Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 3 of 3 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1
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P . D . Prov . G . M . The usual routine business was done , and the following appointments of officieis of the Provincial Grand Lodge Avere made .- —Bros . Capt . George S . Tudor , Park House , Lapley , W . M ., 52 G , S . W . ; "Walter Acton , NeAvcastlo-under-Lyme , P . M . 460 , J . AV . ; Rev . B . Wilmove , Trinity Vicarage , Westbromwich , 482 , Chap . ; Rev . S . T . Neville , Rectory , Shelton , 418 , Assist . Chap . ; W . Ho wells , Tipton , 347 , Treas . ; Gordon Warren , Market Drayton , W . M . 726 , Reg . ; W .
Cartlvright , Newcastle-under-Lyme , P . M . 460 , Sec . ; —Richards , Redditch , P . M . 482 , S . D . ; W . B . Blair , Longton , P . M . 546 , J . D . ; — Gilbard , Burton-on-Trent , P . M . 624 , Sup . of Works ; S . Hill , Longton , P . M . 546 , Div . of Cers . ; W , IL Hales , Hanley , P . M . 418 , Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Martin Dunn , Westbromivich , W . M . 662 , Sword Bearer ; David Wright , Longton , 546 , Standard Bearer ; E . Bedsmore , Lichfield , 1 , 039 , Org . ; J . H . WaltonWednesburyW . M . 696 Purs .
, , , The members of the Prov . Grand Lodge then ivent in procession to St . Mary ' s Church , where the prayers were intoned by the Rev . Bro . S . T . Nevill , A . C , raid the lessons read by the Rev . Bro . James Downes , of Stonuall . A very able and appropriate sermon ivas preached by the Rev . Bro . B . Wilmore , of Westbromwich , Prov . G . Chap ., from Ruth ii , 4 . A collection realised seven guineas , tivo of ivhich ivere handed over to St . Mary's National Schools , and the rest to the South
Staffordshire Hospital . The banquet ivas held at the Shire Hall , and about seventy were present . The assembly room , which ivas some time ago very tastefully decorated by Mr . Gee , ivas adorned with standards and other ornaments , including the banners of some of the lodges ; and Bro . Senior , of the Vine Hotel , placed a very choice dinner on the table . The end galleries were filled with ladies . The chair was filled by Bro . F . GoughD . Prov . G . M .
, , who was supported by Bros . Col . Vernon , P . Prov . G . M . ; Dr . Burton , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; the Rev . B . Willmore , the Rev . T . S . Nevill , the Rev . J . Downes , and in addition to the remainder of the Prov . G . Officers above enumerated , there was a numerous body of the most distinguished members of the Craft in the
province . The Chairman having proposed the loyal toasts , followed them by " The Health of the Most Worshipful Grand Master the Earl of Zetland , " whose twenty years' service , and that of his deputies , Earl de Grey and Ripon and Earl of Panmure , he ivarmly eulogised , connecting ivith the toast the name of Col . Vernon , as a member of the Grand Lodge of England . Colonel Vernon , who was greeted on rising , with a perfect
storm of applause , which Avas again and again renewed , acknowledged the toast , and then proposed that of "The Right AVorshiplul Provincial Grand Master , and the Right Worshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master , F . Gough , LL . D . " Colonel Vernon , in very warm terms , and amidst the applause of the company , congratulated the province that its affairs had in the exigency which had arisen , been so ably and zealously conducted hthe DeputProvincial Grand Masterhis own child in
y y , Masonry , Dr . Gough . The D . Prov . G . Master on rising to respond , ivas greeted with very enthusiastic applause . After very cordially acknoivledging the many marks of kindness he had received from his brethren in the pi evince , of which his reception that night was the latest , Bro . Gough expressed his great obligation to
Colonel Vernon , to Avhose AVISO counsel , which he regretted he had not more closcty followed , he was indebted for any degree of efficiency he might have shoivn in the Craft . He also acknowledged the great assistance he had received from his predecessor , Dr . Burton , and from all the officers of the Provincial Grand Lodgo and the Masters of the various lodges , without which the affairs of the Ordsr could not have been sustained in so satisfactory a state in the county as lie was happy
to say they now were . Their predecessors had placed the Order in that province on a good foundation , and it must be their earnest endeavour if possible to extend , at all events to preserve , what had been committed to their hands . With regard to the future he trusted that the regulations as to admission into the Craft , would be strictly and zealously guarded , and promised that his OAVU efforts should suffer no abatement for the promotion of the interests of tho Order . Bro . Gough
