Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
the solution of the Austrian constitutional question have hitherto been conducted in reference to material changes only and the question as to the persons to be entrusted by the Emperor with carrying these changes into effect has not yet been discussed , so that the report that personal changes had been effected seems to be incorrect . It is said that there is
going to be a meeting of the leading members of the German party in Austria to discuss the plan for the future constitutional organisation of the empire , ancl that the principle adopted will be that of personal union between Austria and Hungary . It is said the Queen of Spain intends to visit the Empress of the French at Biarritz Belg ium is warned to keep quiet
about Prussia . Tiie semi-official North German Gazette tells the Belgian papers to treat treat Prussia with more consideration under pain of Belgium being at some future timo reckoned among the enemies of Prussia . Hanover ive know ivas counted one of the enemies of Prussia . Will Belgium take the hint ? The Prussian Chamber of Deputies has passed the
Annexation Bill by 273 against 14 votes . Immediately afterwards Count Bismarck brought in a , bill for the incorporation of Schleswig-Holsfceiu ivith Prussia , and urged that it should be got forward without delay . It is stated at Paris that Saxony has agreed to leave her military administration in fie hands of Prussia . Thero is not much difference betiveen that ancl
annexation . A telegram from Pesth informs us that all the persons recently arrested by the police for political offences have been released . Pulsky has lost both his daughter and his wife . The latter died of cholera . The cattle plague is reported to have broken out in Galicia , Hungary , and Moravia . According to the St . Petersburg papers , the insurrection in the Caucasus has been put doivn . They add that it never was a matter of much importance . "With the exception of one
or two points the latest continental news is somewhat barren of interest . The King of Saxony , it is said , will abdicate in favour of his son—a rumour Avhich may be regarded as highly probable . The King has conceded to the Prussians the right to garrison the fortress of Koenigstein . The Prussian House of Lords has—as might been anticipated—unanimously passed the Indemnity Bill . While peace negotiations betiveen Austria
and Italy are still lingering , a conference is about to be held betiveen the representatives of the two countries to improve their means of postal and telegraphic intercommunication ] . The Committee of the Upper House of the Prussian Parliament have agreed to recommend the adoption of the Annexation Bill . One solitary member recorded his protest against the
annexation of Hanover . It appears that the inhabitants of Leipzig are not particularly favourable to their being annexed to Prussia . The Vienna Official Gazette published a declaration , bearing the signatures of 5 , 000 inhabitants of Leipzig alone , stating that the resolution adopted at the meeting held in Leipzig on , the 26 th ult . in favour of the
incorporation of Saxony ivith Prussia only expressed the opinions of some individuals , ancl declaring that the Saxon people remain unshaken in their attachment to their hereditary Prince and the independence of their country . There seems to be no doubt about Austria having given up all idea , at least or some time to come , of making any further efforts to retrieve
her lost prestige among nations . An Imperial decree published at Vienna to day orders au immediate reduction o ' f tho army in all departments and its restoration to the normal peace footing . It appears that the projected reorganisation ol the French army will be based upon a scheme matured b y the Emperor so far back as 1813 , and an outline of ivhich ivas published b y him in the summer of that year . A special commission will be ap-
The Week.
