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occasion greeted him so cordially in Neath , and that his best wishes and prayers would be with them . The health of the "Visiting brethren from the AVestern division of South Wales , " was then proposed and responded to by Bro . Smith , Prov . G . Sec , who also bore testimony to the heartiness of the reception he and his brethren had received , and apologised for tbe unavoidable absence of Sir Pryce Price , Prov . GMof the AA cstern division
.. . Then followed the " A isiting brethren from the province of Monmouth " which was responded to hy Bro . Homfray , Prov . J . AV ., who expressed his great pleasure at tbe harmony and thorough Masonic feeling which prevailed throughout the whole gathering ; he fully expected to have been accompanied by upwards of twenty-six of the Monmouthshire brethren , including Col . lyne the D . G . M ., but for some reason which he was quite
at a loss to explain , there were only two representatives from bis province ; he was a strong advocate for the interchange of courtesies between the neighbouring provinces , and he felt sure that when he explained to his brethren the pleasure which he bad derived from bis visit , they would regret as much as he then did their non-attendance . The health of " The Prov . G . Officers " was responded to by Bro . Bell , Prov . S . G . AV . nnd Bro . Brock , Prov . J . G . W ., then followed tbe " Masonic Charities" responded to by Bro . Binckes in a speech of considerable length characterised by the usual fervour of his well known eloouence .
"The Health of the Cambrian Lodge " was next proposed by Bro . Talbot , who expressed bis thorough appreciation of the manner in which bis brethren had laboured to afford tbe day ' s proceedings as complete as possible , and complimented the lodge upon having such a Mason as Bro . Rowland , whose name alone was a sufficient guarantee for its efficiency . Bro . Rowland responded in suitable terms . A number of other speeches followed , and the meeting , which
was of a most satisfactory character , terminated at an early hour . The speeches were interspersed with vocal and instrumental music , which was ably conducted by Bro . Middleton , Prov . G . Org-., the following being the programme : — God save the Queen . " Snug , " Have faith in one another , " Bro . Middleton . Glee , " Hands and hearts joining . " Song , " Tbe village blacksmith , " Bro . Jones ITewson .
Song , "Three times three , " Bro . Green . Duet , " The moon has raised , " Bros . Middleton and Jones Hewson . Song , "Floating on the wind , " Bro . AA . M . Jones . Glee , " The Red Cross Knight . " Song , "The message , " Bro . Middleton . Comic , " Alonzo the Brave , " Bro . Jones Hewson . Glee , " Mynheer Van Dunck . " Comic , " the Belle of Camberwell , " Bro . Green .
EDINBURGH . GRAND LODGE . The quarterly communication of Grand Lodge was held on the 2 nd inst . On the occasion there were present : —The M . AV . the Grand Master , the Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . T ., G-. C . B ., & c , on the throne , and supported by Bro . H . Insrlis , of Torsonce , R . W . Substitute Grand Master : W . Mann , J . G . W .,
as S . G . AV . ; W . Officer , S . S . C ., R . AV . M . Lodge No . 1 , acting J . G . AV . ; AV . A . Laurie , W . S ., R . W . G . Sec ; A . J . Stewart , AV . S ., R . AV . G . Clerk ; A . Hay , G . Jeweller ; J . Cunningham , President of Board of Grand Stewards , as also a very large attendance of Grand Stewards and members of Grand Lodge . The Grand Lodge having been opened in ample forti ^ the II . W . the Grand Master- prior to proceeding to tbe routine business of the meeting , stated that it afforded his lordship very
great pleasure to report that having , under the approbation of tiie Grand Committee , had an interview with His Royal Highness the Prince of AVales , with a view to H . R . H ., becoming the patron of the Scottish Craft in succession to his royal uncles , King George IV ., and King AAllliam lA ., H . R . H . had been pleased graciously to say , that if elected he would accept the honour with gratitude . His lordship therefore moved that the Grand Lodge do now elect H . R . H . the Prince of AVales and Duke of Rothesay , etc ., patron of the Order in Scotland , and '
which motion was enthusiastically received and carried with acclamation . The meeting then proceeded to the business of the communication . A proxy commission having been sustained , the Grand Secretary laid upon the table presents of proceedings from the Grand Lodges of England , France , Prussia , Hamburgh , Italy , Alabama , North Carolina , Georgia , Louisiana , Maryland ,
Vermont , and South Carolina , aud for which the thanks of the Grand Lodge were voted . The Grand Clerk then read the minutes of the last quarterly meeting , which were confirmed , and the minutes of subsequent meetings of Grand Committee were read for information . On the recommendation of Grand Committee charters were ordered to be issued for new lodges—St . John , New Galloway , and AlbanyGrahamstonCape of Good Hope .
