Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 5 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article THE WEEK. Page 1 of 2 →
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Ihe furniture ( supplied by Bro . Mcascr , Brighton ) is massive , elegant , and durable ; the tracing-board well-executed , and the jewels , etc ., costly , and of superior workmanship . The lodge will meet on Saturday , the 20 th October , and on the third Saturday in every month . Apologies were received from the Earl of Zetland M . AA' . G . M . ; Lord Panmure , R . AV . D . G . M . ; Bros . McDonnoU , J . AV ., 27 ; Havers , P . G . S . D ., & c . It is bufc right to add that the presence of the vocalists afforded a rare musical treat ; and that upon Bro . Wood , the active Secretary , devolved the major portion of the arrangements .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH ) . STOKESLEY . —Cleveland Lodge ( No . 795 ) .-On Monday evening , the 3 rd mst ., this flourishing lodge ( which does not meet , except for emergencies , during the summer ) , resumed its monthly meetinss , at the Golden Lion Inn ; Bros . AVilliam Martin , W . M . ; John Martin , as S . AV . ; Stephen Hunter , P . M ., as J . AV . ; AVilliam AVilstrop , J . D . ; John llowntree , I . G . j and AVilliam Harrison , Tyler . The loclge bavin " heen opened to the third degree , the AV . M . raised Bro . the Rev . AVilliam M . Croft , to the sublime degree of M . M . This bohi" the first time that the W . M . had attempted the beautiful ceremony of raising a Mason , the brethen were very much pleased with the able unci impressive manner in which the deaxoe was conferred .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . BAILDON , near BHADFOHD . —Airedale Lodge ( No . 513 ) . —AVednesday , August 29 th , the regular meeting of tlie above lotlge , was held In the absence of the AV . M ., Bro . AV . II . Holmes , presided at the opening , when the minutes of the last lodge ivere road and confirmed The copy of a letter to Bro . Sideline , of West Hartlepool , conveying the thanks of the lodge for the sumptuous entertainment of the brethrenon their recent visit to assist afc his installation read
, was and approved . The names of three gentlemen were then presented to the brethren , and on their beinor accepted in the usual wav , the presiding AV . M . called upon Bro . John Walker , I'M . to initiate Mr . Joseph Rennard and Mr . Jeremiah Ambler , Bros . Joseph Denby , S . D ., John Ives , J . D . The ceremony was conducted according to ancient usage . The W . M . when called upon , Bro . Henry Smith to take the chair for the purpose of initiating Mr . Edward Haigh . At the conclusion of the ' °
ceremony the threeili'os . received thechargc ancl the explanation of the working tools . The short lecture was conducted by Bro . Walker . Bro . Walker , P . M . proposed , and Bro . Smith , P . M ., seconded the motion that the three brethren be passed as soon as duly qualified . Amonast the brethren present were Bros F . Taylor , S . W ; Brown , J . AV . ; , 1 . John Mann , I . G .,- Joseph AA ' alke-, Tyler ; Bro . Waimiieii HolmesSecretaryBros 1 Read Barker '
, ; . ,. C . ; L . P . M . ; J esse Cockshott ; C . Craven , & c . The lodsc was closed shortly after 9 o'clock , ivhen the brethren retired to the refreshment room where a liberal repast was served by Mrs . Walker ; after which an honrwas spent , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were dnink Ihe newly lnitiatedbrethren expressed themselves highly delMitod with the lesson they had learnt and their earnest desire to mak " good working Masonsthe brethren returned at earlhour
