Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 5 →
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spirit ; and that with the additional zeal and energy to he now infused amongst us , we shall all be stimulated to fresh ancl redoubled exertions for the benefit of the Craft , and its honour ancl efficacy in this province and in the kingdom at large . So will be furthered not only the spread and the renown of Masonry , —which is in itself and alone but a beautiful means to an end—but what are of far higher importance , its usefulness ancl practical resultsviz . brotherly lovereliefand truthglory to God in the
, , , , , highest , and the universal diffusion of peace ancl good will among his rational creatures . The solemn ceremonies of consecration and dedication were then proceeded with , Bros . AV . Verrall , 11 . Yen-all and Butcher officiating with the corn , wine , and oil , the Chaplain acting as incense bearer , and offering up suitable prayers for the occasion . The im . pressive effect ivas enhanced by appropriate music Ivom Bro .
Gutteridge ( officiating for Herrlvuhc , Prov . G . 0 . ) , and tho rendering of the beautiful anthems "Behold how Good and Joyful , " and " Glory to God in the Highest , " by Bros . T . Francis , Edward Land , Donald King , and Lawler , added greatly to the effect of the ceremony . The lotlge having been constituted in ancient form , Bro . Henry Moor was presented as AV . M ., and afterwards regularly installed by Bro . PocockP . G . S . B . Prov . G . Sec .
, in the presence of numerous Past Masters . On the return of the brethren , Bro . Pocock declared the AV . M . duly elected , and having been saluted , the AV . M . proceeded to appoint the following brethren as his officers . Bros . I ! . W . Wheeler , P . M . ; Cordy Burrows , S . AV . ; S . AV . Bryce , J . W . ; Chalk , Treasurer ; W . I ! . AVood , Secretary ; Cunningham , S . D . ; A . P . Fabian , , 1 . 1 ) . ; Taalfc , I . G . The loclge was then duly closed , and the brethren adjourned to
THE BANQUET , Which was held at the Old Ship Hotel . Bro . Moor , the AV . M ., presided at the festive board , supported by the D . Prov . G . M ., and nearly fifty brethren . Ample justice having been done to the excellent banquet , ( provided by Bro . Robert Bacon ) , and grace " To thee , 0 Gocl , " ( Hobbs ) having been sung by the professionals , The AV . M . saicl—The first toast of the evening , and the first by the brethren of the Yarborough Lodge , is " Our Sovereign . 'Lady the
Queen , ancl the Craft . " In any society the health of tho Queen would meet with that enthusiasm which it deserves , but more particularly in a society of Masons , where the first charge to every entered apprentice is " never to lose sight of tlio allegiance due to the Sovereign of his native land . " —( Applause . ) The National Anthem followed . The AV . M . said—I have now the pleasure of proposing the health of " The Earl of Kctlaud , Grand Master of England , " and 1 feel
sure that no words of mine are necessary to ensure its warm reception . —( Cheers . ) The AV . M . —I now give yon the health of " Lord I'ammu-e , the Deputy Grand Master of England , and the Officers of Grand Lotlge , " coupled with the name of our Past Muster , Brother K . AVarner Wheeler , Junior Grand Deacon . Of Lord Panmure , I ivould say that no eulogy is necessary to ensure your warm reception of e toast . I well recollect his Lordship , twenty-live years ago , as the Honorable Fox Manle , when GrandWardeu of England , and I am now glad to know that he now holds the important office of Deputy Grand Master . It augurs well to the Yarborough Lodae to know that
wc have amongst us one so high in Masonic standing as our P . M ., as Bro . AVhceler ; and I am also pleased to see our respected Bro . Pocock , P . G . S . 11 ., present , and to express my gratitude to him for his assistance . —( Cheers . ) Bro . R . AV . viiNEit WHEELER , J . G . D . said—I have much pleasure in rising to respond to this toast . I believe the Deputy Grand Mastered 'England to be " fhenghtiuaniiithc ri ght place , " and that he has the interest of the Craft at heart he live ancl
