Article INDIA. ← Page 4 of 4 Article NOTES ON MUSIC AND THE DRAMA. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTES ON MUSIC AND THE DRAMA. Page 1 of 1 Article PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
company , enlivened by conversation and puns ( which were sometimes a punishment hard to bear with equanimity ) , and rendered interesting by a pleasant little diversity of opinion . Arrived at the station , we could not find our place of rendezvous , hut discovered a brother hieing away to the lodge rooms . Him we followed . He piloted us surely but not safely ; for when near the place , the roads , which were heavy with rain , presented a number of ruts yawning portentuously . Into one of these the carriage
plunged , and we got ' stuck in the mud ; ' the horse jaded , owner excited , we lachar , and had to pick our way on foot to the lodge room , AVhen there , we forgot our cares in the hearty welcome , beaming faces , and cordial hearts which met us wherever we turned . Of course , the proceedings conducted by the Provincial Grand Master , aided by a reverend brother , were orthodox , en regie , and imposing . These being concluded , and the lodge closed , our next concern was to find the Mess Room , where the banquet was
provided by F . AV . Browne . It was a terrible thought to some , that it was just possible , in the darkness , and the terra incognita we were upon , that we might never find it , and have to return homeward famishing . However , without any pre-arrangement , some person acquainted with the way took the lead in a conveyance with lighted lamps , and all the rest followed , and formed a brilliant spectacle in the dark , the lamps of the conveyances looking like gigantic glowworms , pursuing a steady flight to some insect carnival . AVhen
we arrived we found some brethren , who , unable to discover the geography of the lodge , but having found the banquet Mess House , awaited there the advent of their brethren from their more serious labours . The supper was sumptuous , and good cheer and good fellowship were at their height the whole evening . The W . M . made some very appropriate addresses . The Offg . D . Prov . G . M ., I am sorry to say , in returning thanks for the health of the visiting brethren , reprobated the idea of such hospitality' being considered hike-warm . —Shade of Tom Hood , forgive the culprit 1 " —Indian Freemasons' Friend .
Notes On Music And The Drama.
AVe hear that such has been the success of Mr , Falconer's management at the Lyceum , that he is about to take it for the AVinter season . Harold Power , a son of the late Tyrone Power , whose Irish characters are in the pleasant remembrance of many , has , according according to the Illustrated N ~ eios , just entered the theatrical profession under the name of Page . Madame Jenny Lind ( says the Era ) is engaged for two concerts
during the ensuing month , at the Philharmonic Hall , Liverpool . AVe learn , that the Swedish Nigntingals refused one thousand guineas for the two evenings , and that she expects to realise almost double that amount by sharing the receipts . The Echo of Bologna says : — " Luigi Ricci , aged eight , son of the well-known professor of music , lately directed the singers of the Church of San Giuste at Trieste , who executed a mass of his composition . The edifice was crowded . "
Thers is a slang in all professions , writes a correspondent of the Poole Heiald , as there is a slang among the lower classes—a legal slang , a clerical slang , an artistic slang , and a theatrical slang . Some curious specimens are before me in tho advertising columns of a theatrical newspaper . " Wanted immediately , first and second heavy men , singing chambermaid , & c . " What is a heavy man ? Is he to be ponderous in mind or body , and if tho latter , what is
his minimum weight to be f I fear these heavy men , not being of much weight in a theatrical ' company , got very light salaries . " Wanted , several useful people . " AVell , cooks , surgeons , curates , and M . P . ' s . are useful people in their way : but would they obtain engagements ? I trow not . We are told also that " stars , opera companies , or any real novelty may apply ' . " I should have thought that stars in the theatrical firmament would have no need to apply , or to go moonying about after engagements , as they can usually
sun themselves in the smiles of the manager and cashier . I find too , that there are wanted " a leading lady and gentleman for first heavies . " These I suppose are to act as ballast for the light comedians , and they would of course play with what critics call aplomb . Then there is " wanted , to open immediately , a good first-low comedian . " I am at a loss to know whether the low comedian , being considered a close and reserved man , is " wanted to open" his mind to the manager as to terms ; whether the manager
will open his arms to receive the low comedian ; or whether either or both are expected to open something , and , if so , what . This must remain an open question . Here is a gentleman of unlimited wants : "Artistes for the ring and stage , niggers , acrobats , dogs , tight-rope dancers , wizards , & c , " while " any novelty can apply . " A dog applying for a situation would indeed be such an instance of canine sagacity that it would amount to a " novelty , " and he ought to command a double salary . One cannot help noticing in what
Notes On Music And The Drama.
ight estimation tight-rope dancers , wizards , & c , are held by theadvertiser ; they come after dogs , though their case , as the lawyers say , " runs on all fours" with that of the dog as to probability of engagement . The literature of advertising is certainly a curious study .
