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Masonic Explanations Of The Numbers.
aliquot j > arts [ h , - } , - } , or 3 , 2 and 1 ] , added together , make itself Ormuzd created six good spirits , and Ahriman six evil ones . These typify the six summer and the six winter months . No number has ever been so universally in ignite as the
sciptenary , Its celebrity is due , no doubt , to the planets being seven , in number . It belongs also to sacred things . The Pythagoreans regarded it as formed of the numbers 3 and 4 ; the first whereof was in their eyes the image of the throe material elements , and the second the principle of every thing that is neither corporeal nor sensible . It 2 >
resented them , from that point of view , the emblem of every thing that is 2 > erfect . Considered as composed of 6 and unit y , it serves to designate the invisible centre or soul of every thing ; because no body exists , of which six lines do not constitute the form , nor without a seventh interior pointas the centre and
, reality of the body , whereof the external dimensions give only the iqipearaiice . The numerous ajmlications of the septenary , confirmed the ancient sages in the use of this symbol . Moreover , thoy exalted the jiropoi-ties of the number 7 , as having , in a subordinate mannerthe perfection of the unitfor if the
, ; unit is uncreated , if no number produces it , the seven is also not engendered b y any number contained in the interval between 1 and 10 . The number 4 occupies au arithmetical middle-ground between the unit and 7 , inasmuch as it is as much over 1 , as it is under 7 , the difference each way being 3 .
Thc ci pher 7 , among tho Egyptians , symbolized life ; and this is why tho letter Z of the Greeks was the initial of the verb Zcua , I live ; and Zevr ( Jupiter ) , Father of Life .
Thc number 8 , or thc oefcary , is composed of fche sacred numbers 3 and 5 . Of the heavens , of the seven planets , and of the sjihere of the fixed stars , or of the eternal unity and thc mysterious number 7 , is composed the ogdoade , the number eight , the first cube of equal numbers , regarded as sacred in the arithmetical jmilosophy .
Tho Gnostic ogdoade had ei ght stars , which represented the eight Cabiri of Sainothrace , the eight Egyptian Phoenician principles , the ei ght gods of Xenocrates , thc eight angles of the cubic stone . The number eight symbolizes perfection : and its figure 8 or ^ co , indicates the perpetual and regular course of the universe .
It is the first cube ( 2 + 2 + 2 ) , and signifies friendship , 1 'i-udence , counsel , and justice . It was a symbol of the 2 H'imeval law , which regarded all men as equal . The novary , or tri ple ternary . If the number three was celebrated among the ancient sages , that of three times three had no less celebrit y ; because , according to them , each of the three elements
which constitute our bodies is ternary : the water containing earth and fire ; the earth containing igneous aud aqueous particles ; and the fire being tempered by globules of water and terrestrial corpuscles whicli serve to feed it . , No one of the three elements being entirely separated from the others , all material beings composed of
these three elements , whereof each is tri ple , may be designated by the figurative number of three times three , which has become the symbol of all formations of bodies . Hence the name of ninth envelope , given to matter . Every material extension , every circular lino , has for representative sign thc number , nine , among tho Pythagoreans ; who had
observed the property which this number jxr . sscsscs of reproducing itself incessantly and entire in every multiplication ; thus offering to the mind a very striking emblem of matter which is incessantl y composed before our eyes , after having undergone a thousand decompositions . The , number nine was consecrated to the . 'p lreivs and fche . iiuscs . It is the sign of every circumference ; because a circle , or 3 GO degrees is equal to 9 , that is to say ,
• 3 + 6 + 0 = 9 . Nevertheless , the ancients regarded tins number with a sort of terror : * they considered it a bad presage ; as the symbol of versatility , of change , and the emblem of the frailty of human affairs . Wherefore they avoided all numbers where nine appears , and chiefly 81 , the produce of 9 multiplied by itself , and the addition whereof ; 8 + 1 , again
presents the number 9 . As the figure of the number 6 was the symbol of the terrestrial globe , animated by a divine spirit , the figure of the number 9 symbolized tho earth , under the influence of the evil iirmcijrle , and thence the terror it insjiirecl . Nevertheless , according to the ICabhalists , thc cipher 9 symbolizes
the generative egg , or the image of a little globular being , from whone lower side seems fco flow its spirit of life . The enncad , signifying an aggregate of 9 things or 2 'orsons , is the first scpiare of unequal numbers . Every one is aware of the singular jn'opcrties of the number 9 which - multiplied by itself or any other number
what-, , ever , gives a result whose final sum is always 9 , or always divisible by 9 . Nine , multiplied by each of the ordinary numbers , produces au arithmetical jJrogression , each member whereof ) composed of two figures , presents a remarkable fact ; for example .:
—1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 1 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... S ... 0 . . 10 0 . . 18 .. 27 . . 36 . . 15 . . 51 . . 63 . . 72 . . 81 . . 1 > 0 The first Hue of figures gives the regular series , from 1 to 10 . The second refu-oduces this line doubly ; first ascending , from the first figure of ISand then , returning from the
, second figure of 81 . It follows , from this curious fact , that the half of the numbers ivhich compose this progression represents , in inverse order , thc figures of the second half .