. May many years , long hold bis present high ancl important office . On the ' part of the Deputy Grand Master and the Grand Officers , I beg to return you their sincere thanks , and to assure you that they take the deepest interest in gatherings like this , 'lo-tlay you have lighted a beacon , whicli will further diffuse the light and principles of frcemasonry in the Province of Sussex , and add fresh lustre to the Grand Lodire ot England . I sincerely hope that this lodge may flourishand the
^ , iitme of its members become spread throughout the province . The AY . 111 . —I noiv give you the health of "The Right AVorshipful the Provincial Grand Master , the Duke of Richmond . " The AV . M . said—I think there is no member of the Yurhoraiuih Lodge who does not feel that a deep debt of gratitude is due to Bro . Dalbiac for his kind assistance in the consecration of this loclaud
ge , also at the banquet this season . I have met him to-night for the first time , but you have mostly known him long . I am thankful to him for his assistance , and cordially propose the health of " The D . Prov . G . M ., and his Officers . "—( Cheers . ) The D / Pitov . G . M . said—Worshi pful Master and Brethren , I gratefully acknowledge your kindness , anil if I briefly do so , it is not with less cordialit y . The W . M . has saicl that this is our iirst
meeting ; I trust ifc may not be the last . In the members of the Yarborough Lodge , I see many familiar faces , and recognize some as ohV friends . I shall be too happy to do anything in my power for the prosperity of this lodge and the Craft in general . — ( Applause . The I ) . PBOT . G . lit . then assumed the gavel , and saicl—I have been called upon to-day to consecrate and constitute this new lodge , and I trust that the important ceremony has not been lost
upon any brother , and will be retained in then-memory , as it should be . Without an executive they could not prosper , and I consider that the-Yarborough Lodge liave been most fortunate in the selection of a brother for their first Muster . Though comparatively a stranger to Bro . Moor , there are certain men whose merits are widely diffused ,, ancl I have never heard but one opinion of Bro . Moor—that he is a good man . If ho is deserving of that epithet , he deserves to
preside over a Masonic lodge , and I tender him my best thanks for his hospitality this day . I trust a structure has been been laid this day which will add another light to the province , and with pleasure I proprose the health , of Bro . Moor , Master of the Yarborough Lodge . Bro . CitEW—I beg to bear my testimony to the worth of Bro . Moor , as experienced by an acquaintance with him at the Metropolitan Lodges . The AV . M . —I shall best discharge duties bin the first lace
my y , p thanking yon , and by promising to do my best for the prosperity of the Yarborough Lodge and the Craft in General . It is very easy to make promises , but not so easy to perform them . Thirty year ' s back I could better have done so , but time as it rolls on leaves its trace upon all of us , and takes this and that energy away , until it leaves a man not so able to work . The lodge has been kind enough to make mc Alasterthoughbutuntil eiht months little known
, , , g ago , to the members . Such energy as I have , ancl such time and exertion as is in my power shall he freely given . And if in the course of my government there should be any short-comings , it will be , not from want of will , but want of ' power . Having a good set of officers , and the good wishes of all , I shall endeavour to do credit to myself , and to ensure your satisfaction . —( Cheers . )
The W . M . —The brethren will recollect , on their first entrance in to their parent lodges , their iioorantl destitute condition , and that a lesson of charity is inculcated , not , I trust , badly or frtiitlessly tanght . Wo have several Masonic charities for the poor , destitute , and friendless , and in proposing their prosperity , I will name a > brother who has devoted a large amount of time and labour , and not in vain , in their behalf—Bro . Crew . Without nattering him , or saying aught devoid of truthI must add thatwherever the
, , charities are made known , Bro . Crew is to be found amongst those , advocating them . Long may they flourish , long be an ornament to our Order , and answer any objection thereto , " and long may Bro . Crew be spared to devote his time and talents to them . —( Applause . ) Bro . CHEW . —It affords me , AVorshipful Master , sincere pleasure upon this occasion , to acknowledge the kind manner in which you , who I have known lor many years , have alluded to the charities ' . I 75
am now years of age , but so long as I can smy services hall be rendered to benefit others . It is a proud thing ' to say , as to our girls and hoys , that not one has gone astray , and that a large amount of support has been rendered from this town to the girls ' school , wliich I have the honour to represent . Bro . AVood , ivhen Steward , took up a very large sum , just exceeded by Pro . Pocock at the last festival ( applause ) ; I would rather , however , have a guinea from every member than any applause . Seeing Bro . Burrows in the chair of Senior AVarden , I cannot refrain from alluding to the
happiness ot the girls on their visiting Brighton , and his kindness upon that occasion , neither can I help alluding to the many happy hours I have spent in the company of your excellent W . M . In conclusion , thank you much for your kind consideration of the charities . — ( Cheers . ) The AV . M . —1 beg now to give you " Tho Visitors . " Hospitality should ever be the first and foremost clement of our lodge . This day we have endeavoured to evince itand we shall always be happy
, to welcome visitors amongst us . AVe are honoured bv the presence of the Prov . Grand S . for Herts , and other visitors , of whom I would particularly mention Bro . William Coninghani , and I ask you cordially to drink their health with the usual honours . The toast was acknowledged by the above-mentioned brethren . The W . M . — Brethren , I ask you to fill a bumper to the " Prosperity of the Yarborongh Lodge . " I feel sure ifc has your good wishesthat the members
, will do their best , and that , iiautieally speaking , in the words of Bro . King ' s sone :, they will consider that they are "All as one , as a piece of the ship ' . " Bro . Buniioivs ( s . W . )—Worshipful Master , I rise to thank vou , antUhebrethren generally , for the last toast . So thorough is ' our confidence in you as our Captain , that we shall pursue our duties with pleasure , and gladly serve and follow you . —( Applause . ) The Tyler ' s toast followed , and the meeting broke up . The speeches were interspersed with some excellent singing by Bros , Donald King , Lawler . Land , ancl Francis .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
spirit ; and that with the additional zeal and energy to he now infused amongst us , we shall all be stimulated to fresh ancl redoubled exertions for the benefit of the Craft , and its honour ancl efficacy in this province and in the kingdom at large . So will be furthered not only the spread and the renown of Masonry , —which is in itself and alone but a beautiful means to an end—but what are of far higher importance , its usefulness ancl practical resultsviz . brotherly lovereliefand truthglory to God in the
, , , , , highest , and the universal diffusion of peace ancl good will among his rational creatures . The solemn ceremonies of consecration and dedication were then proceeded with , Bros . AV . Verrall , 11 . Yen-all and Butcher officiating with the corn , wine , and oil , the Chaplain acting as incense bearer , and offering up suitable prayers for the occasion . The im . pressive effect ivas enhanced by appropriate music Ivom Bro .
Gutteridge ( officiating for Herrlvuhc , Prov . G . 0 . ) , and tho rendering of the beautiful anthems "Behold how Good and Joyful , " and " Glory to God in the Highest , " by Bros . T . Francis , Edward Land , Donald King , and Lawler , added greatly to the effect of the ceremony . The lotlge having been constituted in ancient form , Bro . Henry Moor was presented as AV . M ., and afterwards regularly installed by Bro . PocockP . G . S . B . Prov . G . Sec .
