Article MASONIC MEMS ← Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 5 →
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Masonic Mems
THE British Association for the Advancement of Science will hold its thirty-ninth meeting at Exeter , commencing on Wednesday , the 18 th inst ., and will continue to hold its sittings until the following Wednesday . The following are the places where the various sections will be held .- —A ( Mathematical and Physical Science ) , Grammar School ; B ( Chemical Science ) , Albert
Museum ; C ( Geology ) , Temperance Hull ; I ) ( Biology ) , Episcopal Schools ; 35 ( Geography ) , Victoria Hall ; F ( Economic Science and Statistics ) , Athena ; um ; G ( Mechanical Science ) , St . John's Hospital ; H ( Reception Eoom ) , Public Room ; E . K . ( Inaugural and other Address ) , Victoria Hall ; B . L . ( Soirees ) , Albert Museum . Bro . ' William Smith , CE ., P . M . 26 , 33 , 840 , W . M
1 , 238 , & c , one of the Secretaries of Section G ( Mechanical Science ) , will be happy to give any information ( Masonic or otherwise ) to brethren during his stay at Exeter .
ROYAL ALFRED LODGE ( NO . 780 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place on Friday , the 23 rd , at the Star and " Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge . The W . M . Bro . S . May having taken the chair , the minutes of the former lodge were read and confirmed . Messrs . George Morecroft and James Augustus Wright , were initiated into the Order ; Bros . CJiapny and AUcraft were raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons , and Bros . Tailing , Berry , Collinsand David Jamesdulpassed to the degrees of FC
, , y .. Bro . George Littlewood , tbe S . W ., was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Smith was elected treasurer . A vote of thanks was ordered to be recorded on the minutes to the W . M . Bro . S . May , jun ., and he was pretented with a very elegant wine steward ' s collar , with a massive silver jewel attached , and of chaste design . The W . M . returned thanks in suitable terms . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to a very excellent dinner '
, provided by Bro . Banks . Bro . H . Gary , I . PM ., then proposed the health of the W . M ., and spoke of his excellent working and the very able manner lie bad presided over the brethren , and hoped that as this was tbe last occasion upon which be would be in the chair that the brethren would drink the toast with all honour . The W . M ., in a very excellent speech , thanked the brethren for tbe hearty manner iii which his name had heen received by the brethren , and said bis only aim was to see prosperity of the Royal Alfred Lodge . Visitors : Bros , B . P . Todd , P . M ., No . 27 , aud Jones ( Vitruvian ) .
MACDONALD LODGE ( No . 1 , 216 ) . —This lodge met on the 4 th inst ., at tbe Head Quarters of the 1 st Surrey Rifle Volunteer Corps , Bro . A . L . Irvine , W . M . The lodge was opened in due form hy the WM ., assisted by his officers and brethren , and the minutes of tbe last meeting , together with this resolution , were put for confirmation— ' * That the day of meeting of the ' lodgo be changed from the first to the second Wednesday in each monthin order that the lod he at
, ge may properly represented the quarterly communications . " The minutes ' and this resolution were confirmed unanimously . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , and Dr . Henry Blanc was then interrogated as to his proficiency in this degree . Those interrogatories ' were satisfactorily replied to , and Bro . Dr . H . Blanc then retired . The lodge being- opened in the third degree , the worthy brother was then admitted and raised to the sublime degree of MM
.. Tbe lodge was then resumed in the first degree , and Mr . J . B . Pike and Capt . Norman W . Sharp , who were balloted for and approved of at the last meeting , were presented to tbe W . M ., who initiated them into ancient Freemasonry . The whole of the ceremonies were rendered by Bro . A . L . Irvine in a very able and masterly manner . The lodge was then closed in due ' form , and the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment .
