Article "MR, BROWN AT THE GIRLS' SCHOOL FESTIVAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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"Mr, Brown At The Girls' School Festival.
home : and nest morning she felt orful queer , and so did i but its my belief that a slice of pine apple after an arty dinner is calkylated to make you feel queer the next morning . " But in conclution sur you may depeucl on it that Institution is fust rate and aughter be supported . I hojie me and Mrs . B'll live to see our young uns
which theres 6 on em bless their little arts live to groiv up to men ancl Avimmeu but if it should pleas the Great Architect of the Universe to take me away from them , I hope they may have nothing ivorse appen to them than to be among the little appy creeturs ive see at the Preemasons Hall on the
9 th May . "Yours umble fraternally , ' - J . BEOWK " Norton Polgate 1 st June I 860 . " P . S . Mrs . Jones was a setting up when ive got ome hoping that as Mrs . B . had bin to Preemasons
Hall she ivas made a freemason , and she thought she'd git the secrets out of her if she could not out of me , and very cross she were when she found Mrs . B . two slepy to tell her anything about it , till the next morning when my wife ivhich she likes a joke ses to to Mrs . J . ses she I'll tell you a secret inarm . Lor
will you tho says Mrs . Jones startin up , yes sa }* s my wife mind its quite a secret but I never seed any think like the charity of them , masons , and it ml do your art good Mrs . J . to see them little deers seed last night , ivhich it were better than any plan , ancl mind my usband says this is a masonick secret , but one of the first principles of the order is RELIEF . "
THE FLOEEXCE' SEWING MACHINES . —These machines are manufactured at Florence , Massachusetts , and have been introto the English public by the Florence Sewing Machine Company , with very great success . This company adopts the lock-stitch principle , ivhich is considered by the generality of the users of seAving machines as the best suited to all kinds of sewing . With a vioAA-, however , to meet certain objections which have been urged against this stitch , they have added Hie knot ,
double lock , and double knot , which , like the lock-stitch , are alike on both sides of the AA-OI-IC , but are stronger , and have more elasticity than the simple lock ; and by this means , they offer to the purchaser the selection of a stidi , AA'hich he may deem best suited to tho fabric to be worked . The speciality of tho Florence machine is , its simplicity combined ivith great durability . They have also a peculiar reversible feet-motion , and , by simply turning a thumb-screw at the edge of the machine , the operator can , at will , cause the work to pass either to the right or left , thus enabling the operitor to fasten oil' seams Avithout stopping the machine , as well as to seiv narallel scams Avithout turiiino- the fabric . The nerfenf-,
tension attained by the use of the self-adjusting shuttle , and the so-called take-up wheel , prevents the thread from snarling or breaking , and produces a uniform stitch throughout . In addition to this , lioivever ,, four different stitches may be wrought at will , each of which are stronger , elastic , ancl smooth . The length of stitch , and the change from one stitch to another , may be made while the machine is in motion , thus enabling the operator to select a stitch perfectl
y ii ted to the fabric . The case with ivhich needles are changed or adjusted , is also in favour of the " Florence . " Indeed , all the arrangements ' of the machine are so simple , that , while it Avill hem , fell , bind , gather , braid , quilt , and SOAV on a ruffle at the same time , the most inexperienced are able , after a feiv hours' practice , enabled to work it ivith ease and certainty . AMONGST the various organisations AA'hich knit together the
individual units into AA'hich mere selfishness tends to dissolve society , ¦ Freemasonry holds a unique position . Its members form a very respectable social class , and the bond that unites them developes a large amount of fraternal feeling , wliicli finds a Mason a friend in every part of the civilised Avorld , and in ease of necessity affords him more substantial aid .
THE MASONIC MIRROR . ** . * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , " Strand , London , AV . C .
Masonic Mems.
DEBursniJlE . —Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge . — A meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Derbyshire has been summoned by the E . AV . the Prov . G . M . the Marquis of Hartington , M . P ., to be held at the Assembly Rooms , Derby , on Tuesday , the 25 th inst . STAI ;* -OP . D 3 HIRE . —The report of the Provincial Grand Lodge
held on the Gth inst . ivill be found in another page . A good deal of anxiety is naturally felt as to the future occupant of the position long and very Avorthily held by Bro . Colonel Vernon , and AVO understand that the members of the order are exceedingly desirous to see at their head the nobleman .. AVIIO SO Avorthily fills the highest official position in Staffordshire .
