Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 4 of 6 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
to the AA-est Lancashire Educational Fund , soliciting their donations and subscriptions for this worthy and charitable institution . His desire was amply responded to by the brethren . The Lodge ivas then closed in solemn prayer . LEICESTERSHIRE . CONSECRATION OF THE FEKBEBS AND IVANHOE LODGE , ASHBT DE LA Z 0 UC 1 I ( No . 1081 ) . ON Thursday , the 6 th ' of October , an event took place at Ashby de la
Zouch ivhich will be long remembered in that district with feelings of great pleasure . This town has been deprived of the benefits of a Alasonic Lodge for the last eighteen years . The Ivanhoe Lodge commenced its career on the 30 th of Alay , 1836 , and after having thirty-six meetings aud initiating seventeen members into the secrets aud mysteries of the Order , it was closed in due form and adjourned sine die on the 7 th of October , 1811 . The Prov . Grancl Alaster of Leicestershire being anxious to increase the number of Lodges in his province , and the love of the
Craft still lingering in the breasts of several brethren living in the toivn , Avhose number ivas increased by several young and zealous Masons , it ivas determined that au effort should bo made to revive the dormant Lodge . Accordingly , in January last a , petition AA-as presented to the AI . AV . Grand Alaster for a lA-arraut to enable the brethren to hold a Lodge . The AI . AV . Grand Alaster was pleased to grant a warrant iu accordance ivith the prayer of the petition , under the name of the Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lod No 1081 holding its meeting on the Alonday after the
ge , . , full moon , in the TOAA-U Hall , the brethren having very great objection to holding their meetings at an inn , as unmasonic . Bro . the Earl Ferrers , the AV . AI . appointed by the warrant , having died before the warrant was granted , some delay unavoidably took place , but Bro . Edward Alammatt having been appointed AV . AI . in the room of the lamented Earl Ferrers , the Lodge commenced working on the 15 th of April , and continued to hold its meetings regularly until tho day appointed for the consecration , Thursday , October Oth .
PEOVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . A special meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge was held at the Town Hall , Ashby cle la Zouch , for the purpose of consecrating this Lodge , and other business . The following brethren of the province were present : —Right Hon . Earl Howe , O . C . H ., Prov . G . M . ; AV . Kelly , D . Prov . G . M . ; AVindram , P . Prov . S . G . W ., as Prov . S . G . AV . ; Edward Alammatt ( W . AI ., No . 1 , 081 ) , Prov . G . J . AV . ; Revs . J . 0 . Picton , and John Denton , Prov . G . Chaplains ; Underwood , Prov . G . Treas . ; Morris , Prov . G . Sec . ;
Paul , Prov . J . G . D . ; Gill , P . Prov . S . G . D . ; Brewin , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; J . H . Bobart , Prov . G . S . B . ; Sheppard ; R . AVamer ( P . AI . ) , S . AV ., No . 1081 ; Redfern ( Prov . S . G . D . for Derbyshire ) , No . 1081 ; It . Stone ( P . Prov . S . G . AA " . for Staffordshire ) , No . 1081 ; Bithrey , P . Prov . G . Org . ; H . T . Bobart , AV . Bobart , G . F . Brown , F . H . imp , J . K . Bindley , J . Goodman , S . Love , AV . Woodward , AV . Alason , Henry Dicken , M . D ., aud AVilliam Canner , of No . 1081 , and Charles Bembridge , Prov . G . Tyler . Visitors—Bros . J . Gamble , Prov . J . G . AV . for Derbyshire ; Rev . J . F .