, an y . BitAOToiiD . —Lodge of Hope ( So . & ii . ) . —The usual monthly meethmwas held on Monday , September 3 rd , at 7 o'clock-. As there was no business , the W . M . proceeded to instruction , and afterwards , to refreshment . The brethren retired in harmony
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . __ Lily Chapter of Richmond ( No . 1122 ) . —The consecration and iirst convocation of this Chapter was held at the Talbot Hotel Richmond , September 4 th , 1 SG 0 . The ceremony of consecration was conducted by Com . AV . AVatson , P . Z , 25 . ' The companions present were : Dr . E . H . Hill , P . Z ., 317 ; 11 . S . Cooper , P . Z ., 19 ; William AVatson , P . Z ., 25 ; AV . Kirby , 218 ; Joseph Cottrcll ; Dr . Nolan ; James Fairbairne ; John Htillycr ; Joshua Nunn ; Henry LakeWilliam Piatt
; ; C . Maney ; J . S . AVoodstock , & c . Coin . Joseph Cottrell was installed M . E . Z ; Com . Dr . Nolan , IL ; ancl James Fairbairne , J . The following companions were then ballotted for as joining members of the Chapter , and duly elected :-Com . John Hoi yor , Chap . 818 ; Henry George Lake , ' Chap . 218 ; ^ rVW' ; al '" 2 }* i Heni T ^ " ^ velUO ; AVilliam Kirby nmlVV ' \ mt ^ ; , n' ? T ' ' ' ^ pt . H . F . M : arshell , 7 ls ; ha lo ' f ' Tllefollo ™ S offic were «™ elated b
r un n ; ° ™ y AV V u , "' \ ? ° » J' ? ' v , - Nui "h S . i H . Tarrant , P . S . ; W L Haskins , 1 st Assist . ; Lake , 2 nd Assist . ; Quelch Treas ' H . b . Cooper , D . C ; Blackwell , Steward ; an , l , by . ho v of land " Goodwm , Janitor . The bye-laws were then read , and m " £ mousl y approved . Coins . AVatson and D . IliU were wonosed is brXr " bCTS ' nnd dul * e ! ect 011 ' ' ,, ' ° - " - 1 4 tn C & rtZZT 0 ne , 1 , Caa a' ? ra »' Miltcs ' ' " > ' exaltation , and the e < Za »™ ° Z T'f t , 1 C f ° Urth T , ' ' lay in 0 ct » W . The companions then sat down to a sumptuous banquet , prepared in
Royal Arch.
the best style of our host of the Talbot . Addresses were delivered by Companions Watson , Cottrell , Dr . Nolan , Hollyer , and Quelch , which were at once instructive and enlivening . A more pleasant or social meeting of Royal Arch Companions could not be desired . This Chapter commences under very auspicious circumstances . The Loclge of Industry ( No . 21 S ) has derived a far-spread imputation from the superior working of Brother Cottrel , its immediate P . M ., which has been increased b
greatly y the influence of the present Master , Dr . Nolan . The Lily Loclge of Richmond is mainl y indebted for its existence and flourishing condition to Brothers AVatson , Cottrell , ancl Fairbairne , its present Master . The present principals of the Lily Chapter are , therefore , men ol experience in building up , consolidating , or reviving Masonic associations , and in their hands it will not he permitted to slumber . The remaining officers of the
now Chapter are all men of experience in Masonry or personal influence , and there exists much confidence ancl affection between them and the principals . In the hands of such a man as Companion Cooper , of the Mount Sinai Chapter , D . C . to "the Lily , " the order and arrangements are sure to be creditable to the Order , and to promote the happiness of the Chapter . Richmond is a tine field for a new Chapter , ancl we have no doubt of the prosperity of No . 1122 now established there .
Obituary .
^ Buo . THOMAS SMITH . —On the 29 th ult ., Bro . Thomas Smith , M . li . C . S ., ol Bow Lane , Cheapside , in his 52 nd year . Bro . Smith was formerly a member of the Castle Lodge ( No . 30 ) , and on the erasure of that lodge , he joined the Lodge of Unity ( No . 82 ) .
The Week.