SOUTH AA ' AIES ( KASTEKN DIA * ISION ) . Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge . —The next annual meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge is appointed by the R . AA ' . the Prov . G . M ., Bro . Theo . Mansel Talbot , to bo held at Swansea , on Thursday , the 27 th inst . The Prov . G . M . AVIII be opened at twelve o'clock , noon . We refer our readers to our
advertising columns for the details of the arrangements . "We have watched Avith much pleasure and interest , the rapid ancl sure strides which Freemasonry has recently been making in this , province . We must congratulate the Prov . G . M . upon having such an indefatigably zealous assistant in the Deputy Prov . G . M ., Bro . E . J . Morris , ivho is unremitting in the attention Avhich ho devotes to all matters appertaining to the Avelfare of the Craft iu his province .
DURHAM . DuiiiiAAi . —Marquis of Granby Lodge ( No . 124 ) . —On Tuesday the -1 th inst ., this lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the Freemasons' Hal ! , under the presidency of the \ A . M ., W . R . Fitz Gerald , IS . Amongst the officers present ivere the R . W . Prov . G . M . J . Fawcett , P . M . 21 ; Bros . W . Stoker , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . W . ; T . Jones , P . M ., P . Prov . G . R . ; -J . Nicholson , P . M ., AV . M . 1121 , P . Prov . J . G . D ., & c . The lodge was favoured
ivith the attendance of no less than 21 visitors , amongst whom ivere Bros . J . Riseborough , P . M . 01 ; Toppling , AV . M . 97 ; R . Small , P . M . oil ; & e . The lodge was opened in the first degree and the minutes of the last general lodge read and confirmed , Avhen Bro . J . Tiplady having duly served his term of apprenticeship undei-Avent the usual examination and acquitting himself satisfactorily he was entrusted and withdrew . The lodge Avas then opened in the second degree when he ivas re-admitted ancl
passed as a F . C . liros . Henry Can- and W . Howe were candidates for advancement to the third degree and having been examined in the usual manner and shown their proficiency retired for preparation . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , after which they were respectively introduced and raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The ceremony in Bro . Howe ' s case Avas performed by the R . W . the PI-OA * . G . M . This being ended the lodge ivas closed in the several degrees in
harmony aud ivith prayer , after which the brethren adjourned to refreshment and spent the remainder of the evening very agreeably . MONMOUTHSHIRE . NEAVPOHB . —Sibirean Lodge ( So . 4-71 ) . The lodge liaving been closed for the summer months ( as is the custom in this province ) ivas re-opened for business on Wednesday the 5 th inst . Being in Neivport at the time I again took the liberty of looking in , ivhen I found there must be some-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
"Mr, Brown At The Girls' School Festival.
home : and nest morning she felt orful queer , and so did i but its my belief that a slice of pine apple after an arty dinner is calkylated to make you feel queer the next morning . " But in conclution sur you may depeucl on it that Institution is fust rate and aughter be supported . I hojie me and Mrs . B'll live to see our young uns
which theres 6 on em bless their little arts live to groiv up to men ancl Avimmeu but if it should pleas the Great Architect of the Universe to take me away from them , I hope they may have nothing ivorse appen to them than to be among the little appy creeturs ive see at the Preemasons Hall on the
9 th May . "Yours umble fraternally , ' - J . BEOWK " Norton Polgate 1 st June I 860 . " P . S . Mrs . Jones was a setting up when ive got ome hoping that as Mrs . B . had bin to Preemasons
Hall she ivas made a freemason , and she thought she'd git the secrets out of her if she could not out of me , and very cross she were when she found Mrs . B . two slepy to tell her anything about it , till the next morning when my wife ivhich she likes a joke ses to to Mrs . J . ses she I'll tell you a secret inarm . Lor
will you tho says Mrs . Jones startin up , yes sa }* s my wife mind its quite a secret but I never seed any think like the charity of them , masons , and it ml do your art good Mrs . J . to see them little deers seed last night , ivhich it were better than any plan , ancl mind my usband says this is a masonick secret , but one of the first principles of the order is RELIEF . "
THE FLOEEXCE' SEWING MACHINES . —These machines are manufactured at Florence , Massachusetts , and have been introto the English public by the Florence Sewing Machine Company , with very great success . This company adopts the lock-stitch principle , ivhich is considered by the generality of the users of seAving machines as the best suited to all kinds of sewing . With a vioAA-, however , to meet certain objections which have been urged against this stitch , they have added Hie knot ,
double lock , and double knot , which , like the lock-stitch , are alike on both sides of the AA-OI-IC , but are stronger , and have more elasticity than the simple lock ; and by this means , they offer to the purchaser the selection of a stidi , AA'hich he may deem best suited to tho fabric to be worked . The speciality of tho Florence machine is , its simplicity combined ivith great durability . They have also a peculiar reversible feet-motion , and , by simply turning a thumb-screw at the edge of the machine , the operator can , at will , cause the work to pass either to the right or left , thus enabling the operitor to fasten oil' seams Avithout stopping the machine , as well as to seiv narallel scams Avithout turiiino- the fabric . The nerfenf-,
tension attained by the use of the self-adjusting shuttle , and the so-called take-up wheel , prevents the thread from snarling or breaking , and produces a uniform stitch throughout . In addition to this , lioivever ,, four different stitches may be wrought at will , each of which are stronger , elastic , ancl smooth . The length of stitch , and the change from one stitch to another , may be made while the machine is in motion , thus enabling the operator to select a stitch perfectl
y ii ted to the fabric . The case with ivhich needles are changed or adjusted , is also in favour of the " Florence . " Indeed , all the arrangements ' of the machine are so simple , that , while it Avill hem , fell , bind , gather , braid , quilt , and SOAV on a ruffle at the same time , the most inexperienced are able , after a feiv hours' practice , enabled to work it ivith ease and certainty . AMONGST the various organisations AA'hich knit together the
individual units into AA'hich mere selfishness tends to dissolve society , ¦ Freemasonry holds a unique position . Its members form a very respectable social class , and the bond that unites them developes a large amount of fraternal feeling , wliicli finds a Mason a friend in every part of the civilised Avorld , and in ease of necessity affords him more substantial aid .
