Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article BRO. PETER, AND A LOVER OF REGULARITY. Page 1 of 1 Article BRO. PETER, AND A LOVER OF REGULARITY. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
chapel where they can groan to their hearts content at every sentence that p leases them . They will sing their hymns before the bier , for miles and miles , and when the body is consigned to the grave , gallop away by hundreds as if pursued by demons . Is it such men that become Freemasons ? The assertion is so supremely ridiculous as not to require an answer . But
ifc is these people that become Mormons . One more word with Mr . Mainwaring . It is as certain as the sky above ns , that Freemasonry , as a system of brotherhood , is older than Christianity ; but it is equally certain that no brother ever yet wrote , or said , it was superior . Setting aside what are called the Christian degrees of Freemasonry , ifc is essentially Christian in its forms , aphorisms ,
and practice ; and every member of the Anglican Church , if admitted into the Order , would be as able , aye , and as willing , to adore his Saviour , in the great eucharistic sacrifice , as Mr . Townshcnd Mainwaring , and it is hoped wifch more of thafc Christian charity and universal brotherly love . I am , dear sir and brother , yours truly and fraternally , MATTHEW COOKE , K . T . ; S . P . E . > J ( .
[ AVe have also received a letter upon the subject from Bro . G . M . Tweddell , which ifc is unnecessary to print . Our impression of to-day contains a report of the proceedings at tho consecration , extracted from a local paper . Ifc will bo seen thafc the stone was laid by the Hon . Mrs . Eowlcy , tho Prov . G . M . and brethren of North AVales assisting in the ceremony . ]
Bro. Peter, And A Lover Of Regularity.
TO THE EDITOlt Otf THE EREEAT . ISOXS 3 TAGAZIXE AXD MASONIC iTIRnOE . DEAE SIR AND BEOTHER , —As a faithful conservator of the rites and ceremonies handed down to us by our saint ed predecessors ( if you will allow me ) I must emphatically protest against the language used by Bro . Peter , when he charges his brethren with " playing at being Sir Knts . " From the stylo of his letter I must acquit him of intended
discourtesy , and supjrose he is ignorant only of the claims of tho Templars to honourable distinctions . Perhaps the following , intended to apply to the Order generally , from Mill ' s History of Chivalry , will have more weight with him than anything I can advance : — " The very Ancient Sovereign Order of the Temple is now in full and chivalric existencelike those Orders of Knighthoodwhich
, , were either formed in imitation of it or had their origin in the same noble principles of chivalry . It has mourned as well as flourished , but there is in its nature and constitution a principle of vitality which has carried it through all the storms of fate ; its continuance by representatives as well as hy title is as indisputable a fact as the existence of any other chivalric fraternity . The Templars of these days claim no titular rankyet their station is so far identified
, with that of the other Orders of Knighthood , that they assert equal purity of descent , from the same bright source of chivalry ; nor is it possible to impugn the legitimate claims to honourable estimation which the modern brethren of the Temple derive from the antiquity and pristine lustre of the Order , Avithout at the same time shaking to its centre the AA-hole venerable fabric of knightly honour . "
To this I have only to add that the legitimacy of the present body in England is undoubted , tho Duke of Sussex ( in addition to his election by that body ) having held the office of Grand Prior of the Knights of Malta ( then in England united wifch tho Templars ) from the Emperor of Russia , the Grand Master of that Order , and the office of Grand Prior of the Templars , from Admiral Sir S ydney
Smith , who was at that time Grand Master of the Order of the Temple . Although Bro . Peter and myself must " agree to differ " on the higher degrees , I am at least glad he expresses exactly my own opinion on the Craft degrees , and can only add , to what he states , my regret that the Grand Lodge does not pass a law to render occasional lectures on the avowed
pursuits of Freemasonry compulsory . Freedom of discussion is now the order ofthe day , though apparently to bo denied to " Essayists and Reviewers . " Allow me therefore a word here with " A Lover of Regularity . " I had commenced to congratulate myself that our Grand Conclave ivas showing symptoms of inquiry , which might end in our getting rid " of a quantity of modern innovations . Permit me to call his attention to a list of such
Bro. Peter, And A Lover Of Regularity.
of the ancient Officers of the Temple as I have been able to find arranged , as far as possible , according to rank : — Great or Grand Master . Seneschal ( his representative ) . Marshal ( General of the Order ) . Treasurer and Admiral . Draper .
