Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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thing extraordinary on the carpet , for I reckoned , I believe 50 brethren present , and" amongst them six or seven distinguished foreign brethren . The W . M ., Bro . Hellyer , took the chair precisely at seven o'clock , and the lodge ivas opened in due form . The minutes of the General Lodge on the Gth June and the Lodges of Emergency on the 13 th of June and 4 th of July having been read and confirmed , the S . D ., Bro . Gratte , reported that he
and the J . D ., Bro . Randall , had collected about £ 18 for the widow of a deceased brother ( Bro . Hands ) , and the AV . M . said he ¦ was also happy to state that the Board of General Purposes had kindly sent -610 for the ivitlow and her four small children , Avhich , with £ 10 from the Sibirean Lodge would make -C 3 S ; and it was generally believed £ 50 , Avould he collected before the lists were entirely closed . Tins fact redounds to the credit of No . 471 . The W . M . then rose and said he had invited their Chaplain
, Bro . The Rev . Samuel Fox , to deliver an address to the brethren , on the occasion of their resuming AVOI-IC after the recess , and that worthy rev . brother addressed the brethren nearly ns folloAA-s : *—Worshipful Sir and Brethren , —Having been requested to address you , I IIOAV most cheerfully comply . As , hoivever , I am fully aware that important duties aii'ait us this evening , my words will be feAV . First , let mo congratulate the brethren in
meeting this evening in such numbers after a suspension of onr duties during the summer months . AVe are forcibly reminded of the words of the Psalmist , "Behold how good and pleasant it is for brethren to chvell together in unity ! It is like the precious ointment upon the head , that ran down upon the beard , even Aaron ' s beard : that ran clown to the skirts of his garment ; as the CIBAV of Hevmon and as the deAV that descended upon the mountains of Zion : for these the Lord commanded
the blessing , even life for evermore . " There are so many various parts in the great and most important study of Masonry upon which an address might perhaps be profitably founded , that it is difficult to select one subject more than another to speak upon this evening . But , perhaps , the present is a season when a feiv Avords ought to be said upon the importance of
making a daily progress in the study of our arcane science . As a young Mason myself you must not suppose me capable or desirous of assuming any superiority , or a right to dictate to my brethren , but having been appointed to an oflice of no small importance in this lodge , it is my duty , so far as possible , to assist our worthy AV . M . in employing and instructing the brethren in Freemasonry . At the present day when Masonry is so much upon the increasewhen numbers from various
; classes of society and varying in their religious sentiments , prompted by a favourable opinion pro-conceived of the institution , a general longing for knowledge , and a sincere wish to render themselves more extensively useful to their fellow-creatures , desire to join our ranks , a vast portion of our time must necessaril y be spent in ivhat may be termed the externals of Masonry , viz ., the initiatingpassingand raising of candidates . Not that
, , I mean to lessen the solemnity and importance of these great ceremonies , but it is possible in Masonry as ivell as in that holy religion which ive profess to obtain the letter and not the spirit . With respect to our OAA-H beloved lodge , I fear Ave must plead guilty and admit that Ave are no exception to the general rule . AVe must , however , endeavour to learn that there are higher and holier duties required of us as brethren , than a correct and
efficient performance of our respective officers while assembled l the lodge . Each brother is bound to strive to make a dail y advance in Masonry , and this does not mean merely endeavouring to fulfil the duties of any office to which Ave may be called , but to cultivate those sacred emblems ancl write their meaning upon his heart and life . Each member of a lodge should strive to know and practice these genuine secrets of Masonry . Not that
I would undervalue those signs by ivhich a brother can obtain an entrance to a lodge , but permit me to say that Avithout a more extended knoivledge , Masonry will not afford that comfort ancl happiness which it is calculated to clo . Is there a brother here present in the bosom of this lodge AVIIO contents himself ivith taking a IOAV position in Masonry , and ivho rests satisfied ivith the mere routine of Masonic learning . To such a one I would relate a story recorded on the authorit y of Jewish tradif ; ion .