THE COURT . —Her Majesty and suite are to leave Balmoral for Holyrooil to-day , and will return to Osborne about Tuesday . The Prince of . Wales landed at Montreal on Saturday , the 25 th ult ., and was received with the most enthusiastic demonstrations of welcome by about 00 , 000 people . The streets were beautifull y decorated , and the procession which accompanied His Royal Highness from the wharf after the presentation of au address from
the Mayor , embodied all the civic societies , the clevsy , the firebrigade , the regular military , and the volunteers , not " only of the city , but of distant places . The procession proceeded immediatel y to the Crystal Palace , which was formally opened by the Prince " ; after wliich he rode in an open car to the Victoria Bridge , which he completed by laying the corner-stone with appropriate ceremonies . During the day ho received the committee of New York citizensami ted their invitation
, accep . It is now officially announced that the Princo will visit Bermuda before returning to England . The Bermuda Royal Gazelle publishes a letter \> this effect , addressed by the Duke of Newcastle to Governor Murray . The ' House of Assembl y has voted the sum of £ 2000 for proviiliiw suitably for His Royal Highness ' s reception . ° GENEIML HU . UK NEWS . —The ' assistants have hold
grocers a crowded meeting with a view to promoting the early closing of the establishments in ivhich they are employed . In the grocery trade there are difficulties connected with earl y closing winch ilo not apply to many other trades , and it ivould he extremel y difficult for these houses to be closed on Saturday . A petition , therefore , has been to the
adopted masters , praying that the shops should be closed at an earlier hour on all days except Saturday , At a recent meeting of the Manchester City Council , ifc was ' stated that permission had heen given to Mr . Train , of America , to try his system of street railways in Oxford Street and Stretford Road . ' Manchester . The agreement with Mr . Train is to the effect that the rails must be laid down at the speculator ' s cost , and that they should be removedand the pavement restored to its oriinal
, g condition , if the experiment does not meet with the approbation of the authorities . The commissioners appointed to inquire into the state of tho salmon fisheries in England and Wales , have commenced inquiries at Gloucester , and they will thence proceed to other towns on the principalsalmon rivers . The French Consul at Neweastle-on-Tvne has been instructed to claim of the corporation of the city and of the Tync Commissioners the consession to French
vessels and their cargoes of a full and equal participation with the freemen of Newcastle and the most privileged vessels in all local privileges , immunities , and exemptions . This demand is based upon the tenth article of the 'Treaty of Commerce between France and England . The Chamber of Commerce are of opinion that the immunities claimed by M . de Pianelli cannot be supported . In point of factthe dues are always paidand no forei nation
, , gn has a right to inquire what the corporation do with the money . William Thomas Emms and James Mulliiis , have been examined on the charge of having been concerned in the Stepney murder . Mullins had given some information to the police which induced them to question Emms on the subject of the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ihe furniture ( supplied by Bro . Mcascr , Brighton ) is massive , elegant , and durable ; the tracing-board well-executed , and the jewels , etc ., costly , and of superior workmanship . The lodge will meet on Saturday , the 20 th October , and on the third Saturday in every month . Apologies were received from the Earl of Zetland M . AA' . G . M . ; Lord Panmure , R . AV . D . G . M . ; Bros . McDonnoU , J . AV ., 27 ; Havers , P . G . S . D ., & c . It is bufc right to add that the presence of the vocalists afforded a rare musical treat ; and that upon Bro . Wood , the active Secretary , devolved the major portion of the arrangements .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH ) . STOKESLEY . —Cleveland Lodge ( No . 795 ) .