Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article INDIA. Page 1 of 2 →
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Pearce , P . D . Prov . G . M ,, " than whom , he observed , no man was more respected in the province of Dorset . ' Bro . T . PEARCE acknowledged the cordial manner in Avhich his name had been received , and , in the course of a very able speech , remarked that it afforded him sincere pleasure to be present on this occasion , that real Masonry Avould always claim his best services , but that other claims on his time precluded him from visiting the lod so frequently as he could
ge ¦ wish . " The Health of Bro . the Rev . W . M . Heath , Provincial Grand Chaplain , " was then proposed , and received in a truly Masonic manner . In responding , the rev . brother , in a most appropriate and pleasing manner , remarked that Freemasonry was the handmaid of Christianity . The toasts concluded with that of " The
Ladies , " and the customary parting toast among Masons . The evening was spent in a most harmonious manner , the toasts being interspersed with Masonic songs , and repeated expressions of mutual good feeling being given .
DURHAM . HARTLEPOOL . —St . Helen ' s Lodge ( No . 531 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 6 th inst ., in the Masonic Hall , under the able presidency of the W . M ., Bro . Dr . G . Moore , P . Prov . J . G . W . The business of the evening was to pass Bro . Windrop , and to raise Bro . Ross , both of which ceremonies were performed by the W . M . in a very impressive
manner , assisted by Bros . A . Nathan , S . W . ; W . J . Siveright , J . W . ; Stonier Leigh , Sec ; and L . M . Hill , as Deacons . There was a good attendance of the brethren , among whom were Bros . Jas . Groves , I . P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . B . ; Simpson Armstrong , P . iAf . and Treas . ; and B . R . Huntley , P . M .
Royal Arch.
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEAVCASTLE-ON-TrNE . —Chapter de Sussex ( So . 406 ) . —The convocation of this chapter was held on Friday , the 7 th inst ., presided over by the following Principals : —Comps . Anthony Clapham , M . E . Z . ; Robert Smaile , II . ; Henry Hotham , P . Z ., J . Tin ' s being the meeting for the installation of officers for the ¦ ensuing year , the companions elected at last chapter were duly
installed in their respective chairs by M . E . P . Z . Anthony Clapham : —Comps . Robert Smaile , M . E . Z . ; Henry Hotham , P . Z ., as H . ; Jens Jensen , J . The M . E . Z . then invested the following officers : —Comps . T . T . Strachan , E . ; J . H . Thompson , N . ; A \ m . Foulsham , P . S . In addition to a good muster of the members , the chapter was honoured by the attendance of several visitors from chapters in the province and neighbourhood . After the business was concluded , the companions retired to refreshment , when the evening was spent in love and harmony .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . THE SOUTHAVARK LODGE ( NO . 11 , S . C . )—The regular meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on Monday , the 3 rd inst ., at the Green Man Tavern , Tooley-street , Southwark . In the unavoidable absence of Bro . " 0 . H . Murr , R . W . M ., Bro . H . A . Collington , P . R . W . M ., presided . He was supported by Bros . A . P . Leonard , D . R . AV . M . ; F . J . Lilley , S . W . ; A . Avery , J . W . ;
A . D . Loewenstark , P . R . W . M . Treas . ; P . Walters , Sec ; J . C . Gooddy , R . of M . ; E . Harris , M . O . ; R . Welsford , S . O . ; J . L . Vallentin , J . O . ; M . A , Loewenstark , Conductor ; G . Morris , S . D . ; A . p . Stedman , J . D . ; J . Rosenstock , T . K . ; AV . C . Fames , C . A . Cathie , J . Brookhouse , G . E . Lane , B . AVorthington , W . H . Jarvis , and many others . The visitors were Bros . C . A . Cottebrune , P . R . W . M . 8 ; Watts , J . W . S ; T . 'N . Moore , 11 ; Fames 11 and others . Ballots wtre taken for two
candi-, , dates , and declared to bejinanimous in favour of their admission . Bro . Frank Besant , 382 , being in attendance , was regularly advanced to this ancient and honourable degree . The ceremony was well rendered . Bro . C . A . Cottebrune gave the legend of this degree . A donation was unanimously voted to the Girls ' School . After business the brethren partook of the banquet .