Public Amusements.
HAYMARKET THEATRE . A new comedy has been produced at this theatre , it is entitled " " The Soft Sex , " and had been evidently intended as a satire on strong-minded women . The scene is laid in Regent ' s Park , where Mr . Boilover Biggins has a villa , and into which he has imported two American ladies , Miss Priscella Cram ( Mrs . Poynter ) and Mrs . Cosmos Cook ( Mrs . AVilkins ) , the former as governess to
hisdaughters , the latter as a Columbian friend , a great traveller and transcendental talker . By these Biggin's niece , Ida ( Mrs . C . Mathews ) , is thrown into the shade , and the management of the house taken out of her hands . A few months make both her and her uncle miserable . The girls , under their Transatlantic tutors , become masculine in their notions and habits , unmanageable in their tastes , and run into inconceivable danger ; while their aunt , Mrs . Mandwindle ( Mrs . E . Fitzwilliam ) , goes wild on political
economy . But at length Biggins's nephew ( Mr . C . Mathews ) , appears on the scene , — the real owner of the property on which the uncle and his friends are supporting their various caprices to their mutual discomfort , and-of course proceeds to set things to rights . He reads the parties many a moral lesson , which Mr . Mathews delivers with much force and great propriety , — -and soon fiuds out the merits of the quiet and retiring Ida , who is now likely to become mistress of the position . She does nothoweverabuse her newl-acquired
, , y power ; but induces him to allow the family to partake the advantages to which he has become entitled;—in a word , to continue to inhabit the villa , and to share in the profits of a iarge cotton-mill near Stockport . The piece was not particularly successful on the first night , but having been improved , both by condensation and in the acting , is now likely to have a run .
SURREY THEATRE . This house opened for the season on the 17 th , with both a dramatic and operatic company , when a very excellent piece wasproduced , called " The Idiot of the Mountain , " and is honestly avowed to be an adaption from the French . The dramatic idea is admirable , and the construction most ingeneous . Incident follows upon incident in rapid succession ; somebody is always doing something from the beginuntil the endThe situations
ning . are all well contrived , and some—especially at the close of the first scene of the third actare peculiarly striking . Miss Georgiana Pauncefort—who , a 3 James Purcell , made her first appearance at this theatre—exhibited much genuine dramatic power , and may fairly be congratulated on having achieved a throughly legitimate success . Mis Eliza Johnstone was amusingly saucy as Marie , aud Miss Elizabeth Webster : as Naomi looked charmingwhich was nearlall she had to do
, y . Mr . Creswick played Claude in a style altogether unexceptionable . His delineation of the idiot was perfectly truthful , without being in the slightest degree repulsive , and the quaint humour which he threw in some passages was not less remarkable than the outbursts of guileless affection which found place in others . Mr . Shepherd did full justice to the part of Ravel , and Mr . Georsre
Alncentwhom our playgomg readers will recollect some years since at tho Olympic , and who has since been reaping laurels in Glasgow and Dublin—made a decided hit as Caussade , playing the part with great intelligence and intensity . Mr . A ollaire and Mr . Fernandez were as usual excellent . They , in common with the other old favourites , received a perfect ovation on their entrance , and abundantly earned it by their subsequent exertions . An operetta followed under the title of " Shakespeare's Dream , Ni
or a ght in Fairyland . " The libretto , translated form the German of Ludwick Tieck , is a dreamy allegory , utterly unsuited to the stage . There is not an atom of plot , and the action is infinitesimal , whilst the music , by Mr . Bennett Gilbert , displayed not the slightest originality , and if it possessed any melody , it was destroyed by the want of proper rehearsals by the band and chorus . Miss Camilla Chipp made her first appearance as the prima donna . She has a leasing voicegood power of executionand excellent stle
p , , y , and we hope soon to hear her in something more worthy of her ability . Mr . AVallworth was decidedly out of tune , and of Mr . Maurice de Solla , the new tenor , we can only say that though he has not a bad voice , lie has yet to learn even the very elements of his profession . Miss Thirl wall and Miss Chipp were the only two who appeared to know their parts . The house was crowded .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
company , enlivened by conversation and puns ( which were sometimes a punishment hard to bear with equanimity ) , and rendered interesting by a pleasant little diversity of opinion . Arrived at the station , we could not find our place of rendezvous , hut discovered a brother hieing away to the lodge rooms . Him we followed . He piloted us surely but not safely ; for when near the place , the roads , which were heavy with rain , presented a number of ruts yawning portentuously . Into one of these the carriage
