Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 3 of 3 Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 3 of 3 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 3 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
A Musical Paphsody . " There is an anthem of fraternal feeling , whose grand and heavenly notes have been pealing since the day the matchless Solomon arranged the deathless harmony . Myriads who are making their solemn march toward the boundary of time , understand the music , and join their voices to the accord . They seize the echo as it rolls back to them from the myriads who have gone beyond their straining sight into the shadows of the
unknown world ; they teach the keystone and the pitch to those who are to follow after them , and thus Friendship ' s music is never silent , its secret is never lost . The air will never cease to vibrate with it until time shall be no more . "
Sympathy , Control , ancl Duty . " There never was a rupturing of Masonic ties hy death , but what some tender heart of . woman , or orphan child , claimed fraternal sympathy for the sorrow that grew therefrom . To he susceptible to the impulses of passion is natural ; to govern , subdue , and control the passions , is the first lesson in Masonry . Duty is the highest joy , when love is the inducement . "
Dennis and their Position . " A demitted Mason is released from all the responsibilities strictly growing out of a membership relation . These are payment of dues , service on committees , regular attendance on the lodge , & c . He is also deprived of all the privileges strictly growing out of a membership relation . These are visiting lodges , sharing in treasury benefactions , Masonic 'burial , & c .
The bign , unavailable . " More than one episode occurred on the fearful battle-field of Buena Vista , in which Masonry bore its wonted part . An American officer , borne down in the fatal ravine hy the press of foes , made the mystic , sign . It was recognised by a Mexican , who rushed obediently forward to the rescue , but in vain . Before he could interpose his hand , the bayonet had done its work .
The lest Study of all . " How few of our Craft appreciate the advancements in Masonic knowledge to be made by reading and study . For the most part the brethren are initiated , passed , and raised , they live out their Masonic life more or less usefully , and lie down with their forefathers , without once dreaming what treasures lie hidden in the Golconda of Masonic truth . Nothing tends to produce true eloquence and sublimity of language so surely as a study of the Holy Writings . Brethren striving to acquire the one , must familiarise themselves with the other .
The Ballot always Secret , " No brother can lawfully know how any other brother balloted , even though the secret may be communicated hy the indiscretion of the brother himself ; the matter remains a secret as though it had never been told , although the indiscretion may and ouirht to be punished .
The Past and Present . " However some of the affiliated privileges of Masonry may be borrowed , and enjoyed in the ephemeral associations of the clay , there are two things no initiative society can borrow , viz ., 1 st . Oar history past ; 2 nd . Our permanency future . "
True Charity . " Let us ever surmise with charity . If obliged to " suppose /' let us do it in the spirit of affectionate confidence , looking upon the brightest , not the darkest side of human character . " The Satanic Third Degree . "Speaking of the term Raising , so often used in Masonry , an
anti-Mason of great ferocity has given it as his opinion that the only thing that Masons can liaise properly , is the Devil , and that they Filter their lodges and Pass through their incantations for that cypress nurpose . "
Freemasonry in Hayh . " After the emancipation of Hayti , lodges were established b y the more intelligent mulattos in the island , which soon became the centre of all the literature and learning there . They proved to be schools of mutual help , as well as social gatherings , at which each member endeavoured to contribute his quota of entertainment in the form of dissertations , toasts , fables , dramatic essays , and funeral orations . "
Masonic Notes And Queries.
The Landmarks—their Uses . "The landmarks of Masonry are not so much a fence or a wall , against which even the blind man may run , and which restricts even the most giddy and ignorant . They are rather posts and monuments , set at intervals , too great , perhaps , for the inexpert eye carelessl y to see them , but not too great for science and skill to connect them with infallible certainty . ' . '
Washington ' s Pegalia . " The Masonic " apron belonging to Washington is now the property of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania ; a lock of his hair is-in the possession , carefully enclosed in a golden casket , of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts . Much of his Masonic regalia may be seen in the hall of the old lodge at Alexandria "Va . "
The Editor is not responsible for ihe opinions expressed by Correspondents , ANTIQUITY OF MASONIC DEG-EEES .