HERVEY LODGE ( No . 1 , 260 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held ou tho llth inst . Present : Bros . G . Kino- jun W . M . ; King , S . W . ; W . IT . Weaver , S . D . ; T . B . AyshiWd ' Treas . ; W . Garner , Hon . Sec ; E . Garner , I . G . ; C . T . Speight ' , Tyler , and several other members . Among the visitors were Bros . Hyde Clarke , D . D . G . M . for Turkey ; Watts , 70 ; D . Pullen , S . W . 144 ; Thompson , 813 . The lodge having heen opened at 6 p . m . precisely , and the minutes of the List meeting read aud approved , a dispensation was granted to form a lodge
of instruction . Mr . Thomas having been balloted for , being in attendance , was initiated in due form . The lodge was opened in the second degree , when Bros . Davidson and Thompson , by request of the W . M . of 813 , were passed to the degree of F . C . The raisings were postponed to the emergency meeting in September in consequence of tbe lateness of the evening through the non-attendance of the officers . All business being ended the lodge was closed . The brethren then sat down to a banquet
served in Bro . J . Webb ' s usual liberal style . The viands and wines were of the first quality , and gave great satisfaction . The usual toasts followed , accompanied by some good harmony , and the brethren separated with one feeling , wishing tbe lodge every prosperity . The W . M ., in proposing the toast of " The Officers , " called their attention to the very awkward position they had placed him in by their non-attendance , and he expressed a hope that , when they could not attend , they would have the courtesy to let him know that he might make arrangements .
INSTRUCTION . METROPOLITAN LODGE OP INSTRUCTION . —A meeting of tbe members of the above-named lodge took place on Friday , the Gtb inst ., a . tbe George Hotel , Aldemianbm-y . Among the members present we noticed Bro . J . Brett , Preceptor ; W . Ashby , W . M . ; II . Tanner , J . R . Foulger , Hill , Lattriel , WorrellD'ArcyMakoweryMorton RobinsOmevodFraln
, , , , , , aud several others . The initiation ceremony having been worked , and the sections of the first degree by Bro . Ashby , assisted by tho officers and brethren . Two visitors were then proposed as joining members of this lodge and were accepted unanimously . The manner in which the initiations and sections were worked by Ashby reflects the greatest credit on this aspirant for Masonic honours .
BERKS AND BUCKS . MAIDENHEAD . —St . John's Lodge ( No . 795 ) . —This lodge met on Tuesday the 27 th ult ., at the Orkney Arms . The lodge ¦ having been opened and the minutes of the former lodge read and confirmed , it was proposed and carried , that a petition be presented for tbe purpose of obtaining a warrant to consecrate a Eoyal Arch Chapter in connection with the lodge . It was
proposed aud seconded that the lodge should give from its funds a sum of ten iruinoas to the Boys' School . It was arranged that the summer banquet should be held at the Orkney Arms , and not as previously arranged on board the Maria Wood , and twenty guineas were voted towards carrying out this object . After the closing of the lodge , an excellent banquet followed , and the brethren separated after having spent a most enjoyable afternoon .
ESSEX . COLCHESTER . —United Lodge ( No . 697 ) . —The regular meet " of this lodge took place at the George Hotel , on Friday , the 9 th . ult ., when the following were present : —Bros . Newman , W . M . ; Bay , S . W .: J . S . Smith , J . W . ; Calthorpe , S . D . ; Eustace , J . D ., G . M ., I . G . ; Rix , Treas . ; Woodland , Fenn , Bell , O'Malley , Givin , Kinloch , Piper , Jenkinson . Visitors : —Bros . Bolton ,
Cobb , Breall , Cole , G . W . Smith . The lodge was opened in due form in the first degree , and the summons convening tbe meeting was read , and the minutes of the List regular meeting were read and confirmed . A report from the Board of General Purposes was read , stating that the characters of Robert Steen Gray , Esq ., Adjutant 3 rd Dragoon Guards , and James AVarren Sergeant 49 th Beg ., had been found satisfactory . A report was read from tbe Royal Masonic Institutiongiving a report of
, their half-yearly election . James P . Pattison was recommended to the United Lodge as a worthy object for their votes at the next ensuing election in November . Tbe United Lodge unanimously gave their vote . The lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bros . Fenn and Woodlaud being about to be raised to the third degree , were called upon to answer the questions appertaining to the second degree , whicli being satisfactorily
answered , they retired . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and Bros . Fenn and Woodland were raised to the sublime degree . Bros . Kinloch- and O'Malley signed and received their Grand Lodge certificates . The lodge was then
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems
THE British Association for the Advancement of Science will hold its thirty-ninth meeting at Exeter , commencing on Wednesday , the 18 th inst ., and will continue to hold its sittings until the following Wednesday . The following are the places where the various sections will be held .- —A ( Mathematical and Physical Science ) , Grammar School ; B ( Chemical Science ) , Albert
Museum ; C ( Geology ) , Temperance Hull ; I ) ( Biology ) , Episcopal Schools ; 35 ( Geography ) , Victoria Hall ; F ( Economic Science and Statistics ) , Athena ; um ; G ( Mechanical Science ) , St . John's Hospital ; H ( Reception Eoom ) , Public Room ; E . K . ( Inaugural and other Address ) , Victoria Hall ; B . L . ( Soirees ) , Albert Museum . Bro . ' William Smith , CE ., P . M . 26 , 33 , 840 , W . M
1 , 238 , & c , one of the Secretaries of Section G ( Mechanical Science ) , will be happy to give any information ( Masonic or otherwise ) to brethren during his stay at Exeter .