plunged , and we got ' stuck in the mud ; ' the horse jaded , owner excited , we lachar , and had to pick our way on foot to the lodge room , AVhen there , we forgot our cares in the hearty welcome , beaming faces , and cordial hearts which met us wherever we turned . Of course , the proceedings conducted by the Provincial Grand Master , aided by a reverend brother , were orthodox , en regie , and imposing . These being concluded , and the lodge closed , our next concern was to find the Mess Room , where the banquet was
provided by F . AV . Browne . It was a terrible thought to some , that it was just possible , in the darkness , and the terra incognita we were upon , that we might never find it , and have to return homeward famishing . However , without any pre-arrangement , some person acquainted with the way took the lead in a conveyance with lighted lamps , and all the rest followed , and formed a brilliant spectacle in the dark , the lamps of the conveyances looking like gigantic glowworms , pursuing a steady flight to some insect carnival . AVhen
we arrived we found some brethren , who , unable to discover the geography of the lodge , but having found the banquet Mess House , awaited there the advent of their brethren from their more serious labours . The supper was sumptuous , and good cheer and good fellowship were at their height the whole evening . The W . M . made some very appropriate addresses . The Offg . D . Prov . G . M ., I am sorry to say , in returning thanks for the health of the visiting brethren , reprobated the idea of such hospitality' being considered hike-warm . —Shade of Tom Hood , forgive the culprit 1 " —Indian Freemasons' Friend .
Notes On Music And The Drama.
AVe hear that such has been the success of Mr , Falconer's management at the Lyceum , that he is about to take it for the AVinter season . Harold Power , a son of the late Tyrone Power , whose Irish characters are in the pleasant remembrance of many , has , according according to the Illustrated N ~ eios , just entered the theatrical profession under the name of Page . Madame Jenny Lind ( says the Era ) is engaged for two concerts
during the ensuing month , at the Philharmonic Hall , Liverpool . AVe learn , that the Swedish Nigntingals refused one thousand guineas for the two evenings , and that she expects to realise almost double that amount by sharing the receipts . The Echo of Bologna says : — " Luigi Ricci , aged eight , son of the well-known professor of music , lately directed the singers of the Church of San Giuste at Trieste , who executed a mass of his composition . The edifice was crowded . "
Thers is a slang in all professions , writes a correspondent of the Poole Heiald , as there is a slang among the lower classes—a legal slang , a clerical slang , an artistic slang , and a theatrical slang . Some curious specimens are before me in tho advertising columns of a theatrical newspaper . " Wanted immediately , first and second heavy men , singing chambermaid , & c . " What is a heavy man ? Is he to be ponderous in mind or body , and if tho latter , what is
his minimum weight to be f I fear these heavy men , not being of much weight in a theatrical ' company , got very light salaries . " Wanted , several useful people . " AVell , cooks , surgeons , curates , and M . P . ' s . are useful people in their way : but would they obtain engagements ? I trow not . We are told also that " stars , opera companies , or any real novelty may apply ' . " I should have thought that stars in the theatrical firmament would have no need to apply , or to go moonying about after engagements , as they can usually
sun themselves in the smiles of the manager and cashier . I find too , that there are wanted " a leading lady and gentleman for first heavies . " These I suppose are to act as ballast for the light comedians , and they would of course play with what critics call aplomb . Then there is " wanted , to open immediately , a good first-low comedian . " I am at a loss to know whether the low comedian , being considered a close and reserved man , is " wanted to open" his mind to the manager as to terms ; whether the manager
will open his arms to receive the low comedian ; or whether either or both are expected to open something , and , if so , what . This must remain an open question . Here is a gentleman of unlimited wants : "Artistes for the ring and stage , niggers , acrobats , dogs , tight-rope dancers , wizards , & c , " while " any novelty can apply . " A dog applying for a situation would indeed be such an instance of canine sagacity that it would amount to a " novelty , " and he ought to command a double salary . One cannot help noticing in what
Notes On Music And The Drama.
ight estimation tight-rope dancers , wizards , & c , are held by theadvertiser ; they come after dogs , though their case , as the lawyers say , " runs on all fours" with that of the dog as to probability of engagement . The literature of advertising is certainly a curious study .
