . 279 ) . —A convocation of this chapter was held at the Free-mason ' s Kail on Monday , the 9 th inst ., at which the following companions were present : — Comps , W . Kelly , P . Z , and Prov . G . Supt . ; Itav . J . Sphtal , M . E . Z . W . Pettifi . rP . Z . W . WeareP . Z . Rev . J . Denton
; , ; , ; , P . Z . 779 ; Rev . W . Langley , P . Z . 1130 ; G . II . H dges , J ., and H . elect 279 ; G . Toller , J . elect 279 ; Georsre Fowler Brown , M . E . Z . elect ; II . E . Smith , If . elect ; S . Love , J . elect 779 , Ashbv-de-la-Zouch ; E . J . Orfbrd , J . and H . elect ; H . Douglas , J . elect 1 , 130 , Melton Mowbray ; Streftoii , E . ; Partridge , P . Soj ; Hunt , Richardson , Moor , Crow , and others , and Deane and Duncomb , of No . 1 , 130 . The chapter having been opened , Comp ,
Kelly , assisted by tbe other P . Z-., proceeded to instal Ihe Principals elect ofthe three chapters in the province into llieir several chairs , all being present except Comp . Clarke , M . E . Z . elect No . 279 , and Comp . New-come , M . E . Z . elect No . 1 , 130 , who were unable to attend . The companions below the rank of Installed Principals having ; been admitted , a ballot was taken for Bro . the Rev . N . Haycroft ,, D . D ., of No . 523 , Leicester ; F . B . W .
lkinkiuson , M . D ., P . M . No . 1 S 1 , Lond"ii ; W . R . Bryan , No . 1 , 007 , Loughborough ; and J . Elgood , of N o . 523 , who were duly elected . Bro . F . Parsons ( who hail been elected at a former meeting ) , W . R . Bryan , and Dr . Haycroft were then severally exalted . Bro . Dr . Wilkinson was prevented by illness from attending . Comp , Kelly presided as . M . E . Z ., and Comp . Partridge , who officiated for the first time as P . Soj ., discharged the duties of that office most efficiently . On the conclusion of the ceremony
, Comp . Toller , J ., gave the historical lecture in a most peifect manner , after whicli tbe symbolical and mystical lectures were given by the Prov . G . Supt . Two brethren having be-n proposed for exaltation , the chapter was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
Obituary .
THE LATE BRO . FRANCIS CREW . The funeral of this estimable brother—formerly , and for twenty years , Secretary of the Royal lfreomasons ' School for Female Children—took place ou Saturday last , tho 7 th inst ., at Highgafco Cemetery . In addition to tho relatives of tho deceased , several of his old friends attended to pay the last tribute of respect Jo departed worth , amongst whom ivc observed Bros . Young , Head , Biggs , Patten , Sheen , Fur afield , Binckes , Moultrie , Muggeridge , Palmer , and many others .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
over by the newly-installed W . M ., Bro . Coutts , in a manner excelled ouly by the way in which , it is well known , he performs his duty in the chair of K . S . MONMOUTHSHIRE . NEWPORT . —Silurian Lodge ( No . 471 ) . —A lodge of emergency was held at the Masonic HallGreat Dock-streeton
, , Wednesday , the 4 th inst ,, Bro . the Rev . S . Fox , W . M ., in the chair . The minutes of the last lodge having been . icad , aud also- the recognition convening this meeting , Bro . Vine was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . This emergency was called through Bro . Vine being about to proceed to sea . Tbe lodge was closed in harmony at nine p . m . —On Friday , the 6 th inst ., the usual monthly meeting of the members of this lodgo
took place at the Masonic Hall . Bro . the Rev . S . Fox , W . M ., and Piov . G . Chap ., in the chair . The minutes of the last meeting having- been read and confirmed , Bros . W . Olmer and W . H . Matthews were passed to the degree of F . C ., and Mr . W . 11 . Ponymere , of Ceom Bran , being in attendance , was also initiated into Masonry , both ceremonies being most correctly rendered by the W . M . This being the whole of the business the lodge was closed in harmony at nine p . m .
SOUTH WALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . BRECKOX—Breclcnoch Loiye ( No . 051 ) . —This lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Brecon , on Tuesday , the 10 th inst ., when there were present , Bros . Evan Jones , W . M . ; Rich , P . M . ; Puce , S . W . ; Webb , pro J . W . ; II . Jonos , S . D . ; Handler . J . D . ; Rev . W . Howell , Chap . ; James William , Sec . ; a"d Watkins W . Williams , Clark , Wright , aud other . The lodge was opened
in due form and with solemn prayer . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Wright , a F . C ., was present for the purpose of being raised ; when , the lodge being opened in the second degree , and the candidate having passed a satisfactory examination , withdrew r or preparation . The lodge was then opened in tbe third degree , and Bro . Wright being readmitted was raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., the ceremony being performed most effectively by Bro .
Jones , W . M ., who also delivered the lecture , using tho tracing board to illustrate the several grand points in that degree . After the ceremony the lodge was lowered to the first degree . A motion for an address of condolence to the Grand Master elect and Deputy Grand Master upon the bereavement in their families by the atrocious massacre committed by the Greek brigands was unanimously carried . The lodge was then closed in due form and with solemn prayer , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment at the Castle Hotel , where harmony prevailed until high twelve , when the brethren separated .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . Htm . —Kingston Lodge ( No . 1 , 010 )—The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 20 th ult ., when the following brethren were present : —Bros . C . J . Todd , W . M . ; J . Humphrys , S . W . ; James Pyburn , M . D ., J . W . ; LI . W . Longstaff , P . M ., Prov . J . G . W ., aud others . Bro . F . A . Hopwood , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . B . No . 237 was present as a visitor . Mr .