0 . 1 S ... 27 ... 36 ... 15 = 135 = 0 . . cocci ! 1 + 3 + 5 = 15 = 9 90 . SI ... 72 ... 63 .. . 5-1 = 360 = 9 . 99 99 . 99 99 99 195 = 13 = 9 So 0- -= Sl . .. Sl- = 7561 = 18 = 9 . . . 9 X 2 = 18 .. . 1 S = 321 = 9 9 X 3 = 27 . . . 27 = 729 = 1 S = 9 . 9 X 1 = 36 . .. 36 i > = 1296 = lS = 9 . And so with every multiple of 9—say 15 , oi , 63 , 72 , & c .
Thus 9 X 8 = 72 72-= 5181 = 18 = 9 . And further : — IS 27 36 72 18 27 36 72 14-1 = 9 189 = 18 9 216 = 9 111 = 9 IS = 9 51 = 'J 108 = 9 501 = 9
321 = 9 ... 18 = 9 729 = 18 = 9 1296 = 18 = 9 5181 = 18 = 9 108 108 861 = 18 108 = 9 USG-1 = 1 S = 0 . And so Ihe cahes : 27 = 279 x 729 = 18 = 0 1 S-= 321 = 9 9 = 81 ... 81 = ... 6561 = 18 = 9 729 321 6561
6561 = 18 = 9 1296 = 1 S = V G 5 G 1 = 18 = 9 I-i 5 S = 18 = 9 018 = 18 = 9 39306 = 27 = 9 51 . 03 = 9 972 = 1 . 8 = 9 32805 = 18 = 9 ¦ 39366 = 27 = 9 531111 = 18 = 9 11 ) 1976 = 27 = 9 •¦ --13 , 016 , 721 = 27 = 9 The number 10 , or the denary , is tho measure of every
thing , and reduces multiplied numbers to unity . Containing all the numerical and harmonic relations , and all thc projicrties of the numbers ivhich precede it , it concludes the Abacus or Table of Pythagoras . To the mysterious societies , this number typified the assemblage of all the wonders of the universe . They wrote it thus H—that is Lo say , unity in . the middle of zero , as flic centre of a circle , or symbol of Deity . Thoy saw in this figure everything that should lead
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Explanations Of The Numbers.
aliquot j > arts [ h , - } , - } , or 3 , 2 and 1 ] , added together , make itself Ormuzd created six good spirits , and Ahriman six evil ones . These typify the six summer and the six winter months . No number has ever been so universally in ignite as the
sciptenary , Its celebrity is due , no doubt , to the planets being seven , in number . It belongs also to sacred things . The Pythagoreans regarded it as formed of the numbers 3 and 4 ; the first whereof was in their eyes the image of the throe material elements , and the second the principle of every thing that is neither corporeal nor sensible . It 2 >
resented them , from that point of view , the emblem of every thing that is 2 > erfect . Considered as composed of 6 and unit y , it serves to designate the invisible centre or soul of every thing ; because no body exists , of which six lines do not constitute the form , nor without a seventh interior pointas the centre and
, reality of the body , whereof the external dimensions give only the iqipearaiice . The numerous ajmlications of the septenary , confirmed the ancient sages in the use of this symbol . Moreover , thoy exalted the jiropoi-ties of the number 7 , as having , in a subordinate mannerthe perfection of the unitfor if the
, ; unit is uncreated , if no number produces it , the seven is also not engendered b y any number contained in the interval between 1 and 10 . The number 4 occupies au arithmetical middle-ground between the unit and 7 , inasmuch as it is as much over 1 , as it is under 7 , the difference each way being 3 .
Thc ci pher 7 , among tho Egyptians , symbolized life ; and this is why tho letter Z of the Greeks was the initial of the verb Zcua , I live ; and Zevr ( Jupiter ) , Father of Life .
Thc number 8 , or thc oefcary , is composed of fche sacred numbers 3 and 5 . Of the heavens , of the seven planets , and of the sjihere of the fixed stars , or of the eternal unity and thc mysterious number 7 , is composed the ogdoade , the number eight , the first cube of equal numbers , regarded as sacred in the arithmetical jmilosophy .
Tho Gnostic ogdoade had ei ght stars , which represented the eight Cabiri of Sainothrace , the eight Egyptian Phoenician principles , the ei ght gods of Xenocrates , thc eight angles of the cubic stone . The number eight symbolizes perfection : and its figure 8 or ^ co , indicates the perpetual and regular course of the universe .
