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Mark Masonry.
Stedman , F . E . Ward , W . Billington , C . A . Cathie , G . J . Loo , J . L . Vallentin , and many others , opened the lodge according- to ancient custom . Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , P . K . W . M . 8 , was the only visitor present . Ballots were taken for Bro . James Briun , 75 , and Bro . Joseph Delany , 73 , which were declared to be unanimous in favour of their admission . Bros . J . Brinn , 75 ; F . I-I . Ebsworth , 73 ; J . T . C . Powell , 73 ; and G . C . Eraser , 134 ,
being candidates for advancement , were regularly advanced into the ancient and honourable degree of Mark Masters , Bro . H . A . Collington , R . W . M ., rendering the ceremony in his now well known impressive , faultless manner , which elicited the praise of every P . M . present . Bro . E . N . Levy , P . R . W . M ., proposed in an able and fluent speech , that a vote of thanks be recorded on the lodge minute book to Bro . F . Walters , Sec , for the able and talented manner be had kept the books of tho lodge , and in every case had conducted the duties of Secretary to the lodge . This
proposition was carried unanimously . Bro . F . Walters , Sec , returned thanks for this renewed mark of their kindness and esteem . All brethren below the degree of aw installed R . W . M . having- withdrawn , Bro . C . A . Cottebrune installed Bro . C . H . Murr into the chair of tho lodge as R . W . M . for the ensuing year . On the brethren being readmitted , tho R . W . M . appointed his officers as follows , viz ., I-I . A . Collington , I . P . R . W . M . ; A . P . Leonard , D . R . W . M . ; F . J . Lilley , S . W . ; A . A very , J . W . ; A . D .
Loewenstark . Treas . ; F . Walters , Sec ; J . C . Gooddy , R . of M . ; E . Harris , M . O . ; It . Hurrell , S . O . ; G . Morris , J . O . ; J . Hawker , Councillor ; M . Spier , S . D . ; J . C . Vallentin , J . D . ; R . Welsford , T . K . ; W . Lipscombe , Steward , W . Aldhouse , Tyler . Several candidates were then proposed for advancement at the next lodge meeting . Bro . F . Walters , Sec , congratulated Bro . H . A . Collington , I . P . R . W . M ., on bis good fortune in having advanced no less than thirty-seven brethren into Mark Masonry during his
year of office , and hoped to see the lodge flourish as well under their present R . W . M . Bro . C . II . Murr . After the lodge was closed , the brethren , upwards of thirty iu number , sat down to a handsome banquet , prepared by Bro . C . A . Cathie . The usual loyal toasts were given and received . Some good songs well sung , and recitations ably given , brought an agreeable meeting to a pleasant close .
THE MARQUIS OF DONEGAL AND THE MASONIC ORDER . We ( Irish Times ') were enabled to announce some weeks since that Lord Donegal had conveyed to the Grand Lodge of Ireland his regret at having , in his speech at Belfast , transgressed one of the fundamental rules of the Order , by introducing topics of a political character at a Masonic banquet at Belfast . We , at the
same time , expressed our conviction that the Grand Lodge would , under the circumstances , consider Lord Donegal's letter as sufficiently explanatory . We learn that at the meeting of the Grand Lodge on Thursday week , the letter from Lord Donegal was read , conveying an assurance , couched in the frankest language , that he had no intention whatever wilfully to infringe a fundamental rule of Masonry , as well as an expression of his sincere regret for having done so at the dinner given the
Belfast in August last , on the occasion of his inauguration as Provincial Grand Master of Belfast and North Down . This feeling is so unmistakeably conveyed in his lordship's letters , that the Grand Lodge have accepted his apology , and have dismissed the subject , with a caution as to the avoidance throughout the Order , of any discussion calculated to produce disunion , at meetings of Freemasons ; and as to tbe necessity of excluding all persons , not belonging to the institution , from meetings convened to carry out the business of this ancient fraternity .
ANCIENT LONDON . —The marvellous transformations that have been effected by railways in London during the past few years , render it of no small importance to gather up every scrap of topographical lore while a few sites remain that are dear to history and the muses . It is but the other day we heard of the destruction of Milton ' s residence in Barbican . Now we hear that Goldsmith ' s residence in Green Arbour Court must share the same fate . With such changes going on around us , it is
gratifying to learn that "Aleph , '' the gifted author of "London Scenes and London People , " has a companion volume in the press , the title of which is "The Old City , and its Highways and Byways . "
( From the Indian Freemasons' Friend . ) BOMBAY . . DISTRICT GEAND LODGE . A half-yearly communication was held at Freemasons' Hall , in Bombay , on tbe 9 th March , 1 S 64 ; present , Bros . Georsrc Taylor , Prov . G . M . ; G . S . Judge , D . Prov . G . M . ; Henry
Wiekbam , P . Prov . J . G . W . as Prov . S . G . W . ; Rev . J . J . Farnbam . Chap ., as Prov . J . G . W . ; Alfred King , Prov . G . Sec . ; Thomas Diver , M . D „ Prov . J . G . D ., as Prov . S . G . D . ; C . E . Mitchell , J . W . Lodge Truth ( No . 9-41 ) , as Prov . J . G . D . ; C . G . Swanseger , Prov . G . Org . ; W . R . Donaldson , Prov . G . Purst . ; J . W . Wyun , Prov . G . