Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Ancient And Accepted Rite.
fore it is not surprising that we have seen , and see Bro . Bannister active in tho Avorks of charity , the chief corner stone of Masonry in all degrees , but especially in this . Not only has he practised this virtue from his own means , as any brother might do out of his abundance ; but by attending lodges , advocating the charities Avherever he Avenfc . he was thus able to present a goodly subscription list for the Eoyal Benevolent Fund for Aged
Masons and their Widows ; and noAV is he going over the northern provinces trying to do as much for the Boys' and Girls ' Schools . It is needless brefchren for me to add more , but merely to give "The good Health and long Life , and Prosperity to our worthy M . AV . Sov ., Bro . Bannister . "—The M . AV . SOA \ responded in brief terms , saying that ifc Avas a great honour to have reached the position he now held in his mother chapter . This Avas the object of his ambition , and trusted ifc should be that of each
newly perfected brother . He Avould endeavour to conduct the ceremonies of this degree with the solemnity they required The next toasfc Avas " The newly Perfected S . P . R . «{< , Bro . Hammerbom . " He had no doubt from Bro . Hammerbom ' s antecedents , that he Avould be a strong acquisition to the Avorking brethren of this chapter ; he therefore at once put him in office , so that the chapter might obtain fche benefit of his services , —Bro . HAMMERBOMrespondedthanking the illustrious brother for
, , the honour conferred upon him that day , and trusted to be able to acquire a proper knowledge of his duties , so as to gradually earn himself that position noAV held by the M . AV . Sov . Other toasts folloAved , Avhen the brethren retired , at the close of a very agreeable evening , afc ten o ' clock .
Mark Masonry.
MALLET AND CHISEL LODGE ( NO . 5 ) . —This lodge met at the Three Tuns , Borough , on AVednesday , the 26 th of February , 1862 . Bros . J . AV . Figg , R . AV . M ., pro . tem . ; Binckes , S . AV . pro . tem . ; T . Peckering , J . AV . ; Goring , Conductor , pro . tem . Visitors Bros . Peter Matthews , Figg , Binckes , and Goring . The following brethren were also present : — Bros . Stephen HayAvorth , AVilliam Barrett , Gustavus Dremtia . NoahMartinand Tayler Catt Avere ballotted for as candidates
, , for advancement and duly elected . The before named brethren , being in attendance , Avere duly advanced by Bro . Figg , AVIIO Avorked fche ceremony Avifch great ease ancl elegance . Bro . Figg then installed Bro . Harris , as W . M ., for the current year . The W . M . appointed his oflicers as follows : —Bros . J . Pickering , S . W . ; Trebeck , J . AV . ; Hayworth , Master Overseer ; Barnett , Overseer ; Dremtia , Overseer ; A . Redgway , Treas . ; Thompson , Registrar ; J . Turner , Hon . Sec . The business of the evening
being over , the lodge Avas closed Avith solemn prayer . Bro . Harris presided at fche banquet , ancl after the usual toasts , Bro . Jesse Turner proposed " The Health of Bro . Binckes , G . Sec , Bro . Figg , and Bro . Goring , " and in doing so desired to express to them the gratitude of the lodge for their attendance , and thafc all the brethren who had taken office would copy the excellent Avorking of their visiting brethren . Masonry Avithout ' good Avorking descended into mere socialitand this must afc
y , all times be avoided , study the subjective in Masonry and AA-C should all find thafc it would purify the mind ancl ennoble the soul . Bro . Binckes replied and reciprocated the sentiments of Bro . Turner . The lodge broke up , after having spent a pleasant evening , uniting , the feast of reason ancl flow of soul . SOUTHWARK LODGE ( NO . 11 ) . —This flourishing lodge of Mark
Masters held their usual monthly meeting afc Bro . Stevens' , Eoyal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford , Kent , on Monday , March 3 rd . Bro . E . Slade , E . AV . M ., assisted by his officers , Bros . Weir , Walters , Murr , Collington , Pembroke , Stahr , and AVhite , opened the loclge . There Avere no candidates present for advancement , although there are many on the list . The business consisted of admitting two brothers , viz ., J . AV . Weir , P . M ., and J . R . Stevens , jun ., as joining members , and the R . W . M . appointed Bro . AValters , Sec . There being no banquet , the brethren parted Avhen the lodge Avas closed .
