Article THE SCIENCE OF FREEMASONRY. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC PROCESSIONS. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Science Of Freemasonry.
conditions fitted it for the production of vegetable and animal life . It is sot logical to believe in instantaneous formations , because God is a being of law and order , as all of his works demonstrate . The term create and its derivatives imply , and the
unpliilosoph . ic mind believes , that God created the material universe and its phenomena perfect at the command of His word in the space of six days , which would bo in contravention of laws He has
established . And there is attached to such belief the absurdities that God created all things out of nothing , ami created them perfect in their originals . Science and every day observation conclusively prove ihe error of such beliefs . Unfold and its
derivatives express the mode of manifestation of Divine Being , and the universal principle of progression iu harmony with eternal and immutable laws .
That God is infinite wisdom , is omniscient , is omnipresent , none but the materialist will deny , yet to believe that God has or does contravene established , uuiversal , and uniform laws , is to deny him the fore-mentioned attributes . In the
government of God , as illustrated iu his works , it would be impossible for Him to set aside a law eternal and universal , as all God ' s laws are . The laws of nature are all divine laws ; hence nature is limited and bound to strict conformity to laws , and cannot
get outside of them . It is a law of Divine Being that all things unfold from a germ , and that the germ contains all that it unfolds . The germ is in the seed , the seed germinates , and , according to the conditions , will be tho plant or tree , aud that it is with the animal and human being . In order that the
human shall bo hah and sound and ]> crfcd as a mano'idd io h ¦ , ihe pre-noial conditions should conform to the laws of nature , the laws of God . Tho inebriate , the libertine , those who have vitiated and weakened the vital powers of nature ,
cannot give birth to a hale and sound organism . Nor can the dishonest , the deceitful , the liar stamp upon his offspring the principles of truth , caudour , and justice . Thus it will be perceived that the originators of Freemasonry had a higher , nay the
highest object in view that the children of the Good . Father possibly could have , in working and living in harmony with infinite wisdom , in the improvement and elevation of tho race , in establishing the qualifications of Freemasonry . And it must not be believed that they had only in view the culture of the physical man . Those whose
interior perceptions were unfolded to attain a knowledge of those sublime truths , bringing a man nearer and closer to God by subjecting their animal nature , and living in harmony with divine laws , must have had an intelligent conception
of their relations to the Supreme Being and of a future life . Divested of all theologic dogmas and tenets , interpolated by priests and churchmen , the teachings of Freemasonry properly comprehended , demonstrate a continuous conscience existence of
the soul throughout eternity . There is no such thing as death in the common understanding ofthe term . Life is evermore . It is the vitalising elements in all forms , the vital principle of the spirit within . Forms change , decay , and resolve
into elemental principles to build up other forms . But the spirit or soul does not decay nor loses its consciousness . The teachings of Freemasonry comprehended in the area of its science the truths of divine revelation , illustrated by the Divine Being in the government of the universe . — Masonic Trowel .
Masonic Processions.
In referring to the laying of the foundation of a new church at Falinge , near Rochdale , the cost of which , about £ 10 , 000 , will be defrayed by the R . W . Bro . A . H . Royds , Prov . G . M . Worcestershire , the Free Lctnce ( a Liverpool satirical
journal ) , makes the following remarks , which are so in accordance with our own oft-expressed opinions as to Masons taking part in composite processions , that we make no apology for laying them before our readers : —
" Thoreis no objection to inform the uninitiated that Freemasonry does not cultivate nor encourage ostentation either in charity or other good works . It is essentially a secret society , alike in the sense that its proceedings are known onl y to its
members , and in that it seeks to " do good by stealth " rather than by any fanfaranade of Masonic trumpets . This object is attained by the private relief of those who seek the aid of the Fraternity ; and the extent to which the principles of the " Craft "
are carried in this direction is known only to a limited extent , evenamongst the brotherhood themselves . " It is found in general society that the two rocks upon which unanimity splits , and friendship is wrecked , are Religiou and Politics . No discussions are so bitter as those which spring from religious
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Science Of Freemasonry.
