Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
stated some most interesting matters connected with the school aucl its operations , and said that some orphans who had been sent up from Belfast , and carefully educated iu the asylum , were afc present engaged in business in their native town . Bro . Tracy concluded by moving a A'oto of thanks to Bro . AVilson for his admirable lecture , anel thafc ho be requested to have it printed . Bro . Getty , M . P ., seconded thc motion in an eloquent speech . He said he was delihted to hear such a lecture in that placeand to bo
g , among the Lurgan brethren , who ivere such excellent Alasons . He had listened to the lecture with the utmost possible pleasure , anel he was certain that the lecturer deserved their warmest thanks . The motion was carried with the greatest acclamation , and the AVorshipful Alaster conveyed it to tho lecturer , who briefly returned thanks for the honour that had been clone him , and the kind reception he had met with at their hands . The Alasonic salute ivas then giveu to the lecturer anel the D . Prov .
G . AL , Bro . Tracy . The AA ' oKSiuri'uL AIASTEB inquired from the Secretary of the Lodge the sum that would probably bo available from the proceeds of the lecture for the funds of the Female Alasonic Orphan Asylum . The SEIT . ETABA" said ho was glad to be able to announce thafc it would be £ 30 . Tho announcement was received ivith great applause . A vote of thanks AA'as passed to the AV . AI ., Bro . AVatson , for his admirable conduct in tho chairthe seconder of the motion observing that ifc
, was gratifying to Freemasons to meet iu a hall almost every stone of which had inscribed on it the honoured name of AVatson . The AA ' ORSHIWUL MASTER acknoivledgecl the vote of thanks in an appropriate manner . Ou the motion of Bro . / TuACV , seconded by Bro . D . LUONAKO , a vote of thanks AA-as passed to the ladies for their presence , and the kind interest they had inauifesfcecl in the lecture . Three cheers having been given for the ladies , the proceedings terminated .
A large party of the brethren aucl several visitors were entertained afc supper at Deny Lodge , the residence of Bro . and Airs . AVilson . They were received with the greatest hospitality and attention by their kind host and hostess .
ST . JOHN'S DAY IN LEERY . As thc twenty-fourth of June fell 011 Sunday this year , the anniversary of Saint John was celebrated by Sfc . Columb ' s Lodge , No . ( ill ) , and a number of brethren from other Loelges , in the Freemasons' Hall , on Alonday , thc 25 th . After the usual preliminary formalities in the temple , the installation of fche following new officers ivas performed in the most antient form ,
viz . ;— Bros . D . G . Roid , AV . AI . ; J . Ewing , S . AV . ; AV . Scott , J . AV . ; R . ArCiiIldch , Treas . ; AA ' . AVilliamson , Sec ; AA ' . Anderson . S . D . ; AI . Briggs , J . D . Supper having been arinouut-eel by the refreshment sioir .-ird , tho brethren untyleel and unclothed , and entered tho festive room , which was decorated specially for thc occasion . On entering the eye caught a , beautiful flag suspended behind the chair , on which ' -AA ' elcome " appeared in raised letters , in tri-colours , representing the three Grand
Alasters . On the right of the chair , the family arms of thc Prov . G . AI ., Sir James Stewart , . Bart ., shone brilliantly in thc gaslight . Various other suitable emblems and devices ivere hung round the room , but space forbids us to particularize . Bro . R . S . Allen , Prov . G . Reg ., cx-AV . AL , was moved to the chair . The cloth having been removed , and the usual loyal toasts disposed of , The CHAIRMAN gave— ' ' The health of the three Grand Alasters of Ireland , England , and Scotland , " ivhich ivas received with all the honours . Bro . BURTON ( of Edinburgh and Dublin ) responded in a brief but
able speech , ivhieh was loudly applauded . The CHAIRMAN next gave— " The health of the AI . AV . Prov . G . AI ., Sir James Steivart , Hart ., " whicli elicited great applause . Bro . SFENCER ORMSEY , P . AL , responded , and passed a high eiilogiuni upon the honour-able baronet . The /* " Health of the R . AV . D . Prov . G . AL , AVm . Browne , M . D ., " was then given from the chair , and was received with Alasonic honours . Bvo . AE-IUUB . LAPPING , P . AL , replied , lie said , AVorshipful sir and
brethren—It is with sincere regret that ive havo to acknowledge tlie absence of our R . AA' . D . Prov . Grand Alaster from our social board to-night , owing to thc pressure of his professional duties—lie who is revered by all , cither iu or out of this body , and whose aim it has always been to promote the welfare of his brethren and fellow-citizenscither by night or by clay ; and we arc proud to know that his many virtues have been duly acknowledged by the public of all ranks , as his election to the honourable position ho now occupies iu society verily
