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Knights Templar.
P . E . C , and J . C . Burkhardt , P . E . C . and G . S . P . of the Order . H . Tt . H . ' s train being borne by Sir Knts . Lord Montfort and Major General Ogg . H . R . H . ivas ; received under a canopy of steel . The procession having passed round the encampment , H . R . H . took his place on the right of the E . G ., who immediately invited the Knts . "to join him in a triple salute to the Most Eminent Grand Commander . The'E . C . then offered the command to H . R . H ., ivhich being declined , and H . R . H . liaving taken his seatthe ceremonies of installation
, were resumed . "After s-hich ( viz . the closing of the Encampment ) H . R . H . ^ honoured the E . C and Knts . with his presence at their banquet . " I am , Sir Knt ., yours fraternally , ? Ji . ' . H . J . HINXMAN , E . C . Chapter of Observance , June 10 th , 1861 . P . S . —I may add that on the 20 th December , 1827 , a
resolution was passed , and confirmed at the meeting on 17 th January , 1828 , thafc the E . C . be requested to summon the next meeting at the Clarendon Hotel , the proprietor of tho place of meeting being unable to pledge himself to their reception on the regular days of meeting . AVe find the powers of the E . C . enlarged . AVe find the meeting on the 21 st February , 1828 , was held afc the Thatched House Tavern , where ifc has conconfcinued to assemble . H . J . H .
TO THE EDITOE OP THE FEEEMASONS MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIIIEOE . DEAE SIR , —In answer to "A Lover of Regularity , " I beg to mention that the office of Grand Seneschal ranks EEabove that of Grand Prior in the Scottish Order of Knights Templar , and was filled for many years by Lord Dalhousie . I remain , Dear Sir , yours truly and fraternally , M . H . SmiTTLEwoiiTii , G . V . C . 8 , Old Jury , June llth , 1861 .
A CASE OF DISTRESS . ' SO THE EDITOE 01 InH EEEEMASONS MAGAZINE AND MASONIC ITIBEOE . DEAE SIR AND BEOTHEE , —I bog to acknowledge the following sums received for Mrs . Evans , and to thank the brethren most sincerely for the consideration shown in this distressing case : —
Amount acknowledged in TKE MAGAZINE for June Sth , £ 30 7 s . G . 10 s . ; Bro . Delmar , Lodge 34 , £ 1 Is . ; A Friend , 10 s . ; Bro . G . Baker , No . CGO , 10 s . ; From Bro . Charles Isaacs , P . G . S . Kent , second donation of the same amount , £ 5 ; total , £ 37 18 s . I remain , Dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , JOHN MOTT TUEAELE . 198 , Fleofc-street , June 13 bh , 1861 .
Royal Benevolent Institution For Aged Masons And Their Widows.
TO THE EDITOE OP THE EEEEMASONS MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIEEOE . DEAE SIE , —Speaking as a lawyer , I apprehend there can be no question as to the interpretation of tho laws of the Eoyal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their AVidows . The laws are : — "That no business shall he discussed at a special general meeting except that spceijledin the requisition . " "That no motion for any new regulation or law shall he
entertained at the general annual meeting unless a copy of the same shall have been communicated to the Committee of Management at or previous to the meeting in February . " NOAV , there is nothing in tho rules to say that laws shall only be altered at the general annual meeting . All that is enacted is , that nothing shall be done except a certain notice or communication has been made ; and , upon tho existing
rules , I hold ifc would be perfectly legal to convene a special general meeting for the purpose of altering every law , and afc such meeting the proposed alteration could be discussed and agreed fco , if the proposition was specified in the requisition , and due notice given . It seems fco me thafc the laws now existing rather point to a special meeting as more fitted for the discussion of
any alteration , by the fetter of three months' notice before such a question could be brought before the general meeting , and thafc snob law was designed more to prevent such discussions at the general meeting , than to limit them to ifc . I am , Dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , P . M .