It is the first cube ( 2 + 2 + 2 ) , and signifies friendship , 1 'i-udence , counsel , and justice . It was a symbol of the 2 H'imeval law , which regarded all men as equal . The novary , or tri ple ternary . If the number three was celebrated among the ancient sages , that of three times three had no less celebrit y ; because , according to them , each of the three elements
which constitute our bodies is ternary : the water containing earth and fire ; the earth containing igneous aud aqueous particles ; and the fire being tempered by globules of water and terrestrial corpuscles whicli serve to feed it . , No one of the three elements being entirely separated from the others , all material beings composed of
these three elements , whereof each is tri ple , may be designated by the figurative number of three times three , which has become the symbol of all formations of bodies . Hence the name of ninth envelope , given to matter . Every material extension , every circular lino , has for representative sign thc number , nine , among tho Pythagoreans ; who had
observed the property which this number jxr . sscsscs of reproducing itself incessantly and entire in every multiplication ; thus offering to the mind a very striking emblem of matter which is incessantl y composed before our eyes , after having undergone a thousand decompositions . The , number nine was consecrated to the . 'p lreivs and fche . iiuscs . It is the sign of every circumference ; because a circle , or 3 GO degrees is equal to 9 , that is to say ,
• 3 + 6 + 0 = 9 . Nevertheless , the ancients regarded tins number with a sort of terror : * they considered it a bad presage ; as the symbol of versatility , of change , and the emblem of the frailty of human affairs . Wherefore they avoided all numbers where nine appears , and chiefly 81 , the produce of 9 multiplied by itself , and the addition whereof ; 8 + 1 , again
presents the number 9 . As the figure of the number 6 was the symbol of the terrestrial globe , animated by a divine spirit , the figure of the number 9 symbolized tho earth , under the influence of the evil iirmcijrle , and thence the terror it insjiirecl . Nevertheless , according to the ICabhalists , thc cipher 9 symbolizes
the generative egg , or the image of a little globular being , from whone lower side seems fco flow its spirit of life . The enncad , signifying an aggregate of 9 things or 2 'orsons , is the first scpiare of unequal numbers . Every one is aware of the singular jn'opcrties of the number 9 which - multiplied by itself or any other number
what-, , ever , gives a result whose final sum is always 9 , or always divisible by 9 . Nine , multiplied by each of the ordinary numbers , produces au arithmetical jJrogression , each member whereof ) composed of two figures , presents a remarkable fact ; for example .:
—1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 1 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... S ... 0 . . 10 0 . . 18 .. 27 . . 36 . . 15 . . 51 . . 63 . . 72 . . 81 . . 1 > 0 The first Hue of figures gives the regular series , from 1 to 10 . The second refu-oduces this line doubly ; first ascending , from the first figure of ISand then , returning from the
, second figure of 81 . It follows , from this curious fact , that the half of the numbers ivhich compose this progression represents , in inverse order , thc figures of the second half .
0 . 1 S ... 27 ... 36 ... 15 = 135 = 0 . . cocci ! 1 + 3 + 5 = 15 = 9 90 . SI ... 72 ... 63 .. . 5-1 = 360 = 9 . 99 99 . 99 99 99 195 = 13 = 9 So 0- -= Sl . .. Sl- = 7561 = 18 = 9 . . . 9 X 2 = 18 .. . 1 S = 321 = 9 9 X 3 = 27 . . . 27 = 729 = 1 S = 9 . 9 X 1 = 36 . .. 36 i > = 1296 = lS = 9 . And so with every multiple of 9—say 15 , oi , 63 , 72 , & c .
Thus 9 X 8 = 72 72-= 5181 = 18 = 9 . And further : — IS 27 36 72 18 27 36 72 14-1 = 9 189 = 18 9 216 = 9 111 = 9 IS = 9 51 = 'J 108 = 9 501 = 9
321 = 9 ... 18 = 9 729 = 18 = 9 1296 = 18 = 9 5181 = 18 = 9 108 108 861 = 18 108 = 9 USG-1 = 1 S = 0 . And so Ihe cahes : 27 = 279 x 729 = 18 = 0 1 S-= 321 = 9 9 = 81 ... 81 = ... 6561 = 18 = 9 729 321 6561
6561 = 18 = 9 1296 = 1 S = V G 5 G 1 = 18 = 9 I-i 5 S = 18 = 9 018 = 18 = 9 39306 = 27 = 9 51 . 03 = 9 972 = 1 . 8 = 9 32805 = 18 = 9 ¦ 39366 = 27 = 9 531111 = 18 = 9 11 ) 1976 = 27 = 9 •¦ --13 , 016 , 721 = 27 = 9 The number 10 , or the denary , is tho measure of every
thing , and reduces multiplied numbers to unity . Containing all the numerical and harmonic relations , and all thc projicrties of the numbers ivhich precede it , it concludes the Abacus or Table of Pythagoras . To the mysterious societies , this number typified the assemblage of all the wonders of the universe . They wrote it thus H—that is Lo say , unity in . the middle of zero , as flic centre of a circle , or symbol of Deity . Thoy saw in this figure everything that should lead