Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 5 →
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opened in due form by ihe W . M ., Bro . J . S . Eastes , and the minutes read and confirmed . It was then opened in the second and third degrees and regularly closed down , when the 5 th , 6 th , and 7 th sections of the first degree were worked by Bros . B . Thorpe , P . M . ; G . AV . Greenhill , J . D . ; and B . Iv . Thorpe , Sec , respectively ; the questions being put from the Chair . The business being ended and the lodge closed , the brethren adjourned to supper , presided over by the AV . AI . In reply to the toast of the eveningthe IX . Prov .
, G . M . expressed the pleasure and satisfaction it had afforded him to witness the working of the sections in open lodge , as ivell as the creditable manner in which they Ai-ere done ; he commended the practice , Avhen there Ai-ere no ceremonies or particular business before the lodge . In the course of an excellent speech , he impressed upon the brethren the necessity of acting up to the principles of the Craft , and of attending lodges of instruction , in a
style of language ivhich ivill doubtless leave a lasting impression upon his hearers . The intention expressed hy Bro . Dobson at the installation of the Prov . G . M ., Lord Holmesdale , at Gravesend , of visiting tho lodges of the province , which he is noiv carrying out , cannot fail to give an impetus to Masonry in Kent , and stimulate the brethren to an active discharge of their Masonic duties . In the course of the evening Bro . Dobson stated it ivas the intention of the Prov . G . M . to hold the Provincial Meeting this year at Ashford , but the exact time has not yet been fixed .
LANCASHIRE . LIVERPOOL . —Downshire Lodge ( No . SGI ) . —On Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., after the meeting of the Lodge of Instruction , in connection ivith the lodge , a very handsome silver mounted pipe and case , heaving the folloiving inscription : — "Presented to Bro . Thomas Shephard , P . M ., by tlie members of the Lodge of Instruction of SGI , June , 1861 , " ivas presented to Bro . Shophard , AVIIO , having received the testimonial from Bro . Marsh , said he thanked them for
the compliment paid him ; such a testimonial he could not fail to value most highly , coming from the brethren of S 64 , and he should ever look upon it ivith feeling of the brotherly love shoivn him by the members of the Downshire Lodge .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . NEWPORT . —Silurian Lodge ( No . 693 ) . —AVe stated in our last this old lodge is progressing well . At the last meeting three brothers ivere raised , and at a Lodge of Emergency , held this w-eek , three more Avere initiated . The brethren have resolved to close the lodge during the three summer months , to enable those ivho belong to the rifle corps to have an opportunity of attending to their duties as volunteers . STAFFORDSHIRE . AVOLVERIIAMPTOST . —St . Peter's Lodge ( No . 607 ) . —The members
oi this lodge met on Thursday , the 6 th mst ., at the Star and Garter Hotel , the accustomed place ,- Bro . E . J . Haseler , AV . AI ., with other proper ofiicers , in their chairs . The attendance ivas not numerous , and the business upon the summons not very important . The lodgo being opened , the minutes of the last meeting ivere read and approved . Several invitations from other lodges were read , and ( ivith the exception of one from the Lodge of Honour 769 ) ivere of a post prandial kind . The AA . M . adverted
, to the invitation received from No . 769 , to attend the installation of Bro . Charles Mattheivs , and urged the brethren to give their presence on that occasion , and Ave doubt not but his call will he answered , and that Bro . Matthews will be well supported . A discussion arose Avith reference to the continued non-attendance of a junior officer , and a hope ivas expressed that any further steps would be obviated by his future attention to his duty . Bro . Haseler ,
jun ., was a candidate for raising , but , to the regret ofthe brethren , was prevented attending from illness . The ceremonies of opening and closing to and from the third degree Avere performed , and the lodge was closed in due form with solemn prayer . AVALES ( NORTH ) . LAYING THE FOUNDATION SIO > E or A NEW CIITJRCH AT RHYL
. AVe have much gratification in recording the proceedings which took place on AAliit-Monday , in the picturesque and rapidly increasing toAvn at the entrance of the celebrated A ale of Cliv ' yd , commemorating , by a public demonstration , tho laying of the chief corner stone of the neiv church ( by the Hon . Mrs . Rowley , of Bodrhyddan ) , dedicated to St . Thomas , by the committee ivho have successfully set on foot the subscription for building the edifice .
There were great rejoicings in the town on the auspicious day , to which the extreme beauty of the weather largely contributed . Great were the rejoicings ! The Saint Tudno Lodge of Freemasons , with the Grand Lodge Officers of the Province , and Sir Watkin AV . AA ynn , Provincial Grand Alaster of North AVales and Shropshire , attended to take their part in the performance of the
day—an outivard rite so peculiarly appropriate to the sacred mysteries of the most ancient and illustrious Craft . In attendance , in honour , were the several local Friendly Societies , including the orders of Oddfellows and Foresters , the Sunday Schools , the A olunteer Riflemen , ivith their bands , the local Municipal authorities , the clergy of the diocese living in the neighbourhood , and a very large and brilliant assemblage of the elite of the district , together with many who came from a distance .
