Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 6 of 6 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 6 of 6 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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late Venerable Archdeacon Freer , and the brethren acknowledge with thanks the kindly aid of Bro . E . S . Cossens , in procuring the same ; also for the incense from the Pope ' s Chapel , which he sent with the thurible . After the lodge was closed , the brethren adjourned to Bro . Ellison's , Sun Hotel , where a most elegant repast was served . After grace had been sung , a procession entered the room , and Bro . Ellisonbearing on a large salver a magnificent boar's head .
, During the procession round the table the choir sang the " Boar ' s Head Carol . " Ample justice was clone to this dish , as well as . to others . Various loyal and Masonic toasts were given from the chair ; and the brethren , after spending a delightful evening in social intercourse , separated , expressing unqualified approbation of the clay ' s proceedings , and a heartfelt wish for the success of the
Pentalpha Lodge . On AA edriesday , the 7 th , the Earl de Grey and Ripon arrived to preside over the Provincial Grand Lodge of AA est Yorkshire . Before proceeding to business , his lordship partook of a sumptuous luncheon at the residence of Bro . Monoah Rhodes , the excellent and respected Master of the Lodge of Hope ( No . 302 ) . Bro . AA . Foster , AV . M . of the Pentalpha Lodge , had the honour of receiving the Earl at Harroween ' s House , where he remained for the night .
The following is a description of the handsome offerings made to the lodge by the AA . M ., Bro . Foster : — They consist of a complete set of jewels and collars , an ark or lodge to contain the archives , by-laws , & c , a Bible , with square and compass , a splendid banner , made of the richest materials ancl embroidered , a set of working tools , two beautiful verges for the deacons instead of the ordinary sticks used as wands , an alms dish , and a copy of the by-laws , exceedingly
well engrossed on a vellum roll and illuminated . The ark or lodge is made of ebony , one cubit in length , half a cubit in height , and half a cubit in breadth , and inlaid with shittim wood , polished ; round the sides and ends are twentyfour compartments forming the vesica piscis , inside of each is carved a quatre foil , containing the armorial bearings of the Earl of Zetland , G . M . ; the Earl de Grey and Rinon , D . G . M . ; Dr . Fearnley , D . Prov . G . M . of AVest Yorkshire ; Prince Edwin ,
Kev . A . F . A . AVoodford , the AV . M ., officers , ancl brethren ofthe Pentalpha Lodge , richly emblazoned in their respective colours ; underneath are neat brass tablets , bearing the names of the above brethren . On one of the upper mouldings there are placed 21 conventional ball flowers , in brass work and colours ; the mercy-seat on the lid of the ark is doubly gilt , likewise the brass staves which pass on either side of tho ark . This superb work of art was made by Messrs . Pratt and Prince , of Bradford , the requisite boxwood carvings being by Adams , of Leeds . The Bible bears the date of 1709 , and is a curiosity , containing , besides the Old and New Testaments , the prayers and various
offices in use in the Church of England at that date ; amongst them is one called "Healing , " used when the king touched for the evil . The Bible is most superbly bound in Russia leather , with tasteful Gothic brass corners , clasps , and mountings . The minute books and declarations are bound in a similar manner by Bro . H . 0 . Mawson . The square is made of ebonv with a silver blade chased ; the handle is inlaid in silver , with the ear of cornand the Pentalpha surrounded ba wreath of acacia .
