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Rt . Hon . Lord Dunboyne , Prov . G . M . occupied the throne , supported by Bros . Dartnell , Prov . G . S . AV . ; Adams , Prov . G . J . AV . ; Fry , Prov . G . Chap . ; Peacocbe , Prov . G . S . D . ; Captain Saunders , Prov . G . J . D . ; Bassett , Prov . G . I . G . ; Lalor , Prov . G . Tyler . The several lodges , with a few exceptions , were duly represented . Apologies from those u ho could not attend were read .
Bros . Browne , AV . M . 73 ; Ollis , AV . M . 333 ; Williams , AV . M . 311 ; Fortune , W . M . 201 , were in attendance . The Prov . G . L . business having been disposed of , a splendid banquet was ordered and prepared at O'Meara's Hotel , by the W . M . AVardens , and brethren of Ormond Lodge 201 , which comprised every delicacy tbe season could afford , and did the caterers on the occasion every credit—namely , Bros . Young , Saundersthe Worshipful Masterand Bro . Fry . Covers were
, , laid for about 50 . The usual loyal toasts were given and responded to . The first Masonic toast given , was " Bro . His Eoyal Highness the Prince of Wales , " which was duly honoured . The " Three Grand Masters for England , Ireland and Scotland" was next given aud duly responded to . The AV . M . said he would now give them the toast of their "Great and good Prov . G . M . the Eight Hon . Lord
Dunboyne . " The Ormond Lodge felt delighted and highly honoured in having his lordship come amongst them , and it was he believed the first Prov . G . L . ever held in Nenagh ; now that the matter had been inaugurated , he hoped that they would have tbe pleasure of often seeing the Prov . G . M . and the Prov . G . Officers
amongst them , and it would no doubt be a stimulant to Masonry in the district . The WM . concluded a very interesting spsech . The Prov . G . M . rose to reply , and he was received with every manifestation of respect and esteem , not only for his exalted position in the Craft , hut for his urbanity and kindness , to bis brethren of every lodge . His lordship said that he was accustomed to receive very warm acknowledgements on different
occasions . The enthusiastic feelings of the brethren at this meeting was on no previous occasion exceeded . In the order of the different lodges in the province , he had to visit it could not possibly occur again that he could ( if spared ) come to Nenagh for the next five years to hold the Prov . G . L , there , but any advice or assistance he could give in the government of Lodge 201 , he should be happy to render . His lordship delivered a most interesting speech or it might
be called a lecture , and before he took bis seat he proposed the health of the AV . M ., which was duly responded to . Bro . Minnett proposed the toast of Lodge 73 , which was responded to by the W . M . of that lodge , Bro . Browne . Bro . AVilliams , of 311 , returned thanks for the way in which his lodge was noticed , which was also spoken to by the J . AV . of that lodge ( Bro . Fitzgerald ) . Several songs were sung during the eveningincluding . one
, sung by Bro . AVatson , which delighted the brethren , and another appropriate one sung by Bro . Fitzgerald . The brethren did not separate , however , without provilingfor the wants of the poor and distressed brethren all over the world , when a handsome sum was taken up . —Limerick Southern Chronicle .
TYRONE AND FERMANAGH . Dr / NGANNON . Provincial Grand Lodge . The Prov . G . L . held its meeting in the Masonic Hall , on Friday , the 30 th ult . Tho following brethren , officers , and visitors were present on the occasion : —R . W . Bros , tbe P . G . M . Sir John Marcus StewartBartR . W . the D . PGMMajor JGIrwire
, . ; ... . . ., D . L . ; very AV . the P . G . J . AA . Courtney Newton , J . P . ; W . F . Black G . P ., Treas ; Captain J . S . AVright , P . G . D . C . ; . AV . Beatty , P . G . J . G . ; J . Gonrley , P . G . Tyler ( pro tem . ) . Lodges represented—122 . A . Moutry , AV . M . ; E . Menagh , S . AA . ; John Sinton , P . M . ; John Anderson , P . M . ; John Eccles , P . M . 185 , George Glenny , AV . M . ; Richard Curry , S . W . ; R . Gibson , J . AV . ; J . GourleyP . M . P . G . Tvler ( tem . ) 210 RMarshallRW
, , pro , . , .. ; H . Patterson , J . AV . ; 334 , John Harvey , AV . M . ; W . Smith , S . AV . ; Samuel D . Montgomery , P . M . 470 , H . Gunning , AV . M . ; H Wilson , J . W . ; J . K . Graham , P . M . ; W . Bell , P . M . 479 , T . Booth , W . M . ; Henry Newell , S . W . Vistors—Ledge 9 , Bro . H . R . Kelly ; Lodge 59 , Bro . M'Cawley ; Lodge 82 , Bro . Wallace ; Lodge 122 J ? ros . John Richardson , H . Kelson , Douglas , E .