, in the presence of numerous Past Masters . On the return of the brethren , Bro . Pocock declared the AV . M . duly elected , and having been saluted , the AV . M . proceeded to appoint the following brethren as his officers . Bros . I ! . W . Wheeler , P . M . ; Cordy Burrows , S . AV . ; S . AV . Bryce , J . W . ; Chalk , Treasurer ; W . I ! . AVood , Secretary ; Cunningham , S . D . ; A . P . Fabian , , 1 . 1 ) . ; Taalfc , I . G . The loclge was then duly closed , and the brethren adjourned to
THE BANQUET , Which was held at the Old Ship Hotel . Bro . Moor , the AV . M ., presided at the festive board , supported by the D . Prov . G . M ., and nearly fifty brethren . Ample justice having been done to the excellent banquet , ( provided by Bro . Robert Bacon ) , and grace " To thee , 0 Gocl , " ( Hobbs ) having been sung by the professionals , The AV . M . saicl—The first toast of the evening , and the first by the brethren of the Yarborough Lodge , is " Our Sovereign . 'Lady the
Queen , ancl the Craft . " In any society the health of tho Queen would meet with that enthusiasm which it deserves , but more particularly in a society of Masons , where the first charge to every entered apprentice is " never to lose sight of tlio allegiance due to the Sovereign of his native land . " —( Applause . ) The National Anthem followed . The AV . M . said—I have now the pleasure of proposing the health of " The Earl of Kctlaud , Grand Master of England , " and 1 feel
sure that no words of mine are necessary to ensure its warm reception . —( Cheers . ) The AV . M . —I now give yon the health of " Lord I'ammu-e , the Deputy Grand Master of England , and the Officers of Grand Lotlge , " coupled with the name of our Past Muster , Brother K . AVarner Wheeler , Junior Grand Deacon . Of Lord Panmure , I ivould say that no eulogy is necessary to ensure your warm reception of e toast . I well recollect his Lordship , twenty-live years ago , as the Honorable Fox Manle , when GrandWardeu of England , and I am now glad to know that he now holds the important office of Deputy Grand Master . It augurs well to the Yarborough Lodae to know that
wc have amongst us one so high in Masonic standing as our P . M ., as Bro . AVhceler ; and I am also pleased to see our respected Bro . Pocock , P . G . S . 11 ., present , and to express my gratitude to him for his assistance . —( Cheers . ) Bro . R . AV . viiNEit WHEELER , J . G . D . said—I have much pleasure in rising to respond to this toast . I believe the Deputy Grand Mastered 'England to be " fhenghtiuaniiithc ri ght place , " and that he has the interest of the Craft at heart he live ancl
. May many years , long hold bis present high ancl important office . On the ' part of the Deputy Grand Master and the Grand Officers , I beg to return you their sincere thanks , and to assure you that they take the deepest interest in gatherings like this , 'lo-tlay you have lighted a beacon , whicli will further diffuse the light and principles of frcemasonry in the Province of Sussex , and add fresh lustre to the Grand Lodire ot England . I sincerely hope that this lodge may flourishand the
^ , iitme of its members become spread throughout the province . The AY . 111 . —I noiv give you the health of "The Right AVorshipful the Provincial Grand Master , the Duke of Richmond . " The AV . M . said—I think there is no member of the Yurhoraiuih Lodge who does not feel that a deep debt of gratitude is due to Bro . Dalbiac for his kind assistance in the consecration of this loclaud
ge , also at the banquet this season . I have met him to-night for the first time , but you have mostly known him long . I am thankful to him for his assistance , and cordially propose the health of " The D . Prov . G . M ., and his Officers . "—( Cheers . ) The D / Pitov . G . M . said—Worshi pful Master and Brethren , I gratefully acknowledge your kindness , anil if I briefly do so , it is not with less cordialit y . The W . M . has saicl that this is our iirst
meeting ; I trust ifc may not be the last . In the members of the Yarborough Lodge , I see many familiar faces , and recognize some as ohV friends . I shall be too happy to do anything in my power for the prosperity of this lodge and the Craft in general . — ( Applause . The I ) . PBOT . G . lit . then assumed the gavel , and saicl—I have been called upon to-day to consecrate and constitute this new lodge , and I trust that the important ceremony has not been lost
upon any brother , and will be retained in then-memory , as it should be . Without an executive they could not prosper , and I consider that the-Yarborough Lodge liave been most fortunate in the selection of a brother for their first Muster . Though comparatively a stranger to Bro . Moor , there are certain men whose merits are widely diffused ,, ancl I have never heard but one opinion of Bro . Moor—that he is a good man . If ho is deserving of that epithet , he deserves to