Herr Killer's " Catacombs , " a neAV opera , has been produced at Ayiesbaden , French and German papers assure us , Avith most brilliant success . They speak so highly of his new pianoforte concerto as to sharpen our curiosity respecting it , there having never been a moment afc Avhich a new concerto was more Avanted than now .
Public Amusements.
ADELPHI . Mr . Boucicaulfc has been induced to change altogether the character of his programme , and place on the boards a new drama , in five acts , under tbe title of " The Life of an Actress . " The contents of the piece scarcely justify its name . Ifc does however , contain the story of the introduction of a debutante to the stage . An old utility-man of a theatre , born an Italian
but speaking like a Frenchman , takes under his care Alolefc , a beggar-girl , Avhom the leading actress of his troupe had insulted . Iu tlie course of a twelvemonth she has so far advanced in her education , that she is fitted to appear on the stage for her patron ' s benefit in a version of " Les Horaces . " We are now introduced behind tbe scenes , and throAvn into the midst of the excitement produced by the various motives and cross-purposes , of all parties concerned in the important and impending event .
The rival of the dehdante paces the back of the stage in a state of almost frantic anxiety , and hears the unmistakeable signs of a great success . It is undeniably a hit , and she feels it , and confesses it . But there is treachery at Avork . A depraved " man about town'' gets Alolet into his poAver betAveen the scenes , and effects her abduction . The audience have accordingly to be dismissed . Bufc her protector gains a sufficient notion of the direction taken by the carriage of the seducer , ancl he is joined by a true lover of the girl and his friends in
the pursuit . Old Grimaldi ( such is the name ot her tosterfather ) forces a Avritten confession from the opulent villian , and her lover challenges him to a duel , Avhich takes place instantly , and the Avrong-doer is killed or Avonnded . So ends the fourth act . The fifth dates a year afterwards . The young actress has had an appearance afc Drury Lane , ancl succeeded . She is also privately married to Lord Arthur Shafton ( Mr . Billington ) , and even been presented to the Queen . But the mother of her
husband , a countess , arrives at the spot Avhere Lord Arthur and his friends are enjoying a pic-nic , and at once denounces the whole party as vagabonds , and heartless and interested tempters of a nobleman from the paths of rectitude . Grimaldi demands a private interview Avith the lady ; and having obtained it , recalls to her the days of her youth in Italy , Avhen she loved a Neapolitan duke , subsequently believed to have been assasinated in prison for a political offence . He himself is , of course ,
that duke . Claiming the right of an Italian noble to adopt a child to his house , he names Violet as his daughter , and thus makes her the equal of the son of the Countess . The latter is fain to be satisfied AA'ith that arrangement , ancl so the drama concludes . The morality of the piece , and the moral to be deduced as to the Life of an Actress , is somewhat questionable , notwithstanding tbe acting and the mounting Avas exceedingly good , ancl the scenery throughout artistic .
HAYMARKET . " The AAlfe ' s Portrait , " a very charming domestic drama , ivas produced ^ here on Monclay , and received by a ci-OAvded audience Avith tokens of unqualified approval . It is -written by Mr . AA'estland Marston , and is remarkable for the nervous vigour and polished elegance of its dialogue . The plot is slight , but its interest is unflaggingly sustained , and a thoroughly Avholesome
moral is Avorked out by agencies at once natural and effective . David Lindsay ( Mr . Howe ) , a poor teacher by vocation , is a man of severe classical tendencies , Avriting books , and epics , and tragedies , Avith an exclusive eye to posthumous renown , and disdaining to court popular favour by conforming to the taste of the day . The result is , that publishers and . managers reject his Avorks , and his income is limited to the 30 s . a Aveek Avhich he receives from his pupils . His Avife Clara ( Mrs . Charles Young )
having sad experience of the privations Avhich are consequently entailed upon the family—for they have tAvo children—earnestly desires that he should turn his talent to more profitable account , and makes no secret to him of her Avishes , Avith Avhich he obstinately refuses to comply . From this diversity of views it results that each grouudlessly suspects an alienation of affection on the part of the other , ancl this conviction has become so strong that they almost prepared to ive their mutual consent to a