Marshall , Mulholland , Grey , Langland ; Lodge 185 , Bros . J . Hyde , J . Beatty , J . Simpson , J . Marshall , Atwell , Bond , Richardson , and Reid ; Lodge 210 , Bros . AVilson , Steenson , and Nipe . Lodge 332 , Bro . Scott ; 351 , Bro . Thos . A . Young , P . M . ; Lodge 409 , Bro . A . A . Speer ; Ledge 470 , Bros . Devlin , Steen , and AA ' atson ; Lodge 154 , Bro . Boyd . The usual banquet took place in the hallat the top of George ' s-streetserved up in a superior
, , style . After the cloth had-been removed , tho usual loyal , Masonic , and complimentary toasts were ably given , aud responded to , and the brethern retired after spending a very pleasant reunion . The band of tbe Royal Tyrone Artillery , under the able direction of Mr . P . Byrne , performed suitable airs during the evening . Song were interspersed by Bros . Reid , Gunning , M'Ghee , AA atsou , and many others .
COLOMBO . Tbe Sphinx Lodge of Masonry , held its installation meeting on the 24 th June , being St . John's day , shortly after six o'clock , the lodge was opened in due form , au unusually large number o ! brethren being present , including several visitors . Alter the routine business had been disposed of , the lodge was raised to the third degree , and Bro . Grenier , S . AV .,
havinganswered the usual questions , was presented for the purpose of installation . All brethren who had not passed the chair having retired , AA . Bro . Larkum , assisted by P . M . Orookshank , Loronz , Mailland , Ferdinands , O'Halloran , and Skeen , duly installed the AA . M . elect . On the conclusion of the ceremony , the brethren iu attendance were re-admitted and saluted the chair according to ancient custom . —( AV . Bro . Nicholls presided at the harmonium and layed some slow music as the brethren marched in )
p . The AV . M . invested the following brethren : —AA . Bro . Larkum , I . P . M . ; Bros . A . Adree , S . AV .: Wm . Bryan , J . W . ; C . A . Lorcnz , Treas . ; E . Koch , Sec ; W . P . M . O'Halloran , D . C ; J . Crawford , S . D . ; 0 . Mack , J . D . ; L . Ludovici , I . G . ; R . Shankland , Tyler . The lodge was then closed down , in the first degree , in peace , love and harmony , after whicli the members retired to the
"Exchange" for refreshment . The following is a list of the new officers of the Leinster Lodge : —Bro . U . Nicholls , W . M . ; AV . H . Herbert S . W , ; G . Milne , J . W . ; T . Buckney , S . D . ; G . S . Miller , J . D ; G . M . Bisset , Sec . ; J . Robertson , I . G . The banquet , which in the present instance was subscribed ! for by the brethren of the Spbynx and Leinster Lodges , was laid out in the best stylo ui dor the management of Bro . Ledward . The long room was gaily decorated with nags and
Masonic symbols and designs . Flowers , some natural and others artificial—the latter as pretty as nature ' s own handiwork—were profusely displayed on the table . The punkas played all night , and kept the room delightfully cool . The following brethren were present : —Pros . George Milne , C . Blacklaw , W . Mitchell , J . D . Sellor , Jas . H . Scott , E . C . Roberts , AV . J . Nicholls , J . Crawford , Jas . Alwis Richard Morgan , J . Maitland , Geo . Nicholls , A . C . Crookshaak . C . A . Loreux ,
E . Koch , Dr . Audree , J . S . Di-ieberg , L . Ludovici , C . Brito , John Cowell , C . P . Morgan , A . Audree , C . H . Ledward , J . Watkin , AV- Ledcr , F . Rosemalecocq , AV . Bryan , J . Storach , AV . Skeen , J . W . Venn , S . Grenier , C . O'Hiillnraii , H . Larkum , C . L . Ferdinands , D . W . Williams , Capt . Lambe , Geo . Greig , A . K . Green , H . W . Stubbs . Geo . M . Bisset , and R . Shaukhuul . Bro . Nicholls , in proposing the " Queen and the Craft , " said : — Brethren—It is privilege this evening to propjse the first
, my toast , which does not require a long introduction on my partas you are all well aware that at all public Masonic assemblies it takes precedence of all other toasts . Brethren , I give you the " Queen and the Craft . " Bro . Nicholls in proposing the next toast said : —Brethren , — The next toast I have the honour to propose is one which I am sure you will drink with that warmth and good feeling which it deserves . It is " Tbe health of their Royal Highnesses the Prince
and Princess of AVales . " Since we last mot to celebrate St . John ' s day , I am proud to inform you we have added a member of Eoyal blood to the Craft in the person of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales . Let us hope that he uil ! at some future time occupy a prominent position in Masonry and be an honour to the Craft . Bro . Nicholls said : —The third toast I have the ' pleasure to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Rt . Hon . Lord Dunboyne , Prov . G . M . occupied the throne , supported by Bros . Dartnell , Prov . G . S . AV . ; Adams , Prov . G . J . AV . ; Fry , Prov . G . Chap . ; Peacocbe , Prov . G . S . D . ; Captain Saunders , Prov . G . J . D . ; Bassett , Prov . G . I . G . ; Lalor , Prov . G . Tyler . The several lodges , with a few exceptions , were duly represented . Apologies from those u ho could not attend were read .
