Article MASONIC JOTTINGS.—No. 3. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 1 of 3 →
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Masonic Jottings.—No. 3.
INDICATION 03 ? THE EXISTENCE OP SPECULATIVE MAS 0 NEY . The admission in the 17 th century of non-operative Masons into our lodges is deemed an indication of the existence of Speculative Masonry . Consider " Presfcons Illustrations , " p . 155 , and Bro . Pindel's
History , pages 120 and 134 . See also Bro . Hughan ' s recent letter , page 287 of the volume of the Freemasons' Magazine for the last half year .
THE & EEMAN THEOEY . According to the German theory the change in our freemasonry that occurred in the 17 th century , was brought about by intellectual and not by material causes .
THE ASHMOI / E THEOBY . There is not a word in " Preston ' s Illustrations " which favours the Ashmole theory , as stated in Chambers' "Conversations Lexicon . " ABEOAD AND AT HOME . Por ten years last past , the volumes of the
Freemasons' Magazine have shown weekly to all intelligent and observant readers , that the materials possessed by us for the history of our Masonry have long been used more largely and effectively abroad than at home .
DEPUTY GEAND HASTES MANNINGHAM ' S LETTEE . Bro . Hertzvoeld considers that this letter proves that before 1717 the now existing rituals were worked . THEOEIES . There should he preliminary disposal of existing
theories by the propounder of a new theory , which cannot be true unless those theories are untrue . A TEADITION . The tradition in I 7 l 7 , touching the flourishing state of our Preemasonry when Inigo Jones was what we now call Grand Master , is a sufficient historical basis for the Masonic author of 1870 .
A TEADITION . You may reject a tradition , although unable to show its untruth $ but you have no right to call upon another person to reject it . MYSTEEIES OE ANCIENT NATIONS .
The recent researches of Lobeck and others prove that the Unity of God was not taught in those mysries . We can now , therefore , affirm absolutely what ¦ hitherto we have affirmed conjecturally only—we can affirm absolutely that our Preemasonry could not in any way have formed part of the Mysteries of Ancient Nations .
HE who labours for mankind , without a care for himself , has already begun his immortality .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
MASONIC MUSIC . At page 31 allusion is made to the choir of Lodges Concord and Emulation , at Bombay , performing " the vocal part of the ritual at the meetings of both lodges . " This reminds me of a paragraph upon Masonic Music , which appeared at page 324 of the " Masonic Record
of Western India , " for December , 1867 , where the introduction of music , both vocal and instrumental , was looked upon as an improvement , it then goes on to say : — " W . Bro . Avron , AV . M . Lodge Emulation , has , with his usual zeal for the Orderintroduced Bro . Buchan ' s selections into hi 3
, lodge , and the visitors were agreeably surprised afc the last meeting to hear the soul-inspiring words of the Psalmist introduced into the third degree , accompanied by the able pianist , Bro . Horsfall . We believe it is the intention of Bro . Avron to ntroducetho whole of Bro . Buchan ' s beautiful selections into ibis lodge , and we trust that the other lodges will follow his good example . The brethren of the Masonic Glee Union have
undertaken to perforin the musical services on all occasions , and we doubt not , in a short time , nearly all the brethren who can sing will talte a lively interest and join in heartiness in praising God , whose all-seeing eyo is ever over us with guardian care through all our sojourning here below , and may He assist and bless us in our efforts to do so . " Prom the foregoing we perceive that our Bombay
brethren seem to have entered into the matter thoroughly , and to be keeping it up , and we may fairly augur their high prosperity , and that the stones added to their building will be especially remarkable for their quality . It is a grand thing for Masons to respect their lodge , to reverence the ceremonies conducted thereinand
, also to respect themselves . The " selections" alluded to were those made by Bro . Buchan for the St . John's Lodge , Glasgow , noticed in this Magazine of August 24 th , 1867 . —X . T . Z .
IIBERTY OE CONSCIENCE . Queen Elizabeth respected so highly the right of private judgment that any Protestant found attending a " conventicle" received the honour of forfeiting the freedom of the City . In June , 1567 , however , the Dissenters resolved to hold a general assembly . " As
they could obtain no private room large enough for their requirements , they engaged Plumbers' Hall for the day , under pretence of celebrating a wedding festival . The authorities , however , obtained information respecting the meeting , and the sheriff ' s officers broke into the hall , and carried off nearly one hundred men
and women in custody . " So much for toleration in the 16 th century . —PIOTTTS . EOMAN CATHOLICS AND ULTEAMONTANISTS . " All Papists are Eomau Catholics , but all Catholics who profess the religious faith of Borne are not Papists . " Long before the era of the
Reformationin fact , with the increase of papal usurpation—two parties grew up among the Eoman Catholics of Europe , property distinguishable as the national and the ultramontane . The former admitted the infallibility of the Pope , not per se , hut in conjunction with a council , and under certain conditions , while they
resisted the aggressions of the Papacy on the independence of states , and maintained the supremacy of temporal sovereigns in temporal matters within their own realms , notwithstanding all papal pretensions and usurpations to the contrary . Thus the lYationalists were Catholics , pure and simple , as regards religious
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Jottings.—No. 3.