then proposed . Avith many ivarm compliments , "The Health ot the Past Provincial Grand Master , Colonel Vernon , " who at considerable personal inconvenience Avas present Avith them , and whom they hoped to lvelcomc amongst them from his too dis tant home for many years to come , concluding by tho couplet—Here's a health to our brother , the Craft holds him clear ,
God bless him , joy ei-OAvn him , God speed his career . The toast Avas drunk ivith the greatest enthusiasm . Colonel Vernon , in responding , very cordially acknoivledged that renewed expression of kind feeling , of Avhich he had received so many proofs , assuring ' . his brethren that his heart ivas ever with them , and that absence from their annual feasts Ai'Ould be to him a very great cause of regret . The gallant colonel proposed the health of his former deputy , Dr . Burton ,
AA-hose valuable assistance he very heartily acknoAvledged , and Bro . Dr . Burton very appropriately replied . The remaining toasts were , "The Chaplains , " proposed by Bro . J . G . W . Acton , and acknoivledged by Bro . the Rev . B . Willmore , who proposed " The Provincial Grand Wardens and the other Officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge , " Avhich Bro . Captain Tudor acknowledged . " The Health of the Treasurer and Secretary" was proposed bBro . Hooperancl
acknow-, y , ledged by Bro . Cartwright . " The Ladies , " was given by Bro . the Rev . S . T . Nevill , in a very humourous speech , and Bro . Lieut . Shaw acknowledged it . "The Stewards , " proposed by Bro . Fendilow , of Wolverhampton , was responded to by Bro . Storer , and * ' The Tyler's Toast , " given by Bro . Dires , closed a very pleasant evening . ¦¦
Mark Masonry.
CORNWALL . FALMOUTH : —Love and Honour Lodge ( So . 94 . )—The regular meeting of this lodge ivas held at the Royal Hotel at half-past seven p . m ., on Thursday the 6 th September , when Bro . William J . Hughan , P . M ., 78 and 94 ( Grand Overseer ) , took the chair in the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . Reginald Rogers , D . Prov . G . M . in the Craft . The acting W . M . was supported
by Bros . F . W . Newman , S . W . ; Captain H . Barber , G . Steward , J . W . ; D . W . Tremewen , S . O . ; and several other brethren . The minutes of the last lodge were read and confirmed . The S . W . acknowledged on behalf of the lodge , the handsome present bf a set of collars for the use of the officers from the J . AV ., and proposed a vote of thanks to be recorded in the minutes , which was carried ivith acclamation and ivith all the warmth such a kind present deserved . Bro . Captain H . Barber is a Freemason
of no ordinary abilities , and certainly one whose career in the Craft Avill be brilliant and permanently successful . The acting W . M . advanced four Master Masons to the honourable degree of a Mark Master , and delivered the Avorking tools , and other interesting portions of the ritual according to ancient custom . The Treasurer having been elected and the business concluded , the lodge was closed with solemn prayer , and the brethren adjourned to a most substantial repast , provided by Bro .
Middleton , and after the usual toasts , the acting AV . M " . gave a slight sketch of the history of Mark Masonry from time immemorial doAvn to the present clay , alluding in passing to the recognition of the Eoyal Arch degree by the Grand Lodge of England , and yet ignoring the superior claims of the Mark degree to antiquity , if not of absolute importance . The acting W . M . in proof of his statements , mentioned that the Mark degree ivas worked by the St . John's Lodge , GlasgOAV , before the
Institution of the Grand Lodgo of Scotland , also that several of its customs had been in use long anterior to the formation of any Grand Lodges , ancl consequently some time before the Institution of the degree acknoivledged by the Grand Lodge of England . Reference was also made to the prosperity of the Mark Grand Lodge in England , and this circumstance together with the fact of the recognition of the degree hy eveiy Grand Lodge where English was spoken , were taken as encouraging features in the history of Mark Masonry .
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEWCASTLE-ON-TINE . —Northumberland and " Berwick Lodge of Mark Masters . — On Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., a meeting of emergency of tho above lodge ivas held at tho Masonic Hall , Neivgate-street , for the purpose of balloting for , and , if accepted , of advancing Bro . Edward B . Bogg , M . D ., P . N . The favourable A-otes of the brethren being unanimous , he ivas preparedadmittedand advanced in due form bthe W . M .
, , y , Bro . A . M . Loades , supported by Bros . II . Hotham , P . M . ; Jens Jensen , S . AA . ; J . F . Frolick , as J . W . ; and Wm . Foulsham , J . W ., as Deacon . There was a good attendance of the brethren . The lodge having been closed ivith solemn prayer , the brethren separated in love and harmony .