, y The banner is made of the richest silk , Craft colour , embroidered in gold coloured silk , in diamond-shaped figures ; at the intersections are placed gold stars . In the centre of the banner the Pentalpha is beautifully embroidered in silk , surrounded by 1 G ( the number of the members of the lodge ) small stars of five points , in crimson silk , the whole enclosed by the vesica piscisa figure formed by two equilateral triangleslaced base to base
, p —or more easily described by the intersection of the circumferences of two circles in their respective diameters . Beneath is embroidered in proper colours , tlie boar ' s head , the Bradford crest , and underneath tbe AAliite Rose of York on a blazing sun . The borders of the banner are formed with rich Gothic lace . The banner pole ancl cross bar are made of polished brass , terminating in Masonic emblemsrichldecorated with
conven-, y tional brass flower work . The handle is made of carved oak , taken from the parish church . The brass work reflects great credit upon the maker , Bro . Bollans . The working tools are of oak and polished brass . The verges for the Deacons are about 3 feet G inches in length ; the handles of carved oak , and covered with crimson velvet ,
over which is a spiral in gold lace . The shafts are of polished brass , at the top of which is a white enamelled ball , surrounded by four leaves in burnished brass ; from each ball issues a Pentalpha . The alms dish is of carved oak , lined with crimson velvet , and round the edge , in carved ancl gilt letters— " Freely have you received , freely give . " There are three book marks for the Bible , ono for each degree ; they are of rich silk , blue , purple , and crimson , with gold fringe ,
and have embroidered on them , in gold , the following emblems , viz ., the equilateral triangle , the Pentalpha , and the double equilateral triangle . The by-laws are on a vellum roll , nearly eight yards in length ; the title and all the capital letters in illuminated letters , by Bro . E . AV . Shaw , S . AA . The whole of the above beautiful regalia was presented to the lodby the W . M . Bro . Fosterat the consecrationand
rege , , , flected the greatest credit on his generosity . It is all designed in the Gothic style , by Bro . E . AV . Shaw , the S . AV . of the lodge . On the clay of consecration , the lodge room was most tastefully decorated , the walls being hung with maroon coloured materials , presented by Bro . Gath—the dais , with'rich crimson hangings . Over the Master ' s chair was a carved gilt pentalpha , ancl above the banner of Bro . Foster , on each side of the chair , were suspended a number of handsome silk banners , with
Masonic emblems , made for the occasion , by Bro . Haley . On the walls of the lodge hung the large photographs of the Past Misters of the Lodge of Hope ancl various banners . The three columns were entwined with wreaths of fresh gathered flowers , and on each pedestal was placed a handsome bouquet . In the centre of the lodge , was a draped pedestal from the four corners , having festoons of flowers ; on the top was placed the regalia , in the centre of which was the ark or lodge , the of which made of the finest mohairlined
covering was , with crimson silk , with gothic . lace edging . The vessels ot consecration were grouped together on a small table near the Bible pedestal , on ivhich was placed , previous to use , the thurible . At the foot of the Master's pedestal was placed the sevenbranched candlestick , filled with wax candles of symbolical colours , near to ivhich were three large and elegant vases filled
with the choicest flowers . The lodge , furniture , & c , were much admired , and the theme of general conversation . It is , however , much to be regretted that the Bradford brethren do not possess a "house of their own ; " for , however convenient the present premises are in some respects , it cannot bo denied that the comfort , convenience , and usefulness of the brethren would be enhanced if they were located in a proper and suitably decorated Masonic Hall belonging to themselves .
Royal Arch.
SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER . The quarterly convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter was held on AA ednesday , November 4 th ., Comps . Havers acting as Z . ; Potter as II . ; Perkins as J . ; Clarke , Scribe E . ; M'Intyre , G . Reg ., as Scribe N . ; Savage as P . Soj . ; A \ almisley and Gole as Assist . Sojs . ; Head , S . B . ; there being also present Comps . LI .
Evans , Bradford , Smith , and about twenty companions below the dais . Grand Chapter having been duly opened , and the minutes of the last quarterly convocation read and put for confirmation , Comp . HARDEY , P . Z . No . 753 , moved , — " That the minutes of the proceedings of the Grand Chapter of the Sth August , 1863 ,
be not confirmed , so far as they declare it to be illegal to hold a Chapter of Royal Arch Mascns on a Sunday , " and entered into various illustrations from Scripture to prove that the meetings would be legal on a Sunday in a society which included under its banner men of all religious denominations , regardless of sect .