, , The G . Secretary read the reply to the letter of condolence ordered by Grand Lodge at the last meeting , on the decease of tho late Bro . Capt . A . A . Spiers , M . P ., Prov . G . M . for Glasgow . The G . Secretary stated his regret at having to report to Grand Lodge the demise of the late Bro . Capt . P . Deuchar , G . Dir . of Cers .
A memorial from Lodge St . Thomas in the East , Howrah , for permission to remove their charter to Calcutta , was agreed to , and on the recommendation of Grand Committee , the Lodge Port Dundas aud Corveadders ( No . 333 ) , was allowed to change the name of the lodge to St . George , Glasgow . A communication from the Lodge Mother Kilwinning , to the effect that that lodge bad received the resolution passed at the last meeting regarding the registration of her intrants , and the
sum to be paid by her for this purpose , and that she cheerfully concur . ied therein , was read ; and it was also stated that in accordance therewith Lodge Mother Kilwinning had now returned and paid up all arrears of intrants . This communication was received by Grand Lodge with great satisfaction . The notices of motions tabled at the last meeting were then discussed , and disposed of , the report of Grand Committee on Bro . Illation ' s motion regarding salaries being adopted . Bro .
Mann ' s motion for fixing a specific annual date for making up Grand Lodge roll ( with certain contingencies ) was carried . Bro . Officer's motion for instituting an alphabetical index of intrants registered by Grand Lodge ; and Bro . Douglas' motion regarding the reponal of dormant lodges , were remitted to Grand Committee for consideration and report . Bro . Macconnochie's motion was withdrawn . Notices of motions for next meeting were then given regarding
tbe method of tabling notices of motions and for mitigation of sentence of a suspended brother . There being no further business before the meeting the Grand Lodge was closed in ample form and according to ancient custom .
FORFAR AND KINCARDINESHIRE . FORI-AR . —Lower Lodge ( So . 309 ) . —At a meeting of this lodge on Wednesday the 4 th inst ., the brethren presented JBro . Reid with a handsome jewel , in token of their appreciation ofhis gift of a public hall to the town of Forfar . There was a large number of brethren present ; and the worthy AV . M ., Bro . J . 0 . Anderson ,
made tho presentation . The jewel is a Master Mason's one , de . signed specially for the occasion by F . L . Law , jeweller , Edinburgh , Grand Steward of tbe Grand Lodge . It is of solid silver , richly gilt , having in the centre the compass and square on a ground of blue enamel , surrounded by a ring of white stones , and encompassed by a cable of gilt . The medal is surmounted by gold foliage , has three clasps , for the purpose of being attached to the coat with a purple ribbon , the colours of the lodge . The
jewel bears the following inscription : — ' Presented to Bro . Peter Reid , by the Lodge Lower , Forfar ( No . 309 ) , in token of their appreciation of his gift of a public hall to the town of Forfar . 5 th August , 1869 . "
MUNSTEE ( NORTH . ) NlINAGH . Trovincial Grand Lodge . Tho quarterly meeting of the Prov . G . L . was held on Thursday the 29 th ult ., in tho grand jury-room of the courthouse , at 4 o ' clock , pursuant to summons .