ROYAL ALFRED LODGE ( NO . 780 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place on Friday , the 23 rd , at the Star and " Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge . The W . M . Bro . S . May having taken the chair , the minutes of the former lodge were read and confirmed . Messrs . George Morecroft and James Augustus Wright , were initiated into the Order ; Bros . CJiapny and AUcraft were raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons , and Bros . Tailing , Berry , Collinsand David Jamesdulpassed to the degrees of FC
, , y .. Bro . George Littlewood , tbe S . W ., was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Smith was elected treasurer . A vote of thanks was ordered to be recorded on the minutes to the W . M . Bro . S . May , jun ., and he was pretented with a very elegant wine steward ' s collar , with a massive silver jewel attached , and of chaste design . The W . M . returned thanks in suitable terms . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to a very excellent dinner '
, provided by Bro . Banks . Bro . H . Gary , I . PM ., then proposed the health of the W . M ., and spoke of his excellent working and the very able manner lie bad presided over the brethren , and hoped that as this was tbe last occasion upon which be would be in the chair that the brethren would drink the toast with all honour . The W . M ., in a very excellent speech , thanked the brethren for tbe hearty manner iii which his name had heen received by the brethren , and said bis only aim was to see prosperity of the Royal Alfred Lodge . Visitors : Bros , B . P . Todd , P . M ., No . 27 , aud Jones ( Vitruvian ) .
MACDONALD LODGE ( No . 1 , 216 ) . —This lodge met on the 4 th inst ., at tbe Head Quarters of the 1 st Surrey Rifle Volunteer Corps , Bro . A . L . Irvine , W . M . The lodge was opened in due form hy the WM ., assisted by his officers and brethren , and the minutes of tbe last meeting , together with this resolution , were put for confirmation— ' * That the day of meeting of the ' lodgo be changed from the first to the second Wednesday in each monthin order that the lod he at
, ge may properly represented the quarterly communications . " The minutes ' and this resolution were confirmed unanimously . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , and Dr . Henry Blanc was then interrogated as to his proficiency in this degree . Those interrogatories ' were satisfactorily replied to , and Bro . Dr . H . Blanc then retired . The lodge being- opened in the third degree , the worthy brother was then admitted and raised to the sublime degree of MM
.. Tbe lodge was then resumed in the first degree , and Mr . J . B . Pike and Capt . Norman W . Sharp , who were balloted for and approved of at the last meeting , were presented to tbe W . M ., who initiated them into ancient Freemasonry . The whole of the ceremonies were rendered by Bro . A . L . Irvine in a very able and masterly manner . The lodge was then closed in due ' form , and the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment .
