Article AUSTRALIA. ← Page 3 of 3 Article INDIA. Page 1 of 1 Article INDIA. Page 1 of 1 Article PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. Page 1 of 2 →
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saying , " May the seeds of corn scattered on this stone remind us of the seeds of God ' s word sown plenteously in tho land , that they may bring forth a hundredfold iu our hearts , ancl yield a plenteous harvest in that clay when the Lord shall come to gather the wheat into his garner . AA o pour wine on this stone , we anoint it with oil , as emblems of bliss ancl consolation . " Bro . TAAEFE , P . M ., then offered up the following prayer : — " May the all bounteous Author of Nature bless the inhabitants
of this place with all the necessaries and conveniences of life . Protect the workmen from all accidents ancl the structure from decay , and grant unto all the corn of nourishment , the wine of refreshment , and the oil of peace . So mote it be . " The Treasurer of the Lodge then placed some money on the stone for the refreshment of the workmen , and the AV . M . addressed a few brief remarks to those assembled ; and , the lodge having been called offthe Rev . Mr . Hetherington offered
, rip prayer . The lodge having resumed the procession , returned to the lodge-room , the Oddfellows and Foresters leaving at their respective places of meeting . The W . M . having caused the Secretary to take a minute of the proceedings , and having thanked the P . M . 's who attended for their assistance , and Bro . Emson for his valuable services , the lodge directed the Secretary to write to the Order of
Oddfellows , to the Foresters , and to Signor Cauna , conductor of the Fife and Drum Band , thanking them for the part taken by them in the procession , and the lodge closed in peace , love , and harmony .
( From the Indian Freemason ' s Friend . ) CALCUTTA . LODGE INDUSTRY AND PERSEVERANCE . —A meeting of the above lodge ivas held on the 7 th August . Present—Bros . Dr . John Smith , AA . M ., presiding ; John AVm . Brown , Honorary P . M . ; Dr . Frank Powell , AV . M . of Lodge Saint John , and a member of No . 126 ; Thomas DicksonS . W . ; Andrew D'Cruz
, , J . AV . ; Baxter , Sec . and Treas . Bro . J . B . Rentiers , an old member , having expressed his desire to rejoin it , was re-admitted , by acclamation , on the motion of Bro . John Williani Brown . A regular meeting was held on Friday , the 4 th September . Present—Bros . Dr . John Smith , AV . M ., presiding ; John AVm . Brown , P . M . ; Fenn , S . W . ; Chandler , J . AA ' . ; W . G . Baxter , Sec ; AV . Parry Davis , S . D . ; Pinto , J . D . ; Beard , I . G . ; Daniel ,
Tyler , and several others . Two candidates for passing were not present . Bro . Thomas Boulton was elected a joining member . LODGE HUMILITY WITH FORTITUDE . —A meeting was held on the 3 rd August . Present—Bros . J . B . Kn ' urht , AA . M . ; J . G . Bowerman , P . M . ; F . Jennings , P . M . ; F . M'Alpin , officiating as S . AV . ; J . Bruce Gillon , J . W . ; J . Walter Boatson , See . Bros . AV . Cooper and T . Holmes were passed to the
second degree . Bro . AV . F . AA estfield was elected a joining member . Dr . C . Ross was proposed as a candidate for initiation . Another meeting was held on the 17 th of August . Present—Bros . J . B . Knight , \ A . M . ; J . G . It . Maegregor , P . M . ; F . M'Alpin , Treas ., as S . AV . ; J . Bruce Gillon , J . AV . ; J . AValter Beatson , Sec ; besides members and visitors . Dr . Charles Ross , having been duly accepted by ballot , was initiated . Mr . Samuel John Street was proposed as a candidate for initiation .
DUM-DUM . LODGE ST . LUKE . —This lodge met on AA ednesday , the 2 nd September . Present—Bros . Hugh D . Sandeman , Prov . G-M . ; John AVilliam Brown , Honorary P . M ., presiding ; Dr . Powell , P . M . ; Dr . Hadow , as S . AV . ; Pritchard , J . AV . ; the Rev . Dr . Lindstedt , Sec . ; A aughan , S . D . ; Ross , J . D . ; Dr . Stewart , I . G . After the lodge had been formed and duly opened , Bro .