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occasion greeted him so cordially in Neath , and that his best wishes and prayers would be with them . The health of the "Visiting brethren from the AVestern division of South Wales , " was then proposed and responded to by Bro . Smith , Prov . G . Sec , who also bore testimony to the heartiness of the reception he and his brethren had received , and apologised for tbe unavoidable absence of Sir Pryce Price , Prov . GMof the AA cstern division
.. . Then followed the " A isiting brethren from the province of Monmouth " which was responded to hy Bro . Homfray , Prov . J . AV ., who expressed his great pleasure at tbe harmony and thorough Masonic feeling which prevailed throughout the whole gathering ; he fully expected to have been accompanied by upwards of twenty-six of the Monmouthshire brethren , including Col . lyne the D . G . M ., but for some reason which he was quite
at a loss to explain , there were only two representatives from bis province ; he was a strong advocate for the interchange of courtesies between the neighbouring provinces , and he felt sure that when he explained to his brethren the pleasure which he bad derived from bis visit , they would regret as much as he then did their non-attendance . The health of " The Prov . G . Officers " was responded to by Bro . Bell , Prov . S . G . AV . nnd Bro . Brock , Prov . J . G . W ., then followed tbe " Masonic Charities" responded to by Bro . Binckes in a speech of considerable length characterised by the usual fervour of his well known eloouence .
"The Health of the Cambrian Lodge " was next proposed by Bro . Talbot , who expressed bis thorough appreciation of the manner in which bis brethren had laboured to afford tbe day ' s proceedings as complete as possible , and complimented the lodge upon having such a Mason as Bro . Rowland , whose name alone was a sufficient guarantee for its efficiency . Bro . Rowland responded in suitable terms . A number of other speeches followed , and the meeting , which
was of a most satisfactory character , terminated at an early hour . The speeches were interspersed with vocal and instrumental music , which was ably conducted by Bro . Middleton , Prov . G . Org-., the following being the programme : — God save the Queen . " Snug , " Have faith in one another , " Bro . Middleton . Glee , " Hands and hearts joining . " Song , " Tbe village blacksmith , " Bro . Jones ITewson .
Song , "Three times three , " Bro . Green . Duet , " The moon has raised , " Bros . Middleton and Jones Hewson . Song , "Floating on the wind , " Bro . AA . M . Jones . Glee , " The Red Cross Knight . " Song , "The message , " Bro . Middleton . Comic , " Alonzo the Brave , " Bro . Jones Hewson . Glee , " Mynheer Van Dunck . " Comic , " the Belle of Camberwell , " Bro . Green .
EDINBURGH . GRAND LODGE . The quarterly communication of Grand Lodge was held on the 2 nd inst . On the occasion there were present : —The M . AV . the Grand Master , the Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . T ., G-. C . B ., & c , on the throne , and supported by Bro . H . Insrlis , of Torsonce , R . W . Substitute Grand Master : W . Mann , J . G . W .,
as S . G . AV . ; W . Officer , S . S . C ., R . AV . M . Lodge No . 1 , acting J . G . AV . ; AV . A . Laurie , W . S ., R . W . G . Sec ; A . J . Stewart , AV . S ., R . AV . G . Clerk ; A . Hay , G . Jeweller ; J . Cunningham , President of Board of Grand Stewards , as also a very large attendance of Grand Stewards and members of Grand Lodge . The Grand Lodge having been opened in ample forti ^ the II . W . the Grand Master- prior to proceeding to tbe routine business of the meeting , stated that it afforded his lordship very
great pleasure to report that having , under the approbation of tiie Grand Committee , had an interview with His Royal Highness the Prince of AVales , with a view to H . R . H ., becoming the patron of the Scottish Craft in succession to his royal uncles , King George IV ., and King AAllliam lA ., H . R . H . had been pleased graciously to say , that if elected he would accept the honour with gratitude . His lordship therefore moved that the Grand Lodge do now elect H . R . H . the Prince of AVales and Duke of Rothesay , etc ., patron of the Order in Scotland , and '
which motion was enthusiastically received and carried with acclamation . The meeting then proceeded to the business of the communication . A proxy commission having been sustained , the Grand Secretary laid upon the table presents of proceedings from the Grand Lodges of England , France , Prussia , Hamburgh , Italy , Alabama , North Carolina , Georgia , Louisiana , Maryland ,
Vermont , and South Carolina , aud for which the thanks of the Grand Lodge were voted . The Grand Clerk then read the minutes of the last quarterly meeting , which were confirmed , and the minutes of subsequent meetings of Grand Committee were read for information . On the recommendation of Grand Committee charters were ordered to be issued for new lodges—St . John , New Galloway , and AlbanyGrahamstonCape of Good Hope .