Bateman , P . Prov . G . Chaplain for Cambridgeshire ; J . Fox Warner , P . Prov . S . G . D . for Staffordshire ; C . T . Hawkins , Alfred Lodge , No . 425 , Oxford ; G . Tuiiley , J . Sherwin , AV . Stanley , | and AV . Boivloy , AV . M ., Abbey Lodge , ~ No . 907 , Burton-on-Trent ; Alexander Davis , Somerset House and Inverness Lodge , No . 4 ; J . S . Staley , Lodge of Virtue , No . 117 , Slauckesfccr ; H . T . AVade , F . J . Ison , and G . Sprecklcy , Arboretum Lodge , No . 1 , 033 , Derby , & c , & c . Tlie brethren proceededAvithout Masonic costume / to TrinitChurch
, y , Avhere divine service ivas performed by the Prov . Grand Chaplains ; prayers being said by the Rev . Bro . Denton , the incumbent , and the sermon preached by the Rev . Bro . Picton , curate of St . George ' s , Leicester , from the text , " Six days shalt thou labour . " On returning to the Town Hall the Provincial Grand Lodge AA'as opened in clue form by the R . AV . Provincial Grancl Alaster , and Avith solemn prayer-. The minutes of the last Grand Lodge , held at Leicester on thc 11 th ultimo , for the consecration of the Freemasons' Hall , ivere
read and confirmed , and tho Kev . Bro . Denton , AVIIO AA-as then nominated as assistant Provincial Grand Chaplain , was invested . The Prov . Grancl Alaster reported that , in compliance with the request of the brethren , he had communicated to the Countess Ferrers the resolution of condolence , voted at the last meeting , on the decease of tbe late Bro . Earl Ferrers , Prov . J . G . AV ., and that he had received the following reply : — " To the Right Hon . Earl Hoivc and the brethren of the Grand Alasonic Lodge of Leicestershire .
' Gentlemen , —I have received with , gincerejpleasurc your ' truly gratifying tribute of respect arrd sympathy on the death of my lamented husband , and the kind expressions with Avhich you mention his memory will ever be cherished by his clear children and myself , with feelings of deep gratitude . " Gentlemen , I beg to remain , yours most truly obliged , " Staunton , Harold , Sept . 20 th , 1859 . ( Signed ) A . FEMURS . " On the proposition of the D . Prov . Grand Alaster , the letter was ordered to
be entered on the minutes . ¦ The Prov . Grand Alaster having announced the special business for Which tbe brethren hael been called together , arrd iu ivhich personally he took so deep an interest , the Prov . Grand Lodge was closeel . Bro . Kelly , D . Prov . G . AL , having taken the chair at the request of ± j » m Howe , proceeded to open the Lodge in the three degrees , Bros . Jnderwooel and AVindram officiating as tho AVardens pro tun ., nnd the ' « 'rers and Ivanhoe Lodge being ranged iu the centre .
The petition and warrant having been read and the brethren having approved of the officers named therein , the D . Prov . Grand Alaster declared the members constituted into a regular Lodge . The ceremony of consecration folloived ; the first part of the consecration prayer being delivered by the Rev . Bro . Picton , and the second part by the Rev . Bro . Denton . The elements of consecration were carried in the procession by the D . Prov . G . AI ., and Bros . Underwood and AVindram , P . Ms , of "So . 318 , and ivere presented to the Prov . G . AI ., AA'ho sprinkled them in the
Lodge . During the ceremony , the anthems and musical responses , composed by Bro . Lohr for the dedication of the Freemasons' HaU at Leicester , aucl which haA'e just been published by Chappell and Co ., were performed , Bro . Gill , P . Prov . G . Org ., presiding afc the harmonium . The consecration and dedication of the Lodge having been completed , the D . Prov . Grand Alaster installed Bro . Mammatfc as AV . AI ., who appointed and invested his officers as folloivs : —Bros . Warner ( P . AI . ) S . AV . ; J . H . Bobart ( P . AI . ) J . AV . ; Rev . J . DentonChaplain ; H . T .