Brown , in acknowledging the presence of the Prov . G . M ., informed the brethren that the Masonic Ruler of the province had been pleased on that occasion to dispense with a formal reception and the honours clue to his exalted position in the Cratt , adding that it was an assurance to the brethren of the interest taken by the Prov . G . M . in Freemasonry , by making a long journey to visit this country lodge at so unfavourable a time of the year . Bros . AVarren ancl Brooks , of her Majesty ' s 13 th Light Infantry , were raised to the Master Mason ' s degree
by Bro . John AA ilham Brown . Bro . Dr . Bourne , of Lodge Star in the East , was elected a joining member . AVe are sorry to learn that the 13 th Regiment will leave Dum-Dum immediately , to relieve her Majesty ' s 43 rd Light Infantry , in Fort AA illiam , whore thoy are not likely to remain long . LODGE ST . JOHN . —The regular meeting of the Lodge . Saint John ( No . 715 , of England ) was held at Freemasons' Hall , No . ISCossitollahCalcuttaon Fridaythe 21 st of August 1863
, , , , , Present at the opening and forming of the lodge : —Bros . Dr ' Frank Powell , AV . M ., presiding ; Dr . John Smith , as P . M . ; EAV . Pittar , S . W . ; Eev . Dr . Lindstedt , J . AA . ; AA . G . Baxter . Sec . and Treas . ; C . Piffard , S . D . ; M . Rosamond , J . D . ; George Chisholm , I . G . ; D . J . Daniel , Tyler . Members—Bros . King , A . C . Gale , , T . R . Shircore , ancl li . T . Martin . Alsitors—H . D . Sandeman , Prov . G . M . of Bengal ; C . J . Evans , as J . G . AV . ; C .
K . Dove , Prov . G . Steward ; II . R . Drew , No . 550 ; F . F . IVyman , W . M . of Lodge No . 283 ; T . A . Rambart , AV . M . of Lodge No . 401 , of Scotland ; AV . T . Lindsav , AV . AVall , J . AVall , 11 . AVall , J . Flewker , F . Johnson , and J . Waller , of Saint David in the East ( No . 371 , of Scotland ); S . Strong , AV . Parry Davis , and E . H . Pinto , of the sister lodge , No . 12 G ; AV . B . Fan- and J . E . Vaughan , of No . 1127 ; A . Hoffman and D . Hume , of No . SO ; J . C . Ross , A . Brooks , and E . S . Moseley ,
No . 1150 ; Bennett , AA . M . of No . 281 ; It . E . Baker , T . Sutherland , F . M'Alpin , and C . Jacobson , of No . 371 of Scotland ; T . Lane , of No . 76 ; and G . F . F . Vincent , formerly of this lodge , at present unattached . After the formation of the lodge , a deputation waited on tho Prov . G . M . to attend him to the lodge . The Prov . G . M . was attended by Bros . John AVilliam Brown , Prov . S . G . AV . ( P . M . of No . 715 ) , C . J . Evans , as J . G . W . ( P . M . of No . 282 ) , and other officers of the District Grand Lod .
ge Tho customary ceremony having taken place as prescribed for such an auspicious occasion , the ordinary business of the evening was entered on . The subject of admitting- the Hindoo gentlemen whose names were set down in the summons convening this meeting stands over until after the Quarterly Communication of the District Grand Lodge , to be holden in September ( proximo ) . A notice of motion has already been given as to
the advisability of admitting Asiatics professing the tenets peculiar to their class . On a proposal from the Master , Bro . II . D . Sandeman , Prov . G . M . of Bengal , was elected an honorary member of the worshipful lodge . The call was seconded by the Rev . Bro . the J . AV ., and adopted by the congregated members . The Prov . G . M . returned thanks , expressing the gratification he felt at the compliment paid him . The Prov . G . M . joined the brethren at refreshment after labour .
Public Amusements.
