Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC RELIEF FUND. Page 1 of 1 Article THE BOYS' SCHOOL. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
word is NoGs ) . He endeavours to show , hut , in my judgment , unsuccessfully , the identity of the god of Anaxagoras and the god of Preemasonry . My brother should read the article , " Anaxagore" in the " Dictionnaire des Sciences Philosophiques . " Monsieur PranckMember of the Instituteis the
, , author . See my communication , " Great Architect of the Universe . Teachings of the old Greek Philosophers . "—¦ FBEEMASONS' MAGAZINE , Yol . XIV ., page 22 S .-CIIAEI . ES PUBTON COOPEK .
SOLOMON S TEMPLE . Pro . L . P . Metham , in his interesting address , printed in the MAGAZINE , September 8 , says : — " We have the authority of a credible Roman historian for saying , that when Julian the apostate , eighteen hundred years after cleared the foundations of the same
temple , the vaulted chamber was discovered in which our ancientbrethrenhad assembled , withitsmost sacred ancl most secret symbols , perfect and undisturbed . " May I respectfully ask my able and eloquent brother for the name of the credible Eoman historian , and a reference to the passage ?—HIEAM .
GEOEGE IIEEIOT . In the absence of direct evidence on the subject , I am of opinion that the founder of Heriot's Hospital , Edinburgh , was not a member of the Masonic Fraternity . George Ileriot was more than once chosen as one of the Commissioners to represent the City of Edinburgh in the Conventions of Scottish burghs ;
ancl we know that by an Act of Convention passed at Stirling in 1574 , Craftsmen were excluded from such courts : — " . . . The saids Comissionaris all in ane voce fyndis and delyveris that na Craftisman hes evir had , nolder aucht or suld half , voit or comissioun amangis thame And ordanis
that na comissioun be gevin to ony Craftisman heirefter under the pane of i lib Johnne Dougles , provest of Haddington , being ane Cordinar of his ocenpatioun , fyndis him . ineligibel to hald a comniissioun as a representative . . . . Non but as ar of the merchandise estatebering burden with
, the merchandis , ancl heving residence with thame in their tounis , " could sit as members of the Burghal Parliament in George Heriot ' s time . —D . MUBRAY LTON .
MASONIC PUBLICATIONS . The list given by Bro . Kingston , in Kb . 373 of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE , may he completed hy the folloAving : —French—Le Franc-lfacon , edited by Bro . Dechevaux-Dumesnil , and the Journal des Initios , by Bro . Riche-Garden ,. both monthlies , published in
Paris . Italian—La Sgitadra , fortnightly , published for the Italian lodges ot" Alexandria , Egypt . German —Lalomia , Maurerische Vierlelyalirssehrift , quarterly , edited hy Bros . Merzdorf ancl Schletter , Leipzig tier Triangel , fortnightly , by Bro . Eduard Bohr , Williamsburg , JST . Y ., in the United States . —DIGAMMA .
PROFESSOR , LTJTIIABDT . In reply to au enquiry b } ' " Christianus ,- " in the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE of June 2 , the editor of the Freimaurer Zeilnng states that Professor Luthardt , the author of the " Ap . ologetical lectures on the fundamental doctrines of Christianity" does not belong to any Leipzig lodge , and it is not thought likely that he should he a member of any other lodge in Germany . —En . P . M .
The 'Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed hy Correspondents * PREEMASONRY AND VIRTUE . TO TIIE HDHOH OE IHE mEEAIASON . ' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC JIIimOE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —The letter from Bro . James Prederiek Spurr , in your last interesting numberis one requiring the heartsupport and
, y consideration of all members of the Craft who are endeavouring to practise the " Grand Principals " and - ' Pour Cardinal Virtues" of our ancient and honourable Institution . Should any practical means be devised to carry out the admirable objects suggested bhimI shall
y , be only too happy to assist him in so excellent a purpose , and take this opportunity of saying so , because the writer of the letter is not known to me personally , although , of course , his name-is familiar to me through your columns . I am , dear Sir and Brother ,
Yours sincerely and fraternally , WILLIAM JAMES HUGHAN . " Cross , " Truro , September Sth , 1866 .
Masonic Relief Fund.
10 THIS IDI-OB OU THE TKEEMASON 3 MAGAZINE AUD MASONIC KIEEOB . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Could we get your London lodges to join our committee in the formation of a similar committee to the above ? The object of the one Relief Committee is more for the purpose of investigating the claims of unknown or doubtful petitionersand adjudicating thereon
, , than with a view of interfering with lodges granting relief to their own brethren .. The labours of the committees will spare your lodges considerable time and trouble , and be the means of putting a stop , in a great measure , to money being granted to spurious and undeserving
petitioners . After the working of the committee some time , we then called upon the lodges for power to take all cases of relief before our committee , and we got that power , and have ever since worked the committee with every result we could wish . I may say that
in lodges in West and East Lancashire it has been the means ( through the good working of the committee ) of saving large amounts , and voting the same to the West Lancashire and other Masonic Charities . Tou must know that many persons calling themselves Masons will often send petitions into lodgesand
, money is often voted to persons unworthy and unknoivn . I am , dear Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally , THOMAS MARSH , Sec . Masonic Temple , Liverpool , Sept . 11 , 1866 .
The Boys' School.
