Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
DISTRICT GRAND LODGE OF BENGAL . A QUARTERLY communication of the District Grancl Lodge of Bengal AA'as holden at the Freemasons' Hall , ou Friday , the 2-lth June , 1859 , at ivhich were present the R . AA " . Bros . John J . L . Hoff , D . Prov . G . AI .. as Prov . G . M . ; Philip AV . LeGeyt , P . Prov . G . AI . of AVestern India ; AVilliam Clark , Prov . S . G . AV . ; John B . Roberts , Prov . J . G . AV . ; Duncan Alonteith , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; AA'illiam J . Judge , P . Prov . J . G . AV . ; John G . Llewelyn ,
P . Prov . J . G . AAs ; AVilliam H . Hoff , PI-OA-. G . Sec ; Frederick Jennings , Prov . S . G . D . ; Charles F . Tonnerro , Prov . J . G . D . ; Thomas Jones , Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks ; Henry Fraser , P . Prov . G . Supt . of AAforks ; AVillinm Handford , Assist . Proi \ G . Dir . of Cers ., as Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Alexander Speirs , as Prov . G . S . B . ; John E . Clinger , Prov . G . Org . ; Louis A . Emanuel , P . Prov . G . Org . ; Joseph K . Hamilton , Prov . G . Purst . ; and the representatives of various Lodges . The District Grancl Lodge ivas opened in form , and the minutes of the quarterly communication of the 21 st Alarch , 1859 , read and confirmed .
The Deputy Prov . Grand Alaster informed the District Grancl Loelge that Freemasonry AA'as recovering from the injuries which it had sustained in the upper provinces of Bengal during the mutiny . Lodge True Brothers , No . 009 , AA-as again Avorking at Dinaporo ; and Lodge Alorning Star , No . 810 , ivhich had been quenched immediately after its reappearance previous to the disturbances , had again risen in December last , and a new Avarrant of confirmation had been procured for it from England . The Avarrant of the new Lodge , Hope and Perseverance , No .
1 , 084 , at Lahore , had also been received from England , and forwarded to the Alaster . This Lodge ivas already so strong , that a Royal Arch Chapter ivas about to be attached to it . The Deputy Prov . Grand Alaster announced his intention of conferring the rank of P . Prov . J . G . AV . en AV . Bro . II . D . Sandeman , Alaster of Lodge Hope and Perseverance , No . 1 , 084 , in consideration of the A'aluablo services rendered by him iu the cause of Freemasonry in this jirovince and of the high estimation in Avhich he was held in thc Craft .
The Prov . Grand Secretary read the following letter from tho Secretary fco the Calcutta Freemasons' Hall Building Committee : — "Dear Sir and V . AA . Brother , —I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 1 st inst ., and in reply to state for tlie information of the R . AA . the Prov . Grand Alaster , that the committee appointed to submit a scheme for thc erection of a Masonic Hall , have held several meetings
on that subject , and that a minute plan , showing tho description of tho building they ivould recommend , its probable cost , as well as a scheme for raising the necessary funds , had been drawn up several months ago ; but owing to a suggestion of one of the members of the committee ti > adorn the building ivith a balcony covered AA'ith corrugated iron and dispense with the old fashioned verandah , ifc ivas necessary to make a reference to England , in order to ascertain the probable cost of the material ivhich ivould be required for that purpose . Until a reply to that reference is received
, the committee regret they shall not be able to submit the report in question ; but they hope to be in : i position of doing so before the third quarterl y meeting of the Prov . Grand Locfoc . —I am , dear Sir and V . W . Brother , yours fraternall y , A . AI , DOWLKA ' Secretary Freemasons' HaU Committee . " ' ' Tim Deputy Prov . Grand Alaster stated that ho had confirmed the exclusion , from their respective Lodges , of brethren Avho ivould neither pay the arrears of their cluesnor appear in Lod when summoned to
, ge show cause ivhy thoy should not lie excluded . The Prov . Grand Secretary then read a letter from tho Alaster of Locfoe Humility with Fortitude , No . 279 , relative to "J . Hardy ul ' ms Richard Henry Jones , " ivho had been found guilty of having " forged and uttered a cheque on tbe Government Savings Bank for Rupees 230 . in the name of James Stephen Atorton , " and also on a charge of " theft of some wearing apparelthe property of the said Ainrton" and tenced to six
, , sen years ' penal servitude , and Avho it appeared had in April , 1858 been made a Mason in Lodge Humility with Fortitude . ' On a motion made by AV . Bro . Thos . Jones , Prov . G . Sunt , of AA orl- ~ seconded by AV . Bro . A . Speirs , P . AI ., Lodge No . Ur 5 S , ' with reference to the above letter , Richard Henry Jones was expelled from Freemasonry and formal proclamation of his expulsion was made b y thc Prov . Grand Pursuivant .