DRURY LANE THEATRE . The mania for Scotland , ancl all things Scotch , with which Londoners are not uncommonly afflicted in the fall of the year , has been turned to laughable account by Messrs . Brough and Haliday in a farce of their joint construction , entitled " My Heart ' s in the Highlands . " Under the influence of this autumnal
epidemic two City tradesmen , named respectively Muggins ancl Walker—the first a hair-dresser , the second a grocer—arrange to repair together to the land of mountain and flood by one of the cheap excursion trains . No sooner have they crossed the Border than their predilection for Caledonian costumes and customs manifests itself furiously in each of the excursionists . Not
only do they renounce the attire of "southerners , " assuming in its place kilts and philibegs , but they adapt their manners to what they ignorantly imagine to be a northern standard , and they study to acquire a Scottish accent . They become "M'Muggin" and "M'Walker , " and in everything they say and do they affect the usages of the country they infest . They disdain the
scenery of England as tame ancl spiritless , ancl rave deliriously about romantic lakes , heather-clad mountains , and heaven-kissing hills . Nothing goes down with them that does not flavour of M'Callum More or Rob Roy M'Gregor . Iu the course of their travels they make the acquaintance of a retired tobacconist named John o' Groat , who , though an Englishman by birth , has
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
saying , " May the seeds of corn scattered on this stone remind us of the seeds of God ' s word sown plenteously in tho land , that they may bring forth a hundredfold iu our hearts , ancl yield a plenteous harvest in that clay when the Lord shall come to gather the wheat into his garner . AA o pour wine on this stone , we anoint it with oil , as emblems of bliss ancl consolation . " Bro . TAAEFE , P . M ., then offered up the following prayer : — " May the all bounteous Author of Nature bless the inhabitants
of this place with all the necessaries and conveniences of life . Protect the workmen from all accidents ancl the structure from decay , and grant unto all the corn of nourishment , the wine of refreshment , and the oil of peace . So mote it be . " The Treasurer of the Lodge then placed some money on the stone for the refreshment of the workmen , and the AV . M . addressed a few brief remarks to those assembled ; and , the lodge having been called offthe Rev . Mr . Hetherington offered
, rip prayer . The lodge having resumed the procession , returned to the lodge-room , the Oddfellows and Foresters leaving at their respective places of meeting . The W . M . having caused the Secretary to take a minute of the proceedings , and having thanked the P . M . 's who attended for their assistance , and Bro . Emson for his valuable services , the lodge directed the Secretary to write to the Order of
Oddfellows , to the Foresters , and to Signor Cauna , conductor of the Fife and Drum Band , thanking them for the part taken by them in the procession , and the lodge closed in peace , love , and harmony .
( From the Indian Freemason ' s Friend . ) CALCUTTA . LODGE INDUSTRY AND PERSEVERANCE . —A meeting of the above lodge ivas held on the 7 th August . Present—Bros . Dr . John Smith , AA . M ., presiding ; John AVm . Brown , Honorary P . M . ; Dr . Frank Powell , AV . M . of Lodge Saint John , and a member of No . 126 ; Thomas DicksonS . W . ; Andrew D'Cruz
, , J . AV . ; Baxter , Sec . and Treas . Bro . J . B . Rentiers , an old member , having expressed his desire to rejoin it , was re-admitted , by acclamation , on the motion of Bro . John Williani Brown . A regular meeting was held on Friday , the 4 th September . Present—Bros . Dr . John Smith , AV . M ., presiding ; John AVm . Brown , P . M . ; Fenn , S . W . ; Chandler , J . AA ' . ; W . G . Baxter , Sec ; AV . Parry Davis , S . D . ; Pinto , J . D . ; Beard , I . G . ; Daniel ,
Tyler , and several others . Two candidates for passing were not present . Bro . Thomas Boulton was elected a joining member . LODGE HUMILITY WITH FORTITUDE . —A meeting was held on the 3 rd August . Present—Bros . J . B . Kn ' urht , AA . M . ; J . G . Bowerman , P . M . ; F . Jennings , P . M . ; F . M'Alpin , officiating as S . AV . ; J . Bruce Gillon , J . W . ; J . Walter Boatson , See . Bros . AV . Cooper and T . Holmes were passed to the
second degree . Bro . AV . F . AA estfield was elected a joining member . Dr . C . Ross was proposed as a candidate for initiation . Another meeting was held on the 17 th of August . Present—Bros . J . B . Knight , \ A . M . ; J . G . It . Maegregor , P . M . ; F . M'Alpin , Treas ., as S . AV . ; J . Bruce Gillon , J . AV . ; J . AValter Beatson , Sec ; besides members and visitors . Dr . Charles Ross , having been duly accepted by ballot , was initiated . Mr . Samuel John Street was proposed as a candidate for initiation .
DUM-DUM . LODGE ST . LUKE . —This lodge met on AA ednesday , the 2 nd September . Present—Bros . Hugh D . Sandeman , Prov . G-M . ; John AVilliam Brown , Honorary P . M ., presiding ; Dr . Powell , P . M . ; Dr . Hadow , as S . AV . ; Pritchard , J . AV . ; the Rev . Dr . Lindstedt , Sec . ; A aughan , S . D . ; Ross , J . D . ; Dr . Stewart , I . G . After the lodge had been formed and duly opened , Bro .