HERVEY LODGE ( No . 1 , 260 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held ou tho llth inst . Present : Bros . G . Kino- jun W . M . ; King , S . W . ; W . IT . Weaver , S . D . ; T . B . AyshiWd ' Treas . ; W . Garner , Hon . Sec ; E . Garner , I . G . ; C . T . Speight ' , Tyler , and several other members . Among the visitors were Bros . Hyde Clarke , D . D . G . M . for Turkey ; Watts , 70 ; D . Pullen , S . W . 144 ; Thompson , 813 . The lodge having heen opened at 6 p . m . precisely , and the minutes of the List meeting read aud approved , a dispensation was granted to form a lodge
of instruction . Mr . Thomas having been balloted for , being in attendance , was initiated in due form . The lodge was opened in the second degree , when Bros . Davidson and Thompson , by request of the W . M . of 813 , were passed to the degree of F . C . The raisings were postponed to the emergency meeting in September in consequence of tbe lateness of the evening through the non-attendance of the officers . All business being ended the lodge was closed . The brethren then sat down to a banquet
served in Bro . J . Webb ' s usual liberal style . The viands and wines were of the first quality , and gave great satisfaction . The usual toasts followed , accompanied by some good harmony , and the brethren separated with one feeling , wishing tbe lodge every prosperity . The W . M ., in proposing the toast of " The Officers , " called their attention to the very awkward position they had placed him in by their non-attendance , and he expressed a hope that , when they could not attend , they would have the courtesy to let him know that he might make arrangements .
INSTRUCTION . METROPOLITAN LODGE OP INSTRUCTION . —A meeting of tbe members of the above-named lodge took place on Friday , the Gtb inst ., a . tbe George Hotel , Aldemianbm-y . Among the members present we noticed Bro . J . Brett , Preceptor ; W . Ashby , W . M . ; II . Tanner , J . R . Foulger , Hill , Lattriel , WorrellD'ArcyMakoweryMorton RobinsOmevodFraln
, , , , , , aud several others . The initiation ceremony having been worked , and the sections of the first degree by Bro . Ashby , assisted by tho officers and brethren . Two visitors were then proposed as joining members of this lodge and were accepted unanimously . The manner in which the initiations and sections were worked by Ashby reflects the greatest credit on this aspirant for Masonic honours .
BERKS AND BUCKS . MAIDENHEAD . —St . John's Lodge ( No . 795 ) . —This lodge met on Tuesday the 27 th ult ., at the Orkney Arms . The lodge ¦ having been opened and the minutes of the former lodge read and confirmed , it was proposed and carried , that a petition be presented for tbe purpose of obtaining a warrant to consecrate a Eoyal Arch Chapter in connection with the lodge . It was
proposed aud seconded that the lodge should give from its funds a sum of ten iruinoas to the Boys' School . It was arranged that the summer banquet should be held at the Orkney Arms , and not as previously arranged on board the Maria Wood , and twenty guineas were voted towards carrying out this object . After the closing of the lodge , an excellent banquet followed , and the brethren separated after having spent a most enjoyable afternoon .
ESSEX . COLCHESTER . —United Lodge ( No . 697 ) . —The regular meet " of this lodge took place at the George Hotel , on Friday , the 9 th . ult ., when the following were present : —Bros . Newman , W . M . ; Bay , S . W .: J . S . Smith , J . W . ; Calthorpe , S . D . ; Eustace , J . D ., G . M ., I . G . ; Rix , Treas . ; Woodland , Fenn , Bell , O'Malley , Givin , Kinloch , Piper , Jenkinson . Visitors : —Bros . Bolton ,
Cobb , Breall , Cole , G . W . Smith . The lodge was opened in due form in the first degree , and the summons convening tbe meeting was read , and the minutes of the List regular meeting were read and confirmed . A report from the Board of General Purposes was read , stating that the characters of Robert Steen Gray , Esq ., Adjutant 3 rd Dragoon Guards , and James AVarren Sergeant 49 th Beg ., had been found satisfactory . A report was read from tbe Royal Masonic Institutiongiving a report of
, their half-yearly election . James P . Pattison was recommended to the United Lodge as a worthy object for their votes at the next ensuing election in November . Tbe United Lodge unanimously gave their vote . The lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bros . Fenn and Woodlaud being about to be raised to the third degree , were called upon to answer the questions appertaining to the second degree , whicli being satisfactorily
answered , they retired . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and Bros . Fenn and Woodland were raised to the sublime degree . Bros . Kinloch- and O'Malley signed and received their Grand Lodge certificates . The lodge was then