MIRROKLODGE OF JOPPA ( No . 223 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place on the 3 rd inst ., at the Albion , Aldersgate-street , when the AV . M ., Bro . E . P . Albert , initiated Mr . Lewis Diepheneim into the mysteries of the Order . A ballot ivas taken for the admission of Bro . George Jury , of the British Lodge , Mauritius , as a joining member , ivhich was unanimous in favour of admission , and , after some ordinary business , the lodge was called oftj when the brethren adjourned to the banquet . Bros . De Solla ( W . M . Euphrates )
, Harvey Lewis ( M . P . for Marylebone ) , Rosenthall ( No . 630 ) , Hermans ( No . 630 ) , and Rentling ( No . 630 ) , were the visitors of the evening ; and the musical arrangements , under the able superintendence of Bro . Van Noorden , were of the high class usually found at this lodge . Miss Lizzy AA'ilson sang with taste , & c . ; in addition to which Bro . Hermans sang ivith much feeling and effect . Bro . Harvey Leivis , M . F ., returned thanks on behalf of the brother visitors .
DURHAM . HARTLEPOOL— St . Helen's Lodge ( No . 77-1 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall on Thursday , the 6 th inst . The W . M . presided , and a good number of the members were in attendance . There Avere also present as visitors Bros . W . Kitching , J . AV . ; Hank , S . D . ; and Stephenson , from the Harbour of Refuge lodge ( No . 106 G ) . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the following brethren
were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , viz ., AV . Sutton , S . Lindhard and R . Hart . Other business was then disposed of ; the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and spent the evening in a most agreeable manner , after AA-hich the lodge ivas closed in due form . SOUTH SHIELDS . —Si . Hilda's Lodge ( No . 292 ) . —The first regular meeting of this lodge since their removal from the Golden Lion Hotel , ivas held in the Central Hall , Chapter-roii-, on Monday evening , the 10 th ult ., the W . M ., Bro . J . N . P . uckland , presiding ,
supported by Bros . Roddam , S . W . ; H . Hedley , J . W . ; and the full complement of officers . The minutes of the last regular meeting , and a special lodge of emergency , detailing the circumstances which have led to the removal of the lodge from the house of Bro . Carman , of tbe Golden Lion Hotel , to the Central Hall , wore read , and unanimously confirmed hy the brethren . A ballot was taken for six gentlemen for initiation , and two brethren for subscribing to the lodge , who were duly elected . Five gentlemen wero
subsequently initiated into the mysteries of the Order hy the W . M . in his usual happy and efficient style . Supporting the W . M . on the dais AVO noticed Bros . P . M . ' s Hinde , Prov . G . S . D . ; Ridley , Treas . ; Hewison , Barker , Forster , Oliver , and Twizell , and Bros . Brad-SIIUAV , P . Prov . G . Chap . Northumberland ; Hansen , S . D . 624 ; Simpson , Organist , 62-4 ; and a very large number of the brethren , The hall , ivhich is a large and commodious building , has been alteredand advantage taken to fit a convenient room conti
, up guous to the lodge , already furnished Avith an effective and raised dais that ivill accommodate a large number of brethren supporting the chair ; to the windows and other portions of the lodge room coloured drapery has been introduced , which adds materially to its effect and appearance , furnished as it is with the pictures and the beautiful furniture , the property of the lodge . Great satisfaction was expressed by the brethren at the apparent comfort and
appearance of the lodge room , adapted as it has been to suit the purposes of the " ancient and accepted rite . " The W . M . and committee ( Bros . Ridley , Heivison , Roddam , and Hedley ) were highly complimented , and received an especial vote of thanks from the brethren for the successful manner in which they had conducted the alterations , and the necessary requirements for Masonic meetings , aided by the personal and practical experience of Bro . Forster , P . M . After some further routine business had been transacted , the lodge ivas closed in due form in "fear , faith , and fidelity . "
KENT . ASOTOED . —Lni-icla Lodge ( No . 1011 ) . —The brethren of this lodge held their monthly meeting in the Assembl y Rooms on Friday , 7 th of June , when they wero honoured with the presence of the D . Prov . G . M ., AV . H . Dobson . The lodge was ivell attended by its members , and visited by Bros . Monypeny , W . M . ; Key , P . M . ; Ashdown , P . M . 147 . ; F . S . Tolputt , AV . M . ; AV . B . Tolputt , P . M . ; Stock , P . M . ; H . W . Poole , J . AV . 816 ; C . Sheriiighani , and J . A . AV . Collins , Chaplain of the Forces , Shornclifl ' e Camp . The lodge was
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Knights Templar.