/ The Prov . Grand Secretary then read the following report of the Finance Committee on the audit of tho Prov . Grand Treasurer ' s accounts —District Grand Lodge—Balance of first quarter of 1 S 59 . £ 3 , 130 13 s Sitreceipts during the second quarter , . i'l , 111 lis .: disbursements duriii ' - ' the second quarter , £ SS 5 7 * . Id . ; balance in hand . £ : i , M 7 4 * . 7 d . Kuncl of _ Benevolence—Balance of first quarter of 1 S 59 , . 01 , 852 10 s . bit . ¦ receipts during the second quarter ,. . £ 500 ; disbursements ' durhi- '' " the second quarter , £ 531 . ; balance in hand , £ 1 , 881 Ills r , d ° '
¦ ,- !! r ' rn ° V ;! ad 0 by , ' ' ° ' ' Jul , » i » S'S I ' . S . G .. l . ) ., seconded by IV . Jji-o . R . 1 . Lallan , P . G . Steward , the Provincial Grand Treasurer ' s accounts , as audited , were passed . It was moved b y R . AV . Bro . AV . Clark , P . S . G . AV , seconded by AV . Bro . A Spiers , that Rs . 491-10-3 , expended on account of banquets in execs nw ' ' ' aml 0 ffiee , ' '"! ' quarterly payments , in consequence of the Grand Ollicers fouid being deprived of assistance I ' m ,,, patent fees , whilst the representatives ol Lodges were continued to be received as guests , should be made up by a donation from the Fund ofthe District Grand Lodge
AV . Bro . AV . Kirkpatrick , P . AI . Lodge , No . 740 , seconded by Bro . E . AI Rebeiro , J . AV ., Lodge No . 740 , moved the following amendment : —That the motion be postponed , and that the Resolution of the 28 th December , 1857 , which provides the mode in Avhich the deficiency shall be made up , be carried out . A discussion ensued regarding the banquet , n-hich was followed by some very stormy proceedings and recrimination , caused by the publication of some letters in the Indian newspapers referring to Alasonry in
India , and particularly in that ProA-. G . Lodge . Some brethren ivere present Avho were supposed to have communicated the information in question and to have originated the offensive comments in the journals ; these brethren ivere taken to task iu a style ivhich showed that , unfortunately , strong language in Grancl Lodge is not confined to Europe , but that coarseness and vituperation unworthy of gentlemen and of Masons , are to be found on both sides of the water . At the same time it cannot be denied that if the assertions made against these brethren
be susceptible of proof , they have been guilty of most reprehensible conduct . The Provincial Grand Secretary read , for fche . information of the District Grand Lodge , a letter addressed by the D . Prov . G . AL , to the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of England , dated 3 rd June , regarding a complaint made by Lodge Marine , No . 282 , that an insult had been offered to the Past Alaster of that Lodge by the Scottish Lodge St . David in the Eastand at the same time referring to the evils of a mixed
, jurisdiction in a Province . The Deputy Provincial Grand Alaster drew the attention of tho Alastcrs of the Lodges to the 12 th of the " Antient Charges , " under AA-hich they had promised their attendance at the communications and committees of thc District Grancl Lodge . There being no further business , the District Grand Lodge AA'as closeel in form .
GRAND LODGE OF NEBRASKA . THE Grand Lodge of Nebraska held its annual communication on the 11 th June last . All of tlie subordinate Lodges in tho jurisdiction , six iu number , were represented . The M . AV . Grand Alaster , Robert C . Jordan , delivered an able and instructive address . He makes some very sensible and judicious remarks upon the subject of there having been " no increase in the number of Lodges during thc past j-ear . " He mentions that brethren in different portions of the territory had in
contemplation the forming of three neiv Lodges , but he recommends a jiostpouement of action in the matter . GRAND LODGE OF AA'ISCONSIN . Trrrc Grand Lodge of AAlsconsin held its annual communication iu June last . Eighty-four subordinate Loelges were represented . The M . W . Grand Alaster , Luther Af . Tracy , read his annual address , lie
represents that peace and harmony prevailed among the brethren throughout the jurisdiction , and that at " no time since the organization of Grand Lodge has there been greater caution used in the selection of materials . " He granted eleven dispensations for new Lodges , ten of Avhich Avere granted charters , and the dispensation ofthe other was continued for another year . There aro 107 Lodges in the jurisdiction , having a total membership of 3 , 303 Alaster Alasons , 200 FelloAV Crafts , anel 311 Entered Apprentice Afasons .