TO TUB EDITOR OU IHE IBEEMASOXS' MAGAZINE AUD MASONIC MIKEOH . DEAR SIB AND BBOTHEE , —There is a report , I hope totally unfounded , respecting the expulsion of five boys from our schoolhouse at Wood Green for playing truant , a crime , I fear , often committed in boyhood's happy days , and punished by extra tasks and sometimes the cane . Surely , these lads could not have been expelled , such a disgrace could not have been inflicted on the sons of our Masonic brothers , who
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
word is NoGs ) . He endeavours to show , hut , in my judgment , unsuccessfully , the identity of the god of Anaxagoras and the god of Preemasonry . My brother should read the article , " Anaxagore" in the " Dictionnaire des Sciences Philosophiques . " Monsieur PranckMember of the Instituteis the
, , author . See my communication , " Great Architect of the Universe . Teachings of the old Greek Philosophers . "—¦ FBEEMASONS' MAGAZINE , Yol . XIV ., page 22 S .-CIIAEI . ES PUBTON COOPEK .
SOLOMON S TEMPLE . Pro . L . P . Metham , in his interesting address , printed in the MAGAZINE , September 8 , says : — " We have the authority of a credible Roman historian for saying , that when Julian the apostate , eighteen hundred years after cleared the foundations of the same
temple , the vaulted chamber was discovered in which our ancientbrethrenhad assembled , withitsmost sacred ancl most secret symbols , perfect and undisturbed . " May I respectfully ask my able and eloquent brother for the name of the credible Eoman historian , and a reference to the passage ?—HIEAM .
GEOEGE IIEEIOT . In the absence of direct evidence on the subject , I am of opinion that the founder of Heriot's Hospital , Edinburgh , was not a member of the Masonic Fraternity . George Ileriot was more than once chosen as one of the Commissioners to represent the City of Edinburgh in the Conventions of Scottish burghs ;
ancl we know that by an Act of Convention passed at Stirling in 1574 , Craftsmen were excluded from such courts : — " . . . The saids Comissionaris all in ane voce fyndis and delyveris that na Craftisman hes evir had , nolder aucht or suld half , voit or comissioun amangis thame And ordanis
that na comissioun be gevin to ony Craftisman heirefter under the pane of i lib Johnne Dougles , provest of Haddington , being ane Cordinar of his ocenpatioun , fyndis him . ineligibel to hald a comniissioun as a representative . . . . Non but as ar of the merchandise estatebering burden with
, the merchandis , ancl heving residence with thame in their tounis , " could sit as members of the Burghal Parliament in George Heriot ' s time . —D . MUBRAY LTON .
MASONIC PUBLICATIONS . The list given by Bro . Kingston , in Kb . 373 of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE , may he completed hy the folloAving : —French—Le Franc-lfacon , edited by Bro . Dechevaux-Dumesnil , and the Journal des Initios , by Bro . Riche-Garden ,. both monthlies , published in
Paris . Italian—La Sgitadra , fortnightly , published for the Italian lodges ot" Alexandria , Egypt . German —Lalomia , Maurerische Vierlelyalirssehrift , quarterly , edited hy Bros . Merzdorf ancl Schletter , Leipzig tier Triangel , fortnightly , by Bro . Eduard Bohr , Williamsburg , JST . Y ., in the United States . —DIGAMMA .
PROFESSOR , LTJTIIABDT . In reply to au enquiry b } ' " Christianus ,- " in the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE of June 2 , the editor of the Freimaurer Zeilnng states that Professor Luthardt , the author of the " Ap . ologetical lectures on the fundamental doctrines of Christianity" does not belong to any Leipzig lodge , and it is not thought likely that he should he a member of any other lodge in Germany . —En . P . M .
The 'Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed hy Correspondents * PREEMASONRY AND VIRTUE . TO TIIE HDHOH OE IHE mEEAIASON . ' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC JIIimOE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —The letter from Bro . James Prederiek Spurr , in your last interesting numberis one requiring the heartsupport and
, y consideration of all members of the Craft who are endeavouring to practise the " Grand Principals " and - ' Pour Cardinal Virtues" of our ancient and honourable Institution . Should any practical means be devised to carry out the admirable objects suggested bhimI shall
y , be only too happy to assist him in so excellent a purpose , and take this opportunity of saying so , because the writer of the letter is not known to me personally , although , of course , his name-is familiar to me through your columns . I am , dear Sir and Brother ,
Yours sincerely and fraternally , WILLIAM JAMES HUGHAN . " Cross , " Truro , September Sth , 1866 .
Masonic Relief Fund.
10 THIS IDI-OB OU THE TKEEMASON 3 MAGAZINE AUD MASONIC KIEEOB . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Could we get your London lodges to join our committee in the formation of a similar committee to the above ? The object of the one Relief Committee is more for the purpose of investigating the claims of unknown or doubtful petitionersand adjudicating thereon
, , than with a view of interfering with lodges granting relief to their own brethren .. The labours of the committees will spare your lodges considerable time and trouble , and be the means of putting a stop , in a great measure , to money being granted to spurious and undeserving
petitioners . After the working of the committee some time , we then called upon the lodges for power to take all cases of relief before our committee , and we got that power , and have ever since worked the committee with every result we could wish . I may say that
in lodges in West and East Lancashire it has been the means ( through the good working of the committee ) of saving large amounts , and voting the same to the West Lancashire and other Masonic Charities . Tou must know that many persons calling themselves Masons will often send petitions into lodgesand
, money is often voted to persons unworthy and unknoivn . I am , dear Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally , THOMAS MARSH , Sec . Masonic Temple , Liverpool , Sept . 11 , 1866 .
The Boys' School.
TO TUB EDITOR OU IHE IBEEMASOXS' MAGAZINE AUD MASONIC MIKEOH . DEAR SIB AND BBOTHEE , —There is a report , I hope totally unfounded , respecting the expulsion of five boys from our schoolhouse at Wood Green for playing truant , a crime , I fear , often committed in boyhood's happy days , and punished by extra tasks and sometimes the cane . Surely , these lads could not have been expelled , such a disgrace could not have been inflicted on the sons of our Masonic brothers , who