Comp . ATTERLEY seconded the amendment . Comp . SAVAGE opposed it , ancl asked Grand Chapter to confirm the verv proper decision to which they had come at their
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
late Venerable Archdeacon Freer , and the brethren acknowledge with thanks the kindly aid of Bro . E . S . Cossens , in procuring the same ; also for the incense from the Pope ' s Chapel , which he sent with the thurible . After the lodge was closed , the brethren adjourned to Bro . Ellison's , Sun Hotel , where a most elegant repast was served . After grace had been sung , a procession entered the room , and Bro . Ellisonbearing on a large salver a magnificent boar's head .
, During the procession round the table the choir sang the " Boar ' s Head Carol . " Ample justice was clone to this dish , as well as . to others . Various loyal and Masonic toasts were given from the chair ; and the brethren , after spending a delightful evening in social intercourse , separated , expressing unqualified approbation of the clay ' s proceedings , and a heartfelt wish for the success of the
Pentalpha Lodge . On AA edriesday , the 7 th , the Earl de Grey and Ripon arrived to preside over the Provincial Grand Lodge of AA est Yorkshire . Before proceeding to business , his lordship partook of a sumptuous luncheon at the residence of Bro . Monoah Rhodes , the excellent and respected Master of the Lodge of Hope ( No . 302 ) . Bro . AA . Foster , AV . M . of the Pentalpha Lodge , had the honour of receiving the Earl at Harroween ' s House , where he remained for the night .
The following is a description of the handsome offerings made to the lodge by the AA . M ., Bro . Foster : — They consist of a complete set of jewels and collars , an ark or lodge to contain the archives , by-laws , & c , a Bible , with square and compass , a splendid banner , made of the richest materials ancl embroidered , a set of working tools , two beautiful verges for the deacons instead of the ordinary sticks used as wands , an alms dish , and a copy of the by-laws , exceedingly
well engrossed on a vellum roll and illuminated . The ark or lodge is made of ebony , one cubit in length , half a cubit in height , and half a cubit in breadth , and inlaid with shittim wood , polished ; round the sides and ends are twentyfour compartments forming the vesica piscis , inside of each is carved a quatre foil , containing the armorial bearings of the Earl of Zetland , G . M . ; the Earl de Grey and Rinon , D . G . M . ; Dr . Fearnley , D . Prov . G . M . of AVest Yorkshire ; Prince Edwin ,
Kev . A . F . A . AVoodford , the AV . M ., officers , ancl brethren ofthe Pentalpha Lodge , richly emblazoned in their respective colours ; underneath are neat brass tablets , bearing the names of the above brethren . On one of the upper mouldings there are placed 21 conventional ball flowers , in brass work and colours ; the mercy-seat on the lid of the ark is doubly gilt , likewise the brass staves which pass on either side of tho ark . This superb work of art was made by Messrs . Pratt and Prince , of Bradford , the requisite boxwood carvings being by Adams , of Leeds . The Bible bears the date of 1709 , and is a curiosity , containing , besides the Old and New Testaments , the prayers and various
offices in use in the Church of England at that date ; amongst them is one called "Healing , " used when the king touched for the evil . The Bible is most superbly bound in Russia leather , with tasteful Gothic brass corners , clasps , and mountings . The minute books and declarations are bound in a similar manner by Bro . H . 0 . Mawson . The square is made of ebonv with a silver blade chased ; the handle is inlaid in silver , with the ear of cornand the Pentalpha surrounded ba wreath of acacia .