OHIO . AIASOXBY in Cleveland is in a fine and flourishing condition . AVe have two blue . Lodges , the Cleveland City . No . 15 , of which Bro . Chas . A . AVoodward is W . AI ., anel Iris Lodge , No . 229 , Bro . G . H . Burt , AV . AI , both of which for the last few months have been as busy as possible , holding meetings about every Aveek , and Ave are glad to know thafc almost every candidate who has knocked at the door has beeu found
worthy and well qualified . Webb Chapter , No . 14 , of R . A . AI ., has also been busy , for , as the beauties of Alasonry are revealed to the candidate he seeks for further light , and is desirous of climbing to the topmost round in the ladder ere he can relinquish his desire for more . Never has Alasonry been iu so nourishing a condition in this city as at the present time , and we sincerely believe that if the leading members ol both Lodges ivill exercise due caution in the selection of candidates , seeing that none are permitted to enter but thoso who are prop ' . 'i ' b " vouched for and AA-hoso character anel standing , like Caisar ' s wife , is above suspicion , then will Alasonry continue to flourish for evermore .
Obituary .
Tltl'l LATE BRO . COLONEL THOMAS AVILDAIAN , rilOA'lNOIAL GRAXD MASTEB OS NOTTIUGHA . AI . SIH 11 E . A nr . OTUEU Avho forwards an occaronal contribution to the Magtt :: iii <\ thus alludes to the demise of the late highly esteemed Prov . G . AI . of Notts : — " Our able , chief has been summoned by the Grand Alaster of all to appear in his celestial Lodge , to undergo the ordeal , there to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
DISTRICT GRAND LODGE OF BENGAL . A QUARTERLY communication of the District Grancl Lodge of Bengal AA'as holden at the Freemasons' Hall , ou Friday , the 2-lth June , 1859 , at ivhich were present the R . AA " . Bros . John J . L . Hoff , D . Prov . G . AI .. as Prov . G . M . ; Philip AV . LeGeyt , P . Prov . G . AI . of AVestern India ; AVilliam Clark , Prov . S . G . AV . ; John B . Roberts , Prov . J . G . AV . ; Duncan Alonteith , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; AA'illiam J . Judge , P . Prov . J . G . AV . ; John G . Llewelyn ,
P . Prov . J . G . AAs ; AVilliam H . Hoff , PI-OA-. G . Sec ; Frederick Jennings , Prov . S . G . D . ; Charles F . Tonnerro , Prov . J . G . D . ; Thomas Jones , Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks ; Henry Fraser , P . Prov . G . Supt . of AAforks ; AVillinm Handford , Assist . Proi \ G . Dir . of Cers ., as Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Alexander Speirs , as Prov . G . S . B . ; John E . Clinger , Prov . G . Org . ; Louis A . Emanuel , P . Prov . G . Org . ; Joseph K . Hamilton , Prov . G . Purst . ; and the representatives of various Lodges . The District Grancl Lodge ivas opened in form , and the minutes of the quarterly communication of the 21 st Alarch , 1859 , read and confirmed .
The Deputy Prov . Grand Alaster informed the District Grancl Loelge that Freemasonry AA'as recovering from the injuries which it had sustained in the upper provinces of Bengal during the mutiny . Lodge True Brothers , No . 009 , AA-as again Avorking at Dinaporo ; and Lodge Alorning Star , No . 810 , ivhich had been quenched immediately after its reappearance previous to the disturbances , had again risen in December last , and a new Avarrant of confirmation had been procured for it from England . The Avarrant of the new Lodge , Hope and Perseverance , No .