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P . D . Prov . G . M . The usual routine business was done , and the following appointments of officieis of the Provincial Grand Lodge Avere made .- —Bros . Capt . George S . Tudor , Park House , Lapley , W . M ., 52 G , S . W . ; "Walter Acton , NeAvcastlo-under-Lyme , P . M . 460 , J . AV . ; Rev . B . Wilmove , Trinity Vicarage , Westbromwich , 482 , Chap . ; Rev . S . T . Neville , Rectory , Shelton , 418 , Assist . Chap . ; W . Ho wells , Tipton , 347 , Treas . ; Gordon Warren , Market Drayton , W . M . 726 , Reg . ; W .
Cartlvright , Newcastle-under-Lyme , P . M . 460 , Sec . ; —Richards , Redditch , P . M . 482 , S . D . ; W . B . Blair , Longton , P . M . 546 , J . D . ; — Gilbard , Burton-on-Trent , P . M . 624 , Sup . of Works ; S . Hill , Longton , P . M . 546 , Div . of Cers . ; W , IL Hales , Hanley , P . M . 418 , Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Martin Dunn , Westbromivich , W . M . 662 , Sword Bearer ; David Wright , Longton , 546 , Standard Bearer ; E . Bedsmore , Lichfield , 1 , 039 , Org . ; J . H . WaltonWednesburyW . M . 696 Purs .
, , , The members of the Prov . Grand Lodge then ivent in procession to St . Mary ' s Church , where the prayers were intoned by the Rev . Bro . S . T . Nevill , A . C , raid the lessons read by the Rev . Bro . James Downes , of Stonuall . A very able and appropriate sermon ivas preached by the Rev . Bro . B . Wilmore , of Westbromwich , Prov . G . Chap ., from Ruth ii , 4 . A collection realised seven guineas , tivo of ivhich ivere handed over to St . Mary's National Schools , and the rest to the South
Staffordshire Hospital . The banquet ivas held at the Shire Hall , and about seventy were present . The assembly room , which ivas some time ago very tastefully decorated by Mr . Gee , ivas adorned with standards and other ornaments , including the banners of some of the lodges ; and Bro . Senior , of the Vine Hotel , placed a very choice dinner on the table . The end galleries were filled with ladies . The chair was filled by Bro . F . GoughD . Prov . G . M .
, , who was supported by Bros . Col . Vernon , P . Prov . G . M . ; Dr . Burton , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; the Rev . B . Willmore , the Rev . T . S . Nevill , the Rev . J . Downes , and in addition to the remainder of the Prov . G . Officers above enumerated , there was a numerous body of the most distinguished members of the Craft in the
province . The Chairman having proposed the loyal toasts , followed them by " The Health of the Most Worshipful Grand Master the Earl of Zetland , " whose twenty years' service , and that of his deputies , Earl de Grey and Ripon and Earl of Panmure , he ivarmly eulogised , connecting ivith the toast the name of Col . Vernon , as a member of the Grand Lodge of England . Colonel Vernon , who was greeted on rising , with a perfect
storm of applause , which Avas again and again renewed , acknowledged the toast , and then proposed that of "The Right AVorshiplul Provincial Grand Master , and the Right Worshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master , F . Gough , LL . D . " Colonel Vernon , in very warm terms , and amidst the applause of the company , congratulated the province that its affairs had in the exigency which had arisen , been so ably and zealously conducted hthe DeputProvincial Grand Masterhis own child in
y y , Masonry , Dr . Gough . The D . Prov . G . Master on rising to respond , ivas greeted with very enthusiastic applause . After very cordially acknoivledging the many marks of kindness he had received from his brethren in the pi evince , of which his reception that night was the latest , Bro . Gough expressed his great obligation to
Colonel Vernon , to Avhose AVISO counsel , which he regretted he had not more closcty followed , he was indebted for any degree of efficiency he might have shoivn in the Craft . He also acknowledged the great assistance he had received from his predecessor , Dr . Burton , and from all the officers of the Provincial Grand Lodgo and the Masters of the various lodges , without which the affairs of the Ordsr could not have been sustained in so satisfactory a state in the county as lie was happy
to say they now were . Their predecessors had placed the Order in that province on a good foundation , and it must be their earnest endeavour if possible to extend , at all events to preserve , what had been committed to their hands . With regard to the future he trusted that the regulations as to admission into the Craft , would be strictly and zealously guarded , and promised that his OAVU efforts should suffer no abatement for the promotion of the interests of tho Order . Bro . Gough
