Article MASONRY IN CHINA. ← Page 5 of 6 →
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Masonry In China.
cumstance in the ritual Avhich reminds us of the Catilinian mode of administering an oath . A Cantonese groom some time since described to me the ceremonial in a Triad lodge , of which his elder brother Avas chief principal or Master , and
within which he one night , in much trepidation , contrived to secrete himself . The-candidate Avas introduced naked , or nearly so ( the room having previously been darkened ) and was marched at the head of a procession of the members to the
head of the lodge where the Master Avas seated . Here he Avas forced on his knees , and a knife placed in his hands , while two assistants or Wardens held crossed swords over his head . The oath was then administered , Avhich , so far as my informant Avas able to catch its tenor , bound the candidate to support his neAvly-found brethren through
good and evil , to know neither father nor mother , Avife nor child , so long as the interests of the Order might be at stake , to relieve distressed Triads , to succour them should they fall into the hands of justice , and finally , to be ever
ready to plunge a knife into the breast of a treacherous brother . While still kneeling a cock was placed in his left hand , and he Avas directed to cut oft its head . The blood was collected in a common rice boAvl , and the Master , the
assistants , and the candidate having each pricked an arm and alloAved a few drops to trickle into the boAvl , the mixture was drank by the four in succession . The signs I have not been able to discover . My informant either could not or Avould not reveal them , but they are said to be extremely -complex .
Such is the ceremonial , so far as I have been able to discover its nature . Such also is the character and objects of the society . It will readily be understood that in applying the Avord " Masonry" to these associations , I have merely
g iven a convenient name to what otherAvise could not have been expressed except by a clumsy periphrasis , and that I am fully aAvare of the fact that neither in its origin nor in its objects does Chinese Masonry at all resemble the brotherhood to which
• we belong . There is an interesting ceremony which is frequently performed by two or more Chinese , who desire to testify in the fullest' manner the confidence and friendship existing betAveen them . This
is known as the rite of Pai hsuing ti , or " Invocation of Brotherhood , " and is practised by high officials and others whose position places them
above all suspicion of rebellious motives . Indeed , it is fully recognised as an institution of the country , and has never been mentioned except with well-merited approval . A lucky day having been selected , a table , if possible , richly decorated ,
is placed in a convenient position , and an image of the god Kuang Fu tzu , who presides over friendship , is seated upon it . When an image is not obtainable , a small tablet having inscribed upon it some sentence from the classics ,
illustrative of the power and beauty of friendship , is substituted as a symbol of the god . A bundle of scented "joss-stick" is then lighted and supported in an upright position by being plunged into a deep bowl of uncooked rice , which stands in the centre of the table . Two red candles
are lighted and placed on either side of the jossstick , and a carpet is laid on the ground before the altar . The preparations are then complete . Meanwhile , each party has written a document containing his OAvn name , that of his father , mother , and
brothers , and the place of his abode . These are put on the altai * , and the ceremony commences . Each , arrayed in his best robes , stands before the paper prepared by the other , and thrice kneels reverently down , touching the ground each time
with his forehead . They then stand up , take their papers , and present them one to the other , each raising that presented to him to his forehead , and
bowing profoundly to the other . The ceremony is then over , and the friends of both parties Avho may be present congratulate and salute the neAvly-made brethren . The prostrations before the papers signify that each Avorships the ancestors of the other ,
and the subsequent exchange shoAVS that both are adopted into one family , and are in consequence brothers . No secrecy is observed during any part of the ceremony . Men thus united are entitled to call upon one another for any of the services which
might be expected from brothers of the same family , They are supposed to have no divided interests , but , in a word , are bound by a compact as strong as is that of Free and Accepted Masonry .