At noon , all having arrived in tho front square outside of the Town Hall , Sir Watkin escorted the Hon . Airs . Rowley on to a platform , accompanied by the Lord Bishop of St . Asaph , amid the enthusiastic plaudits of the vast assemblage . The CHAIRMAN ofthe Rhyl Board of Commissioners ( Mr . AA ynne ) then , addressing the triad , said , —Madam , My Lord , and Sir \ A atkin AVynn , —I have the honour , as Chairman of the Rhyl Improvement '
Commissioners , to present you an address , on theoccasion of the laying of the chief comer stone of the neiv Church of St . Thomas . ( Hear , hear . ) With your permission I ivish to make a feiv observations on the rise and progress of Rhyl during the past thirty-five years . It is thirty-six years , this very day , since I sailed from the Mersey to seek my fortune in a distant land . ( Hear , hear . ) At that time there was but one divelling-house where fche toivn of
Rhyl IIOAV stands , of an annual rental of five pounds , which was the back portion of what is now called the AA'hite Lion Hotel , built only a feiv years previously by a man ivho ivas considered mad for entering into such a , reckless speculation , as there would never be people to ( ill it . ( Cheers . ) He unfortunately died shortly after ifc was erected . AVhafc do we behold noiv ? AVhy , a large handsome townivith excellent accommodation for hotels and loding houses—
-, g ( cheers)—fit for the reception of parties of the highest rank , and the place needs only to be more generally knoivn throughout the kingdom for its extreme salubrity , magnificent vieiA-s , and mountain scenery , to attract to . its shores countless multitudes , Avhether in search of health or recreation . ( Loud and continued cheering . )' He then read the following address : —
To ihe Hon . Mrs . Rowley , the Bishop of St . Asaph , and Sir W . W Wynn , Part ., M . P ., P . G . M of North Wales and Shropshire . The inhabitants of Rhyl , represented by the Improvement Commissioners , bid you welcome on the occasion of your visit to the toiA'n to lay the corner stone of the neiv Church of St . Thomas . This ei'enfc , long looked for , must be hailed ivith feelings of joy and thankfulness ( Applause . ) To you , Madam , AA'ho represent the ancient
house of Bodrhyddan , our thanks are respectfully due for the partyon are pleased to undertake . Although it needs no monument to remind ' us of the constant interest taken in the welfare of the town hy Mr . Shipley Conwy , it is a great satisfaction to us to knoiv thafc this good work is fostered and commenced by the sister of one ivho has proved himself the firm friend of the poor and needy , and whose time and counsel are ever ready to aid his friends
and neighbours ( Loud cheers . ) My Lord , your presence as the Bishop of the diocese , within Avhich the neAV church is to be built , adds au important sanction to our proceedings . Tho rapid increase of the population in the immediate neighbourhood , together with the thousands of visitors who annually resort here , have long since demanded additionaljchm-ch accommodation . No one has felt this Avant more than your lordship , and Ave cannot forget that to your example and energy in this good cause , in addition to your
liberal contribution , the present success is due ; accept , therefore , our thanks for this , among the many proofs of solicitude for our AA-elfare" ( Hear , hear , and cheers ) . To Sir AA atkin AV . AVynn the CUAIRMAS said , —Your visit , Sir AA atl : in , here to-day , is an additional proof ( if one is needed ) of your desire to assist in any work tending to improve the condition of your countrymen . This desire has its reward in the strong attachment evinced toivards your family in every AVelsh home . Sai'r atgo' am Syr AVatgyn ,
Ira vA ' ynnstay tra bancs dyn . ( Applause . ) Our thanks are doubly caused first hy your attendance , and secondly for the assistance rendered in your capacity of Provincial Grand Master ofthe Province of North AA ' ales and Shropshire . To you and your brethren of the Craft we feel doubly grateful , ( Cheers . )
Signed on behalf of the Commissioners , ROBT . WYXNK , CHAIRMAN . Town Hall , Rhyl , AVhit-Monday , Alay 20 th , 1861 . A procession was then formed , ivhich proceeded through the principal street , and from thence to the parish church , where divine service Avas celebrated . On the conclusion of the service appointed for the occasion , the Right Rev . PRELATE delivered an appropriate sermon , taking bis text
from Exodus xxxvii . 23 : — " And he made his seven lamps , and his snuffers , and his snuff dishes of pure gold . " Having dwelt on tho costly structure of the temples in which God was worshipped in former days , and the necessity of fit places of worship for those
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
opened in due form by ihe W . M ., Bro . J . S . Eastes , and the minutes read and confirmed . It was then opened in the second and third degrees and regularly closed down , when the 5 th , 6 th , and 7 th sections of the first degree were worked by Bros . B . Thorpe , P . M . ; G . AV . Greenhill , J . D . ; and B . Iv . Thorpe , Sec , respectively ; the questions being put from the Chair . The business being ended and the lodge closed , the brethren adjourned to supper , presided over by the AV . AI . In reply to the toast of the eveningthe IX . Prov .