, , John Scott was initiated by the W . M . The report of the committee , appointed on the 5 th January last to arrange the removal of the lodge , wits presented and adopted , and a vote of thanks was accorded to the committee . This was an emergencymeeting , aud the first meeting for business held in the new lodge rooms . Tho lodgo is much to be congratulated on having secured a location in every respect suitable to its requirements .
Scottish Constitution.
GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND . The quarterly communication of this body was held at tbe Freemasons' Hall on Monday , 2 nd inst ,, when the Right Worshipful Substitute Grand Master , Bro . Henry Inglis of Torsonce , occupied the throne in the absence of the Most Worshipful Grand Muster , the Earl of Dalhousie . Bro . W Mann , Senior Grand Warden ; and Bro . W . Officer , Acting Junior Grand Warden . There was a very good attendance of office bearers
Scottish Constitution.
and members of Grand Lodge . The Grand Lodge was opened in due form , and a iter the discharge of the ordinary routine business , was pleased to appoint Bro . Captain Henry Morland to the office of Provincial Grand Master of Western India , vacant by the resignation of Bro . Dr . Barton . Bro . Captain Morland beiug in attendance , was ushered into Grand Lodge with full honours , aud invested with tbe regalia of his office in due form , ful Sub
and effectively installed therein by the Rig ht Worship - stitute Grand Master . The Three Globes Grand L-dge of Germany having conferred the honour of honora-y member of that grand body , as also representative thereof at the Grand Lodge of Scotland , on the Worshipful Bro . Henry Inglis of Torsonce , this opportunity was embraced for the rccep'im of the commissionand the Worshiful Substitute Grand Master having
, p retired , the chair was occupied pro lem by the Senior Grand Warden , Bro . Mann . The appointment having been confirmed , Bro . Inglis was , on his return to Grand Lodge , received with every mark of honour and esteem , and was invested with the dignity of his new office amid the acclamations and congratulations of his brethren . A commission from the Grand Lodge of Denmarkappointing the Right lion . Viscount Strathallan as
, their representative at tbe Grand Lodge of Scotland , was also received and confirmed . Sundry notices i . f motions having been tabled , Grand Lodge was closed in due form by the Right Wor-. jhipful Substitute Grand Master .
Royal Arch.
LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLAND . LEICESTER . — Chapter of Fortitude ( No . 279 ) . —A convocation of this chapter was held at the Free-mason ' s Kail on Monday , the 9 th inst ., at which the following companions were present : — Comps , W . Kelly , P . Z , and Prov . G . Supt . ; Itav . J . Sphtal , M . E . Z . W . Pettifi . rP . Z . W . WeareP . Z . Rev . J . Denton
; , ; , ; , P . Z . 779 ; Rev . W . Langley , P . Z . 1130 ; G . II . H dges , J ., and H . elect 279 ; G . Toller , J . elect 279 ; Georsre Fowler Brown , M . E . Z . elect ; II . E . Smith , If . elect ; S . Love , J . elect 779 , Ashbv-de-la-Zouch ; E . J . Orfbrd , J . and H . elect ; H . Douglas , J . elect 1 , 130 , Melton Mowbray ; Streftoii , E . ; Partridge , P . Soj ; Hunt , Richardson , Moor , Crow , and others , and Deane and Duncomb , of No . 1 , 130 . The chapter having been opened , Comp ,
Kelly , assisted by tbe other P . Z-., proceeded to instal Ihe Principals elect ofthe three chapters in the province into llieir several chairs , all being present except Comp . Clarke , M . E . Z . elect No . 279 , and Comp . New-come , M . E . Z . elect No . 1 , 130 , who were unable to attend . The companions below the rank of Installed Principals having ; been admitted , a ballot was taken for Bro . the Rev . N . Haycroft ,, D . D ., of No . 523 , Leicester ; F . B . W .
lkinkiuson , M . D ., P . M . No . 1 S 1 , Lond"ii ; W . R . Bryan , No . 1 , 007 , Loughborough ; and J . Elgood , of N o . 523 , who were duly elected . Bro . F . Parsons ( who hail been elected at a former meeting ) , W . R . Bryan , and Dr . Haycroft were then severally exalted . Bro . Dr . Wilkinson was prevented by illness from attending . Comp , Kelly presided as . M . E . Z ., and Comp . Partridge , who officiated for the first time as P . Soj ., discharged the duties of that office most efficiently . On the conclusion of the ceremony
, Comp . Toller , J ., gave the historical lecture in a most peifect manner , after whicli tbe symbolical and mystical lectures were given by the Prov . G . Supt . Two brethren having be-n proposed for exaltation , the chapter was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
Obituary .
THE LATE BRO . FRANCIS CREW . The funeral of this estimable brother—formerly , and for twenty years , Secretary of the Royal lfreomasons ' School for Female Children—took place ou Saturday last , tho 7 th inst ., at Highgafco Cemetery . In addition to tho relatives of tho deceased , several of his old friends attended to pay the last tribute of respect Jo departed worth , amongst whom ivc observed Bros . Young , Head , Biggs , Patten , Sheen , Fur afield , Binckes , Moultrie , Muggeridge , Palmer , and many others .