conditions fitted it for the production of vegetable and animal life . It is sot logical to believe in instantaneous formations , because God is a being of law and order , as all of his works demonstrate . The term create and its derivatives imply , and the
unpliilosoph . ic mind believes , that God created the material universe and its phenomena perfect at the command of His word in the space of six days , which would bo in contravention of laws He has
established . And there is attached to such belief the absurdities that God created all things out of nothing , ami created them perfect in their originals . Science and every day observation conclusively prove ihe error of such beliefs . Unfold and its
derivatives express the mode of manifestation of Divine Being , and the universal principle of progression iu harmony with eternal and immutable laws .
That God is infinite wisdom , is omniscient , is omnipresent , none but the materialist will deny , yet to believe that God has or does contravene established , uuiversal , and uniform laws , is to deny him the fore-mentioned attributes . In the
government of God , as illustrated iu his works , it would be impossible for Him to set aside a law eternal and universal , as all God ' s laws are . The laws of nature are all divine laws ; hence nature is limited and bound to strict conformity to laws , and cannot
get outside of them . It is a law of Divine Being that all things unfold from a germ , and that the germ contains all that it unfolds . The germ is in the seed , the seed germinates , and , according to the conditions , will be tho plant or tree , aud that it is with the animal and human being . In order that the
human shall bo hah and sound and ]> crfcd as a mano'idd io h ¦ , ihe pre-noial conditions should conform to the laws of nature , the laws of God . Tho inebriate , the libertine , those who have vitiated and weakened the vital powers of nature ,
cannot give birth to a hale and sound organism . Nor can the dishonest , the deceitful , the liar stamp upon his offspring the principles of truth , caudour , and justice . Thus it will be perceived that the originators of Freemasonry had a higher , nay the
highest object in view that the children of the Good . Father possibly could have , in working and living in harmony with infinite wisdom , in the improvement and elevation of tho race , in establishing the qualifications of Freemasonry . And it must not be believed that they had only in view the culture of the physical man . Those whose
interior perceptions were unfolded to attain a knowledge of those sublime truths , bringing a man nearer and closer to God by subjecting their animal nature , and living in harmony with divine laws , must have had an intelligent conception
of their relations to the Supreme Being and of a future life . Divested of all theologic dogmas and tenets , interpolated by priests and churchmen , the teachings of Freemasonry properly comprehended , demonstrate a continuous conscience existence of
the soul throughout eternity . There is no such thing as death in the common understanding ofthe term . Life is evermore . It is the vitalising elements in all forms , the vital principle of the spirit within . Forms change , decay , and resolve
into elemental principles to build up other forms . But the spirit or soul does not decay nor loses its consciousness . The teachings of Freemasonry comprehended in the area of its science the truths of divine revelation , illustrated by the Divine Being in the government of the universe . — Masonic Trowel .
Masonic Processions.
In referring to the laying of the foundation of a new church at Falinge , near Rochdale , the cost of which , about £ 10 , 000 , will be defrayed by the R . W . Bro . A . H . Royds , Prov . G . M . Worcestershire , the Free Lctnce ( a Liverpool satirical
journal ) , makes the following remarks , which are so in accordance with our own oft-expressed opinions as to Masons taking part in composite processions , that we make no apology for laying them before our readers : —
" Thoreis no objection to inform the uninitiated that Freemasonry does not cultivate nor encourage ostentation either in charity or other good works . It is essentially a secret society , alike in the sense that its proceedings are known onl y to its
members , and in that it seeks to " do good by stealth " rather than by any fanfaranade of Masonic trumpets . This object is attained by the private relief of those who seek the aid of the Fraternity ; and the extent to which the principles of the " Craft "
are carried in this direction is known only to a limited extent , evenamongst the brotherhood themselves . " It is found in general society that the two rocks upon which unanimity splits , and friendship is wrecked , are Religiou and Politics . No discussions are so bitter as those which spring from religious