At the building of King Solomon ' s Temple a stone ivas prepared to be placed , in the building , but it Avasof a curious shape and ivould not suit any part of the building . It was therefore east aside as useless , but this very stone ivas sought for at the finishing of the building , for without it the building ivas incomplete . Thus the stone which the builders refused , became
the head of the corner . So many a brother may become a light in Masonry by exercising those talents ivhich he possess . It should , however , be borne in mind that while there are secrets in Masonry Avhich AA * e are bound not to reveal , so there are the results of those secrets which a Mason is bound not to keep secret but to reveal- Let me give an illustration . A tradesman has invented an instrument by which he can produce a Avell finished and excellent article . Now he is not bound to
shoiv this instrument to the world , but the Avorkmanship produced by it , he is , for by it ho procures the maintenance of his family and gains his OAVU daily bread . And so with Masonry . We have mystic signs rem nding us of our duty to God and man , those signs ive keep to ourselves , but the lessons they teach us let us SIIOAV to the world , i . e ., let us exhibit in our lives and in our actions the full meaning of Masonry . Let us in our devotional exercisesin our families and in our businessshoiv that Ave
, , fear God and love each other as brethren , ancl moreover that our love , bursting all barriers , may extend to ail mankind . If it were othenvise—if these virtues were only to be practised in the lodge and then only in the letter , then Masonry would be a false system . But as Ave are exhorted in every portion of the Masonic service to let our light shine before mon—to practice the duties of Masonry fearlessly before the world—so Ave conclude that it is
a true system , and as such Ave are ready to uphold it . In conclusion I would remind my brethren that the world is very curious and prying * . vith regard to Masonry , and that all they can really and certainly know of it is to be seen in the lives and conduct of the members of the Craft . Ancl let me add IIOAV great an injury Ave clo to Masonry by exhibiting in our lives anything opposed to tbe hihest morality . Every system of religion has
g suffered by the unguarded behaviour of its adherents , but let me again remind you how this applies in an especial point of view to Masonry . A man professing Christianity may act contrary to his profession , and it is noticed by the ivorld , but the Bible is at hand , it is consulted ancl the inconsistency of the offender is detected , hut not so in Masonry . All the world knows of Masonry is from the behaviour of Masons .
The Reverend Brother concluded by short exhortation to the brethren upon the consistency of their conduct towards those ivho are not Masons . Tho address ivas listened to Avith deep attention , and at its close it Avas proposed by the WM ., and seconded by Bro . Griffiths , P . M ., that the cordial thanks of the brethren be given to Bro . the Rev . S . Fox , for his very able Masonic address . Carried . The lodge ivas then opened in the second and third degrees ,
when Bros . Tapsen , Eurus , and 0 . Goss , were raised to the sublime degree of M M . We never before saw this degree worked more correctly , and the WM . has unmistakeably shoAvn the brethren that he is the right man in the right place . The lodge was then closed to the second degree , ivhen Bros . P . James and W . M . Prance ivere passed to the degree of F . C Masons . This degree having been also admirably worked by
the AA ' . M ., the Prov . G . Secretary , Bro . AV . Williams , in the name of the Prov . G . Master , presented the AV . M ., officers , and members of the lodge , with a photograph of the jewel presented to the Prov . G . M ., at Abergavenny Lodge , in October last , when it was resolved that tiie thanks of the members be given to tho Prov . G . M ., for his very handsome present . A letter was then read from the D . Prov . G . M ., enclosing one from the M . AV . the Grand Master of Englandas to the
, admission of new member . , and petitions for neiv lodges , when it Avas resolved that the Secretary do write unto the D . Prov . G-M ., and acknoAvlcdge the receipt of such letter and state that it had been read at this meeting , and ivould receive the cordial attention of each and every member of this lodge . The lodge was then closed in due form , and at the next meeting I hear the brethren will decide as to carrying on a lodge of
instruction during the winter months . I would add the musical part of the ceremony was very efficiently rendered by Bro . Groves , Prov . G . Org . # Our reporter ivishes us to stato that he is no short-hand writer , and should his notes be found deficient , he trusts the brethren Avill excuse his errors and imperfections .