( From tlie Indian Freemasons' Friend . ) CALCUTTA . LODGE MARINE ( NO . 232 ) . —An extraordinary meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall on Monday , the 23 rd January , Bro . F . F . Wyman presiding . The W . M . having stated to the brethren that tb . e reason on account of which the lodge had been virtually put in abeyance having been removed ,
by the decease of Bro . Evans , P . M ., ho had been desired to take measures to reopen the lodge ; and they had accordingly been summoned together , at the wish of the Permanent Committee , to decide finally as to the reopening of the lodge ; and , if this were agreed to , to elect a Master to rule over them for the current year . He ( the W . M . ) would be glad to see the lodge resume operations for two reasons ; first , because there now existed no obstacle . to Lodge Marine taking its place , as of
old , among the strongest and most worthy lodges of Calcutta ; and , secondly , because a revival of the lodge would incontestably prove that the members had been unanimous in opinion that the late ruling of the Prov . G . M . was incompatible with the existence of the lodge under the then state of things . The votes of the brethren present having been taken , and it having been stated also by members present that other members , then absent , were desirous of rejoining the lodge , it
was resolved that this meeting be considered as the firstmeeting of the revival of the lodge , and that henceforth the meetings be regularly held . The brethren having then proceeded to ballot for a Master and Treasurer , the choice fell unanimously upon Bro . Gowenloch , S . AV ., as Master , and Bro . Gordon as Treasurer . The AV . M ., in conclusion , said it now only remained for each member to strive his utmost to raise the lodge to a high point of efficiency , and he was sure a few months hence would find this lodge in a far different position .
DUM DUM . LODGE SAINT LUKE ( NO . S 48 ) . —A special emergent meeting of this lodge was holden at the Rooms , Hospital Gate , Fort William , on Wednesday , the IStii of January . Bro . John William Brown , P . D . Prov . G . M . of Bengal , and Honorary P . M . of the lodge , presided , and inducted Bro . Powell , the Master elect , into the Eastern Chair . The following brethren
were appointed to office for the ensuing year .- —Bros . Rosamond , S . AV . ; Hodnett , J . W . ; Merriot , S . D . ; Hopkinson , J . D . ; Magill , Sec ; Rosamond , Treas . ; Lamb , I . G . ; Old , Tyler . Messrs . Thornton and Hall were accepted by ballot as candidates , for initiation . Bros . Magill and Smith were raised to the M . M . degree by the W . M . of the lodge . Bro . Smith , a member of Lodge Saint John ( No . 486 ) , was raised with the authority
of the W . M . of his lodge . LODGE OP INDUSTRY AND PERSEA ^ ERANCE ( N . 109 ) . —A regular meeting was holden on Friday , the 20 th of January Present : —Bros . Fenn , AV . M ., presiding ; John William Brown ,. P . D . Prov . G . M . of Bengal , and honorary P . M . of the lodge ; C . T . Davis , P . M . ; Abbott , Principal S . G . W . ; Mathews , S . AV . ; Blanford , as J . AV . ; Duff , as S . D . ; Curtoys , as J . D . ; Baxter , Sec . and Treas ; Hopkinson , as I . G . ; D . J . Daniel , Tyler .
Bro . Abbott having expressed his wish to rejoin the lodge , was accepted by acclamation . This worthy brother was initiated in the lodge twenty years ago . —Another regular meeting was holden at Freemasons' Hall , Cossitollah , on Friday , the 3 rd February . Present : —Bros . Fenn , W . M . ; C . X . Davis , P . M . ; John William Brown , P . D . Prov . G . M . of Bengal and honorary P . M . ; Dr . Powell , Honorary Member ; R . T . Callan ; J . II . MathewsS . W . ; R . T . LatteyJ . W . ; II . F . BlanfordS . D . ;
, , , II . H . Locke , J . D . ; Baxter , Sec and Treas . ; A . M . Merviott , I . G . ; D . J . Daniel , Tyler . Bro . W . P . Duff , of Lodge 67 , and Pro . A . Stewart , of Lodge S 25 , were accepted hy ballot as joining members . Bro . Baxter , Avas instructed to send Bro . T . Dickson . I . P . M . of the lodge , an extract from a letter from Europe , from Bro . Dr . John Smith , P . M ., intimating that a model of a centenary medal , which had been sent to Bro .