, G . M . expressed the pleasure and satisfaction it had afforded him to witness the working of the sections in open lodge , as ivell as the creditable manner in which they Ai-ere done ; he commended the practice , Avhen there Ai-ere no ceremonies or particular business before the lodge . In the course of an excellent speech , he impressed upon the brethren the necessity of acting up to the principles of the Craft , and of attending lodges of instruction , in a
style of language ivhich ivill doubtless leave a lasting impression upon his hearers . The intention expressed hy Bro . Dobson at the installation of the Prov . G . M ., Lord Holmesdale , at Gravesend , of visiting tho lodges of the province , which he is noiv carrying out , cannot fail to give an impetus to Masonry in Kent , and stimulate the brethren to an active discharge of their Masonic duties . In the course of the evening Bro . Dobson stated it ivas the intention of the Prov . G . M . to hold the Provincial Meeting this year at Ashford , but the exact time has not yet been fixed .
LANCASHIRE . LIVERPOOL . —Downshire Lodge ( No . SGI ) . —On Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., after the meeting of the Lodge of Instruction , in connection ivith the lodge , a very handsome silver mounted pipe and case , heaving the folloiving inscription : — "Presented to Bro . Thomas Shephard , P . M ., by tlie members of the Lodge of Instruction of SGI , June , 1861 , " ivas presented to Bro . Shophard , AVIIO , having received the testimonial from Bro . Marsh , said he thanked them for
the compliment paid him ; such a testimonial he could not fail to value most highly , coming from the brethren of S 64 , and he should ever look upon it ivith feeling of the brotherly love shoivn him by the members of the Downshire Lodge .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . NEWPORT . —Silurian Lodge ( No . 693 ) . —AVe stated in our last this old lodge is progressing well . At the last meeting three brothers ivere raised , and at a Lodge of Emergency , held this w-eek , three more Avere initiated . The brethren have resolved to close the lodge during the three summer months , to enable those ivho belong to the rifle corps to have an opportunity of attending to their duties as volunteers . STAFFORDSHIRE . AVOLVERIIAMPTOST . —St . Peter's Lodge ( No . 607 ) . —The members
oi this lodge met on Thursday , the 6 th mst ., at the Star and Garter Hotel , the accustomed place ,- Bro . E . J . Haseler , AV . AI ., with other proper ofiicers , in their chairs . The attendance ivas not numerous , and the business upon the summons not very important . The lodgo being opened , the minutes of the last meeting ivere read and approved . Several invitations from other lodges were read , and ( ivith the exception of one from the Lodge of Honour 769 ) ivere of a post prandial kind . The AA . M . adverted
, to the invitation received from No . 769 , to attend the installation of Bro . Charles Mattheivs , and urged the brethren to give their presence on that occasion , and Ave doubt not but his call will he answered , and that Bro . Matthews will be well supported . A discussion arose Avith reference to the continued non-attendance of a junior officer , and a hope ivas expressed that any further steps would be obviated by his future attention to his duty . Bro . Haseler ,
jun ., was a candidate for raising , but , to the regret ofthe brethren , was prevented attending from illness . The ceremonies of opening and closing to and from the third degree Avere performed , and the lodge was closed in due form with solemn prayer . AVALES ( NORTH ) . LAYING THE FOUNDATION SIO > E or A NEW CIITJRCH AT RHYL
. AVe have much gratification in recording the proceedings which took place on AAliit-Monday , in the picturesque and rapidly increasing toAvn at the entrance of the celebrated A ale of Cliv ' yd , commemorating , by a public demonstration , tho laying of the chief corner stone of the neiv church ( by the Hon . Mrs . Rowley , of Bodrhyddan ) , dedicated to St . Thomas , by the committee ivho have successfully set on foot the subscription for building the edifice .
There were great rejoicings in the town on the auspicious day , to which the extreme beauty of the weather largely contributed . Great were the rejoicings ! The Saint Tudno Lodge of Freemasons , with the Grand Lodge Officers of the Province , and Sir Watkin AV . AA ynn , Provincial Grand Alaster of North AVales and Shropshire , attended to take their part in the performance of the
day—an outivard rite so peculiarly appropriate to the sacred mysteries of the most ancient and illustrious Craft . In attendance , in honour , were the several local Friendly Societies , including the orders of Oddfellows and Foresters , the Sunday Schools , the A olunteer Riflemen , ivith their bands , the local Municipal authorities , the clergy of the diocese living in the neighbourhood , and a very large and brilliant assemblage of the elite of the district , together with many who came from a distance .
