Article MASONRY IN CHINA. ← Page 6 of 6 Article PROGRESS OF FREEMASONRY IN INDIA. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonry In China.
The Chinese appear to look AA'ith no apprehension on the periodical gatherings of European Masons , and this , although in Shanghai there are no less than three lodges working under the English Constitution , one under the American , and one
under the Scotch , to say nothing . of a Royal Arch chapter and an encampment of Kni ghts Templar . The principles of the Craft are , of course , unknown to the natives , and the lodge ritual must . necessarily be an object of intense curiosity to them .
But they give us credit for pure motives , and for an enlightened ceremonial , and on no occasion have any suspicions been expressed of there being a political or other unAA orthy element in Western Masonry .
Before closing this paper , I must state my belief that amongst the Chinese there is not the sli ghtest trace of Avhat Ave understand by Freemasonry . The only grounds upon which the contrary opinion is supported are—that Masonic signs have been
given by Chinese , and that an expression commonly used to denote Right , Justice , & c , is , Avhen literally translated , "In accordance with the compasses and square . " But , even excluding the supposition that some of the Triad signs may be
the same as those by which , in combination with other elements , Masons are known to one another , anyone who has advanced to the higher degrees will agree with me that a sign inadvertentl y given , and unsupported by other evidence , does not afford the faintest proof of participation in Masonic
mysteries . The second ground is also easily disposed of . The Chinese language is but sparely furnished Avith characters to represent abstract ideas , and , accordingly , as the position of a point on a plane is denoted hy the intersection of tAVo
co-ordinates , so an abstract idea is frequently rendered in Chinese by the combination of tAvo ideas which have in common that abstract idea which it is required to denote . Thus , the idea of order and regularity which is conveyed by both
square and compasses , is the idea conveyed by the combination of the two characters Avhich represent these instruments , but the separate ideas are . completely lost before the complex expression formed by their union is applied to the elucidation of ethical science .
EAT , digest ; read , remember ; earn , save ; love , and be loved . If these four rules he strictly followed , health , wealth , intelligence and true happiness will he the result . Try it , every one , wring the new year .
Progress Of Freemasonry In India.
The progress of Masonry in this province ( Bombay ) during the past twelve months has been very great , and the numerous initiations that have taken place is sufficient evidence of the beneficial tendency of the Order . Since the happy termination of the misunderstanding between the two
Provincial Grand Lodges in Bombay all has been peace , love , and harmony . The two Provincial Grand Masters met together both in lodge and in the ball room , and the mutual interchange of visits of brethren of both banners has been frequent and reciprocal . Though Ave have not had a
procession on St . John ' s Day to afford the brethren of the English and Scotch lodges the pleasure of fraternising and marching together to church , yet an opportunity will very soon offer for all Masons in Bombay to meet and assist in the ceremony of laying the foundation-stone of the Masonic Temple
which is about to be erected hy the brethren of ' Lodge Rising Star , at Byculla . The annual election of Masters in the differ eat lodges took place in January . The retiring Masters were duly complimented on vacating the chair ,, and their places have been filled by brethren whohave expressed their determination to follow in the footsteps of their predecessors , and to do as much good .
Where all have done so Avell , it would be invidious to draw any distinction ; but Ave cannot refrain from noticing here a novel and interestinofeature in Masonry which has occurred this year in Bombay , viz ., the election of Bro . T . Diver , as Worshipful Master of two lodges . This can only be attributed to the
popularity that Bro . Diver had attained during his year of office as W . M . of Lodge Concord . The efficient and scrupulous performance of his arduous duties—his unshaken fidelity and perseverance , his kindness of heart and urbanity of mannerthe strenuous efforts
he-, had made for the good of Masonry—all tended to obtain for him the respect and attachment of the brethren , not only of his OATO lodge , who unanimously re-elected him , but the brethren of Lodge St . George , of which he is also a member , elected him as their Master .
Two new lodges have been opened in the province during the year—the Alexandra , at Jubbulpore , under the English Constitution , and Faith ,, at Mooltan , under the Scotch Constitution . The Prov . G . Master of Western India under Scotland paid official visits to Lod ge Hope , at Kurracheeand Lod
, ge St . Andrew ' s in the East ,, at Poona , and was most enthusiasticall y received and Avelcomed at both places . Royal Arch Masonry , too , has had a very large = accession of members during the past year . Though no neAV chapters have been establishedwe hope
yet-, to see every lodge have its own chapter . The Prov . G . Superintendent of English Royal Arch Masonry , Comp . J . Gibbs , has just arrived from England , and his zeal and love for the Craft will
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonry In China.