-On Monday evening , the 3 rd mst ., this flourishing lodge ( which does not meet , except for emergencies , during the summer ) , resumed its monthly meetinss , at the Golden Lion Inn ; Bros . AVilliam Martin , W . M . ; John Martin , as S . AV . ; Stephen Hunter , P . M ., as J . AV . ; AVilliam AVilstrop , J . D . ; John llowntree , I . G . j and AVilliam Harrison , Tyler . The loclge bavin " heen opened to the third degree , the AV . M . raised Bro . the Rev . AVilliam M . Croft , to the sublime degree of M . M . This bohi" the first time that the W . M . had attempted the beautiful ceremony of raising a Mason , the brethen were very much pleased with the able unci impressive manner in which the deaxoe was conferred .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . BAILDON , near BHADFOHD . —Airedale Lodge ( No . 513 ) . —AVednesday , August 29 th , the regular meeting of tlie above lotlge , was held In the absence of the AV . M ., Bro . AV . II . Holmes , presided at the opening , when the minutes of the last lodge ivere road and confirmed The copy of a letter to Bro . Sideline , of West Hartlepool , conveying the thanks of the lodge for the sumptuous entertainment of the brethrenon their recent visit to assist afc his installation read
, was and approved . The names of three gentlemen were then presented to the brethren , and on their beinor accepted in the usual wav , the presiding AV . M . called upon Bro . John Walker , I'M . to initiate Mr . Joseph Rennard and Mr . Jeremiah Ambler , Bros . Joseph Denby , S . D ., John Ives , J . D . The ceremony was conducted according to ancient usage . The W . M . when called upon , Bro . Henry Smith to take the chair for the purpose of initiating Mr . Edward Haigh . At the conclusion of the ' °
ceremony the threeili'os . received thechargc ancl the explanation of the working tools . The short lecture was conducted by Bro . Walker . Bro . Walker , P . M . proposed , and Bro . Smith , P . M ., seconded the motion that the three brethren be passed as soon as duly qualified . Amonast the brethren present were Bros F . Taylor , S . W ; Brown , J . AV . ; , 1 . John Mann , I . G .,- Joseph AA ' alke-, Tyler ; Bro . Waimiieii HolmesSecretaryBros 1 Read Barker '
, ; . ,. C . ; L . P . M . ; J esse Cockshott ; C . Craven , & c . The lodsc was closed shortly after 9 o'clock , ivhen the brethren retired to the refreshment room where a liberal repast was served by Mrs . Walker ; after which an honrwas spent , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were dnink Ihe newly lnitiatedbrethren expressed themselves highly delMitod with the lesson they had learnt and their earnest desire to mak " good working Masonsthe brethren returned at earlhour
, an y . BitAOToiiD . —Lodge of Hope ( So . & ii . ) . —The usual monthly meethmwas held on Monday , September 3 rd , at 7 o'clock-. As there was no business , the W . M . proceeded to instruction , and afterwards , to refreshment . The brethren retired in harmony
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . __ Lily Chapter of Richmond ( No . 1122 ) . —The consecration and iirst convocation of this Chapter was held at the Talbot Hotel Richmond , September 4 th , 1 SG 0 . The ceremony of consecration was conducted by Com . AV . AVatson , P . Z , 25 . ' The companions present were : Dr . E . H . Hill , P . Z ., 317 ; 11 . S . Cooper , P . Z ., 19 ; William AVatson , P . Z ., 25 ; AV . Kirby , 218 ; Joseph Cottrcll ; Dr . Nolan ; James Fairbairne ; John Htillycr ; Joshua Nunn ; Henry LakeWilliam Piatt
; ; C . Maney ; J . S . AVoodstock , & c . Coin . Joseph Cottrell was installed M . E . Z ; Com . Dr . Nolan , IL ; ancl James Fairbairne , J . The following companions were then ballotted for as joining members of the Chapter , and duly elected :-Com . John Hoi yor , Chap . 818 ; Henry George Lake , ' Chap . 218 ; ^ rVW' ; al '" 2 }* i Heni T ^ " ^ velUO ; AVilliam Kirby nmlVV ' \ mt ^ ; , n' ? T ' ' ' ^ pt . H . F . M : arshell , 7 ls ; ha lo ' f ' Tllefollo ™ S offic were «™ elated b
r un n ; ° ™ y AV V u , "' \ ? ° » J' ? ' v , - Nui "h S . i H . Tarrant , P . S . ; W L Haskins , 1 st Assist . ; Lake , 2 nd Assist . ; Quelch Treas ' H . b . Cooper , D . C ; Blackwell , Steward ; an , l , by . ho v of land " Goodwm , Janitor . The bye-laws were then read , and m " £ mousl y approved . Coins . AVatson and D . IliU were wonosed is brXr " bCTS ' nnd dul * e ! ect 011 ' ' ,, ' ° - " - 1 4 tn C & rtZZT 0 ne , 1 , Caa a' ? ra »' Miltcs ' ' " > ' exaltation , and the e < Za »™ ° Z T'f t , 1 C f ° Urth T , ' ' lay in 0 ct » W . The companions then sat down to a sumptuous banquet , prepared in
Royal Arch.