10 THE EDITOE OE THE EliEEjrASOXS 3 IAGAZISE AXD MASOJfIC JIIKEOE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —It gives me great pleasure at all times to see irregularities exposed , and as I care to support no particular system but the ancient , I freely acknowledge that our present Templar ritual is more modern than the Eoyal Arch , which latter I know to bear little resemblance to the old ceremony . The
English have indeed no claim to rank their Masonry as more ancient than 50 years , and the sooner some " Investigator" undertakes to expose the whole , the sooner we shall get hack to the old system , and the better it will be for universal Masonry . I was assured that the remarks of Dr . Leesou on the Templar Order were misreportedbut it is quite evident
, that " Ebor" does not understand the Aucient and Accepted Eite , or know that they themselves claim to perpetuate the Templar Order . The Eose Croix Dr . Leeson claims to have received from the Egyptians , and I firmly believe the Templars had the same claim for their system . The history of the present Templar ritual is soon told . Ib dates from 1851 , was founded at a Hole and Corner
meeting in London , and broke up several encampments in the north . There are a few old members who have very ancient rituals , and they assure me that they have very little resemblance to the present ceremony . The chief agent in forming the present ritual , I am informed , was Bro . Matthew Dawes , 33 ° , whom I should not by any means consider a Masonic authority , and who
obtained much of his information in Yorkshire , where theyhad mashed up the Eose Croix with the Templar . I was at first inclined to think this was the legitimate Templar ceremony , but believe I now have proof that such could not be the case . The old Templars' warrants ( of which I have a copy dated 1786 , and of the authenticity of the original there can be no doubt ) , granted at York , appear
to have required that candidates should have passed through the different degrees of Eoyal Arch Masonry , but it is well known that formerly this term included all the high grades . When Dunckerley obtained the powers of the Grand Commanders ( 3 ) of all England at York , in 1791 , the Templars' warrants he granted were for Heredom-Kadosh , but the Eose Croix was neglected ,
though the secrets were given , and a brother was installed a " Knight Templar , free of Heredom-Kadosh . " A friend has recently found amongst the papers of a lodge at Kendal three Knight Templar certificates granted in 1794-6-9 , by an encampment at Carlisle , and constituting the recipient a " Grand Elected Masonic Knight Kadosh . of St . John of Jerusalem , " and they contain a
geometrical engraving which is yet found on the Irish Knights Templar and Knights of Malta certificates . So much for the present ritual , which I believe to be as little that of the ancient knights as " Ebor , " because I consider the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
A Musical Paphsody . " There is an anthem of fraternal feeling , whose grand and heavenly notes have been pealing since the day the matchless Solomon arranged the deathless harmony . Myriads who are making their solemn march toward the boundary of time , understand the music , and join their voices to the accord . They seize the echo as it rolls back to them from the myriads who have gone beyond their straining sight into the shadows of the
unknown world ; they teach the keystone and the pitch to those who are to follow after them , and thus Friendship ' s music is never silent , its secret is never lost . The air will never cease to vibrate with it until time shall be no more . "
Sympathy , Control , ancl Duty . " There never was a rupturing of Masonic ties hy death , but what some tender heart of . woman , or orphan child , claimed fraternal sympathy for the sorrow that grew therefrom . To he susceptible to the impulses of passion is natural ; to govern , subdue , and control the passions , is the first lesson in Masonry . Duty is the highest joy , when love is the inducement . "
Dennis and their Position . " A demitted Mason is released from all the responsibilities strictly growing out of a membership relation . These are payment of dues , service on committees , regular attendance on the lodge , & c . He is also deprived of all the privileges strictly growing out of a membership relation . These are visiting lodges , sharing in treasury benefactions , Masonic 'burial , & c .
The bign , unavailable . " More than one episode occurred on the fearful battle-field of Buena Vista , in which Masonry bore its wonted part . An American officer , borne down in the fatal ravine hy the press of foes , made the mystic , sign . It was recognised by a Mexican , who rushed obediently forward to the rescue , but in vain . Before he could interpose his hand , the bayonet had done its work .
The lest Study of all . " How few of our Craft appreciate the advancements in Masonic knowledge to be made by reading and study . For the most part the brethren are initiated , passed , and raised , they live out their Masonic life more or less usefully , and lie down with their forefathers , without once dreaming what treasures lie hidden in the Golconda of Masonic truth . Nothing tends to produce true eloquence and sublimity of language so surely as a study of the Holy Writings . Brethren striving to acquire the one , must familiarise themselves with the other .
The Ballot always Secret , " No brother can lawfully know how any other brother balloted , even though the secret may be communicated hy the indiscretion of the brother himself ; the matter remains a secret as though it had never been told , although the indiscretion may and ouirht to be punished .