preside over a Masonic lodge , and I tender him my best thanks for his hospitality this day . I trust a structure has been been laid this day which will add another light to the province , and with pleasure I proprose the health , of Bro . Moor , Master of the Yarborough Lodge . Bro . CitEW—I beg to bear my testimony to the worth of Bro . Moor , as experienced by an acquaintance with him at the Metropolitan Lodges . The AV . M . —I shall best discharge duties bin the first lace
my y , p thanking yon , and by promising to do my best for the prosperity of the Yarborough Lodge and the Craft in General . It is very easy to make promises , but not so easy to perform them . Thirty year ' s back I could better have done so , but time as it rolls on leaves its trace upon all of us , and takes this and that energy away , until it leaves a man not so able to work . The lodge has been kind enough to make mc Alasterthoughbutuntil eiht months little known
, , , g ago , to the members . Such energy as I have , ancl such time and exertion as is in my power shall he freely given . And if in the course of my government there should be any short-comings , it will be , not from want of will , but want of ' power . Having a good set of officers , and the good wishes of all , I shall endeavour to do credit to myself , and to ensure your satisfaction . —( Cheers . )
The W . M . —The brethren will recollect , on their first entrance in to their parent lodges , their iioorantl destitute condition , and that a lesson of charity is inculcated , not , I trust , badly or frtiitlessly tanght . Wo have several Masonic charities for the poor , destitute , and friendless , and in proposing their prosperity , I will name a > brother who has devoted a large amount of time and labour , and not in vain , in their behalf—Bro . Crew . Without nattering him , or saying aught devoid of truthI must add thatwherever the
, , charities are made known , Bro . Crew is to be found amongst those , advocating them . Long may they flourish , long be an ornament to our Order , and answer any objection thereto , " and long may Bro . Crew be spared to devote his time and talents to them . —( Applause . ) Bro . CHEW . —It affords me , AVorshipful Master , sincere pleasure upon this occasion , to acknowledge the kind manner in which you , who I have known lor many years , have alluded to the charities ' . I 75
am now years of age , but so long as I can smy services hall be rendered to benefit others . It is a proud thing ' to say , as to our girls and hoys , that not one has gone astray , and that a large amount of support has been rendered from this town to the girls ' school , wliich I have the honour to represent . Bro . AVood , ivhen Steward , took up a very large sum , just exceeded by Pro . Pocock at the last festival ( applause ) ; I would rather , however , have a guinea from every member than any applause . Seeing Bro . Burrows in the chair of Senior AVarden , I cannot refrain from alluding to the
happiness ot the girls on their visiting Brighton , and his kindness upon that occasion , neither can I help alluding to the many happy hours I have spent in the company of your excellent W . M . In conclusion , thank you much for your kind consideration of the charities . — ( Cheers . ) The AV . M . —1 beg now to give you " Tho Visitors . " Hospitality should ever be the first and foremost clement of our lodge . This day we have endeavoured to evince itand we shall always be happy
, to welcome visitors amongst us . AVe are honoured bv the presence of the Prov . Grand S . for Herts , and other visitors , of whom I would particularly mention Bro . William Coninghani , and I ask you cordially to drink their health with the usual honours . The toast was acknowledged by the above-mentioned brethren . The W . M . — Brethren , I ask you to fill a bumper to the " Prosperity of the Yarborongh Lodge . " I feel sure ifc has your good wishesthat the members
, will do their best , and that , iiautieally speaking , in the words of Bro . King ' s sone :, they will consider that they are "All as one , as a piece of the ship ' . " Bro . Buniioivs ( s . W . )—Worshipful Master , I rise to thank vou , antUhebrethren generally , for the last toast . So thorough is ' our confidence in you as our Captain , that we shall pursue our duties with pleasure , and gladly serve and follow you . —( Applause . ) The Tyler ' s toast followed , and the meeting broke up . The speeches were interspersed with some excellent singing by Bros , Donald King , Lawler . Land , ancl Francis .