It is needless to say that , with the general decay of all social institutions in China , this ceremony of Pai hsiuncj ti has lost the solemnity and rigor which characterised its obligations . I should , perhaps , mention that the presence of the image
of the god , or of a tablet representing him , does not involve the idea of a special act of worship paid to him . He represents the spirit of friendship , and gives his sanction to the proceedings
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Masonry In China.
cumstance in the ritual Avhich reminds us of the Catilinian mode of administering an oath . A Cantonese groom some time since described to me the ceremonial in a Triad lodge , of which his elder brother Avas chief principal or Master , and
within which he one night , in much trepidation , contrived to secrete himself . The-candidate Avas introduced naked , or nearly so ( the room having previously been darkened ) and was marched at the head of a procession of the members to the
head of the lodge where the Master Avas seated . Here he Avas forced on his knees , and a knife placed in his hands , while two assistants or Wardens held crossed swords over his head . The oath was then administered , Avhich , so far as my informant Avas able to catch its tenor , bound the candidate to support his neAvly-found brethren through
good and evil , to know neither father nor mother , Avife nor child , so long as the interests of the Order might be at stake , to relieve distressed Triads , to succour them should they fall into the hands of justice , and finally , to be ever
ready to plunge a knife into the breast of a treacherous brother . While still kneeling a cock was placed in his left hand , and he Avas directed to cut oft its head . The blood was collected in a common rice boAvl , and the Master , the
assistants , and the candidate having each pricked an arm and alloAved a few drops to trickle into the boAvl , the mixture was drank by the four in succession . The signs I have not been able to discover . My informant either could not or Avould not reveal them , but they are said to be extremely -complex .
Such is the ceremonial , so far as I have been able to discover its nature . Such also is the character and objects of the society . It will readily be understood that in applying the Avord " Masonry" to these associations , I have merely
g iven a convenient name to what otherAvise could not have been expressed except by a clumsy periphrasis , and that I am fully aAvare of the fact that neither in its origin nor in its objects does Chinese Masonry at all resemble the brotherhood to which
• we belong . There is an interesting ceremony which is frequently performed by two or more Chinese , who desire to testify in the fullest' manner the confidence and friendship existing betAveen them . This
is known as the rite of Pai hsuing ti , or " Invocation of Brotherhood , " and is practised by high officials and others whose position places them
above all suspicion of rebellious motives . Indeed , it is fully recognised as an institution of the country , and has never been mentioned except with well-merited approval . A lucky day having been selected , a table , if possible , richly decorated ,
is placed in a convenient position , and an image of the god Kuang Fu tzu , who presides over friendship , is seated upon it . When an image is not obtainable , a small tablet having inscribed upon it some sentence from the classics ,
illustrative of the power and beauty of friendship , is substituted as a symbol of the god . A bundle of scented "joss-stick" is then lighted and supported in an upright position by being plunged into a deep bowl of uncooked rice , which stands in the centre of the table . Two red candles
are lighted and placed on either side of the jossstick , and a carpet is laid on the ground before the altar . The preparations are then complete . Meanwhile , each party has written a document containing his OAvn name , that of his father , mother , and
brothers , and the place of his abode . These are put on the altai * , and the ceremony commences . Each , arrayed in his best robes , stands before the paper prepared by the other , and thrice kneels reverently down , touching the ground each time
with his forehead . They then stand up , take their papers , and present them one to the other , each raising that presented to him to his forehead , and
bowing profoundly to the other . The ceremony is then over , and the friends of both parties Avho may be present congratulate and salute the neAvly-made brethren . The prostrations before the papers signify that each Avorships the ancestors of the other ,
and the subsequent exchange shoAVS that both are adopted into one family , and are in consequence brothers . No secrecy is observed during any part of the ceremony . Men thus united are entitled to call upon one another for any of the services which
might be expected from brothers of the same family , They are supposed to have no divided interests , but , in a word , are bound by a compact as strong as is that of Free and Accepted Masonry .
It is needless to say that , with the general decay of all social institutions in China , this ceremony of Pai hsiuncj ti has lost the solemnity and rigor which characterised its obligations . I should , perhaps , mention that the presence of the image
of the god , or of a tablet representing him , does not involve the idea of a special act of worship paid to him . He represents the spirit of friendship , and gives his sanction to the proceedings