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THE MASONIC MIRROR . *& * All communications to be addressed to the EDITOR , at No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , VV . C .
MASONIC MEMS . WE have great pleasure to announce that Bro . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales has consented to preside at the coming festival of the Boys' School in March next . Wo have no doubt that this circumstance will tend materially to assist in increasing the number of Stewards and the amount of
contributions . MOKDAT , the 3 rd inst ., was one of distinction with the members of the Lodge Prince of Wales ( No . 959 ) , the occasion being the election as a joining member of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Past Grand Master of England ; His Royal Highness having expressed " the satisfaction it will give him to be enrolled as an
honorary member of the Lodge Piince of Wales ( No . 959 ) , of Free and Accepted Masons in the province of Suffolk . " THE brethren of the Hervey Lodge , No . 1260 , have , in cooperation with other lodges in the locality , resolved to petition for a warrant for a Royal Arch Chapter to he attached to their lodge . THE REV . MR . KERMODE has been appointed W . M . of the St . Maughold Lodge , at Ramsey , Isle of Man .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
JOHU LODGE ( NO . 185 ) . —This lodge met at the Albion Hotel , Aldersgate-streef , on Monday , the 3 rd inst ., Bro . II . M . Levy in the chair , iu the absence of Bro . Relph ; Bros . B . W . Aaron , W . M . elect ; P . Beyftis , L . H . Lyons , H . Harris , L . Alexander , C . llelpb , Diepraiheim , and E . P . Albert , a'l P . M . 's . Brethren from the Masters' Lodge of Israel , Tranquility , Montefiore , and numerous other brethren were present , as visitors . Pive gentlemen were initiatedand two brethren passed . The
, installation of Bro . Aaron , P . M ., then took place , and was very performed by Bro . Selig . The WM . appointed Bro . Lyons , P . M ., S . W . ; Al . Alexander , J . W . ; 11 . Sydney , SAX ; E . Hunt , J . D . ; 0 . Roberts , I . G . ; Berkowirtz , Chap . ; Abrahams , P . M ., Treas , ; E . Albert , P . M ., Hon . Sec ; "Woodstock , Tyler . The Secretary read the report of the Benevolent Fund attached to the lodge , above £ 97 G being in hand . A splendid banquet was
provided by Bro . Jennings , at which ninety-eight sat down . YA - RHOROTJGK LODGE ( NO . 531 ) . —This lodge met on Thursday , the Gth inst ., at the Green Dragon , . Stepney . There was a very numerous attendance of brethren , including all the present and past officers , there being twenty-one P . M . 's of tins and other lodges , which , with visitors , numbered above seventy . The W . M . initialed AL . John W . Tait , and passed Bro . W . J . Haven .
Pro . T . J . Barnes , S . W . and P . M . of the Doric Lodge was installed as W . M . for the ensuing year , and proceeded to appoint and invest his officers . The business concluded , the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet . I-IE . UV . EY i c ; .. " . "CO ) —An emergency meeting of this lodge was hc . d .... U ' . C . ¦ .-, y , ha 17 th inst ,, liro . G . Kiiig . jun ., W . M ., iu tho chili' -, supposed b y Bros . George King , S . W . ; William
P . II . Jones , J , W . ; Smith , CM ., as P . M . ; T . B . Ayslifbrd , Treas . ; W . Garner , Hon . See . ; J . Way as S . D . ; XV . Wigmore , J . D . ; E . Gamer , I . G . ; C . Thomas . T . C . Davidson , P . W . Agar , T . D . Tully , and others . "Visitors : —Bros . W . H . Andrews , P . M . of the Zetland Lodge , No . 51 . 1 , and A . Little , of Lodge Prosperity , No . G 5 . T'lie lodge was opened in due form at seven p . m . Two resignations w ere announced aud accepted . The lod ^ e was then opened on the square , and Bros . Mallyon and Agar were
Craft Masonry.
raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge was then resumed in the first degree , when the W . M . moved , in pursuance of notice of motion , given at last lodge meeting , " That a petition to the Supreme Grand Chapter of Koyal Arch Masons "be signed by the members of this lodge , duly qualified , praying that a warrant may be granted for the constitution and holding of a Koyal Arch chapter , to be named the Hervey Chapter . " It was seconded bthe S . W . and carried unanimously . The lodgo wag
y , then closed , and the brethren sat down to a modest but excellent supper , and the evening- was enlivened with some capital , singing and pianoforte recitals by Bro . C . Thomas . This lodge ' is in a high state of prosperity and efficiency . [ Several other lodge reports stand over till our next ]
CORNWALL . PovfEY . —Fowey Lodge ( No . 977 ) . —The annual banquet wag . held by the members of this lodge on Monday , the 3 rd inst ., at the Ship Hotel , Fowey , and the catering of the host ( Bro . Nurse ) as usual was highly satisfactory . Bro . "William Hicks was installed W . M . of the lodge for the ensuing year , the cerebeing most ablperformed by Brothe
RevJDHawksmony y . . . . ley , ' of Tywardreath ' Lodge , No . 1 , 151 , assisted by Bros . Dr . Treffry , Captain Sobey , and J . P . M . Davis , P . M . ' s . The W . M .. appointed the following brethren as his officers : —Bros . John Trnscott , S . W . ; John Slade , J . W . ; H . YT . Ikvrant , Treas . ; W . Tonkin , Sec .: Wellington , S . D . ; R . H . Treffry , J . D . ; T . W , Beale , I . G . -, and Nurse , Steward .
DEVONSHIRE . BARNSTAPLE . —Loyal Lodge ( No . 251 ) . —The brethren of this lodge celebrated the festival of St . John the Evangelist on Monday , the 3 rd inst . The lodge was close tyled at three o ' clock , p . m . ( for high twelve ) . The Master elect for the ensuing year Bro . E . J . Arnold , was ( Inly installed in pursuance of ancient constituted usage . The installing P . M . was Bro . J . R . Chanter assisted by six other P . M . ' s After the ceremony of installation
the W . M- proceeded to appoint his officers . Bro . C . S . Willshire was invested with the insignia of Immediate P . M . ; Bros . P . Syinons with that of S . W . ; J . Harper , J . W . ; J . Brewer , S . D . ; II . R . Williams , J . D . ; W . J . List , Treas . ; E . Gregory , jun ., Sec ; J . Hancock , Snpt . of Works ; W . Britton , I . G . ; and A . Baker and H . Gliddon , Tylers . At live o ' clock tho brethren retired from labour to refreshment , and partook of an excellent banquet provided for the occasion by Mrs . Marsh , o £ the Golden Lion Hotel .
liiazavai . —Lodge of True Love and Unity ( No . 248 ) . —This lodge met at the Masonic Hall , on the 17 th ult ., for the purpose of installing the W . M . elect and investing the officers . The lodge was opened iu the first and second degree when Bro . George Barry was duly installed , according to ancient form . Afterwards he invested his officers as follows : —Bros . Lamswood , S . W . ; Pedlar , J . W .: Cole , J . D . ; Trickey , S . D . ; P . M . Johnson , Sec ; Clark-e , Tyler . Subsequently the members of the Order supped together , when a very pieasant evening , full of charactiristic harmony , was spent .
DEVONI-ORI ' . —Lodge St Aubyn ( No . 954 ) . —The regular monthly lodge was held on Tuesday , the 11 th ult ., commencing at 7 p ; iii ., at which time the W . M . Bro . James Hawtbn took tho chair , Bro . II . P . Snn ' th , uciyg h ' . lV ., and Bro . Baxter , us J . W ., the minutes of the last lodge were read aud confirmed . Bro . Lakema i was raised to the sublime degree ofM . M . The ballot was taken for Bro . Quinn , of Zetland Lodge No . 525 , Hong Kongas a joining member of this lod which proved
unani-, ge , mous in his favour . The ballot was also taken for Mr . Arthur Henry ltenfrey as a candidate for initiation , this also proved unanimous in his favour , and he was afterwards initiated as an E . A . Mr . John Weary and Mr . Thomas Eastmay Gay , were proposed as candidates lor initiation at the next monthly meeting . The lodge was attended by a largo number of visiting brethren , among whom were : Bros . Elphinston , P . M . 202 ,
P . G . D . ; Harrington , 202 ; Philips , S . D . 202 ; Gilbert , 1 , 071 ; Crooks , 1 , 255 ; Ashworth , 158 ; Rumbcll , 15 S ; Hooper , 1 , 212 ; Taylor , 1 , 205 ; Knight , I . G . 230 ; Davies , -193 ; Rogers , 1 , 070 ; Trickett , W . M . 1 , 191 ; Sides , 914 Jamaica ; Tremaine , W . M ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . *& * All communications to be addressed to the EDITOR , at No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , VV . C .