testifies . ( Great applause ) . The CHAIRMAN gave—' - 'The health of the newly-elected AVorshipful Alaster and Officers of Lodge , No . 010 . " Bro . D . G-. filvin , AV . AI .. who occupied the vice chair , rose and said . orshipfiil sir and brethren i-- -1 rise , ivith pleasure to return you my -incoro thanks for l . he kind , manner in ivhich my health has been proposed , and for the warm reception it has met AA'ith at your hands . 1 do assure you I i ' cel deeply indebted for the kindness shown fco me around this festive board , aud likewise for the honourable position in ivhich you
have placed mo by installing nur as your Alaster . ( Loud applause ) . 1 fool the duty ivhich you have imposed on me in the several Masonic charges ivhicli I have given my consent to , aud I feel bound in having them carried out to the letter . I have not , tlie least doubt in my mine ! that , with the efficient ollicers you . have installed to assist me in the management of our Lodge , we will co-operate in all things for the benefit of Alasonry , so that No . G 10 ivill continue to be distinguished by the benevolent spirit of its members . ( Cheers ) . I do assure you that it will
be my study to support the Constitutions of the Grand Lodge , and to conform to our by-laws , anel the ancient and established usages anel customs of the fraternity , so far as my humble abilities will allow , and I will endeavour to impress on all my ollicers to do the same . ( Applause ) . I hope , and sincerely trust , that we will all join in spreading the cement of brotherly love and affection—that cement Ai'hich unites us into one sacred baud or society of brotherhood , amongst ivhom no contention should ever existbut that noble contentionor rather emulation , of
, , who can best work or best agree . ( Applause ) . Bro . EiviNG , S . AA ' ., next followed in a few humorous remarks , and was loudly applauded . Bro . AV . Ai . SCOTT , J . \ V ., said—AVorshipful sir and brethren—1 sincerely thank you for the honour you have conferred on me , aucl your kindness in receiving the toast iu so enthusiastic a maimer . Let me assure you that nothing shall give mo greater pleasure than the exercise of those functions ivhich I havo promised to perforinand which I believeif
, , faithfully carried out , will tend much to invigorate that prominent feature iu Freemasonry— " Love the brotherhood , fear God , and honour the Queen , " The day is not far distant when the veil will be lifted from the eyes of a prejudiced world , and then Freemasonry shall be seen iu its true and enduring colours— " peace to all men . " ( Applause ) . Bro . R . M'CuiiLocu , Treasurer , said—AVorshipful sir , I hope that the financial economy of the ensuing six mouths will be as satisfactory as iu the past . Ifc shall ever bo my elesire to deserve thc good wishes aud
promote the welfare of St . Columb's Lodge . ( Applause ) . Bro . AA ' ni . AA ' ILLIAMSON , Secretary , said—AA ' orshipful sir and brethren , —It devolves ou me to respond for thc Communicative Department of Lodge No . ( MO , and although its duties arc onerous , they are discharged with great pleasure on my part . ( Hear , hear ) . Sir , ive have received
from various distant Lodges the gratifying information that we are not the least esteemed of their fraternal acquaintances . AVe have to acknowledge tho high courtesy of tlie Grand Lodge for their prompt attention to our business , anel indeed , sir , ive are sorry in having to part with the fate Deputy Grand Secretary ( Bro . Deering ) from his honourable position , hut at the same time AVO rcyoic-c to know that the change has been for his welfare . Hoivever , from the commendation of that officer in behalf of his successor ( Bro . AA'alnisley ) , we feel confident in being similarly
dealt ivifch afc tho executive office of our national Alasonic governors . Thei many foreign brethren ivho have been visitors at this Lodge for the past six months have testified to our matured and well dise-iplined arrangements for the advancement of our principles , aud should my humble cooperation elicit tlie approval of this Lodge and those with ivhom I may communicate , I assure you I shall consider myself amply rewarded . Sir and brethren , I heartily return you my sincere thanks for the ronoAval of your confidence , and I trust I shall over be found in
the path of rectitude and honour to this Lodgo and the Craft generally . ( Applause . ) Bro . AA'm . ANDERSON , S . I ) ., ( late of Elgin Loelge , Montreal ) , next returned thanks . Ho said—Sir , ivhile AVC are rejoicing iu our prosperity anel brotherly love , I trust that there is no Afasou on the face of the earth but is in thc same position . I havo had the experience of Alasonry in thc British provinces of America , aud also iu the United Slates , and there as well as here , I have only found one principle—faith , hope , and charity—by Avhich I hope AVC all shall ever be distinguished . ( Applause ) .