, Bobart , Sec ; Redfern ( P . AI . ) S . D . ; Alason , J . D . ; AV . Bobart , I . G . ; Canner , Tyler . / y-A vote of thanks to the Rev . Bro . Picton for his excellent sermon having been passed , the Lodge was closed in harmony , after ivhieh the brethren adjourned ! to dinner at the Queen ' s Head Hotel , under the presidency of Earl Hoivc . . Several toasts ivere proposed and responded to , and the brethren separated after a most auspicious celebration ofthe consecration of their
new Lodge , which has our best ivishes for its prosperity and success . j * $ j LEICESTER . —St . Johii ' s'Lodge ( No . 348 . )—The first meeting of this Lodge , after the summer recess , ivas held at the Freemasons' Hall , on AA'ednesday , the 5 th instant . The folloAving brethren ivere present—Bros . AV . Kelly , P . M ., and D . Prov . G . AL ; Underwood , P . AI . ; AVindram , P . AI . ; Gibson , P . AI . ; Gill , P . AI . ; Pettifer , P . AI . ; Morris , P . AI ., and Sec . ; Crawford , P . AI . ; Kinder , P . M . ; Cummings , S . AV . ; Nedham , J . AA . ;
Morris , Bethell , Pemiock , and Bembridge . Visitors—Bros . E . Benham , P . AI ., Middlesex Lodge , No . 167 ; Hardy , P . AI . ; Brewin , S . AV ' . ; Shepriard , J . AV . ; Johnson , Sec . ; Bankart , P . M . ; Lloyd , H . J . Davis , and Bithrey , of the John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 766 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Air . L . A . Clarke was balloted for and- duly accepted as a candidate for initiation . Bro . AV . Jackson , having ¦ been desired to place himself in the centre ol tho Lodge , unaccompanied by the Deacons , underwent a , highly creditable
and satisfactory examination , after ivhich , the Lodge having been opened in the second degree , he ivas passed thereto by Bro . Kinder , P . M ., ivho presided in the absence of the AV . AI . Business having been resumed in thc first degree , several resolutions were passed , among others a grant of £ 15 was made toAvards thc fund for furnishing and decorating tho hall , and an annual rent of . £ 15 agreed to bo paid for the use of the building . Bros . Crawford , P . AI ., and Cummings , S . AV ., were elected to serve with the AA . AI . ou the permanent committee ; and
Bros . AVindram , P . AI . ; Gill , P . AI . ; and Morris , were appointed purveyors , in conjunction ivith three brethren appointed by the John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 700 . The resolution , pro forma , for the permanent removal ofthe Loelge from tho Bell Hotel to the Freemasons' Hall , ivas oi \ this , as on the former occasion , unable to be brought forward , owing to the unavoidable absence of the AVorshipful Alaster . The formation of a Lodgo of Instruction , for the joint benefit of the members of this Lodge , aucl of the John of Gaunt LodgeNo . 700 was sanctioned . The D .
, , Prov . Grand Alaster presented to the Lodge , in the name of the learned author-, a copy of Dr . Hopkins ' s Lectures on Freemasonry , with ivhich he had been entrusted by the worthy brother for that purpose , ivhen in Jersey a few months since . A vote of thanks ivas unanimously passed to Bro . Hopkins for his kindness , ivhich tho D . Prov . Grand Master ivas requested to convey to him . After the discussion of several matters of detail the Lodge was closed in harmony , and thc brethren adjourned to refreshment .
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE . PETEBBOBOUGII . —St . Peter ' s Lodge ( No . 010 ) . —At tho last meeting the Loelge ivas opened in due form by the AV . AI ., ivhen the minutes of the previous Lodge were read and confirmed . Bro . Pooley having very satisfactorily answered the usual questions Avas theu raised to the third degree . Ifc Avas proposed by Bro . F . G . Buckle , seconded by Bro . AA aitt , that Bro . Capt . Granville AVells , of the Lodge of Friendship , No . 340 , Gibraltar , become a joining member . The Lodge AA'as then closeel , and tho brethren afterwards adjourned to refreshment .