STAFFORDSHIRE . PEOVESXIAII GEAND LODQ-E . —The meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge Avas held at the Shire Hall , Stafford , at noon , on the 6 th inst ., the R . W . Deputy Provincial Grand Master Bro . Foster Gougli , LL . D ., presiding . Amongst those present were Bros . Col . Yemon , P . Prov . G . M ., and Dr . Burton of Walsall ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
thing extraordinary on the carpet , for I reckoned , I believe 50 brethren present , and" amongst them six or seven distinguished foreign brethren . The W . M ., Bro . Hellyer , took the chair precisely at seven o'clock , and the lodge ivas opened in due form . The minutes of the General Lodge on the Gth June and the Lodges of Emergency on the 13 th of June and 4 th of July having been read and confirmed , the S . D ., Bro . Gratte , reported that he
and the J . D ., Bro . Randall , had collected about £ 18 for the widow of a deceased brother ( Bro . Hands ) , and the AV . M . said he ¦ was also happy to state that the Board of General Purposes had kindly sent -610 for the ivitlow and her four small children , Avhich , with £ 10 from the Sibirean Lodge would make -C 3 S ; and it was generally believed £ 50 , Avould he collected before the lists were entirely closed . Tins fact redounds to the credit of No . 471 . The W . M . then rose and said he had invited their Chaplain
, Bro . The Rev . Samuel Fox , to deliver an address to the brethren , on the occasion of their resuming AVOI-IC after the recess , and that worthy rev . brother addressed the brethren nearly ns folloAA-s : *—Worshipful Sir and Brethren , —Having been requested to address you , I IIOAV most cheerfully comply . As , hoivever , I am fully aware that important duties aii'ait us this evening , my words will be feAV . First , let mo congratulate the brethren in
meeting this evening in such numbers after a suspension of onr duties during the summer months . AVe are forcibly reminded of the words of the Psalmist , "Behold how good and pleasant it is for brethren to chvell together in unity ! It is like the precious ointment upon the head , that ran down upon the beard , even Aaron ' s beard : that ran clown to the skirts of his garment ; as the CIBAV of Hevmon and as the deAV that descended upon the mountains of Zion : for these the Lord commanded
the blessing , even life for evermore . " There are so many various parts in the great and most important study of Masonry upon which an address might perhaps be profitably founded , that it is difficult to select one subject more than another to speak upon this evening . But , perhaps , the present is a season when a feiv Avords ought to be said upon the importance of
making a daily progress in the study of our arcane science . As a young Mason myself you must not suppose me capable or desirous of assuming any superiority , or a right to dictate to my brethren , but having been appointed to an oflice of no small importance in this lodge , it is my duty , so far as possible , to assist our worthy AV . M . in employing and instructing the brethren in Freemasonry . At the present day when Masonry is so much upon the increasewhen numbers from various
; classes of society and varying in their religious sentiments , prompted by a favourable opinion pro-conceived of the institution , a general longing for knowledge , and a sincere wish to render themselves more extensively useful to their fellow-creatures , desire to join our ranks , a vast portion of our time must necessaril y be spent in ivhat may be termed the externals of Masonry , viz ., the initiatingpassingand raising of candidates . Not that
, , I mean to lessen the solemnity and importance of these great ceremonies , but it is possible in Masonry as ivell as in that holy religion which ive profess to obtain the letter and not the spirit . With respect to our OAA-H beloved lodge , I fear Ave must plead guilty and admit that Ave are no exception to the general rule . AVe must , however , endeavour to learn that there are higher and holier duties required of us as brethren , than a correct and
efficient performance of our respective officers while assembled l the lodge . Each brother is bound to strive to make a dail y advance in Masonry , and this does not mean merely endeavouring to fulfil the duties of any office to which Ave may be called , but to cultivate those sacred emblems ancl write their meaning upon his heart and life . Each member of a lodge should strive to know and practice these genuine secrets of Masonry . Not that
I would undervalue those signs by ivhich a brother can obtain an entrance to a lodge , but permit me to say that Avithout a more extended knoivledge , Masonry will not afford that comfort ancl happiness which it is calculated to clo . Is there a brother here present in the bosom of this lodge AVIIO contents himself ivith taking a IOAV position in Masonry , and ivho rests satisfied ivith the mere routine of Masonic learning . To such a one I would relate a story recorded on the authorit y of Jewish tradif ; ion .