1 , 084 , at Lahore , had also been received from England , and forwarded to the Alaster . This Lodge ivas already so strong , that a Royal Arch Chapter ivas about to be attached to it . The Deputy Prov . Grand Alaster announced his intention of conferring the rank of P . Prov . J . G . AV . en AV . Bro . II . D . Sandeman , Alaster of Lodge Hope and Perseverance , No . 1 , 084 , in consideration of the A'aluablo services rendered by him iu the cause of Freemasonry in this jirovince and of the high estimation in Avhich he was held in thc Craft .
The Prov . Grand Secretary read the following letter from tho Secretary fco the Calcutta Freemasons' Hall Building Committee : — "Dear Sir and V . AA . Brother , —I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 1 st inst ., and in reply to state for tlie information of the R . AA . the Prov . Grand Alaster , that the committee appointed to submit a scheme for thc erection of a Masonic Hall , have held several meetings
on that subject , and that a minute plan , showing tho description of tho building they ivould recommend , its probable cost , as well as a scheme for raising the necessary funds , had been drawn up several months ago ; but owing to a suggestion of one of the members of the committee ti > adorn the building ivith a balcony covered AA'ith corrugated iron and dispense with the old fashioned verandah , ifc ivas necessary to make a reference to England , in order to ascertain the probable cost of the material ivhich ivould be required for that purpose . Until a reply to that reference is received
, the committee regret they shall not be able to submit the report in question ; but they hope to be in : i position of doing so before the third quarterl y meeting of the Prov . Grand Locfoc . —I am , dear Sir and V . W . Brother , yours fraternall y , A . AI , DOWLKA ' Secretary Freemasons' HaU Committee . " ' ' Tim Deputy Prov . Grand Alaster stated that ho had confirmed the exclusion , from their respective Lodges , of brethren Avho ivould neither pay the arrears of their cluesnor appear in Lod when summoned to
, ge show cause ivhy thoy should not lie excluded . The Prov . Grand Secretary then read a letter from tho Alaster of Locfoe Humility with Fortitude , No . 279 , relative to "J . Hardy ul ' ms Richard Henry Jones , " ivho had been found guilty of having " forged and uttered a cheque on tbe Government Savings Bank for Rupees 230 . in the name of James Stephen Atorton , " and also on a charge of " theft of some wearing apparelthe property of the said Ainrton" and tenced to six
, , sen years ' penal servitude , and Avho it appeared had in April , 1858 been made a Mason in Lodge Humility with Fortitude . ' On a motion made by AV . Bro . Thos . Jones , Prov . G . Sunt , of AA orl- ~ seconded by AV . Bro . A . Speirs , P . AI ., Lodge No . Ur 5 S , ' with reference to the above letter , Richard Henry Jones was expelled from Freemasonry and formal proclamation of his expulsion was made b y thc Prov . Grand Pursuivant .
/ The Prov . Grand Secretary then read the following report of the Finance Committee on the audit of tho Prov . Grand Treasurer ' s accounts —District Grand Lodge—Balance of first quarter of 1 S 59 . £ 3 , 130 13 s Sitreceipts during the second quarter , . i'l , 111 lis .: disbursements duriii ' - ' the second quarter , £ SS 5 7 * . Id . ; balance in hand . £ : i , M 7 4 * . 7 d . Kuncl of _ Benevolence—Balance of first quarter of 1 S 59 , . 01 , 852 10 s . bit . ¦ receipts during the second quarter ,. . £ 500 ; disbursements ' durhi- '' " the second quarter , £ 531 . ; balance in hand , £ 1 , 881 Ills r , d ° '
¦ ,- !! r ' rn ° V ;! ad 0 by , ' ' ° ' ' Jul , » i » S'S I ' . S . G .. l . ) ., seconded by IV . Jji-o . R . 1 . Lallan , P . G . Steward , the Provincial Grand Treasurer ' s accounts , as audited , were passed . It was moved b y R . AV . Bro . AV . Clark , P . S . G . AV , seconded by AV . Bro . A Spiers , that Rs . 491-10-3 , expended on account of banquets in execs nw ' ' ' aml 0 ffiee , ' '"! ' quarterly payments , in consequence of the Grand Ollicers fouid being deprived of assistance I ' m ,,, patent fees , whilst the representatives ol Lodges were continued to be received as guests , should be made up by a donation from the Fund ofthe District Grand Lodge
AV . Bro . AV . Kirkpatrick , P . AI . Lodge , No . 740 , seconded by Bro . E . AI Rebeiro , J . AV ., Lodge No . 740 , moved the following amendment : —That the motion be postponed , and that the Resolution of the 28 th December , 1857 , which provides the mode in Avhich the deficiency shall be made up , be carried out . A discussion ensued regarding the banquet , n-hich was followed by some very stormy proceedings and recrimination , caused by the publication of some letters in the Indian newspapers referring to Alasonry in