Guardian of fche portable Chapel of War . Visitors . Turcopilai- ( Commander of the light horse , or serving brethren ) . Sub-Marshal | appointed by the Marshal , and generally Standard Bearer J conferred on serving brethren . Farrier ( and also Armourer ) . Cook , Smiths , and Bakers , " ) , ,, Preceptors of the MaresCows & cj sorvm =
brethl'en-, ,, II . Great Prior ( who had similar officers , and under these ) . Priors or Bailiffs ( provincial district inspectors ) . House Preceptors ( corresponding to E . C ) . I do nofc agree with the appointments named by "A Lover of Regularity , " because I think the name D . G . M . shonld have been changed to Seneschal ( though there can be little
objection to a Deputy G . M . being appointed as well ) , and those of the Captains to Marshal and Admiral , or Marshal and Sub-Marshal . If ifc is absolutely necessary , however , to make as many offices as possible , there are still several inferior ones , above given , to be disposed of . With respect to precedent , I should consider it the duty of the Heralds to attend to arms and precedents , and .
brethren of sufficient research should be appointed to fill those offices creditably to themselves and the Order . Ifc would be an important movement if we could get other Templar governments to appoint representatives with us , to adopt , as far as possible , a uniform list of officers , mode of government , code of laws , & c , but scarcely expect any one taking thafc interest in the Order .
With , many apologies for so far trespassing upon your valuable space , which I trust you will overlook , I remain , Dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , June 8 fch , 1861 . P . M ., P . Z ., & c .
Knights Templar.
TO THE EDITOE OP THE EKEEAIASOItS MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIKEOE . DEAE SIE ANB BEOTHEE , —In reply to Sir Knt . Matthew Cooke , I beg to say that the last document quoted by him is a former " Summons of the Chapter of Observance , " now called Encampment of Observance , of which I have several blank forms of consecutive dates ; the circulars for the June meetings are worded somewhat different , the R . > £ * .
being held at that meeting , and to which the Sir Knts . were especially summoned by the distinctive mark being placed in the corner copies of which I also have . In some late numbers of tho MAGAZINE ifc was asked whether H . E . H . tho late Duke of Sussex was a Knfc . Templar . I therefore send you notice of a meeting of the Chapter of Observancehold on February 19 th 1821 at Freemasons '
, , , Hall , which I think may prove interesting : — "The chapter was consecrated in due form . Present : —Sir Knts . James Henry Deacon , E . C . ; John Hamsbottom , M . P ., 1 st . Capt . ; Major M . J . Syinons , 2 nd Capt . ; Capt . James Deans , Treas . ; Joseph Conder , llegr . ; Major George . S . W . Ogg , 1 st Standard-bearer ; George . Wane , 2 nd Standard-bearer ; Kev . AVilliam Fallofield , Prelate ; Hon . AVilliam Twistleton 1 st Sword-bearerCharles
, ; Simpson , 1 st Herald ; John AVaterhouse , 2 nd Herald ; W . J . De Buck , M . C . ; Dr . A . B . Granville , Hospitaller ; J . C . Burckhardt , P . E . C . and G . S . P . O . ; J . J . Moore , P . E . C .,- Sir Frederick Fowke , Bart . ; Rev . J . II . Skrine , P . P . '; Simon M . Gillivray , J . S . Hutchinson , James Hutchinson , Henry Heath , Harry Cooke , M . M . Zachary , J . A . Frampton . Alsitors : —The Itight . Hon . Lord Montforfc , John Bott , William Shadbolt , William Linby , AV . H . White . "
I now extract from tho minutes : — "Comp . Ilichard Percival , jun ., having been balloted for and unanimously approved at the meeting of the chapter , in January last , was introduced by tho proper officer , and the ceremony of installation ivas proceeding , AA-hcn the chapter was informed that His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , Most Eminent Grand Commander of the Order ( ivho had previously signified his intention
of being present ) ivas arrived . H . R . H . ivas immediately attended by Sir Knts . the Right Hon . Lord Montfort , Major General Ogg , J . J . Moore , P . E . C , and J . C . Burckhardt , P . E . C , and entered the chapter , preceded by Sir Knts . J . W . De Buck as M . C . ; J . J . Moore ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
chapel where they can groan to their hearts content at every sentence that p leases them . They will sing their hymns before the bier , for miles and miles , and when the body is consigned to the grave , gallop away by hundreds as if pursued by demons . Is it such men that become Freemasons ? The assertion is so supremely ridiculous as not to require an answer . But
ifc is these people that become Mormons . One more word with Mr . Mainwaring . It is as certain as the sky above ns , that Freemasonry , as a system of brotherhood , is older than Christianity ; but it is equally certain that no brother ever yet wrote , or said , it was superior . Setting aside what are called the Christian degrees of Freemasonry , ifc is essentially Christian in its forms , aphorisms ,
and practice ; and every member of the Anglican Church , if admitted into the Order , would be as able , aye , and as willing , to adore his Saviour , in the great eucharistic sacrifice , as Mr . Townshcnd Mainwaring , and it is hoped wifch more of thafc Christian charity and universal brotherly love . I am , dear sir and brother , yours truly and fraternally , MATTHEW COOKE , K . T . ; S . P . E . > J ( .