At the building of King Solomon ' s Temple a stone ivas prepared to be placed , in the building , but it Avasof a curious shape and ivould not suit any part of the building . It was therefore east aside as useless , but this very stone ivas sought for at the finishing of the building , for without it the building ivas incomplete . Thus the stone which the builders refused , became
the head of the corner . So many a brother may become a light in Masonry by exercising those talents ivhich he possess . It should , however , be borne in mind that while there are secrets in Masonry Avhich AA * e are bound not to reveal , so there are the results of those secrets which a Mason is bound not to keep secret but to reveal- Let me give an illustration . A tradesman has invented an instrument by which he can produce a Avell finished and excellent article . Now he is not bound to
shoiv this instrument to the world , but the Avorkmanship produced by it , he is , for by it ho procures the maintenance of his family and gains his OAVU daily bread . And so with Masonry . We have mystic signs rem nding us of our duty to God and man , those signs ive keep to ourselves , but the lessons they teach us let us SIIOAV to the world , i . e ., let us exhibit in our lives and in our actions the full meaning of Masonry . Let us in our devotional exercisesin our families and in our businessshoiv that Ave
, , fear God and love each other as brethren , ancl moreover that our love , bursting all barriers , may extend to ail mankind . If it were othenvise—if these virtues were only to be practised in the lodge and then only in the letter , then Masonry would be a false system . But as Ave are exhorted in every portion of the Masonic service to let our light shine before mon—to practice the duties of Masonry fearlessly before the world—so Ave conclude that it is
a true system , and as such Ave are ready to uphold it . In conclusion I would remind my brethren that the world is very curious and prying * . vith regard to Masonry , and that all they can really and certainly know of it is to be seen in the lives and conduct of the members of the Craft . Ancl let me add IIOAV great an injury Ave clo to Masonry by exhibiting in our lives anything opposed to tbe hihest morality . Every system of religion has
g suffered by the unguarded behaviour of its adherents , but let me again remind you how this applies in an especial point of view to Masonry . A man professing Christianity may act contrary to his profession , and it is noticed by the ivorld , but the Bible is at hand , it is consulted ancl the inconsistency of the offender is detected , hut not so in Masonry . All the world knows of Masonry is from the behaviour of Masons .
The Reverend Brother concluded by short exhortation to the brethren upon the consistency of their conduct towards those ivho are not Masons . Tho address ivas listened to Avith deep attention , and at its close it Avas proposed by the WM ., and seconded by Bro . Griffiths , P . M ., that the cordial thanks of the brethren be given to Bro . the Rev . S . Fox , for his very able Masonic address . Carried . The lodge ivas then opened in the second and third degrees ,
when Bros . Tapsen , Eurus , and 0 . Goss , were raised to the sublime degree of M M . We never before saw this degree worked more correctly , and the WM . has unmistakeably shoAvn the brethren that he is the right man in the right place . The lodge was then closed to the second degree , ivhen Bros . P . James and W . M . Prance ivere passed to the degree of F . C Masons . This degree having been also admirably worked by
the AA ' . M ., the Prov . G . Secretary , Bro . AV . Williams , in the name of the Prov . G . Master , presented the AV . M ., officers , and members of the lodge , with a photograph of the jewel presented to the Prov . G . M ., at Abergavenny Lodge , in October last , when it was resolved that tiie thanks of the members be given to tho Prov . G . M ., for his very handsome present . A letter was then read from the D . Prov . G . M ., enclosing one from the M . AV . the Grand Master of Englandas to the
, admission of new member . , and petitions for neiv lodges , when it Avas resolved that the Secretary do write unto the D . Prov . G-M ., and acknoAvlcdge the receipt of such letter and state that it had been read at this meeting , and ivould receive the cordial attention of each and every member of this lodge . The lodge was then closed in due form , and at the next meeting I hear the brethren will decide as to carrying on a lodge of
instruction during the winter months . I would add the musical part of the ceremony was very efficiently rendered by Bro . Groves , Prov . G . Org . # Our reporter ivishes us to stato that he is no short-hand writer , and should his notes be found deficient , he trusts the brethren Avill excuse his errors and imperfections .
STAFFORDSHIRE . PEOVESXIAII GEAND LODQ-E . —The meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge Avas held at the Shire Hall , Stafford , at noon , on the 6 th inst ., the R . W . Deputy Provincial Grand Master Bro . Foster Gougli , LL . D ., presiding . Amongst those present were Bros . Col . Yemon , P . Prov . G . M ., and Dr . Burton of Walsall ,