Dickson , by Bro . Smith , from London , was intended for the approval of the brethren of the lodge . LODGE COURAGE AVITH HUMANITY ( NO . 392 ) . —A regular meeting was holden on Thursday , the 2 Gth day of January . Present : —Bros . Linton , P . M ., presiding ; John William Brown , P . D . Prov . G . M . of Bengal , and honorary P . M . of the lodge ; W . Williams , S . W . ; D . G . Liebenhals , J . AV . ; Charles E .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Pearce , P . D . Prov . G . M ,, " than whom , he observed , no man was more respected in the province of Dorset . ' Bro . T . PEARCE acknowledged the cordial manner in Avhich his name had been received , and , in the course of a very able speech , remarked that it afforded him sincere pleasure to be present on this occasion , that real Masonry Avould always claim his best services , but that other claims on his time precluded him from visiting the lod so frequently as he could
ge ¦ wish . " The Health of Bro . the Rev . W . M . Heath , Provincial Grand Chaplain , " was then proposed , and received in a truly Masonic manner . In responding , the rev . brother , in a most appropriate and pleasing manner , remarked that Freemasonry was the handmaid of Christianity . The toasts concluded with that of " The
Ladies , " and the customary parting toast among Masons . The evening was spent in a most harmonious manner , the toasts being interspersed with Masonic songs , and repeated expressions of mutual good feeling being given .
DURHAM . HARTLEPOOL . —St . Helen ' s Lodge ( No . 531 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 6 th inst ., in the Masonic Hall , under the able presidency of the W . M ., Bro . Dr . G . Moore , P . Prov . J . G . W . The business of the evening was to pass Bro . Windrop , and to raise Bro . Ross , both of which ceremonies were performed by the W . M . in a very impressive
manner , assisted by Bros . A . Nathan , S . W . ; W . J . Siveright , J . W . ; Stonier Leigh , Sec ; and L . M . Hill , as Deacons . There was a good attendance of the brethren , among whom were Bros . Jas . Groves , I . P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . B . ; Simpson Armstrong , P . iAf . and Treas . ; and B . R . Huntley , P . M .
Royal Arch.
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEAVCASTLE-ON-TrNE . —Chapter de Sussex ( So . 406 ) . —The convocation of this chapter was held on Friday , the 7 th inst ., presided over by the following Principals : —Comps . Anthony Clapham , M . E . Z . ; Robert Smaile , II . ; Henry Hotham , P . Z ., J . Tin ' s being the meeting for the installation of officers for the ¦ ensuing year , the companions elected at last chapter were duly
installed in their respective chairs by M . E . P . Z . Anthony Clapham : —Comps . Robert Smaile , M . E . Z . ; Henry Hotham , P . Z ., as H . ; Jens Jensen , J . The M . E . Z . then invested the following officers : —Comps . T . T . Strachan , E . ; J . H . Thompson , N . ; A \ m . Foulsham , P . S . In addition to a good muster of the members , the chapter was honoured by the attendance of several visitors from chapters in the province and neighbourhood . After the business was concluded , the companions retired to refreshment , when the evening was spent in love and harmony .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . THE SOUTHAVARK LODGE ( NO . 11 , S . C . )—The regular meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on Monday , the 3 rd inst ., at the Green Man Tavern , Tooley-street , Southwark . In the unavoidable absence of Bro . " 0 . H . Murr , R . W . M ., Bro . H . A . Collington , P . R . W . M ., presided . He was supported by Bros . A . P . Leonard , D . R . AV . M . ; F . J . Lilley , S . W . ; A . Avery , J . W . ;
A . D . Loewenstark , P . R . W . M . Treas . ; P . Walters , Sec ; J . C . Gooddy , R . of M . ; E . Harris , M . O . ; R . Welsford , S . O . ; J . L . Vallentin , J . O . ; M . A , Loewenstark , Conductor ; G . Morris , S . D . ; A . p . Stedman , J . D . ; J . Rosenstock , T . K . ; AV . C . Fames , C . A . Cathie , J . Brookhouse , G . E . Lane , B . AVorthington , W . H . Jarvis , and many others . The visitors were Bros . C . A . Cottebrune , P . R . W . M . 8 ; Watts , J . W . S ; T . 'N . Moore , 11 ; Fames 11 and others . Ballots wtre taken for two
candi-, , dates , and declared to bejinanimous in favour of their admission . Bro . Frank Besant , 382 , being in attendance , was regularly advanced to this ancient and honourable degree . The ceremony was well rendered . Bro . C . A . Cottebrune gave the legend of this degree . A donation was unanimously voted to the Girls ' School . After business the brethren partook of the banquet .