[ AVe have also received a letter upon the subject from Bro . G . M . Tweddell , which ifc is unnecessary to print . Our impression of to-day contains a report of the proceedings at tho consecration , extracted from a local paper . Ifc will bo seen thafc the stone was laid by the Hon . Mrs . Eowlcy , tho Prov . G . M . and brethren of North AVales assisting in the ceremony . ]
Bro. Peter, And A Lover Of Regularity.
TO THE EDITOlt Otf THE EREEAT . ISOXS 3 TAGAZIXE AXD MASONIC iTIRnOE . DEAE SIR AND BEOTHER , —As a faithful conservator of the rites and ceremonies handed down to us by our saint ed predecessors ( if you will allow me ) I must emphatically protest against the language used by Bro . Peter , when he charges his brethren with " playing at being Sir Knts . " From the stylo of his letter I must acquit him of intended
discourtesy , and supjrose he is ignorant only of the claims of tho Templars to honourable distinctions . Perhaps the following , intended to apply to the Order generally , from Mill ' s History of Chivalry , will have more weight with him than anything I can advance : — " The very Ancient Sovereign Order of the Temple is now in full and chivalric existencelike those Orders of Knighthoodwhich
, , were either formed in imitation of it or had their origin in the same noble principles of chivalry . It has mourned as well as flourished , but there is in its nature and constitution a principle of vitality which has carried it through all the storms of fate ; its continuance by representatives as well as hy title is as indisputable a fact as the existence of any other chivalric fraternity . The Templars of these days claim no titular rankyet their station is so far identified
, with that of the other Orders of Knighthood , that they assert equal purity of descent , from the same bright source of chivalry ; nor is it possible to impugn the legitimate claims to honourable estimation which the modern brethren of the Temple derive from the antiquity and pristine lustre of the Order , Avithout at the same time shaking to its centre the AA-hole venerable fabric of knightly honour . "
To this I have only to add that the legitimacy of the present body in England is undoubted , tho Duke of Sussex ( in addition to his election by that body ) having held the office of Grand Prior of the Knights of Malta ( then in England united wifch tho Templars ) from the Emperor of Russia , the Grand Master of that Order , and the office of Grand Prior of the Templars , from Admiral Sir S ydney
Smith , who was at that time Grand Master of the Order of the Temple . Although Bro . Peter and myself must " agree to differ " on the higher degrees , I am at least glad he expresses exactly my own opinion on the Craft degrees , and can only add , to what he states , my regret that the Grand Lodge does not pass a law to render occasional lectures on the avowed
pursuits of Freemasonry compulsory . Freedom of discussion is now the order ofthe day , though apparently to bo denied to " Essayists and Reviewers . " Allow me therefore a word here with " A Lover of Regularity . " I had commenced to congratulate myself that our Grand Conclave ivas showing symptoms of inquiry , which might end in our getting rid " of a quantity of modern innovations . Permit me to call his attention to a list of such
Bro. Peter, And A Lover Of Regularity.
of the ancient Officers of the Temple as I have been able to find arranged , as far as possible , according to rank : — Great or Grand Master . Seneschal ( his representative ) . Marshal ( General of the Order ) . Treasurer and Admiral . Draper .