pointed to frame a measure , which will be laid before the Corps Lfegislatif in the course of the ensuing session . It appears that the people of Amsterdam clo not think that the prevalence of cholera in their city justifies the authorities in prohibiting their annual fair . A disturbance , or rather a demonstration , has taken place . The malcontents " invaded" the Bourse . AMERICA A _* D TIIE COLONIES . — The Cuba , which arrived at
Queenston-ii on the 7 th inst ., brings us American news to the 30 th ultimo . The Philadelphia municipality refused to take part in the President ' s reception in that city , but it appears that ho received a most enthusiastic greeting in New York . The President made a speech at a banquet given to him in New-York , in ivhich he expressed his determination to carry out
his policy and restore the Union . Mr . Seivard also made a speech . He remarked that the press cried for war with Mexico , Spain , ancl England ; he himself favoured all wars which the nation required , but , referring to the refusal of Congress to admit the Southern representives , he did not want to go into a war until the union of the States was complete . This has
a strange look , which will in all probability be a good deal changed when AVO have the full text of the speech before us . From a letter from the city of Mexico of very recent date , and ivhich first appeared in the columns of a well-informed American contemporary , we gather the following facts as to the state of that city . It is there made as clear as facts can
make anything that the empire is literally at the last gasp . An army of one hundred thousand liberals represents , in fact , the Mexican people , and they are masters of so many provinces , and threatening so many vulnerable points , that the Emperor Maximilian must ere long pack up his crown
and sceptre and vanish from the scene , unless a miracle is wrought for his deliverance . This correspondent speaks ominously of the defections which are taking place in the Imperial camp ; of officers who induce their garrisons to hoist the Republican flag ; and of prefects ivho , after a little quiet consultation ivith their men , pronounce against the empire and join " the rebels" whom they were employed to hunt doivn . The
City of Paris has arrived . By it we have advices from New York to the 1 st inst . At a banquet given to President Johnson , Signor Romero , the Mexican Minister , hoped that by November next the Mexican Republic would be delivered from the last vestige of foreign invasion . At the same dinner General Grant proposed Signor Romero's health and the success of the cause
he represented . President Johnson ' s policy has been denounced by both Wendell Philips and General Butler . The former gentleman is said to have urged Congress to depose the President , and the latter to have advocated the exclusion of the South from representation indefinitely . The AVest India and Pacific steamer Atrato has arrived , with
later advices from the AVest India islands and the South American republics . Beyond a tour of Sir J . P . Grant there is nothing of special interest to be noted in the intelligence from Jamaica . The arrival of the Panama mail from New Zealand has put us in possession of neivs from that distant British colony by this route . The general assembly had been opened Avith the usual speech by the Governor , who congratulated the assembled legislators on the opening of the Panama mail service , the reviving prosperity of the country , and the prospects of peace . The war is noiv believed to be virtually at an end .
To Correspondents.
* * AU communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street Strand , London , W . C . P . S . W . —Received ivith thanks , and inserted . Shall always he glad to hear from you .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
the solution of the Austrian constitutional question have hitherto been conducted in reference to material changes only and the question as to the persons to be entrusted by the Emperor with carrying these changes into effect has not yet been discussed , so that the report that personal changes had been effected seems to be incorrect . It is said that there is
going to be a meeting of the leading members of the German party in Austria to discuss the plan for the future constitutional organisation of the empire , ancl that the principle adopted will be that of personal union between Austria and Hungary . It is said the Queen of Spain intends to visit the Empress of the French at Biarritz Belg ium is warned to keep quiet
about Prussia . Tiie semi-official North German Gazette tells the Belgian papers to treat treat Prussia with more consideration under pain of Belgium being at some future timo reckoned among the enemies of Prussia . Hanover ive know ivas counted one of the enemies of Prussia . Will Belgium take the hint ? The Prussian Chamber of Deputies has passed the
Annexation Bill by 273 against 14 votes . Immediately afterwards Count Bismarck brought in a , bill for the incorporation of Schleswig-Holsfceiu ivith Prussia , and urged that it should be got forward without delay . It is stated at Paris that Saxony has agreed to leave her military administration in fie hands of Prussia . Thero is not much difference betiveen that ancl
annexation . A telegram from Pesth informs us that all the persons recently arrested by the police for political offences have been released . Pulsky has lost both his daughter and his wife . The latter died of cholera . The cattle plague is reported to have broken out in Galicia , Hungary , and Moravia . According to the St . Petersburg papers , the insurrection in the Caucasus has been put doivn . They add that it never was a matter of much importance . "With the exception of one
or two points the latest continental news is somewhat barren of interest . The King of Saxony , it is said , will abdicate in favour of his son—a rumour Avhich may be regarded as highly probable . The King has conceded to the Prussians the right to garrison the fortress of Koenigstein . The Prussian House of Lords has—as might been anticipated—unanimously passed the Indemnity Bill . While peace negotiations betiveen Austria
and Italy are still lingering , a conference is about to be held betiveen the representatives of the two countries to improve their means of postal and telegraphic intercommunication ] . The Committee of the Upper House of the Prussian Parliament have agreed to recommend the adoption of the Annexation Bill . One solitary member recorded his protest against the
annexation of Hanover . It appears that the inhabitants of Leipzig are not particularly favourable to their being annexed to Prussia . The Vienna Official Gazette published a declaration , bearing the signatures of 5 , 000 inhabitants of Leipzig alone , stating that the resolution adopted at the meeting held in Leipzig on , the 26 th ult . in favour of the
incorporation of Saxony ivith Prussia only expressed the opinions of some individuals , ancl declaring that the Saxon people remain unshaken in their attachment to their hereditary Prince and the independence of their country . There seems to be no doubt about Austria having given up all idea , at least or some time to come , of making any further efforts to retrieve
her lost prestige among nations . An Imperial decree published at Vienna to day orders au immediate reduction o ' f tho army in all departments and its restoration to the normal peace footing . It appears that the projected reorganisation ol the French army will be based upon a scheme matured b y the Emperor so far back as 1813 , and an outline of ivhich ivas published b y him in the summer of that year . A special commission will be ap-
The Week.
