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The Haughfoot Lodge And Speculative Masonry.
Continues the power for recovering the debts due to the lodge in the hands of Jeams Claperton and William Henderson . Haughfoot , Deer . 27 th 1737 . The which day , by plurality of votes , Andrew
Tomline was chosen Preses till next St . John ' s day . Rols called ; found present . ( Follows a list of 12 members ) . ( To be continued . )
The Science Of Freemasonry.
By Bro . LEON HYHEMAN . The world is moving , planets and universe , in infinite space traversing their orbits in obedience to and harmony with divine laws ; laws immutable , unchangeable , and eternal as the Supreme
Architect and TJnfolder of universal being . All things move and unfold according to established laws of infinite wisdom . In the order of divine
unfoldment the cosmos human was the aim and end of all preceding efforts . In him exist all the elements and characteristic manifestations of nature ' s infinite varied phenomena . Infinite wisdom illustrates day after day the mode and manner of
divine unfoldment , how worlds were and are formed . There is a unity in the unfoldment of all life and being , and the intelligent observer , by patient , logical investigation , can arrive at a clear comprehension of the modus operandi of original
unfoldment of universal nature . Worlds are formed as a grain of sand , as the mineral , vegetable , animal , and human are formed . The law of unfoldment is ever the same . Elemental principles form the basis of all materiality ; they are the material of all substance , of all formations . Worlds are formed of nebulous matter and nebulous
matter of elemental principles . The universe of space is God ' s laboratory in which all formations are outwrought through combinations of elemental principles , in obedience to uniform , universal , and eternal laws . Nature cannot transcend , cannot range or move out of the sphere of immutable laws which bind it in all of its unfoldments .
As all things , all elements , forces , and mundane vital powers exist in the cosmos human , being a universe within himself , he is the fulfilment of all phenomenal unfoldment , and all things , all formations are hub parts of him . The cosmos human is formed in the likeness of God because he has capacities to unfold , to improve , and enduringly
impress his efforts upon time ' s asgis . He is a coworker with God in the unfoldment of nature ' s forces and laws , making them subservient to his uses , improving' and beautifying and making a paradise of wild , desolate unproductive
places-He has capacities and powers of indefinite unfoldment . His powers are manifest in all of his activities , degenerating and deteriorating in his abuses , improving and elevating in his useful aims . His intelligent culture causes the earth to be more productive and its productions more perfect , the domesticated animals more useful and beautiful .
It would seem that the originators of Freemasonry had a knowledge of man ' s capacities and powers to improve the physical structure of animals as well as of flowers , fruits , and plants , and therefore the object of the physical qualifications
wasto apply that knowledge to the improvement of the physical organism of the human being . Ifc is certain that the more perfect the human organism , the more harmonious the temperament , the more evenly-balanced the mental structure , the more
readily can the intelligent conscious principle unfold . The soul has not the power to manifest through a weakly , diseased , misformed organism as through a healthy and harmoniously-proportioned body . It is evident , therefore , that the
physical qualifications of Freemasonry have a hig her aim than is generally known . And if we examine the so-called cardinal virtues and their
bearing upon the conjugal relation , we will have a still higher conception of the aims of Freemasonry . The conjugal relation is the highest , the holiest of all relations , and involves more than science , philosophy , or creeds of religion have ever
taught . We use the term unfold , because we believe in tho infinite wisdom of the Supreme Being , and that the divine government is founded upon eternal , immutable , and unchangeable laws . The term
create has a significance attached to it that Divine Being as will contravenes his laws , which would prove that God did not possess infinite wisdom . Therefore the translation of the Genesis of Moses that " God created the heavens and the earth " is
incorrect , or Moses may have been at fault in not comprehending truly the modus operandi of the Divine Originator in progressively unfolding the material universe . Science has conclusively established that phenomenal manifestations are in progressive order ; that ages must have passed before the earth's crust and atmospheric aud other
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Haughfoot Lodge And Speculative Masonry.