Guardian of fche portable Chapel of War . Visitors . Turcopilai- ( Commander of the light horse , or serving brethren ) . Sub-Marshal | appointed by the Marshal , and generally Standard Bearer J conferred on serving brethren . Farrier ( and also Armourer ) . Cook , Smiths , and Bakers , " ) , ,, Preceptors of the MaresCows & cj sorvm =
brethl'en-, ,, II . Great Prior ( who had similar officers , and under these ) . Priors or Bailiffs ( provincial district inspectors ) . House Preceptors ( corresponding to E . C ) . I do nofc agree with the appointments named by "A Lover of Regularity , " because I think the name D . G . M . shonld have been changed to Seneschal ( though there can be little
objection to a Deputy G . M . being appointed as well ) , and those of the Captains to Marshal and Admiral , or Marshal and Sub-Marshal . If ifc is absolutely necessary , however , to make as many offices as possible , there are still several inferior ones , above given , to be disposed of . With respect to precedent , I should consider it the duty of the Heralds to attend to arms and precedents , and .
brethren of sufficient research should be appointed to fill those offices creditably to themselves and the Order . Ifc would be an important movement if we could get other Templar governments to appoint representatives with us , to adopt , as far as possible , a uniform list of officers , mode of government , code of laws , & c , but scarcely expect any one taking thafc interest in the Order .
With , many apologies for so far trespassing upon your valuable space , which I trust you will overlook , I remain , Dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , June 8 fch , 1861 . P . M ., P . Z ., & c .
Knights Templar.
TO THE EDITOE OP THE EKEEAIASOItS MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIKEOE . DEAE SIE ANB BEOTHEE , —In reply to Sir Knt . Matthew Cooke , I beg to say that the last document quoted by him is a former " Summons of the Chapter of Observance , " now called Encampment of Observance , of which I have several blank forms of consecutive dates ; the circulars for the June meetings are worded somewhat different , the R . > £ * .
being held at that meeting , and to which the Sir Knts . were especially summoned by the distinctive mark being placed in the corner copies of which I also have . In some late numbers of tho MAGAZINE ifc was asked whether H . E . H . tho late Duke of Sussex was a Knfc . Templar . I therefore send you notice of a meeting of the Chapter of Observancehold on February 19 th 1821 at Freemasons '
, , , Hall , which I think may prove interesting : — "The chapter was consecrated in due form . Present : —Sir Knts . James Henry Deacon , E . C . ; John Hamsbottom , M . P ., 1 st . Capt . ; Major M . J . Syinons , 2 nd Capt . ; Capt . James Deans , Treas . ; Joseph Conder , llegr . ; Major George . S . W . Ogg , 1 st Standard-bearer ; George . Wane , 2 nd Standard-bearer ; Kev . AVilliam Fallofield , Prelate ; Hon . AVilliam Twistleton 1 st Sword-bearerCharles
, ; Simpson , 1 st Herald ; John AVaterhouse , 2 nd Herald ; W . J . De Buck , M . C . ; Dr . A . B . Granville , Hospitaller ; J . C . Burckhardt , P . E . C . and G . S . P . O . ; J . J . Moore , P . E . C .,- Sir Frederick Fowke , Bart . ; Rev . J . II . Skrine , P . P . '; Simon M . Gillivray , J . S . Hutchinson , James Hutchinson , Henry Heath , Harry Cooke , M . M . Zachary , J . A . Frampton . Alsitors : —The Itight . Hon . Lord Montforfc , John Bott , William Shadbolt , William Linby , AV . H . White . "
I now extract from tho minutes : — "Comp . Ilichard Percival , jun ., having been balloted for and unanimously approved at the meeting of the chapter , in January last , was introduced by tho proper officer , and the ceremony of installation ivas proceeding , AA-hcn the chapter was informed that His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , Most Eminent Grand Commander of the Order ( ivho had previously signified his intention
of being present ) ivas arrived . H . R . H . ivas immediately attended by Sir Knts . the Right Hon . Lord Montfort , Major General Ogg , J . J . Moore , P . E . C , and J . C . Burckhardt , P . E . C , and entered the chapter , preceded by Sir Knts . J . W . De Buck as M . C . ; J . J . Moore ,