pointed to frame a measure , which will be laid before the Corps Lfegislatif in the course of the ensuing session . It appears that the people of Amsterdam clo not think that the prevalence of cholera in their city justifies the authorities in prohibiting their annual fair . A disturbance , or rather a demonstration , has taken place . The malcontents " invaded" the Bourse . AMERICA A _* D TIIE COLONIES . — The Cuba , which arrived at
Queenston-ii on the 7 th inst ., brings us American news to the 30 th ultimo . The Philadelphia municipality refused to take part in the President ' s reception in that city , but it appears that ho received a most enthusiastic greeting in New York . The President made a speech at a banquet given to him in New-York , in ivhich he expressed his determination to carry out
his policy and restore the Union . Mr . Seivard also made a speech . He remarked that the press cried for war with Mexico , Spain , ancl England ; he himself favoured all wars which the nation required , but , referring to the refusal of Congress to admit the Southern representives , he did not want to go into a war until the union of the States was complete . This has
a strange look , which will in all probability be a good deal changed when AVO have the full text of the speech before us . From a letter from the city of Mexico of very recent date , and ivhich first appeared in the columns of a well-informed American contemporary , we gather the following facts as to the state of that city . It is there made as clear as facts can
make anything that the empire is literally at the last gasp . An army of one hundred thousand liberals represents , in fact , the Mexican people , and they are masters of so many provinces , and threatening so many vulnerable points , that the Emperor Maximilian must ere long pack up his crown
and sceptre and vanish from the scene , unless a miracle is wrought for his deliverance . This correspondent speaks ominously of the defections which are taking place in the Imperial camp ; of officers who induce their garrisons to hoist the Republican flag ; and of prefects ivho , after a little quiet consultation ivith their men , pronounce against the empire and join " the rebels" whom they were employed to hunt doivn . The
City of Paris has arrived . By it we have advices from New York to the 1 st inst . At a banquet given to President Johnson , Signor Romero , the Mexican Minister , hoped that by November next the Mexican Republic would be delivered from the last vestige of foreign invasion . At the same dinner General Grant proposed Signor Romero's health and the success of the cause
he represented . President Johnson ' s policy has been denounced by both Wendell Philips and General Butler . The former gentleman is said to have urged Congress to depose the President , and the latter to have advocated the exclusion of the South from representation indefinitely . The AVest India and Pacific steamer Atrato has arrived , with
later advices from the AVest India islands and the South American republics . Beyond a tour of Sir J . P . Grant there is nothing of special interest to be noted in the intelligence from Jamaica . The arrival of the Panama mail from New Zealand has put us in possession of neivs from that distant British colony by this route . The general assembly had been opened Avith the usual speech by the Governor , who congratulated the assembled legislators on the opening of the Panama mail service , the reviving prosperity of the country , and the prospects of peace . The war is noiv believed to be virtually at an end .
To Correspondents.
* * AU communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street Strand , London , W . C . P . S . W . —Received ivith thanks , and inserted . Shall always he glad to hear from you .