( From tlie Indian Freemasons' Friend . ) CALCUTTA . LODGE MARINE ( NO . 232 ) . —An extraordinary meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall on Monday , the 23 rd January , Bro . F . F . Wyman presiding . The W . M . having stated to the brethren that tb . e reason on account of which the lodge had been virtually put in abeyance having been removed ,
by the decease of Bro . Evans , P . M ., ho had been desired to take measures to reopen the lodge ; and they had accordingly been summoned together , at the wish of the Permanent Committee , to decide finally as to the reopening of the lodge ; and , if this were agreed to , to elect a Master to rule over them for the current year . He ( the W . M . ) would be glad to see the lodge resume operations for two reasons ; first , because there now existed no obstacle . to Lodge Marine taking its place , as of
old , among the strongest and most worthy lodges of Calcutta ; and , secondly , because a revival of the lodge would incontestably prove that the members had been unanimous in opinion that the late ruling of the Prov . G . M . was incompatible with the existence of the lodge under the then state of things . The votes of the brethren present having been taken , and it having been stated also by members present that other members , then absent , were desirous of rejoining the lodge , it
was resolved that this meeting be considered as the firstmeeting of the revival of the lodge , and that henceforth the meetings be regularly held . The brethren having then proceeded to ballot for a Master and Treasurer , the choice fell unanimously upon Bro . Gowenloch , S . AV ., as Master , and Bro . Gordon as Treasurer . The AV . M ., in conclusion , said it now only remained for each member to strive his utmost to raise the lodge to a high point of efficiency , and he was sure a few months hence would find this lodge in a far different position .
DUM DUM . LODGE SAINT LUKE ( NO . S 48 ) . —A special emergent meeting of this lodge was holden at the Rooms , Hospital Gate , Fort William , on Wednesday , the IStii of January . Bro . John William Brown , P . D . Prov . G . M . of Bengal , and Honorary P . M . of the lodge , presided , and inducted Bro . Powell , the Master elect , into the Eastern Chair . The following brethren
were appointed to office for the ensuing year .- —Bros . Rosamond , S . AV . ; Hodnett , J . W . ; Merriot , S . D . ; Hopkinson , J . D . ; Magill , Sec ; Rosamond , Treas . ; Lamb , I . G . ; Old , Tyler . Messrs . Thornton and Hall were accepted by ballot as candidates , for initiation . Bros . Magill and Smith were raised to the M . M . degree by the W . M . of the lodge . Bro . Smith , a member of Lodge Saint John ( No . 486 ) , was raised with the authority
of the W . M . of his lodge . LODGE OP INDUSTRY AND PERSEA ^ ERANCE ( N . 109 ) . —A regular meeting was holden on Friday , the 20 th of January Present : —Bros . Fenn , AV . M ., presiding ; John William Brown ,. P . D . Prov . G . M . of Bengal , and honorary P . M . of the lodge ; C . T . Davis , P . M . ; Abbott , Principal S . G . W . ; Mathews , S . AV . ; Blanford , as J . AV . ; Duff , as S . D . ; Curtoys , as J . D . ; Baxter , Sec . and Treas ; Hopkinson , as I . G . ; D . J . Daniel , Tyler .
Bro . Abbott having expressed his wish to rejoin the lodge , was accepted by acclamation . This worthy brother was initiated in the lodge twenty years ago . —Another regular meeting was holden at Freemasons' Hall , Cossitollah , on Friday , the 3 rd February . Present : —Bros . Fenn , W . M . ; C . X . Davis , P . M . ; John William Brown , P . D . Prov . G . M . of Bengal and honorary P . M . ; Dr . Powell , Honorary Member ; R . T . Callan ; J . II . MathewsS . W . ; R . T . LatteyJ . W . ; II . F . BlanfordS . D . ;
, , , II . H . Locke , J . D . ; Baxter , Sec and Treas . ; A . M . Merviott , I . G . ; D . J . Daniel , Tyler . Bro . W . P . Duff , of Lodge 67 , and Pro . A . Stewart , of Lodge S 25 , were accepted hy ballot as joining members . Bro . Baxter , Avas instructed to send Bro . T . Dickson . I . P . M . of the lodge , an extract from a letter from Europe , from Bro . Dr . John Smith , P . M ., intimating that a model of a centenary medal , which had been sent to Bro .
Dickson , by Bro . Smith , from London , was intended for the approval of the brethren of the lodge . LODGE COURAGE AVITH HUMANITY ( NO . 392 ) . —A regular meeting was holden on Thursday , the 2 Gth day of January . Present : —Bros . Linton , P . M ., presiding ; John William Brown , P . D . Prov . G . M . of Bengal , and honorary P . M . of the lodge ; W . Williams , S . W . ; D . G . Liebenhals , J . AV . ; Charles E .