NORTHUAIBERLAN D . NORTH SHIELDS . —St . George ' s Lodge ( No . 024 ) . —AVe are glad to report thafc the Freemasons of North Shields havo at length got a Alasonic Hall in ivhich they can hold their meetiugs without being subject to the caprice of " mine host , " aucl the inconvenionoies of meetirrg in hotels . Tho brethren of St . George ' s Lodge have long felt the ncecessity of a private Hall , to obtain ivhich a determined effort was made at the early of this and bthe united aid of the AVAIand brethren
part year , y .. , together ivith " the indefatigable exertions of Bro . AVilliam Twizell , P . M ., as Treasurer , the " United Secession Chapel , " Norfolk-street , was purchased , arrd plans prepared by Bro . Thomas Fenwick , P . M ., for eonverting it into suitable rooms for Alasonic purposes , besides arranging other portions of the property so as to make a pecuniary return to the members I ' m- the amounts invested in shares . AVe shall take an early opportunityi of giving , inj . ouiv " Architectural Chapter , " » detailed
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
to the AA-est Lancashire Educational Fund , soliciting their donations and subscriptions for this worthy and charitable institution . His desire was amply responded to by the brethren . The Lodge ivas then closed in solemn prayer . LEICESTERSHIRE . CONSECRATION OF THE FEKBEBS AND IVANHOE LODGE , ASHBT DE LA Z 0 UC 1 I ( No . 1081 ) . ON Thursday , the 6 th ' of October , an event took place at Ashby de la
Zouch ivhich will be long remembered in that district with feelings of great pleasure . This town has been deprived of the benefits of a Alasonic Lodge for the last eighteen years . The Ivanhoe Lodge commenced its career on the 30 th of Alay , 1836 , and after having thirty-six meetings aud initiating seventeen members into the secrets aud mysteries of the Order , it was closed in due form and adjourned sine die on the 7 th of October , 1811 . The Prov . Grancl Alaster of Leicestershire being anxious to increase the number of Lodges in his province , and the love of the
Craft still lingering in the breasts of several brethren living in the toivn , Avhose number ivas increased by several young and zealous Masons , it ivas determined that au effort should bo made to revive the dormant Lodge . Accordingly , in January last a , petition AA-as presented to the AI . AV . Grand Alaster for a lA-arraut to enable the brethren to hold a Lodge . The AI . AV . Grand Alaster was pleased to grant a warrant iu accordance ivith the prayer of the petition , under the name of the Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lod No 1081 holding its meeting on the Alonday after the
ge , . , full moon , in the TOAA-U Hall , the brethren having very great objection to holding their meetings at an inn , as unmasonic . Bro . the Earl Ferrers , the AV . AI . appointed by the warrant , having died before the warrant was granted , some delay unavoidably took place , but Bro . Edward Alammatt having been appointed AV . AI . in the room of the lamented Earl Ferrers , the Lodge commenced working on the 15 th of April , and continued to hold its meetings regularly until tho day appointed for the consecration , Thursday , October Oth .
PEOVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . A special meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge was held at the Town Hall , Ashby cle la Zouch , for the purpose of consecrating this Lodge , and other business . The following brethren of the province were present : —Right Hon . Earl Howe , O . C . H ., Prov . G . M . ; AV . Kelly , D . Prov . G . M . ; AVindram , P . Prov . S . G . W ., as Prov . S . G . AV . ; Edward Alammatt ( W . AI ., No . 1 , 081 ) , Prov . G . J . AV . ; Revs . J . 0 . Picton , and John Denton , Prov . G . Chaplains ; Underwood , Prov . G . Treas . ; Morris , Prov . G . Sec . ;
Paul , Prov . J . G . D . ; Gill , P . Prov . S . G . D . ; Brewin , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; J . H . Bobart , Prov . G . S . B . ; Sheppard ; R . AVamer ( P . AI . ) , S . AV ., No . 1081 ; Redfern ( Prov . S . G . D . for Derbyshire ) , No . 1081 ; It . Stone ( P . Prov . S . G . AA " . for Staffordshire ) , No . 1081 ; Bithrey , P . Prov . G . Org . ; H . T . Bobart , AV . Bobart , G . F . Brown , F . H . imp , J . K . Bindley , J . Goodman , S . Love , AV . Woodward , AV . Alason , Henry Dicken , M . D ., aud AVilliam Canner , of No . 1081 , and Charles Bembridge , Prov . G . Tyler . Visitors—Bros . J . Gamble , Prov . J . G . AV . for Derbyshire ; Rev . J . F .