Public Amusements.
HAYMARKET THEATRE . A new comedy has been produced at this theatre , it is entitled " " The Soft Sex , " and had been evidently intended as a satire on strong-minded women . The scene is laid in Regent ' s Park , where Mr . Boilover Biggins has a villa , and into which he has imported two American ladies , Miss Priscella Cram ( Mrs . Poynter ) and Mrs . Cosmos Cook ( Mrs . AVilkins ) , the former as governess to
hisdaughters , the latter as a Columbian friend , a great traveller and transcendental talker . By these Biggin's niece , Ida ( Mrs . C . Mathews ) , is thrown into the shade , and the management of the house taken out of her hands . A few months make both her and her uncle miserable . The girls , under their Transatlantic tutors , become masculine in their notions and habits , unmanageable in their tastes , and run into inconceivable danger ; while their aunt , Mrs . Mandwindle ( Mrs . E . Fitzwilliam ) , goes wild on political
economy . But at length Biggins's nephew ( Mr . C . Mathews ) , appears on the scene , — the real owner of the property on which the uncle and his friends are supporting their various caprices to their mutual discomfort , and-of course proceeds to set things to rights . He reads the parties many a moral lesson , which Mr . Mathews delivers with much force and great propriety , — -and soon fiuds out the merits of the quiet and retiring Ida , who is now likely to become mistress of the position . She does nothoweverabuse her newl-acquired
, , y power ; but induces him to allow the family to partake the advantages to which he has become entitled;—in a word , to continue to inhabit the villa , and to share in the profits of a iarge cotton-mill near Stockport . The piece was not particularly successful on the first night , but having been improved , both by condensation and in the acting , is now likely to have a run .
SURREY THEATRE . This house opened for the season on the 17 th , with both a dramatic and operatic company , when a very excellent piece wasproduced , called " The Idiot of the Mountain , " and is honestly avowed to be an adaption from the French . The dramatic idea is admirable , and the construction most ingeneous . Incident follows upon incident in rapid succession ; somebody is always doing something from the beginuntil the endThe situations
ning . are all well contrived , and some—especially at the close of the first scene of the third actare peculiarly striking . Miss Georgiana Pauncefort—who , a 3 James Purcell , made her first appearance at this theatre—exhibited much genuine dramatic power , and may fairly be congratulated on having achieved a throughly legitimate success . Mis Eliza Johnstone was amusingly saucy as Marie , aud Miss Elizabeth Webster : as Naomi looked charmingwhich was nearlall she had to do
, y . Mr . Creswick played Claude in a style altogether unexceptionable . His delineation of the idiot was perfectly truthful , without being in the slightest degree repulsive , and the quaint humour which he threw in some passages was not less remarkable than the outbursts of guileless affection which found place in others . Mr . Shepherd did full justice to the part of Ravel , and Mr . Georsre
Alncentwhom our playgomg readers will recollect some years since at tho Olympic , and who has since been reaping laurels in Glasgow and Dublin—made a decided hit as Caussade , playing the part with great intelligence and intensity . Mr . A ollaire and Mr . Fernandez were as usual excellent . They , in common with the other old favourites , received a perfect ovation on their entrance , and abundantly earned it by their subsequent exertions . An operetta followed under the title of " Shakespeare's Dream , Ni
or a ght in Fairyland . " The libretto , translated form the German of Ludwick Tieck , is a dreamy allegory , utterly unsuited to the stage . There is not an atom of plot , and the action is infinitesimal , whilst the music , by Mr . Bennett Gilbert , displayed not the slightest originality , and if it possessed any melody , it was destroyed by the want of proper rehearsals by the band and chorus . Miss Camilla Chipp made her first appearance as the prima donna . She has a leasing voicegood power of executionand excellent stle
p , , y , and we hope soon to hear her in something more worthy of her ability . Mr . AVallworth was decidedly out of tune , and of Mr . Maurice de Solla , the new tenor , we can only say that though he has not a bad voice , lie has yet to learn even the very elements of his profession . Miss Thirl wall and Miss Chipp were the only two who appeared to know their parts . The house was crowded .