INDICATION 03 ? THE EXISTENCE OP SPECULATIVE MAS 0 NEY . The admission in the 17 th century of non-operative Masons into our lodges is deemed an indication of the existence of Speculative Masonry . Consider " Presfcons Illustrations , " p . 155 , and Bro . Pindel's
History , pages 120 and 134 . See also Bro . Hughan ' s recent letter , page 287 of the volume of the Freemasons' Magazine for the last half year .
THE & EEMAN THEOEY . According to the German theory the change in our freemasonry that occurred in the 17 th century , was brought about by intellectual and not by material causes .
THE ASHMOI / E THEOBY . There is not a word in " Preston ' s Illustrations " which favours the Ashmole theory , as stated in Chambers' "Conversations Lexicon . " ABEOAD AND AT HOME . Por ten years last past , the volumes of the
Freemasons' Magazine have shown weekly to all intelligent and observant readers , that the materials possessed by us for the history of our Masonry have long been used more largely and effectively abroad than at home .
DEPUTY GEAND HASTES MANNINGHAM ' S LETTEE . Bro . Hertzvoeld considers that this letter proves that before 1717 the now existing rituals were worked . THEOEIES . There should he preliminary disposal of existing
theories by the propounder of a new theory , which cannot be true unless those theories are untrue . A TEADITION . The tradition in I 7 l 7 , touching the flourishing state of our Preemasonry when Inigo Jones was what we now call Grand Master , is a sufficient historical basis for the Masonic author of 1870 .
A TEADITION . You may reject a tradition , although unable to show its untruth $ but you have no right to call upon another person to reject it . MYSTEEIES OE ANCIENT NATIONS .
The recent researches of Lobeck and others prove that the Unity of God was not taught in those mysries . We can now , therefore , affirm absolutely what ¦ hitherto we have affirmed conjecturally only—we can affirm absolutely that our Preemasonry could not in any way have formed part of the Mysteries of Ancient Nations .
HE who labours for mankind , without a care for himself , has already begun his immortality .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
MASONIC MUSIC . At page 31 allusion is made to the choir of Lodges Concord and Emulation , at Bombay , performing " the vocal part of the ritual at the meetings of both lodges . " This reminds me of a paragraph upon Masonic Music , which appeared at page 324 of the " Masonic Record
of Western India , " for December , 1867 , where the introduction of music , both vocal and instrumental , was looked upon as an improvement , it then goes on to say : — " W . Bro . Avron , AV . M . Lodge Emulation , has , with his usual zeal for the Orderintroduced Bro . Buchan ' s selections into hi 3
, lodge , and the visitors were agreeably surprised afc the last meeting to hear the soul-inspiring words of the Psalmist introduced into the third degree , accompanied by the able pianist , Bro . Horsfall . We believe it is the intention of Bro . Avron to ntroducetho whole of Bro . Buchan ' s beautiful selections into ibis lodge , and we trust that the other lodges will follow his good example . The brethren of the Masonic Glee Union have
undertaken to perforin the musical services on all occasions , and we doubt not , in a short time , nearly all the brethren who can sing will talte a lively interest and join in heartiness in praising God , whose all-seeing eyo is ever over us with guardian care through all our sojourning here below , and may He assist and bless us in our efforts to do so . " Prom the foregoing we perceive that our Bombay
brethren seem to have entered into the matter thoroughly , and to be keeping it up , and we may fairly augur their high prosperity , and that the stones added to their building will be especially remarkable for their quality . It is a grand thing for Masons to respect their lodge , to reverence the ceremonies conducted thereinand
, also to respect themselves . The " selections" alluded to were those made by Bro . Buchan for the St . John's Lodge , Glasgow , noticed in this Magazine of August 24 th , 1867 . —X . T . Z .
IIBERTY OE CONSCIENCE . Queen Elizabeth respected so highly the right of private judgment that any Protestant found attending a " conventicle" received the honour of forfeiting the freedom of the City . In June , 1567 , however , the Dissenters resolved to hold a general assembly . " As
they could obtain no private room large enough for their requirements , they engaged Plumbers' Hall for the day , under pretence of celebrating a wedding festival . The authorities , however , obtained information respecting the meeting , and the sheriff ' s officers broke into the hall , and carried off nearly one hundred men
and women in custody . " So much for toleration in the 16 th century . —PIOTTTS . EOMAN CATHOLICS AND ULTEAMONTANISTS . " All Papists are Eomau Catholics , but all Catholics who profess the religious faith of Borne are not Papists . " Long before the era of the
Reformationin fact , with the increase of papal usurpation—two parties grew up among the Eoman Catholics of Europe , property distinguishable as the national and the ultramontane . The former admitted the infallibility of the Pope , not per se , hut in conjunction with a council , and under certain conditions , while they
resisted the aggressions of the Papacy on the independence of states , and maintained the supremacy of temporal sovereigns in temporal matters within their own realms , notwithstanding all papal pretensions and usurpations to the contrary . Thus the lYationalists were Catholics , pure and simple , as regards religious