The Past and Present . " However some of the affiliated privileges of Masonry may be borrowed , and enjoyed in the ephemeral associations of the clay , there are two things no initiative society can borrow , viz ., 1 st . Oar history past ; 2 nd . Our permanency future . "
True Charity . " Let us ever surmise with charity . If obliged to " suppose /' let us do it in the spirit of affectionate confidence , looking upon the brightest , not the darkest side of human character . " The Satanic Third Degree . "Speaking of the term Raising , so often used in Masonry , an
anti-Mason of great ferocity has given it as his opinion that the only thing that Masons can liaise properly , is the Devil , and that they Filter their lodges and Pass through their incantations for that cypress nurpose . "
Freemasonry in Hayh . " After the emancipation of Hayti , lodges were established b y the more intelligent mulattos in the island , which soon became the centre of all the literature and learning there . They proved to be schools of mutual help , as well as social gatherings , at which each member endeavoured to contribute his quota of entertainment in the form of dissertations , toasts , fables , dramatic essays , and funeral orations . "
Masonic Notes And Queries.
The Landmarks—their Uses . "The landmarks of Masonry are not so much a fence or a wall , against which even the blind man may run , and which restricts even the most giddy and ignorant . They are rather posts and monuments , set at intervals , too great , perhaps , for the inexpert eye carelessl y to see them , but not too great for science and skill to connect them with infallible certainty . ' . '
Washington ' s Pegalia . " The Masonic " apron belonging to Washington is now the property of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania ; a lock of his hair is-in the possession , carefully enclosed in a golden casket , of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts . Much of his Masonic regalia may be seen in the hall of the old lodge at Alexandria "Va . "
The Editor is not responsible for ihe opinions expressed by Correspondents , ANTIQUITY OF MASONIC DEG-EEES .
10 THE EDITOE OE THE EliEEjrASOXS 3 IAGAZISE AXD MASOJfIC JIIKEOE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —It gives me great pleasure at all times to see irregularities exposed , and as I care to support no particular system but the ancient , I freely acknowledge that our present Templar ritual is more modern than the Eoyal Arch , which latter I know to bear little resemblance to the old ceremony . The
English have indeed no claim to rank their Masonry as more ancient than 50 years , and the sooner some " Investigator" undertakes to expose the whole , the sooner we shall get hack to the old system , and the better it will be for universal Masonry . I was assured that the remarks of Dr . Leesou on the Templar Order were misreportedbut it is quite evident
, that " Ebor" does not understand the Aucient and Accepted Eite , or know that they themselves claim to perpetuate the Templar Order . The Eose Croix Dr . Leeson claims to have received from the Egyptians , and I firmly believe the Templars had the same claim for their system . The history of the present Templar ritual is soon told . Ib dates from 1851 , was founded at a Hole and Corner
meeting in London , and broke up several encampments in the north . There are a few old members who have very ancient rituals , and they assure me that they have very little resemblance to the present ceremony . The chief agent in forming the present ritual , I am informed , was Bro . Matthew Dawes , 33 ° , whom I should not by any means consider a Masonic authority , and who
obtained much of his information in Yorkshire , where theyhad mashed up the Eose Croix with the Templar . I was at first inclined to think this was the legitimate Templar ceremony , but believe I now have proof that such could not be the case . The old Templars' warrants ( of which I have a copy dated 1786 , and of the authenticity of the original there can be no doubt ) , granted at York , appear
to have required that candidates should have passed through the different degrees of Eoyal Arch Masonry , but it is well known that formerly this term included all the high grades . When Dunckerley obtained the powers of the Grand Commanders ( 3 ) of all England at York , in 1791 , the Templars' warrants he granted were for Heredom-Kadosh , but the Eose Croix was neglected ,
though the secrets were given , and a brother was installed a " Knight Templar , free of Heredom-Kadosh . " A friend has recently found amongst the papers of a lodge at Kendal three Knight Templar certificates granted in 1794-6-9 , by an encampment at Carlisle , and constituting the recipient a " Grand Elected Masonic Knight Kadosh . of St . John of Jerusalem , " and they contain a
geometrical engraving which is yet found on the Irish Knights Templar and Knights of Malta certificates . So much for the present ritual , which I believe to be as little that of the ancient knights as " Ebor , " because I consider the