Bro . BRIGGS , J . D ., then returned thanks in a feiv well directed remarks , ivhich were loudly applauded . The A lci--Cil , ilRM . lN hero proposed " Tlie health of the Chairman , " which was enthusiastically received . Bro . ROBERT S . ALLEN said—AA'orshipful vice-chairman and brethren , I r-isa to acknowledge thc kindness you have displayed towards me on this as on other occasions far loss important to the interests of Freemasonry . Indeed I woulel have been glad had the chair been filled by
one better qualified . But , sir , since wc have assembled to do honour to one of the patron saints of our Order , I trust that ive have also met to draw closer our bonds of union and love—not merely for the sake of individual gratification , but also for the furtherance and practice of our Israclitish code of Christian fidelity—guided by "every moral anel social virtue . " What were all our meetings , all our zeal , all our anxiety , and all our acts of watchfulness to disseminate the upright , benevolent , and universal outpouring of " Alason ' s humanity toivards Atasou , " if , along
with all these , ive do not cultivate a true and unlliuching spirit of integrity and love ? . 1 say nothing . AVe have u , mission to perform , individually as Avell as collectively , and so long as the laws of that mission have been written by men of the most unquestionable virtue and piety , and recognized and followed by millions of our predecessors , and since they have been over found to work well , bearing good fruits , let us accept them as worthy of their promoter ,- - , in all veneration and faithfulness . The smallest flash of llame , if unsubdued , ivould snoii devour the largest building ; so the smallest passion of human nature , if not subdued in time , ivould eventually destroy thc greatest man , and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
stated some most interesting matters connected with the school aucl its operations , and said that some orphans who had been sent up from Belfast , and carefully educated iu the asylum , were afc present engaged in business in their native town . Bro . Tracy concluded by moving a A'oto of thanks to Bro . AVilson for his admirable lecture , anel thafc ho be requested to have it printed . Bro . Getty , M . P ., seconded thc motion in an eloquent speech . He said he was delihted to hear such a lecture in that placeand to bo
g , among the Lurgan brethren , who ivere such excellent Alasons . He had listened to the lecture with the utmost possible pleasure , anel he was certain that the lecturer deserved their warmest thanks . The motion was carried with the greatest acclamation , and the AVorshipful Alaster conveyed it to tho lecturer , who briefly returned thanks for the honour that had been clone him , and the kind reception he had met with at their hands . The Alasonic salute ivas then giveu to the lecturer anel the D . Prov .
G . AL , Bro . Tracy . The AA ' oKSiuri'uL AIASTEB inquired from the Secretary of the Lodge the sum that would probably bo available from the proceeds of the lecture for the funds of the Female Alasonic Orphan Asylum . The SEIT . ETABA" said ho was glad to be able to announce thafc it would be £ 30 . Tho announcement was received ivith great applause . A vote of thanks AA'as passed to the AV . AI ., Bro . AVatson , for his admirable conduct in tho chairthe seconder of the motion observing that ifc
, was gratifying to Freemasons to meet iu a hall almost every stone of which had inscribed on it the honoured name of AVatson . The AA ' ORSHIWUL MASTER acknoivledgecl the vote of thanks in an appropriate manner . Ou the motion of Bro . / TuACV , seconded by Bro . D . LUONAKO , a vote of thanks AA-as passed to the ladies for their presence , and the kind interest they had inauifesfcecl in the lecture . Three cheers having been given for the ladies , the proceedings terminated .
A large party of the brethren aucl several visitors were entertained afc supper at Deny Lodge , the residence of Bro . and Airs . AVilson . They were received with the greatest hospitality and attention by their kind host and hostess .