India , and particularly in that ProA-. G . Lodge . Some brethren ivere present Avho were supposed to have communicated the information in question and to have originated the offensive comments in the journals ; these brethren ivere taken to task iu a style ivhich showed that , unfortunately , strong language in Grancl Lodge is not confined to Europe , but that coarseness and vituperation unworthy of gentlemen and of Masons , are to be found on both sides of the water . At the same time it cannot be denied that if the assertions made against these brethren
be susceptible of proof , they have been guilty of most reprehensible conduct . The Provincial Grand Secretary read , for fche . information of the District Grand Lodge , a letter addressed by the D . Prov . G . AL , to the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of England , dated 3 rd June , regarding a complaint made by Lodge Marine , No . 282 , that an insult had been offered to the Past Alaster of that Lodge by the Scottish Lodge St . David in the Eastand at the same time referring to the evils of a mixed
, jurisdiction in a Province . The Deputy Provincial Grand Alaster drew the attention of tho Alastcrs of the Lodges to the 12 th of the " Antient Charges , " under AA-hich they had promised their attendance at the communications and committees of thc District Grancl Lodge . There being no further business , the District Grand Lodge AA'as closeel in form .
GRAND LODGE OF NEBRASKA . THE Grand Lodge of Nebraska held its annual communication on the 11 th June last . All of tlie subordinate Lodges in tho jurisdiction , six iu number , were represented . The M . AV . Grand Alaster , Robert C . Jordan , delivered an able and instructive address . He makes some very sensible and judicious remarks upon the subject of there having been " no increase in the number of Lodges during thc past j-ear . " He mentions that brethren in different portions of the territory had in
contemplation the forming of three neiv Lodges , but he recommends a jiostpouement of action in the matter . GRAND LODGE OF AA'ISCONSIN . Trrrc Grand Lodge of AAlsconsin held its annual communication iu June last . Eighty-four subordinate Loelges were represented . The M . W . Grand Alaster , Luther Af . Tracy , read his annual address , lie
represents that peace and harmony prevailed among the brethren throughout the jurisdiction , and that at " no time since the organization of Grand Lodge has there been greater caution used in the selection of materials . " He granted eleven dispensations for new Lodges , ten of Avhich Avere granted charters , and the dispensation ofthe other was continued for another year . There aro 107 Lodges in the jurisdiction , having a total membership of 3 , 303 Alaster Alasons , 200 FelloAV Crafts , anel 311 Entered Apprentice Afasons .
OHIO . AIASOXBY in Cleveland is in a fine and flourishing condition . AVe have two blue . Lodges , the Cleveland City . No . 15 , of which Bro . Chas . A . AVoodward is W . AI ., anel Iris Lodge , No . 229 , Bro . G . H . Burt , AV . AI , both of which for the last few months have been as busy as possible , holding meetings about every Aveek , and Ave are glad to know thafc almost every candidate who has knocked at the door has beeu found
worthy and well qualified . Webb Chapter , No . 14 , of R . A . AI ., has also been busy , for , as the beauties of Alasonry are revealed to the candidate he seeks for further light , and is desirous of climbing to the topmost round in the ladder ere he can relinquish his desire for more . Never has Alasonry been iu so nourishing a condition in this city as at the present time , and we sincerely believe that if the leading members ol both Lodges ivill exercise due caution in the selection of candidates , seeing that none are permitted to enter but thoso who are prop ' . 'i ' b " vouched for and AA-hoso character anel standing , like Caisar ' s wife , is above suspicion , then will Alasonry continue to flourish for evermore .
Obituary .
Tltl'l LATE BRO . COLONEL THOMAS AVILDAIAN , rilOA'lNOIAL GRAXD MASTEB OS NOTTIUGHA . AI . SIH 11 E . A nr . OTUEU Avho forwards an occaronal contribution to the Magtt :: iii <\ thus alludes to the demise of the late highly esteemed Prov . G . AI . of Notts : — " Our able , chief has been summoned by the Grand Alaster of all to appear in his celestial Lodge , to undergo the ordeal , there to