Brown , in acknowledging the presence of the Prov . G . M ., informed the brethren that the Masonic Ruler of the province had been pleased on that occasion to dispense with a formal reception and the honours clue to his exalted position in the Cratt , adding that it was an assurance to the brethren of the interest taken by the Prov . G . M . in Freemasonry , by making a long journey to visit this country lodge at so unfavourable a time of the year . Bros . AVarren ancl Brooks , of her Majesty ' s 13 th Light Infantry , were raised to the Master Mason ' s degree
by Bro . John AA ilham Brown . Bro . Dr . Bourne , of Lodge Star in the East , was elected a joining member . AVe are sorry to learn that the 13 th Regiment will leave Dum-Dum immediately , to relieve her Majesty ' s 43 rd Light Infantry , in Fort AA illiam , whore thoy are not likely to remain long . LODGE ST . JOHN . —The regular meeting of the Lodge . Saint John ( No . 715 , of England ) was held at Freemasons' Hall , No . ISCossitollahCalcuttaon Fridaythe 21 st of August 1863
, , , , , Present at the opening and forming of the lodge : —Bros . Dr ' Frank Powell , AV . M ., presiding ; Dr . John Smith , as P . M . ; EAV . Pittar , S . W . ; Eev . Dr . Lindstedt , J . AA . ; AA . G . Baxter . Sec . and Treas . ; C . Piffard , S . D . ; M . Rosamond , J . D . ; George Chisholm , I . G . ; D . J . Daniel , Tyler . Members—Bros . King , A . C . Gale , , T . R . Shircore , ancl li . T . Martin . Alsitors—H . D . Sandeman , Prov . G . M . of Bengal ; C . J . Evans , as J . G . AV . ; C .
K . Dove , Prov . G . Steward ; II . R . Drew , No . 550 ; F . F . IVyman , W . M . of Lodge No . 283 ; T . A . Rambart , AV . M . of Lodge No . 401 , of Scotland ; AV . T . Lindsav , AV . AVall , J . AVall , 11 . AVall , J . Flewker , F . Johnson , and J . Waller , of Saint David in the East ( No . 371 , of Scotland ); S . Strong , AV . Parry Davis , and E . H . Pinto , of the sister lodge , No . 12 G ; AV . B . Fan- and J . E . Vaughan , of No . 1127 ; A . Hoffman and D . Hume , of No . SO ; J . C . Ross , A . Brooks , and E . S . Moseley ,
No . 1150 ; Bennett , AA . M . of No . 281 ; It . E . Baker , T . Sutherland , F . M'Alpin , and C . Jacobson , of No . 371 of Scotland ; T . Lane , of No . 76 ; and G . F . F . Vincent , formerly of this lodge , at present unattached . After the formation of the lodge , a deputation waited on tho Prov . G . M . to attend him to the lodge . The Prov . G . M . was attended by Bros . John AVilliam Brown , Prov . S . G . AV . ( P . M . of No . 715 ) , C . J . Evans , as J . G . W . ( P . M . of No . 282 ) , and other officers of the District Grand Lod .
ge Tho customary ceremony having taken place as prescribed for such an auspicious occasion , the ordinary business of the evening was entered on . The subject of admitting- the Hindoo gentlemen whose names were set down in the summons convening this meeting stands over until after the Quarterly Communication of the District Grand Lodge , to be holden in September ( proximo ) . A notice of motion has already been given as to
the advisability of admitting Asiatics professing the tenets peculiar to their class . On a proposal from the Master , Bro . II . D . Sandeman , Prov . G . M . of Bengal , was elected an honorary member of the worshipful lodge . The call was seconded by the Rev . Bro . the J . AV ., and adopted by the congregated members . The Prov . G . M . returned thanks , expressing the gratification he felt at the compliment paid him . The Prov . G . M . joined the brethren at refreshment after labour .
Public Amusements.
DRURY LANE THEATRE . The mania for Scotland , ancl all things Scotch , with which Londoners are not uncommonly afflicted in the fall of the year , has been turned to laughable account by Messrs . Brough and Haliday in a farce of their joint construction , entitled " My Heart ' s in the Highlands . " Under the influence of this autumnal
epidemic two City tradesmen , named respectively Muggins ancl Walker—the first a hair-dresser , the second a grocer—arrange to repair together to the land of mountain and flood by one of the cheap excursion trains . No sooner have they crossed the Border than their predilection for Caledonian costumes and customs manifests itself furiously in each of the excursionists . Not
only do they renounce the attire of "southerners , " assuming in its place kilts and philibegs , but they adapt their manners to what they ignorantly imagine to be a northern standard , and they study to acquire a Scottish accent . They become "M'Muggin" and "M'Walker , " and in everything they say and do they affect the usages of the country they infest . They disdain the
scenery of England as tame ancl spiritless , ancl rave deliriously about romantic lakes , heather-clad mountains , and heaven-kissing hills . Nothing goes down with them that does not flavour of M'Callum More or Rob Roy M'Gregor . Iu the course of their travels they make the acquaintance of a retired tobacconist named John o' Groat , who , though an Englishman by birth , has