Bros . Browne , AV . M . 73 ; Ollis , AV . M . 333 ; Williams , AV . M . 311 ; Fortune , W . M . 201 , were in attendance . The Prov . G . L . business having been disposed of , a splendid banquet was ordered and prepared at O'Meara's Hotel , by the W . M . AVardens , and brethren of Ormond Lodge 201 , which comprised every delicacy tbe season could afford , and did the caterers on the occasion every credit—namely , Bros . Young , Saundersthe Worshipful Masterand Bro . Fry . Covers were
, , laid for about 50 . The usual loyal toasts were given and responded to . The first Masonic toast given , was " Bro . His Eoyal Highness the Prince of Wales , " which was duly honoured . The " Three Grand Masters for England , Ireland and Scotland" was next given aud duly responded to . The AV . M . said he would now give them the toast of their "Great and good Prov . G . M . the Eight Hon . Lord
Dunboyne . " The Ormond Lodge felt delighted and highly honoured in having his lordship come amongst them , and it was he believed the first Prov . G . L . ever held in Nenagh ; now that the matter had been inaugurated , he hoped that they would have tbe pleasure of often seeing the Prov . G . M . and the Prov . G . Officers
amongst them , and it would no doubt be a stimulant to Masonry in the district . The WM . concluded a very interesting spsech . The Prov . G . M . rose to reply , and he was received with every manifestation of respect and esteem , not only for his exalted position in the Craft , hut for his urbanity and kindness , to bis brethren of every lodge . His lordship said that he was accustomed to receive very warm acknowledgements on different
occasions . The enthusiastic feelings of the brethren at this meeting was on no previous occasion exceeded . In the order of the different lodges in the province , he had to visit it could not possibly occur again that he could ( if spared ) come to Nenagh for the next five years to hold the Prov . G . L , there , but any advice or assistance he could give in the government of Lodge 201 , he should be happy to render . His lordship delivered a most interesting speech or it might
be called a lecture , and before he took bis seat he proposed the health of the AV . M ., which was duly responded to . Bro . Minnett proposed the toast of Lodge 73 , which was responded to by the W . M . of that lodge , Bro . Browne . Bro . AVilliams , of 311 , returned thanks for the way in which his lodge was noticed , which was also spoken to by the J . AV . of that lodge ( Bro . Fitzgerald ) . Several songs were sung during the eveningincluding . one
, sung by Bro . AVatson , which delighted the brethren , and another appropriate one sung by Bro . Fitzgerald . The brethren did not separate , however , without provilingfor the wants of the poor and distressed brethren all over the world , when a handsome sum was taken up . —Limerick Southern Chronicle .
TYRONE AND FERMANAGH . Dr / NGANNON . Provincial Grand Lodge . The Prov . G . L . held its meeting in the Masonic Hall , on Friday , the 30 th ult . Tho following brethren , officers , and visitors were present on the occasion : —R . W . Bros , tbe P . G . M . Sir John Marcus StewartBartR . W . the D . PGMMajor JGIrwire
, . ; ... . . ., D . L . ; very AV . the P . G . J . AA . Courtney Newton , J . P . ; W . F . Black G . P ., Treas ; Captain J . S . AVright , P . G . D . C . ; . AV . Beatty , P . G . J . G . ; J . Gonrley , P . G . Tyler ( pro tem . ) . Lodges represented—122 . A . Moutry , AV . M . ; E . Menagh , S . AA . ; John Sinton , P . M . ; John Anderson , P . M . ; John Eccles , P . M . 185 , George Glenny , AV . M . ; Richard Curry , S . W . ; R . Gibson , J . AV . ; J . GourleyP . M . P . G . Tvler ( tem . ) 210 RMarshallRW
, , pro , . , .. ; H . Patterson , J . AV . ; 334 , John Harvey , AV . M . ; W . Smith , S . AV . ; Samuel D . Montgomery , P . M . 470 , H . Gunning , AV . M . ; H Wilson , J . W . ; J . K . Graham , P . M . ; W . Bell , P . M . 479 , T . Booth , W . M . ; Henry Newell , S . W . Vistors—Ledge 9 , Bro . H . R . Kelly ; Lodge 59 , Bro . M'Cawley ; Lodge 82 , Bro . Wallace ; Lodge 122 J ? ros . John Richardson , H . Kelson , Douglas , E .