Bateman , P . Prov . G . Chaplain for Cambridgeshire ; J . Fox Warner , P . Prov . S . G . D . for Staffordshire ; C . T . Hawkins , Alfred Lodge , No . 425 , Oxford ; G . Tuiiley , J . Sherwin , AV . Stanley , | and AV . Boivloy , AV . M ., Abbey Lodge , ~ No . 907 , Burton-on-Trent ; Alexander Davis , Somerset House and Inverness Lodge , No . 4 ; J . S . Staley , Lodge of Virtue , No . 117 , Slauckesfccr ; H . T . AVade , F . J . Ison , and G . Sprecklcy , Arboretum Lodge , No . 1 , 033 , Derby , & c , & c . Tlie brethren proceededAvithout Masonic costume / to TrinitChurch
, y , Avhere divine service ivas performed by the Prov . Grand Chaplains ; prayers being said by the Rev . Bro . Denton , the incumbent , and the sermon preached by the Rev . Bro . Picton , curate of St . George ' s , Leicester , from the text , " Six days shalt thou labour . " On returning to the Town Hall the Provincial Grand Lodge AA'as opened in clue form by the R . AV . Provincial Grancl Alaster , and Avith solemn prayer-. The minutes of the last Grand Lodge , held at Leicester on thc 11 th ultimo , for the consecration of the Freemasons' Hall , ivere
read and confirmed , and tho Kev . Bro . Denton , AVIIO AA-as then nominated as assistant Provincial Grand Chaplain , was invested . The Prov . Grancl Alaster reported that , in compliance with the request of the brethren , he had communicated to the Countess Ferrers the resolution of condolence , voted at the last meeting , on the decease of tbe late Bro . Earl Ferrers , Prov . J . G . AV ., and that he had received the following reply : — " To the Right Hon . Earl Hoivc and the brethren of the Grand Alasonic Lodge of Leicestershire .
' Gentlemen , —I have received with , gincerejpleasurc your ' truly gratifying tribute of respect arrd sympathy on the death of my lamented husband , and the kind expressions with Avhich you mention his memory will ever be cherished by his clear children and myself , with feelings of deep gratitude . " Gentlemen , I beg to remain , yours most truly obliged , " Staunton , Harold , Sept . 20 th , 1859 . ( Signed ) A . FEMURS . " On the proposition of the D . Prov . Grand Alaster , the letter was ordered to
be entered on the minutes . ¦ The Prov . Grand Alaster having announced the special business for Which tbe brethren hael been called together , arrd iu ivhich personally he took so deep an interest , the Prov . Grand Lodge was closeel . Bro . Kelly , D . Prov . G . AL , having taken the chair at the request of ± j » m Howe , proceeded to open the Lodge in the three degrees , Bros . Jnderwooel and AVindram officiating as tho AVardens pro tun ., nnd the ' « 'rers and Ivanhoe Lodge being ranged iu the centre .
The petition and warrant having been read and the brethren having approved of the officers named therein , the D . Prov . Grand Alaster declared the members constituted into a regular Lodge . The ceremony of consecration folloived ; the first part of the consecration prayer being delivered by the Rev . Bro . Picton , and the second part by the Rev . Bro . Denton . The elements of consecration were carried in the procession by the D . Prov . G . AI ., and Bros . Underwood and AVindram , P . Ms , of "So . 318 , and ivere presented to the Prov . G . AI ., AA'ho sprinkled them in the
Lodge . During the ceremony , the anthems and musical responses , composed by Bro . Lohr for the dedication of the Freemasons' HaU at Leicester , aucl which haA'e just been published by Chappell and Co ., were performed , Bro . Gill , P . Prov . G . Org ., presiding afc the harmonium . The consecration and dedication of the Lodge having been completed , the D . Prov . Grand Alaster installed Bro . Mammatfc as AV . AI ., who appointed and invested his officers as folloivs : —Bros . Warner ( P . AI . ) S . AV . ; J . H . Bobart ( P . AI . ) J . AV . ; Rev . J . DentonChaplain ; H . T .