MASONIC MEMS . WE have great pleasure to announce that Bro . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales has consented to preside at the coming festival of the Boys' School in March next . Wo have no doubt that this circumstance will tend materially to assist in increasing the number of Stewards and the amount of
contributions . MOKDAT , the 3 rd inst ., was one of distinction with the members of the Lodge Prince of Wales ( No . 959 ) , the occasion being the election as a joining member of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Past Grand Master of England ; His Royal Highness having expressed " the satisfaction it will give him to be enrolled as an
honorary member of the Lodge Piince of Wales ( No . 959 ) , of Free and Accepted Masons in the province of Suffolk . " THE brethren of the Hervey Lodge , No . 1260 , have , in cooperation with other lodges in the locality , resolved to petition for a warrant for a Royal Arch Chapter to he attached to their lodge . THE REV . MR . KERMODE has been appointed W . M . of the St . Maughold Lodge , at Ramsey , Isle of Man .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
JOHU LODGE ( NO . 185 ) . —This lodge met at the Albion Hotel , Aldersgate-streef , on Monday , the 3 rd inst ., Bro . II . M . Levy in the chair , iu the absence of Bro . Relph ; Bros . B . W . Aaron , W . M . elect ; P . Beyftis , L . H . Lyons , H . Harris , L . Alexander , C . llelpb , Diepraiheim , and E . P . Albert , a'l P . M . 's . Brethren from the Masters' Lodge of Israel , Tranquility , Montefiore , and numerous other brethren were present , as visitors . Pive gentlemen were initiatedand two brethren passed . The
, installation of Bro . Aaron , P . M ., then took place , and was very performed by Bro . Selig . The WM . appointed Bro . Lyons , P . M ., S . W . ; Al . Alexander , J . W . ; 11 . Sydney , SAX ; E . Hunt , J . D . ; 0 . Roberts , I . G . ; Berkowirtz , Chap . ; Abrahams , P . M ., Treas , ; E . Albert , P . M ., Hon . Sec ; "Woodstock , Tyler . The Secretary read the report of the Benevolent Fund attached to the lodge , above £ 97 G being in hand . A splendid banquet was
provided by Bro . Jennings , at which ninety-eight sat down . YA - RHOROTJGK LODGE ( NO . 531 ) . —This lodge met on Thursday , the Gth inst ., at the Green Dragon , . Stepney . There was a very numerous attendance of brethren , including all the present and past officers , there being twenty-one P . M . 's of tins and other lodges , which , with visitors , numbered above seventy . The W . M . initialed AL . John W . Tait , and passed Bro . W . J . Haven .
Pro . T . J . Barnes , S . W . and P . M . of the Doric Lodge was installed as W . M . for the ensuing year , and proceeded to appoint and invest his officers . The business concluded , the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet . I-IE . UV . EY i c ; .. " . "CO ) —An emergency meeting of this lodge was hc . d .... U ' . C . ¦ .-, y , ha 17 th inst ,, liro . G . Kiiig . jun ., W . M ., iu tho chili' -, supposed b y Bros . George King , S . W . ; William
P . II . Jones , J , W . ; Smith , CM ., as P . M . ; T . B . Ayslifbrd , Treas . ; W . Garner , Hon . See . ; J . Way as S . D . ; XV . Wigmore , J . D . ; E . Gamer , I . G . ; C . Thomas . T . C . Davidson , P . W . Agar , T . D . Tully , and others . "Visitors : —Bros . W . H . Andrews , P . M . of the Zetland Lodge , No . 51 . 1 , and A . Little , of Lodge Prosperity , No . G 5 . T'lie lodge was opened in due form at seven p . m . Two resignations w ere announced aud accepted . The lod ^ e was then opened on the square , and Bros . Mallyon and Agar were
Craft Masonry.
raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge was then resumed in the first degree , when the W . M . moved , in pursuance of notice of motion , given at last lodge meeting , " That a petition to the Supreme Grand Chapter of Koyal Arch Masons "be signed by the members of this lodge , duly qualified , praying that a warrant may be granted for the constitution and holding of a Koyal Arch chapter , to be named the Hervey Chapter . " It was seconded bthe S . W . and carried unanimously . The lodgo wag
y , then closed , and the brethren sat down to a modest but excellent supper , and the evening- was enlivened with some capital , singing and pianoforte recitals by Bro . C . Thomas . This lodge ' is in a high state of prosperity and efficiency . [ Several other lodge reports stand over till our next ]
CORNWALL . PovfEY . —Fowey Lodge ( No . 977 ) . —The annual banquet wag . held by the members of this lodge on Monday , the 3 rd inst ., at the Ship Hotel , Fowey , and the catering of the host ( Bro . Nurse ) as usual was highly satisfactory . Bro . "William Hicks was installed W . M . of the lodge for the ensuing year , the cerebeing most ablperformed by Brothe
RevJDHawksmony y . . . . ley , ' of Tywardreath ' Lodge , No . 1 , 151 , assisted by Bros . Dr . Treffry , Captain Sobey , and J . P . M . Davis , P . M . ' s . The W . M .. appointed the following brethren as his officers : —Bros . John Trnscott , S . W . ; John Slade , J . W . ; H . YT . Ikvrant , Treas . ; W . Tonkin , Sec .: Wellington , S . D . ; R . H . Treffry , J . D . ; T . W , Beale , I . G . -, and Nurse , Steward .
DEVONSHIRE . BARNSTAPLE . —Loyal Lodge ( No . 251 ) . —The brethren of this lodge celebrated the festival of St . John the Evangelist on Monday , the 3 rd inst . The lodge was close tyled at three o ' clock , p . m . ( for high twelve ) . The Master elect for the ensuing year Bro . E . J . Arnold , was ( Inly installed in pursuance of ancient constituted usage . The installing P . M . was Bro . J . R . Chanter assisted by six other P . M . ' s After the ceremony of installation
the W . M- proceeded to appoint his officers . Bro . C . S . Willshire was invested with the insignia of Immediate P . M . ; Bros . P . Syinons with that of S . W . ; J . Harper , J . W . ; J . Brewer , S . D . ; II . R . Williams , J . D . ; W . J . List , Treas . ; E . Gregory , jun ., Sec ; J . Hancock , Snpt . of Works ; W . Britton , I . G . ; and A . Baker and H . Gliddon , Tylers . At live o ' clock tho brethren retired from labour to refreshment , and partook of an excellent banquet provided for the occasion by Mrs . Marsh , o £ the Golden Lion Hotel .
liiazavai . —Lodge of True Love and Unity ( No . 248 ) . —This lodge met at the Masonic Hall , on the 17 th ult ., for the purpose of installing the W . M . elect and investing the officers . The lodge was opened iu the first and second degree when Bro . George Barry was duly installed , according to ancient form . Afterwards he invested his officers as follows : —Bros . Lamswood , S . W . ; Pedlar , J . W .: Cole , J . D . ; Trickey , S . D . ; P . M . Johnson , Sec ; Clark-e , Tyler . Subsequently the members of the Order supped together , when a very pieasant evening , full of charactiristic harmony , was spent .
DEVONI-ORI ' . —Lodge St Aubyn ( No . 954 ) . —The regular monthly lodge was held on Tuesday , the 11 th ult ., commencing at 7 p ; iii ., at which time the W . M . Bro . James Hawtbn took tho chair , Bro . II . P . Snn ' th , uciyg h ' . lV ., and Bro . Baxter , us J . W ., the minutes of the last lodge were read aud confirmed . Bro . Lakema i was raised to the sublime degree ofM . M . The ballot was taken for Bro . Quinn , of Zetland Lodge No . 525 , Hong Kongas a joining member of this lod which proved
unani-, ge , mous in his favour . The ballot was also taken for Mr . Arthur Henry ltenfrey as a candidate for initiation , this also proved unanimous in his favour , and he was afterwards initiated as an E . A . Mr . John Weary and Mr . Thomas Eastmay Gay , were proposed as candidates lor initiation at the next monthly meeting . The lodge was attended by a largo number of visiting brethren , among whom were : Bros . Elphinston , P . M . 202 ,
P . G . D . ; Harrington , 202 ; Philips , S . D . 202 ; Gilbert , 1 , 071 ; Crooks , 1 , 255 ; Ashworth , 158 ; Rumbcll , 15 S ; Hooper , 1 , 212 ; Taylor , 1 , 205 ; Knight , I . G . 230 ; Davies , -193 ; Rogers , 1 , 070 ; Trickett , W . M . 1 , 191 ; Sides , 914 Jamaica ; Tremaine , W . M ,