Marshall , Mulholland , Grey , Langland ; Lodge 185 , Bros . J . Hyde , J . Beatty , J . Simpson , J . Marshall , Atwell , Bond , Richardson , and Reid ; Lodge 210 , Bros . AVilson , Steenson , and Nipe . Lodge 332 , Bro . Scott ; 351 , Bro . Thos . A . Young , P . M . ; Lodge 409 , Bro . A . A . Speer ; Ledge 470 , Bros . Devlin , Steen , and AA ' atson ; Lodge 154 , Bro . Boyd . The usual banquet took place in the hallat the top of George ' s-streetserved up in a superior
, , style . After the cloth had-been removed , tho usual loyal , Masonic , and complimentary toasts were ably given , aud responded to , and the brethern retired after spending a very pleasant reunion . The band of tbe Royal Tyrone Artillery , under the able direction of Mr . P . Byrne , performed suitable airs during the evening . Song were interspersed by Bros . Reid , Gunning , M'Ghee , AA atsou , and many others .
COLOMBO . Tbe Sphinx Lodge of Masonry , held its installation meeting on the 24 th June , being St . John's day , shortly after six o'clock , the lodge was opened in due form , au unusually large number o ! brethren being present , including several visitors . Alter the routine business had been disposed of , the lodge was raised to the third degree , and Bro . Grenier , S . AV .,
havinganswered the usual questions , was presented for the purpose of installation . All brethren who had not passed the chair having retired , AA . Bro . Larkum , assisted by P . M . Orookshank , Loronz , Mailland , Ferdinands , O'Halloran , and Skeen , duly installed the AA . M . elect . On the conclusion of the ceremony , the brethren iu attendance were re-admitted and saluted the chair according to ancient custom . —( AV . Bro . Nicholls presided at the harmonium and layed some slow music as the brethren marched in )
p . The AV . M . invested the following brethren : —AA . Bro . Larkum , I . P . M . ; Bros . A . Adree , S . AV .: Wm . Bryan , J . W . ; C . A . Lorcnz , Treas . ; E . Koch , Sec ; W . P . M . O'Halloran , D . C ; J . Crawford , S . D . ; 0 . Mack , J . D . ; L . Ludovici , I . G . ; R . Shankland , Tyler . The lodge was then closed down , in the first degree , in peace , love and harmony , after whicli the members retired to the
"Exchange" for refreshment . The following is a list of the new officers of the Leinster Lodge : —Bro . U . Nicholls , W . M . ; AV . H . Herbert S . W , ; G . Milne , J . W . ; T . Buckney , S . D . ; G . S . Miller , J . D ; G . M . Bisset , Sec . ; J . Robertson , I . G . The banquet , which in the present instance was subscribed ! for by the brethren of the Spbynx and Leinster Lodges , was laid out in the best stylo ui dor the management of Bro . Ledward . The long room was gaily decorated with nags and
Masonic symbols and designs . Flowers , some natural and others artificial—the latter as pretty as nature ' s own handiwork—were profusely displayed on the table . The punkas played all night , and kept the room delightfully cool . The following brethren were present : —Pros . George Milne , C . Blacklaw , W . Mitchell , J . D . Sellor , Jas . H . Scott , E . C . Roberts , AV . J . Nicholls , J . Crawford , Jas . Alwis Richard Morgan , J . Maitland , Geo . Nicholls , A . C . Crookshaak . C . A . Loreux ,
E . Koch , Dr . Audree , J . S . Di-ieberg , L . Ludovici , C . Brito , John Cowell , C . P . Morgan , A . Audree , C . H . Ledward , J . Watkin , AV- Ledcr , F . Rosemalecocq , AV . Bryan , J . Storach , AV . Skeen , J . W . Venn , S . Grenier , C . O'Hiillnraii , H . Larkum , C . L . Ferdinands , D . W . Williams , Capt . Lambe , Geo . Greig , A . K . Green , H . W . Stubbs . Geo . M . Bisset , and R . Shaukhuul . Bro . Nicholls , in proposing the " Queen and the Craft , " said : — Brethren—It is privilege this evening to propjse the first
, my toast , which does not require a long introduction on my partas you are all well aware that at all public Masonic assemblies it takes precedence of all other toasts . Brethren , I give you the " Queen and the Craft . " Bro . Nicholls in proposing the next toast said : —Brethren , — The next toast I have the honour to propose is one which I am sure you will drink with that warmth and good feeling which it deserves . It is " Tbe health of their Royal Highnesses the Prince
and Princess of AVales . " Since we last mot to celebrate St . John ' s day , I am proud to inform you we have added a member of Eoyal blood to the Craft in the person of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales . Let us hope that he uil ! at some future time occupy a prominent position in Masonry and be an honour to the Craft . Bro . Nicholls said : —The third toast I have the ' pleasure to