the best style of our host of the Talbot . Addresses were delivered by Companions Watson , Cottrell , Dr . Nolan , Hollyer , and Quelch , which were at once instructive and enlivening . A more pleasant or social meeting of Royal Arch Companions could not be desired . This Chapter commences under very auspicious circumstances . The Loclge of Industry ( No . 21 S ) has derived a far-spread imputation from the superior working of Brother Cottrel , its immediate P . M ., which has been increased b
greatly y the influence of the present Master , Dr . Nolan . The Lily Loclge of Richmond is mainl y indebted for its existence and flourishing condition to Brothers AVatson , Cottrell , ancl Fairbairne , its present Master . The present principals of the Lily Chapter are , therefore , men ol experience in building up , consolidating , or reviving Masonic associations , and in their hands it will not he permitted to slumber . The remaining officers of the
now Chapter are all men of experience in Masonry or personal influence , and there exists much confidence ancl affection between them and the principals . In the hands of such a man as Companion Cooper , of the Mount Sinai Chapter , D . C . to "the Lily , " the order and arrangements are sure to be creditable to the Order , and to promote the happiness of the Chapter . Richmond is a tine field for a new Chapter , ancl we have no doubt of the prosperity of No . 1122 now established there .
Obituary .
^ Buo . THOMAS SMITH . —On the 29 th ult ., Bro . Thomas Smith , M . li . C . S ., ol Bow Lane , Cheapside , in his 52 nd year . Bro . Smith was formerly a member of the Castle Lodge ( No . 30 ) , and on the erasure of that lodge , he joined the Lodge of Unity ( No . 82 ) .
The Week.
THE COURT . —Her Majesty and suite are to leave Balmoral for Holyrooil to-day , and will return to Osborne about Tuesday . The Prince of . Wales landed at Montreal on Saturday , the 25 th ult ., and was received with the most enthusiastic demonstrations of welcome by about 00 , 000 people . The streets were beautifull y decorated , and the procession which accompanied His Royal Highness from the wharf after the presentation of au address from
the Mayor , embodied all the civic societies , the clevsy , the firebrigade , the regular military , and the volunteers , not " only of the city , but of distant places . The procession proceeded immediatel y to the Crystal Palace , which was formally opened by the Prince " ; after wliich he rode in an open car to the Victoria Bridge , which he completed by laying the corner-stone with appropriate ceremonies . During the day ho received the committee of New York citizensami ted their invitation
, accep . It is now officially announced that the Princo will visit Bermuda before returning to England . The Bermuda Royal Gazelle publishes a letter \> this effect , addressed by the Duke of Newcastle to Governor Murray . The ' House of Assembl y has voted the sum of £ 2000 for proviiliiw suitably for His Royal Highness ' s reception . ° GENEIML HU . UK NEWS . —The ' assistants have hold
grocers a crowded meeting with a view to promoting the early closing of the establishments in ivhich they are employed . In the grocery trade there are difficulties connected with earl y closing winch ilo not apply to many other trades , and it ivould he extremel y difficult for these houses to be closed on Saturday . A petition , therefore , has been to the
adopted masters , praying that the shops should be closed at an earlier hour on all days except Saturday , At a recent meeting of the Manchester City Council , ifc was ' stated that permission had heen given to Mr . Train , of America , to try his system of street railways in Oxford Street and Stretford Road . ' Manchester . The agreement with Mr . Train is to the effect that the rails must be laid down at the speculator ' s cost , and that they should be removedand the pavement restored to its oriinal
, g condition , if the experiment does not meet with the approbation of the authorities . The commissioners appointed to inquire into the state of tho salmon fisheries in England and Wales , have commenced inquiries at Gloucester , and they will thence proceed to other towns on the principalsalmon rivers . The French Consul at Neweastle-on-Tvne has been instructed to claim of the corporation of the city and of the Tync Commissioners the consession to French
vessels and their cargoes of a full and equal participation with the freemen of Newcastle and the most privileged vessels in all local privileges , immunities , and exemptions . This demand is based upon the tenth article of the 'Treaty of Commerce between France and England . The Chamber of Commerce are of opinion that the immunities claimed by M . de Pianelli cannot be supported . In point of factthe dues are always paidand no forei nation
, , gn has a right to inquire what the corporation do with the money . William Thomas Emms and James Mulliiis , have been examined on the charge of having been concerned in the Stepney murder . Mullins had given some information to the police which induced them to question Emms on the subject of the