seare g paration . Bufc the husband is suddenly called aAvay on a journey , and during his brief absence reflection brings him to a sense or his own shortcomings ; the wife hears of the loss of the steamer by which he was to have returned home , and the supposition ot his death awakens her to a full conviction of the depth of the affection by which they are still united . He has fortunately missed the boat , and , when he returns , love and confidence regain
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
fore it is not surprising that we have seen , and see Bro . Bannister active in tho Avorks of charity , the chief corner stone of Masonry in all degrees , but especially in this . Not only has he practised this virtue from his own means , as any brother might do out of his abundance ; but by attending lodges , advocating the charities Avherever he Avenfc . he was thus able to present a goodly subscription list for the Eoyal Benevolent Fund for Aged
Masons and their Widows ; and noAV is he going over the northern provinces trying to do as much for the Boys' and Girls ' Schools . It is needless brefchren for me to add more , but merely to give "The good Health and long Life , and Prosperity to our worthy M . AV . Sov ., Bro . Bannister . "—The M . AV . SOA \ responded in brief terms , saying that ifc Avas a great honour to have reached the position he now held in his mother chapter . This Avas the object of his ambition , and trusted ifc should be that of each
newly perfected brother . He Avould endeavour to conduct the ceremonies of this degree with the solemnity they required The next toasfc Avas " The newly Perfected S . P . R . «{< , Bro . Hammerbom . " He had no doubt from Bro . Hammerbom ' s antecedents , that he Avould be a strong acquisition to the Avorking brethren of this chapter ; he therefore at once put him in office , so that the chapter might obtain fche benefit of his services , —Bro . HAMMERBOMrespondedthanking the illustrious brother for
, , the honour conferred upon him that day , and trusted to be able to acquire a proper knowledge of his duties , so as to gradually earn himself that position noAV held by the M . AV . Sov . Other toasts folloAved , Avhen the brethren retired , at the close of a very agreeable evening , afc ten o ' clock .
Mark Masonry.
MALLET AND CHISEL LODGE ( NO . 5 ) . —This lodge met at the Three Tuns , Borough , on AVednesday , the 26 th of February , 1862 . Bros . J . AV . Figg , R . AV . M ., pro . tem . ; Binckes , S . AV . pro . tem . ; T . Peckering , J . AV . ; Goring , Conductor , pro . tem . Visitors Bros . Peter Matthews , Figg , Binckes , and Goring . The following brethren were also present : — Bros . Stephen HayAvorth , AVilliam Barrett , Gustavus Dremtia . NoahMartinand Tayler Catt Avere ballotted for as candidates
, , for advancement and duly elected . The before named brethren , being in attendance , Avere duly advanced by Bro . Figg , AVIIO Avorked fche ceremony Avifch great ease ancl elegance . Bro . Figg then installed Bro . Harris , as W . M ., for the current year . The W . M . appointed his oflicers as follows : —Bros . J . Pickering , S . W . ; Trebeck , J . AV . ; Hayworth , Master Overseer ; Barnett , Overseer ; Dremtia , Overseer ; A . Redgway , Treas . ; Thompson , Registrar ; J . Turner , Hon . Sec . The business of the evening
being over , the lodge Avas closed Avith solemn prayer . Bro . Harris presided at fche banquet , ancl after the usual toasts , Bro . Jesse Turner proposed " The Health of Bro . Binckes , G . Sec , Bro . Figg , and Bro . Goring , " and in doing so desired to express to them the gratitude of the lodge for their attendance , and thafc all the brethren who had taken office would copy the excellent Avorking of their visiting brethren . Masonry Avithout ' good Avorking descended into mere socialitand this must afc
y , all times be avoided , study the subjective in Masonry and AA-C should all find thafc it would purify the mind ancl ennoble the soul . Bro . Binckes replied and reciprocated the sentiments of Bro . Turner . The lodge broke up , after having spent a pleasant evening , uniting , the feast of reason ancl flow of soul . SOUTHWARK LODGE ( NO . 11 ) . —This flourishing lodge of Mark
Masters held their usual monthly meeting afc Bro . Stevens' , Eoyal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford , Kent , on Monday , March 3 rd . Bro . E . Slade , E . AV . M ., assisted by his officers , Bros . Weir , Walters , Murr , Collington , Pembroke , Stahr , and AVhite , opened the loclge . There Avere no candidates present for advancement , although there are many on the list . The business consisted of admitting two brothers , viz ., J . AV . Weir , P . M ., and J . R . Stevens , jun ., as joining members , and the R . W . M . appointed Bro . AValters , Sec . There being no banquet , the brethren parted Avhen the lodge Avas closed .