, Bobart , Sec ; Redfern ( P . AI . ) S . D . ; Alason , J . D . ; AV . Bobart , I . G . ; Canner , Tyler . / y-A vote of thanks to the Rev . Bro . Picton for his excellent sermon having been passed , the Lodge was closed in harmony , after ivhieh the brethren adjourned ! to dinner at the Queen ' s Head Hotel , under the presidency of Earl Hoivc . . Several toasts ivere proposed and responded to , and the brethren separated after a most auspicious celebration ofthe consecration of their
new Lodge , which has our best ivishes for its prosperity and success . j * $ j LEICESTER . —St . Johii ' s'Lodge ( No . 348 . )—The first meeting of this Lodge , after the summer recess , ivas held at the Freemasons' Hall , on AA'ednesday , the 5 th instant . The folloAving brethren ivere present—Bros . AV . Kelly , P . M ., and D . Prov . G . AL ; Underwood , P . AI . ; AVindram , P . AI . ; Gibson , P . AI . ; Gill , P . AI . ; Pettifer , P . AI . ; Morris , P . AI ., and Sec . ; Crawford , P . AI . ; Kinder , P . M . ; Cummings , S . AV . ; Nedham , J . AA . ;
Morris , Bethell , Pemiock , and Bembridge . Visitors—Bros . E . Benham , P . AI ., Middlesex Lodge , No . 167 ; Hardy , P . AI . ; Brewin , S . AV ' . ; Shepriard , J . AV . ; Johnson , Sec . ; Bankart , P . M . ; Lloyd , H . J . Davis , and Bithrey , of the John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 766 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Air . L . A . Clarke was balloted for and- duly accepted as a candidate for initiation . Bro . AV . Jackson , having ¦ been desired to place himself in the centre ol tho Lodge , unaccompanied by the Deacons , underwent a , highly creditable
and satisfactory examination , after ivhich , the Lodge having been opened in the second degree , he ivas passed thereto by Bro . Kinder , P . M ., ivho presided in the absence of the AV . AI . Business having been resumed in thc first degree , several resolutions were passed , among others a grant of £ 15 was made toAvards thc fund for furnishing and decorating tho hall , and an annual rent of . £ 15 agreed to bo paid for the use of the building . Bros . Crawford , P . AI ., and Cummings , S . AV ., were elected to serve with the AA . AI . ou the permanent committee ; and
Bros . AVindram , P . AI . ; Gill , P . AI . ; and Morris , were appointed purveyors , in conjunction ivith three brethren appointed by the John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 700 . The resolution , pro forma , for the permanent removal ofthe Loelge from tho Bell Hotel to the Freemasons' Hall , ivas oi \ this , as on the former occasion , unable to be brought forward , owing to the unavoidable absence of the AVorshipful Alaster . The formation of a Lodgo of Instruction , for the joint benefit of the members of this Lodge , aucl of the John of Gaunt LodgeNo . 700 was sanctioned . The D .
, , Prov . Grand Alaster presented to the Lodge , in the name of the learned author-, a copy of Dr . Hopkins ' s Lectures on Freemasonry , with ivhich he had been entrusted by the worthy brother for that purpose , ivhen in Jersey a few months since . A vote of thanks ivas unanimously passed to Bro . Hopkins for his kindness , ivhich tho D . Prov . Grand Master ivas requested to convey to him . After the discussion of several matters of detail the Lodge was closed in harmony , and thc brethren adjourned to refreshment .
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE . PETEBBOBOUGII . —St . Peter ' s Lodge ( No . 010 ) . —At tho last meeting the Loelge ivas opened in due form by the AV . AI ., ivhen the minutes of the previous Lodge were read and confirmed . Bro . Pooley having very satisfactorily answered the usual questions Avas theu raised to the third degree . Ifc Avas proposed by Bro . F . G . Buckle , seconded by Bro . AA aitt , that Bro . Capt . Granville AVells , of the Lodge of Friendship , No . 340 , Gibraltar , become a joining member . The Lodge AA'as then closeel , and tho brethren afterwards adjourned to refreshment .
NORTHUAIBERLAN D . NORTH SHIELDS . —St . George ' s Lodge ( No . 024 ) . —AVe are glad to report thafc the Freemasons of North Shields havo at length got a Alasonic Hall in ivhich they can hold their meetiugs without being subject to the caprice of " mine host , " aucl the inconvenionoies of meetirrg in hotels . Tho brethren of St . George ' s Lodge have long felt the ncecessity of a private Hall , to obtain ivhich a determined effort was made at the early of this and bthe united aid of the AVAIand brethren
part year , y .. , together ivith " the indefatigable exertions of Bro . AVilliam Twizell , P . M ., as Treasurer , the " United Secession Chapel , " Norfolk-street , was purchased , arrd plans prepared by Bro . Thomas Fenwick , P . M ., for eonverting it into suitable rooms for Alasonic purposes , besides arranging other portions of the property so as to make a pecuniary return to the members I ' m- the amounts invested in shares . AVe shall take an early opportunityi of giving , inj . ouiv " Architectural Chapter , " » detailed