ST . JOHN'S DAY IN LEERY . As thc twenty-fourth of June fell 011 Sunday this year , the anniversary of Saint John was celebrated by Sfc . Columb ' s Lodge , No . ( ill ) , and a number of brethren from other Loelges , in the Freemasons' Hall , on Alonday , thc 25 th . After the usual preliminary formalities in the temple , the installation of fche following new officers ivas performed in the most antient form ,
viz . ;— Bros . D . G . Roid , AV . AI . ; J . Ewing , S . AV . ; AV . Scott , J . AV . ; R . ArCiiIldch , Treas . ; AA ' . AVilliamson , Sec ; AA ' . Anderson . S . D . ; AI . Briggs , J . D . Supper having been arinouut-eel by the refreshment sioir .-ird , tho brethren untyleel and unclothed , and entered tho festive room , which was decorated specially for thc occasion . On entering the eye caught a , beautiful flag suspended behind the chair , on which ' -AA ' elcome " appeared in raised letters , in tri-colours , representing the three Grand
Alasters . On the right of the chair , the family arms of thc Prov . G . AI ., Sir James Stewart , . Bart ., shone brilliantly in thc gaslight . Various other suitable emblems and devices ivere hung round the room , but space forbids us to particularize . Bro . R . S . Allen , Prov . G . Reg ., cx-AV . AL , was moved to the chair . The cloth having been removed , and the usual loyal toasts disposed of , The CHAIRMAN gave— ' ' The health of the three Grand Alasters of Ireland , England , and Scotland , " ivhich ivas received with all the honours . Bro . BURTON ( of Edinburgh and Dublin ) responded in a brief but
able speech , ivhieh was loudly applauded . The CHAIRMAN next gave— " The health of the AI . AV . Prov . G . AI ., Sir James Steivart , Hart ., " whicli elicited great applause . Bro . SFENCER ORMSEY , P . AL , responded , and passed a high eiilogiuni upon the honour-able baronet . The /* " Health of the R . AV . D . Prov . G . AL , AVm . Browne , M . D ., " was then given from the chair , and was received with Alasonic honours . Bvo . AE-IUUB . LAPPING , P . AL , replied , lie said , AVorshipful sir and
brethren—It is with sincere regret that ive havo to acknowledge tlie absence of our R . AA' . D . Prov . Grand Alaster from our social board to-night , owing to thc pressure of his professional duties—lie who is revered by all , cither iu or out of this body , and whose aim it has always been to promote the welfare of his brethren and fellow-citizenscither by night or by clay ; and we arc proud to know that his many virtues have been duly acknowledged by the public of all ranks , as his election to the honourable position ho now occupies iu society verily
testifies . ( Great applause ) . The CHAIRMAN gave—' - 'The health of the newly-elected AVorshipful Alaster and Officers of Lodge , No . 010 . " Bro . D . G-. filvin , AV . AI .. who occupied the vice chair , rose and said . orshipfiil sir and brethren i-- -1 rise , ivith pleasure to return you my -incoro thanks for l . he kind , manner in ivhich my health has been proposed , and for the warm reception it has met AA'ith at your hands . 1 do assure you I i ' cel deeply indebted for the kindness shown fco me around this festive board , aud likewise for the honourable position in ivhich you
have placed mo by installing nur as your Alaster . ( Loud applause ) . 1 fool the duty ivhich you have imposed on me in the several Masonic charges ivhicli I have given my consent to , aud I feel bound in having them carried out to the letter . I have not , tlie least doubt in my mine ! that , with the efficient ollicers you . have installed to assist me in the management of our Lodge , we will co-operate in all things for the benefit of Alasonry , so that No . G 10 ivill continue to be distinguished by the benevolent spirit of its members . ( Cheers ) . I do assure you that it will
be my study to support the Constitutions of the Grand Lodge , and to conform to our by-laws , anel the ancient and established usages anel customs of the fraternity , so far as my humble abilities will allow , and I will endeavour to impress on all my ollicers to do the same . ( Applause ) . I hope , and sincerely trust , that we will all join in spreading the cement of brotherly love and affection—that cement Ai'hich unites us into one sacred baud or society of brotherhood , amongst ivhom no contention should ever existbut that noble contentionor rather emulation , of
, , who can best work or best agree . ( Applause ) . Bro . EiviNG , S . AA ' ., next followed in a few humorous remarks , and was loudly applauded . Bro . AV . Ai . SCOTT , J . \ V ., said—AVorshipful sir and brethren—1 sincerely thank you for the honour you have conferred on me , aucl your kindness in receiving the toast iu so enthusiastic a maimer . Let me assure you that nothing shall give mo greater pleasure than the exercise of those functions ivhich I havo promised to perforinand which I believeif