Herr Killer's " Catacombs , " a neAV opera , has been produced at Ayiesbaden , French and German papers assure us , Avith most brilliant success . They speak so highly of his new pianoforte concerto as to sharpen our curiosity respecting it , there having never been a moment afc Avhich a new concerto was more Avanted than now .
Public Amusements.
ADELPHI . Mr . Boucicaulfc has been induced to change altogether the character of his programme , and place on the boards a new drama , in five acts , under tbe title of " The Life of an Actress . " The contents of the piece scarcely justify its name . Ifc does however , contain the story of the introduction of a debutante to the stage . An old utility-man of a theatre , born an Italian
but speaking like a Frenchman , takes under his care Alolefc , a beggar-girl , Avhom the leading actress of his troupe had insulted . Iu tlie course of a twelvemonth she has so far advanced in her education , that she is fitted to appear on the stage for her patron ' s benefit in a version of " Les Horaces . " We are now introduced behind tbe scenes , and throAvn into the midst of the excitement produced by the various motives and cross-purposes , of all parties concerned in the important and impending event .
The rival of the dehdante paces the back of the stage in a state of almost frantic anxiety , and hears the unmistakeable signs of a great success . It is undeniably a hit , and she feels it , and confesses it . But there is treachery at Avork . A depraved " man about town'' gets Alolet into his poAver betAveen the scenes , and effects her abduction . The audience have accordingly to be dismissed . Bufc her protector gains a sufficient notion of the direction taken by the carriage of the seducer , ancl he is joined by a true lover of the girl and his friends in
the pursuit . Old Grimaldi ( such is the name ot her tosterfather ) forces a Avritten confession from the opulent villian , and her lover challenges him to a duel , Avhich takes place instantly , and the Avrong-doer is killed or Avonnded . So ends the fourth act . The fifth dates a year afterwards . The young actress has had an appearance afc Drury Lane , ancl succeeded . She is also privately married to Lord Arthur Shafton ( Mr . Billington ) , and even been presented to the Queen . But the mother of her
husband , a countess , arrives at the spot Avhere Lord Arthur and his friends are enjoying a pic-nic , and at once denounces the whole party as vagabonds , and heartless and interested tempters of a nobleman from the paths of rectitude . Grimaldi demands a private interview Avith the lady ; and having obtained it , recalls to her the days of her youth in Italy , Avhen she loved a Neapolitan duke , subsequently believed to have been assasinated in prison for a political offence . He himself is , of course ,
that duke . Claiming the right of an Italian noble to adopt a child to his house , he names Violet as his daughter , and thus makes her the equal of the son of the Countess . The latter is fain to be satisfied AA'ith that arrangement , ancl so the drama concludes . The morality of the piece , and the moral to be deduced as to the Life of an Actress , is somewhat questionable , notwithstanding tbe acting and the mounting Avas exceedingly good , ancl the scenery throughout artistic .
HAYMARKET . " The AAlfe ' s Portrait , " a very charming domestic drama , ivas produced ^ here on Monclay , and received by a ci-OAvded audience Avith tokens of unqualified approval . It is -written by Mr . AA'estland Marston , and is remarkable for the nervous vigour and polished elegance of its dialogue . The plot is slight , but its interest is unflaggingly sustained , and a thoroughly Avholesome
moral is Avorked out by agencies at once natural and effective . David Lindsay ( Mr . Howe ) , a poor teacher by vocation , is a man of severe classical tendencies , Avriting books , and epics , and tragedies , Avith an exclusive eye to posthumous renown , and disdaining to court popular favour by conforming to the taste of the day . The result is , that publishers and . managers reject his Avorks , and his income is limited to the 30 s . a Aveek Avhich he receives from his pupils . His Avife Clara ( Mrs . Charles Young )
having sad experience of the privations Avhich are consequently entailed upon the family—for they have tAvo children—earnestly desires that he should turn his talent to more profitable account , and makes no secret to him of her Avishes , Avith Avhich he obstinately refuses to comply . From this diversity of views it results that each grouudlessly suspects an alienation of affection on the part of the other , ancl this conviction has become so strong that they almost prepared to ive their mutual consent to a
seare g paration . Bufc the husband is suddenly called aAvay on a journey , and during his brief absence reflection brings him to a sense or his own shortcomings ; the wife hears of the loss of the steamer by which he was to have returned home , and the supposition ot his death awakens her to a full conviction of the depth of the affection by which they are still united . He has fortunately missed the boat , and , when he returns , love and confidence regain