The Chinese appear to look AA'ith no apprehension on the periodical gatherings of European Masons , and this , although in Shanghai there are no less than three lodges working under the English Constitution , one under the American , and one
under the Scotch , to say nothing . of a Royal Arch chapter and an encampment of Kni ghts Templar . The principles of the Craft are , of course , unknown to the natives , and the lodge ritual must . necessarily be an object of intense curiosity to them .
But they give us credit for pure motives , and for an enlightened ceremonial , and on no occasion have any suspicions been expressed of there being a political or other unAA orthy element in Western Masonry .
Before closing this paper , I must state my belief that amongst the Chinese there is not the sli ghtest trace of Avhat Ave understand by Freemasonry . The only grounds upon which the contrary opinion is supported are—that Masonic signs have been
given by Chinese , and that an expression commonly used to denote Right , Justice , & c , is , Avhen literally translated , "In accordance with the compasses and square . " But , even excluding the supposition that some of the Triad signs may be
the same as those by which , in combination with other elements , Masons are known to one another , anyone who has advanced to the higher degrees will agree with me that a sign inadvertentl y given , and unsupported by other evidence , does not afford the faintest proof of participation in Masonic
mysteries . The second ground is also easily disposed of . The Chinese language is but sparely furnished Avith characters to represent abstract ideas , and , accordingly , as the position of a point on a plane is denoted hy the intersection of tAVo
co-ordinates , so an abstract idea is frequently rendered in Chinese by the combination of tAvo ideas which have in common that abstract idea which it is required to denote . Thus , the idea of order and regularity which is conveyed by both
square and compasses , is the idea conveyed by the combination of the two characters Avhich represent these instruments , but the separate ideas are . completely lost before the complex expression formed by their union is applied to the elucidation of ethical science .
EAT , digest ; read , remember ; earn , save ; love , and be loved . If these four rules he strictly followed , health , wealth , intelligence and true happiness will he the result . Try it , every one , wring the new year .
Progress Of Freemasonry In India.
The progress of Masonry in this province ( Bombay ) during the past twelve months has been very great , and the numerous initiations that have taken place is sufficient evidence of the beneficial tendency of the Order . Since the happy termination of the misunderstanding between the two
Provincial Grand Lodges in Bombay all has been peace , love , and harmony . The two Provincial Grand Masters met together both in lodge and in the ball room , and the mutual interchange of visits of brethren of both banners has been frequent and reciprocal . Though Ave have not had a
procession on St . John ' s Day to afford the brethren of the English and Scotch lodges the pleasure of fraternising and marching together to church , yet an opportunity will very soon offer for all Masons in Bombay to meet and assist in the ceremony of laying the foundation-stone of the Masonic Temple
which is about to be erected hy the brethren of ' Lodge Rising Star , at Byculla . The annual election of Masters in the differ eat lodges took place in January . The retiring Masters were duly complimented on vacating the chair ,, and their places have been filled by brethren whohave expressed their determination to follow in the footsteps of their predecessors , and to do as much good .
Where all have done so Avell , it would be invidious to draw any distinction ; but Ave cannot refrain from noticing here a novel and interestinofeature in Masonry which has occurred this year in Bombay , viz ., the election of Bro . T . Diver , as Worshipful Master of two lodges . This can only be attributed to the
popularity that Bro . Diver had attained during his year of office as W . M . of Lodge Concord . The efficient and scrupulous performance of his arduous duties—his unshaken fidelity and perseverance , his kindness of heart and urbanity of mannerthe strenuous efforts
he-, had made for the good of Masonry—all tended to obtain for him the respect and attachment of the brethren , not only of his OATO lodge , who unanimously re-elected him , but the brethren of Lodge St . George , of which he is also a member , elected him as their Master .
Two new lodges have been opened in the province during the year—the Alexandra , at Jubbulpore , under the English Constitution , and Faith ,, at Mooltan , under the Scotch Constitution . The Prov . G . Master of Western India under Scotland paid official visits to Lod ge Hope , at Kurracheeand Lod
, ge St . Andrew ' s in the East ,, at Poona , and was most enthusiasticall y received and Avelcomed at both places . Royal Arch Masonry , too , has had a very large = accession of members during the past year . Though no neAV chapters have been establishedwe hope
yet-, to see every lodge have its own chapter . The Prov . G . Superintendent of English Royal Arch Masonry , Comp . J . Gibbs , has just arrived from England , and his zeal and love for the Craft will