P . E . C , and J . C . Burkhardt , P . E . C . and G . S . P . of the Order . H . Tt . H . ' s train being borne by Sir Knts . Lord Montfort and Major General Ogg . H . R . H . ivas ; received under a canopy of steel . The procession having passed round the encampment , H . R . H . took his place on the right of the E . G ., who immediately invited the Knts . "to join him in a triple salute to the Most Eminent Grand Commander . The'E . C . then offered the command to H . R . H ., ivhich being declined , and H . R . H . liaving taken his seatthe ceremonies of installation
, were resumed . "After s-hich ( viz . the closing of the Encampment ) H . R . H . ^ honoured the E . C and Knts . with his presence at their banquet . " I am , Sir Knt ., yours fraternally , ? Ji . ' . H . J . HINXMAN , E . C . Chapter of Observance , June 10 th , 1861 . P . S . —I may add that on the 20 th December , 1827 , a
resolution was passed , and confirmed at the meeting on 17 th January , 1828 , thafc the E . C . be requested to summon the next meeting at the Clarendon Hotel , the proprietor of tho place of meeting being unable to pledge himself to their reception on the regular days of meeting . AVe find the powers of the E . C . enlarged . AVe find the meeting on the 21 st February , 1828 , was held afc the Thatched House Tavern , where ifc has conconfcinued to assemble . H . J . H .
TO THE EDITOE OP THE FEEEMASONS MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIIIEOE . DEAE SIR , —In answer to "A Lover of Regularity , " I beg to mention that the office of Grand Seneschal ranks EEabove that of Grand Prior in the Scottish Order of Knights Templar , and was filled for many years by Lord Dalhousie . I remain , Dear Sir , yours truly and fraternally , M . H . SmiTTLEwoiiTii , G . V . C . 8 , Old Jury , June llth , 1861 .
A CASE OF DISTRESS . ' SO THE EDITOE 01 InH EEEEMASONS MAGAZINE AND MASONIC ITIBEOE . DEAE SIR AND BEOTHEE , —I bog to acknowledge the following sums received for Mrs . Evans , and to thank the brethren most sincerely for the consideration shown in this distressing case : —
Amount acknowledged in TKE MAGAZINE for June Sth , £ 30 7 s . G . 10 s . ; Bro . Delmar , Lodge 34 , £ 1 Is . ; A Friend , 10 s . ; Bro . G . Baker , No . CGO , 10 s . ; From Bro . Charles Isaacs , P . G . S . Kent , second donation of the same amount , £ 5 ; total , £ 37 18 s . I remain , Dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , JOHN MOTT TUEAELE . 198 , Fleofc-street , June 13 bh , 1861 .
Royal Benevolent Institution For Aged Masons And Their Widows.
TO THE EDITOE OP THE EEEEMASONS MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIEEOE . DEAE SIE , —Speaking as a lawyer , I apprehend there can be no question as to the interpretation of tho laws of the Eoyal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their AVidows . The laws are : — "That no business shall he discussed at a special general meeting except that spceijledin the requisition . " "That no motion for any new regulation or law shall he
entertained at the general annual meeting unless a copy of the same shall have been communicated to the Committee of Management at or previous to the meeting in February . " NOAV , there is nothing in tho rules to say that laws shall only be altered at the general annual meeting . All that is enacted is , that nothing shall be done except a certain notice or communication has been made ; and , upon tho existing
rules , I hold ifc would be perfectly legal to convene a special general meeting for the purpose of altering every law , and afc such meeting the proposed alteration could be discussed and agreed fco , if the proposition was specified in the requisition , and due notice given . It seems fco me thafc the laws now existing rather point to a special meeting as more fitted for the discussion of
any alteration , by the fetter of three months' notice before such a question could be brought before the general meeting , and thafc snob law was designed more to prevent such discussions at the general meeting , than to limit them to ifc . I am , Dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , P . M .