, y The banner is made of the richest silk , Craft colour , embroidered in gold coloured silk , in diamond-shaped figures ; at the intersections are placed gold stars . In the centre of the banner the Pentalpha is beautifully embroidered in silk , surrounded by 1 G ( the number of the members of the lodge ) small stars of five points , in crimson silk , the whole enclosed by the vesica piscisa figure formed by two equilateral triangleslaced base to base
, p —or more easily described by the intersection of the circumferences of two circles in their respective diameters . Beneath is embroidered in proper colours , tlie boar ' s head , the Bradford crest , and underneath tbe AAliite Rose of York on a blazing sun . The borders of the banner are formed with rich Gothic lace . The banner pole ancl cross bar are made of polished brass , terminating in Masonic emblemsrichldecorated with
conven-, y tional brass flower work . The handle is made of carved oak , taken from the parish church . The brass work reflects great credit upon the maker , Bro . Bollans . The working tools are of oak and polished brass . The verges for the Deacons are about 3 feet G inches in length ; the handles of carved oak , and covered with crimson velvet ,
over which is a spiral in gold lace . The shafts are of polished brass , at the top of which is a white enamelled ball , surrounded by four leaves in burnished brass ; from each ball issues a Pentalpha . The alms dish is of carved oak , lined with crimson velvet , and round the edge , in carved ancl gilt letters— " Freely have you received , freely give . " There are three book marks for the Bible , ono for each degree ; they are of rich silk , blue , purple , and crimson , with gold fringe ,
and have embroidered on them , in gold , the following emblems , viz ., the equilateral triangle , the Pentalpha , and the double equilateral triangle . The by-laws are on a vellum roll , nearly eight yards in length ; the title and all the capital letters in illuminated letters , by Bro . E . AV . Shaw , S . AA . The whole of the above beautiful regalia was presented to the lodby the W . M . Bro . Fosterat the consecrationand
rege , , , flected the greatest credit on his generosity . It is all designed in the Gothic style , by Bro . E . AV . Shaw , the S . AV . of the lodge . On the clay of consecration , the lodge room was most tastefully decorated , the walls being hung with maroon coloured materials , presented by Bro . Gath—the dais , with'rich crimson hangings . Over the Master ' s chair was a carved gilt pentalpha , ancl above the banner of Bro . Foster , on each side of the chair , were suspended a number of handsome silk banners , with
Masonic emblems , made for the occasion , by Bro . Haley . On the walls of the lodge hung the large photographs of the Past Misters of the Lodge of Hope ancl various banners . The three columns were entwined with wreaths of fresh gathered flowers , and on each pedestal was placed a handsome bouquet . In the centre of the lodge , was a draped pedestal from the four corners , having festoons of flowers ; on the top was placed the regalia , in the centre of which was the ark or lodge , the of which made of the finest mohairlined
covering was , with crimson silk , with gothic . lace edging . The vessels ot consecration were grouped together on a small table near the Bible pedestal , on ivhich was placed , previous to use , the thurible . At the foot of the Master's pedestal was placed the sevenbranched candlestick , filled with wax candles of symbolical colours , near to ivhich were three large and elegant vases filled
with the choicest flowers . The lodge , furniture , & c , were much admired , and the theme of general conversation . It is , however , much to be regretted that the Bradford brethren do not possess a "house of their own ; " for , however convenient the present premises are in some respects , it cannot bo denied that the comfort , convenience , and usefulness of the brethren would be enhanced if they were located in a proper and suitably decorated Masonic Hall belonging to themselves .
Royal Arch.
SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER . The quarterly convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter was held on AA ednesday , November 4 th ., Comps . Havers acting as Z . ; Potter as II . ; Perkins as J . ; Clarke , Scribe E . ; M'Intyre , G . Reg ., as Scribe N . ; Savage as P . Soj . ; A \ almisley and Gole as Assist . Sojs . ; Head , S . B . ; there being also present Comps . LI .
Evans , Bradford , Smith , and about twenty companions below the dais . Grand Chapter having been duly opened , and the minutes of the last quarterly convocation read and put for confirmation , Comp . HARDEY , P . Z . No . 753 , moved , — " That the minutes of the proceedings of the Grand Chapter of the Sth August , 1863 ,
be not confirmed , so far as they declare it to be illegal to hold a Chapter of Royal Arch Mascns on a Sunday , " and entered into various illustrations from Scripture to prove that the meetings would be legal on a Sunday in a society which included under its banner men of all religious denominations , regardless of sect .
Comp . ATTERLEY seconded the amendment . Comp . SAVAGE opposed it , ancl asked Grand Chapter to confirm the verv proper decision to which they had come at their