At noon , all having arrived in tho front square outside of the Town Hall , Sir Watkin escorted the Hon . Airs . Rowley on to a platform , accompanied by the Lord Bishop of St . Asaph , amid the enthusiastic plaudits of the vast assemblage . The CHAIRMAN ofthe Rhyl Board of Commissioners ( Mr . AA ynne ) then , addressing the triad , said , —Madam , My Lord , and Sir \ A atkin AVynn , —I have the honour , as Chairman of the Rhyl Improvement '
Commissioners , to present you an address , on theoccasion of the laying of the chief comer stone of the neiv Church of St . Thomas . ( Hear , hear . ) With your permission I ivish to make a feiv observations on the rise and progress of Rhyl during the past thirty-five years . It is thirty-six years , this very day , since I sailed from the Mersey to seek my fortune in a distant land . ( Hear , hear . ) At that time there was but one divelling-house where fche toivn of
Rhyl IIOAV stands , of an annual rental of five pounds , which was the back portion of what is now called the AA'hite Lion Hotel , built only a feiv years previously by a man ivho ivas considered mad for entering into such a , reckless speculation , as there would never be people to ( ill it . ( Cheers . ) He unfortunately died shortly after ifc was erected . AVhafc do we behold noiv ? AVhy , a large handsome townivith excellent accommodation for hotels and loding houses—
-, g ( cheers)—fit for the reception of parties of the highest rank , and the place needs only to be more generally knoivn throughout the kingdom for its extreme salubrity , magnificent vieiA-s , and mountain scenery , to attract to . its shores countless multitudes , Avhether in search of health or recreation . ( Loud and continued cheering . )' He then read the following address : —
To ihe Hon . Mrs . Rowley , the Bishop of St . Asaph , and Sir W . W Wynn , Part ., M . P ., P . G . M of North Wales and Shropshire . The inhabitants of Rhyl , represented by the Improvement Commissioners , bid you welcome on the occasion of your visit to the toiA'n to lay the corner stone of the neiv Church of St . Thomas . This ei'enfc , long looked for , must be hailed ivith feelings of joy and thankfulness ( Applause . ) To you , Madam , AA'ho represent the ancient
house of Bodrhyddan , our thanks are respectfully due for the partyon are pleased to undertake . Although it needs no monument to remind ' us of the constant interest taken in the welfare of the town hy Mr . Shipley Conwy , it is a great satisfaction to us to knoiv thafc this good work is fostered and commenced by the sister of one ivho has proved himself the firm friend of the poor and needy , and whose time and counsel are ever ready to aid his friends
and neighbours ( Loud cheers . ) My Lord , your presence as the Bishop of the diocese , within Avhich the neAV church is to be built , adds au important sanction to our proceedings . Tho rapid increase of the population in the immediate neighbourhood , together with the thousands of visitors who annually resort here , have long since demanded additionaljchm-ch accommodation . No one has felt this Avant more than your lordship , and Ave cannot forget that to your example and energy in this good cause , in addition to your
liberal contribution , the present success is due ; accept , therefore , our thanks for this , among the many proofs of solicitude for our AA-elfare" ( Hear , hear , and cheers ) . To Sir AA atkin AV . AVynn the CUAIRMAS said , —Your visit , Sir AA atl : in , here to-day , is an additional proof ( if one is needed ) of your desire to assist in any work tending to improve the condition of your countrymen . This desire has its reward in the strong attachment evinced toivards your family in every AVelsh home . Sai'r atgo' am Syr AVatgyn ,
Ira vA ' ynnstay tra bancs dyn . ( Applause . ) Our thanks are doubly caused first hy your attendance , and secondly for the assistance rendered in your capacity of Provincial Grand Master ofthe Province of North AA ' ales and Shropshire . To you and your brethren of the Craft we feel doubly grateful , ( Cheers . )
Signed on behalf of the Commissioners , ROBT . WYXNK , CHAIRMAN . Town Hall , Rhyl , AVhit-Monday , Alay 20 th , 1861 . A procession was then formed , ivhich proceeded through the principal street , and from thence to the parish church , where divine service Avas celebrated . On the conclusion of the service appointed for the occasion , the Right Rev . PRELATE delivered an appropriate sermon , taking bis text
from Exodus xxxvii . 23 : — " And he made his seven lamps , and his snuffers , and his snuff dishes of pure gold . " Having dwelt on tho costly structure of the temples in which God was worshipped in former days , and the necessity of fit places of worship for those