then proposed . Avith many ivarm compliments , "The Health ot the Past Provincial Grand Master , Colonel Vernon , " who at considerable personal inconvenience Avas present Avith them , and whom they hoped to lvelcomc amongst them from his too dis tant home for many years to come , concluding by tho couplet—Here's a health to our brother , the Craft holds him clear ,
God bless him , joy ei-OAvn him , God speed his career . The toast Avas drunk ivith the greatest enthusiasm . Colonel Vernon , in responding , very cordially acknoivledged that renewed expression of kind feeling , of Avhich he had received so many proofs , assuring ' . his brethren that his heart ivas ever with them , and that absence from their annual feasts Ai'Ould be to him a very great cause of regret . The gallant colonel proposed the health of his former deputy , Dr . Burton ,
AA-hose valuable assistance he very heartily acknoAvledged , and Bro . Dr . Burton very appropriately replied . The remaining toasts were , "The Chaplains , " proposed by Bro . J . G . W . Acton , and acknoivledged by Bro . the Rev . B . Willmore , who proposed " The Provincial Grand Wardens and the other Officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge , " Avhich Bro . Captain Tudor acknowledged . " The Health of the Treasurer and Secretary" was proposed bBro . Hooperancl
acknow-, y , ledged by Bro . Cartwright . " The Ladies , " was given by Bro . the Rev . S . T . Nevill , in a very humourous speech , and Bro . Lieut . Shaw acknowledged it . "The Stewards , " proposed by Bro . Fendilow , of Wolverhampton , was responded to by Bro . Storer , and * ' The Tyler's Toast , " given by Bro . Dires , closed a very pleasant evening . ¦¦
Mark Masonry.
CORNWALL . FALMOUTH : —Love and Honour Lodge ( So . 94 . )—The regular meeting of this lodge ivas held at the Royal Hotel at half-past seven p . m ., on Thursday the 6 th September , when Bro . William J . Hughan , P . M ., 78 and 94 ( Grand Overseer ) , took the chair in the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . Reginald Rogers , D . Prov . G . M . in the Craft . The acting W . M . was supported
by Bros . F . W . Newman , S . W . ; Captain H . Barber , G . Steward , J . W . ; D . W . Tremewen , S . O . ; and several other brethren . The minutes of the last lodge were read and confirmed . The S . W . acknowledged on behalf of the lodge , the handsome present bf a set of collars for the use of the officers from the J . AV ., and proposed a vote of thanks to be recorded in the minutes , which was carried ivith acclamation and ivith all the warmth such a kind present deserved . Bro . Captain H . Barber is a Freemason
of no ordinary abilities , and certainly one whose career in the Craft Avill be brilliant and permanently successful . The acting W . M . advanced four Master Masons to the honourable degree of a Mark Master , and delivered the Avorking tools , and other interesting portions of the ritual according to ancient custom . The Treasurer having been elected and the business concluded , the lodge was closed with solemn prayer , and the brethren adjourned to a most substantial repast , provided by Bro .
Middleton , and after the usual toasts , the acting AV . M " . gave a slight sketch of the history of Mark Masonry from time immemorial doAvn to the present clay , alluding in passing to the recognition of the Eoyal Arch degree by the Grand Lodge of England , and yet ignoring the superior claims of the Mark degree to antiquity , if not of absolute importance . The acting W . M . in proof of his statements , mentioned that the Mark degree ivas worked by the St . John's Lodge , GlasgOAV , before the
Institution of the Grand Lodgo of Scotland , also that several of its customs had been in use long anterior to the formation of any Grand Lodges , ancl consequently some time before the Institution of the degree acknoivledged by the Grand Lodge of England . Reference was also made to the prosperity of the Mark Grand Lodge in England , and this circumstance together with the fact of the recognition of the degree hy eveiy Grand Lodge where English was spoken , were taken as encouraging features in the history of Mark Masonry .
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEWCASTLE-ON-TINE . —Northumberland and " Berwick Lodge of Mark Masters . — On Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., a meeting of emergency of tho above lodge ivas held at tho Masonic Hall , Neivgate-street , for the purpose of balloting for , and , if accepted , of advancing Bro . Edward B . Bogg , M . D ., P . N . The favourable A-otes of the brethren being unanimous , he ivas preparedadmittedand advanced in due form bthe W . M .
, , y , Bro . A . M . Loades , supported by Bros . II . Hotham , P . M . ; Jens Jensen , S . AA . ; J . F . Frolick , as J . W . ; and Wm . Foulsham , J . W ., as Deacon . There was a good attendance of the brethren . The lodge having been closed ivith solemn prayer , the brethren separated in love and harmony .