, , The G . Secretary read the reply to the letter of condolence ordered by Grand Lodge at the last meeting , on the decease of tho late Bro . Capt . A . A . Spiers , M . P ., Prov . G . M . for Glasgow . The G . Secretary stated his regret at having to report to Grand Lodge the demise of the late Bro . Capt . P . Deuchar , G . Dir . of Cers .
A memorial from Lodge St . Thomas in the East , Howrah , for permission to remove their charter to Calcutta , was agreed to , and on the recommendation of Grand Committee , the Lodge Port Dundas aud Corveadders ( No . 333 ) , was allowed to change the name of the lodge to St . George , Glasgow . A communication from the Lodge Mother Kilwinning , to the effect that that lodge bad received the resolution passed at the last meeting regarding the registration of her intrants , and the
sum to be paid by her for this purpose , and that she cheerfully concur . ied therein , was read ; and it was also stated that in accordance therewith Lodge Mother Kilwinning had now returned and paid up all arrears of intrants . This communication was received by Grand Lodge with great satisfaction . The notices of motions tabled at the last meeting were then discussed , and disposed of , the report of Grand Committee on Bro . Illation ' s motion regarding salaries being adopted . Bro .
Mann ' s motion for fixing a specific annual date for making up Grand Lodge roll ( with certain contingencies ) was carried . Bro . Officer's motion for instituting an alphabetical index of intrants registered by Grand Lodge ; and Bro . Douglas' motion regarding the reponal of dormant lodges , were remitted to Grand Committee for consideration and report . Bro . Macconnochie's motion was withdrawn . Notices of motions for next meeting were then given regarding
tbe method of tabling notices of motions and for mitigation of sentence of a suspended brother . There being no further business before the meeting the Grand Lodge was closed in ample form and according to ancient custom .
FORFAR AND KINCARDINESHIRE . FORI-AR . —Lower Lodge ( So . 309 ) . —At a meeting of this lodge on Wednesday the 4 th inst ., the brethren presented JBro . Reid with a handsome jewel , in token of their appreciation ofhis gift of a public hall to the town of Forfar . There was a large number of brethren present ; and the worthy AV . M ., Bro . J . 0 . Anderson ,
made tho presentation . The jewel is a Master Mason's one , de . signed specially for the occasion by F . L . Law , jeweller , Edinburgh , Grand Steward of tbe Grand Lodge . It is of solid silver , richly gilt , having in the centre the compass and square on a ground of blue enamel , surrounded by a ring of white stones , and encompassed by a cable of gilt . The medal is surmounted by gold foliage , has three clasps , for the purpose of being attached to the coat with a purple ribbon , the colours of the lodge . The
jewel bears the following inscription : — ' Presented to Bro . Peter Reid , by the Lodge Lower , Forfar ( No . 309 ) , in token of their appreciation of his gift of a public hall to the town of Forfar . 5 th August , 1869 . "
MUNSTEE ( NORTH . ) NlINAGH . Trovincial Grand Lodge . Tho quarterly meeting of the Prov . G . L . was held on Thursday the 29 th ult ., in tho grand jury-room of the courthouse , at 4 o ' clock , pursuant to summons .