, , faithfully carried out , will tend much to invigorate that prominent feature iu Freemasonry— " Love the brotherhood , fear God , and honour the Queen , " The day is not far distant when the veil will be lifted from the eyes of a prejudiced world , and then Freemasonry shall be seen iu its true and enduring colours— " peace to all men . " ( Applause ) . Bro . R . M'CuiiLocu , Treasurer , said—AVorshipful sir , I hope that the financial economy of the ensuing six mouths will be as satisfactory as iu the past . Ifc shall ever bo my elesire to deserve thc good wishes aud
promote the welfare of St . Columb's Lodge . ( Applause ) . Bro . AA ' ni . AA ' ILLIAMSON , Secretary , said—AA ' orshipful sir and brethren , —It devolves ou me to respond for thc Communicative Department of Lodge No . ( MO , and although its duties arc onerous , they are discharged with great pleasure on my part . ( Hear , hear ) . Sir , ive have received
from various distant Lodges the gratifying information that we are not the least esteemed of their fraternal acquaintances . AVe have to acknowledge tho high courtesy of tlie Grand Lodge for their prompt attention to our business , anel indeed , sir , ive are sorry in having to part with the fate Deputy Grand Secretary ( Bro . Deering ) from his honourable position , hut at the same time AVO rcyoic-c to know that the change has been for his welfare . Hoivever , from the commendation of that officer in behalf of his successor ( Bro . AA'alnisley ) , we feel confident in being similarly
dealt ivifch afc tho executive office of our national Alasonic governors . Thei many foreign brethren ivho have been visitors at this Lodge for the past six months have testified to our matured and well dise-iplined arrangements for the advancement of our principles , aud should my humble cooperation elicit tlie approval of this Lodge and those with ivhom I may communicate , I assure you I shall consider myself amply rewarded . Sir and brethren , I heartily return you my sincere thanks for the ronoAval of your confidence , and I trust I shall over be found in
the path of rectitude and honour to this Lodgo and the Craft generally . ( Applause . ) Bro . AA'm . ANDERSON , S . I ) ., ( late of Elgin Loelge , Montreal ) , next returned thanks . Ho said—Sir , ivhile AVC are rejoicing iu our prosperity anel brotherly love , I trust that there is no Afasou on the face of the earth but is in thc same position . I havo had the experience of Alasonry in thc British provinces of America , aud also iu the United Slates , and there as well as here , I have only found one principle—faith , hope , and charity—by Avhich I hope AVC all shall ever be distinguished . ( Applause ) .
Bro . BRIGGS , J . D ., then returned thanks in a feiv well directed remarks , ivhich were loudly applauded . The A lci--Cil , ilRM . lN hero proposed " Tlie health of the Chairman , " which was enthusiastically received . Bro . ROBERT S . ALLEN said—AA'orshipful vice-chairman and brethren , I r-isa to acknowledge thc kindness you have displayed towards me on this as on other occasions far loss important to the interests of Freemasonry . Indeed I woulel have been glad had the chair been filled by
one better qualified . But , sir , since wc have assembled to do honour to one of the patron saints of our Order , I trust that ive have also met to draw closer our bonds of union and love—not merely for the sake of individual gratification , but also for the furtherance and practice of our Israclitish code of Christian fidelity—guided by "every moral anel social virtue . " What were all our meetings , all our zeal , all our anxiety , and all our acts of watchfulness to disseminate the upright , benevolent , and universal outpouring of " Alason ' s humanity toivards Atasou , " if , along
with all these , ive do not cultivate a true and unlliuching spirit of integrity and love ? . 1 say nothing . AVe have u , mission to perform , individually as Avell as collectively , and so long as the laws of that mission have been written by men of the most unquestionable virtue and piety , and recognized and followed by millions of our predecessors , and since they have been over found to work well , bearing good fruits , let us accept them as worthy of their promoter ,- - , in all veneration and faithfulness . The smallest flash of llame , if unsubdued , ivould snoii devour the largest building ; so the smallest passion of human nature , if not subdued in time , ivould eventually destroy thc greatest man , and