Continues the power for recovering the debts due to the lodge in the hands of Jeams Claperton and William Henderson . Haughfoot , Deer . 27 th 1737 . The which day , by plurality of votes , Andrew
Tomline was chosen Preses till next St . John ' s day . Rols called ; found present . ( Follows a list of 12 members ) . ( To be continued . )
The Science Of Freemasonry.
By Bro . LEON HYHEMAN . The world is moving , planets and universe , in infinite space traversing their orbits in obedience to and harmony with divine laws ; laws immutable , unchangeable , and eternal as the Supreme
Architect and TJnfolder of universal being . All things move and unfold according to established laws of infinite wisdom . In the order of divine
unfoldment the cosmos human was the aim and end of all preceding efforts . In him exist all the elements and characteristic manifestations of nature ' s infinite varied phenomena . Infinite wisdom illustrates day after day the mode and manner of
divine unfoldment , how worlds were and are formed . There is a unity in the unfoldment of all life and being , and the intelligent observer , by patient , logical investigation , can arrive at a clear comprehension of the modus operandi of original
unfoldment of universal nature . Worlds are formed as a grain of sand , as the mineral , vegetable , animal , and human are formed . The law of unfoldment is ever the same . Elemental principles form the basis of all materiality ; they are the material of all substance , of all formations . Worlds are formed of nebulous matter and nebulous
matter of elemental principles . The universe of space is God ' s laboratory in which all formations are outwrought through combinations of elemental principles , in obedience to uniform , universal , and eternal laws . Nature cannot transcend , cannot range or move out of the sphere of immutable laws which bind it in all of its unfoldments .
As all things , all elements , forces , and mundane vital powers exist in the cosmos human , being a universe within himself , he is the fulfilment of all phenomenal unfoldment , and all things , all formations are hub parts of him . The cosmos human is formed in the likeness of God because he has capacities to unfold , to improve , and enduringly
impress his efforts upon time ' s asgis . He is a coworker with God in the unfoldment of nature ' s forces and laws , making them subservient to his uses , improving' and beautifying and making a paradise of wild , desolate unproductive
places-He has capacities and powers of indefinite unfoldment . His powers are manifest in all of his activities , degenerating and deteriorating in his abuses , improving and elevating in his useful aims . His intelligent culture causes the earth to be more productive and its productions more perfect , the domesticated animals more useful and beautiful .
It would seem that the originators of Freemasonry had a knowledge of man ' s capacities and powers to improve the physical structure of animals as well as of flowers , fruits , and plants , and therefore the object of the physical qualifications
wasto apply that knowledge to the improvement of the physical organism of the human being . Ifc is certain that the more perfect the human organism , the more harmonious the temperament , the more evenly-balanced the mental structure , the more
readily can the intelligent conscious principle unfold . The soul has not the power to manifest through a weakly , diseased , misformed organism as through a healthy and harmoniously-proportioned body . It is evident , therefore , that the
physical qualifications of Freemasonry have a hig her aim than is generally known . And if we examine the so-called cardinal virtues and their
bearing upon the conjugal relation , we will have a still higher conception of the aims of Freemasonry . The conjugal relation is the highest , the holiest of all relations , and involves more than science , philosophy , or creeds of religion have ever
taught . We use the term unfold , because we believe in tho infinite wisdom of the Supreme Being , and that the divine government is founded upon eternal , immutable , and unchangeable laws . The term
create has a significance attached to it that Divine Being as will contravenes his laws , which would prove that God did not possess infinite wisdom . Therefore the translation of the Genesis of Moses that " God created the heavens and the earth " is
incorrect , or Moses may have been at fault in not comprehending truly the modus operandi of the Divine Originator in progressively unfolding the material universe . Science has conclusively established that phenomenal manifestations are in progressive order ; that ages must have passed before the earth's crust and atmospheric aud other