MIRROKLODGE OF JOPPA ( No . 223 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place on the 3 rd inst ., at the Albion , Aldersgate-street , when the AV . M ., Bro . E . P . Albert , initiated Mr . Lewis Diepheneim into the mysteries of the Order . A ballot ivas taken for the admission of Bro . George Jury , of the British Lodge , Mauritius , as a joining member , ivhich was unanimous in favour of admission , and , after some ordinary business , the lodge was called oftj when the brethren adjourned to the banquet . Bros . De Solla ( W . M . Euphrates )
, Harvey Lewis ( M . P . for Marylebone ) , Rosenthall ( No . 630 ) , Hermans ( No . 630 ) , and Rentling ( No . 630 ) , were the visitors of the evening ; and the musical arrangements , under the able superintendence of Bro . Van Noorden , were of the high class usually found at this lodge . Miss Lizzy AA'ilson sang with taste , & c . ; in addition to which Bro . Hermans sang ivith much feeling and effect . Bro . Harvey Leivis , M . F ., returned thanks on behalf of the brother visitors .
DURHAM . HARTLEPOOL— St . Helen's Lodge ( No . 77-1 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall on Thursday , the 6 th inst . The W . M . presided , and a good number of the members were in attendance . There Avere also present as visitors Bros . W . Kitching , J . AV . ; Hank , S . D . ; and Stephenson , from the Harbour of Refuge lodge ( No . 106 G ) . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the following brethren
were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , viz ., AV . Sutton , S . Lindhard and R . Hart . Other business was then disposed of ; the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and spent the evening in a most agreeable manner , after AA-hich the lodge ivas closed in due form . SOUTH SHIELDS . —Si . Hilda's Lodge ( No . 292 ) . —The first regular meeting of this lodge since their removal from the Golden Lion Hotel , ivas held in the Central Hall , Chapter-roii-, on Monday evening , the 10 th ult ., the W . M ., Bro . J . N . P . uckland , presiding ,
supported by Bros . Roddam , S . W . ; H . Hedley , J . W . ; and the full complement of officers . The minutes of the last regular meeting , and a special lodge of emergency , detailing the circumstances which have led to the removal of the lodge from the house of Bro . Carman , of tbe Golden Lion Hotel , to the Central Hall , wore read , and unanimously confirmed hy the brethren . A ballot was taken for six gentlemen for initiation , and two brethren for subscribing to the lodge , who were duly elected . Five gentlemen wero
subsequently initiated into the mysteries of the Order hy the W . M . in his usual happy and efficient style . Supporting the W . M . on the dais AVO noticed Bros . P . M . ' s Hinde , Prov . G . S . D . ; Ridley , Treas . ; Hewison , Barker , Forster , Oliver , and Twizell , and Bros . Brad-SIIUAV , P . Prov . G . Chap . Northumberland ; Hansen , S . D . 624 ; Simpson , Organist , 62-4 ; and a very large number of the brethren , The hall , ivhich is a large and commodious building , has been alteredand advantage taken to fit a convenient room conti
, up guous to the lodge , already furnished Avith an effective and raised dais that ivill accommodate a large number of brethren supporting the chair ; to the windows and other portions of the lodge room coloured drapery has been introduced , which adds materially to its effect and appearance , furnished as it is with the pictures and the beautiful furniture , the property of the lodge . Great satisfaction was expressed by the brethren at the apparent comfort and
appearance of the lodge room , adapted as it has been to suit the purposes of the " ancient and accepted rite . " The W . M . and committee ( Bros . Ridley , Heivison , Roddam , and Hedley ) were highly complimented , and received an especial vote of thanks from the brethren for the successful manner in which they had conducted the alterations , and the necessary requirements for Masonic meetings , aided by the personal and practical experience of Bro . Forster , P . M . After some further routine business had been transacted , the lodge ivas closed in due form in "fear , faith , and fidelity . "
KENT . ASOTOED . —Lni-icla Lodge ( No . 1011 ) . —The brethren of this lodge held their monthly meeting in the Assembl y Rooms on Friday , 7 th of June , when they wero honoured with the presence of the D . Prov . G . M ., AV . H . Dobson . The lodge was ivell attended by its members , and visited by Bros . Monypeny , W . M . ; Key , P . M . ; Ashdown , P . M . 147 . ; F . S . Tolputt , AV . M . ; AV . B . Tolputt , P . M . ; Stock , P . M . ; H . W . Poole , J . AV . 816 ; C . Sheriiighani , and J . A . AV . Collins , Chaplain of the Forces , Shornclifl ' e Camp . The lodge was