THE MASONIC MIRROR . ** . * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , " Strand , London , AV . C .
Masonic Mems.
DEBursniJlE . —Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge . — A meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Derbyshire has been summoned by the E . AV . the Prov . G . M . the Marquis of Hartington , M . P ., to be held at the Assembly Rooms , Derby , on Tuesday , the 25 th inst . STAI ;* -OP . D 3 HIRE . —The report of the Provincial Grand Lodge
held on the Gth inst . ivill be found in another page . A good deal of anxiety is naturally felt as to the future occupant of the position long and very Avorthily held by Bro . Colonel Vernon , and AVO understand that the members of the order are exceedingly desirous to see at their head the nobleman .. AVIIO SO Avorthily fills the highest official position in Staffordshire .
SOUTH AA ' AIES ( KASTEKN DIA * ISION ) . Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge . —The next annual meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge is appointed by the R . AA ' . the Prov . G . M ., Bro . Theo . Mansel Talbot , to bo held at Swansea , on Thursday , the 27 th inst . The Prov . G . M . AVIII be opened at twelve o'clock , noon . We refer our readers to our
advertising columns for the details of the arrangements . "We have watched Avith much pleasure and interest , the rapid ancl sure strides which Freemasonry has recently been making in this , province . We must congratulate the Prov . G . M . upon having such an indefatigably zealous assistant in the Deputy Prov . G . M ., Bro . E . J . Morris , ivho is unremitting in the attention Avhich ho devotes to all matters appertaining to the Avelfare of the Craft iu his province .
DURHAM . DuiiiiAAi . —Marquis of Granby Lodge ( No . 124 ) . —On Tuesday the -1 th inst ., this lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the Freemasons' Hal ! , under the presidency of the \ A . M ., W . R . Fitz Gerald , IS . Amongst the officers present ivere the R . W . Prov . G . M . J . Fawcett , P . M . 21 ; Bros . W . Stoker , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . W . ; T . Jones , P . M ., P . Prov . G . R . ; -J . Nicholson , P . M ., AV . M . 1121 , P . Prov . J . G . D ., & c . The lodge was favoured
ivith the attendance of no less than 21 visitors , amongst whom ivere Bros . J . Riseborough , P . M . 01 ; Toppling , AV . M . 97 ; R . Small , P . M . oil ; & e . The lodge was opened in the first degree and the minutes of the last general lodge read and confirmed , Avhen Bro . J . Tiplady having duly served his term of apprenticeship undei-Avent the usual examination and acquitting himself satisfactorily he was entrusted and withdrew . The lodge Avas then opened in the second degree when he ivas re-admitted ancl
passed as a F . C . liros . Henry Can- and W . Howe were candidates for advancement to the third degree and having been examined in the usual manner and shown their proficiency retired for preparation . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , after which they were respectively introduced and raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The ceremony in Bro . Howe ' s case Avas performed by the R . W . the PI-OA * . G . M . This being ended the lodge ivas closed in the several degrees in
harmony aud ivith prayer , after which the brethren adjourned to refreshment and spent the remainder of the evening very agreeably . MONMOUTHSHIRE . NEAVPOHB . —Sibirean Lodge ( So . 4-71 ) . The lodge liaving been closed for the summer months ( as is the custom in this province ) ivas re-opened for business on Wednesday the 5 th inst . Being in Neivport at the time I again took the liberty of looking in , ivhen I found there must be some-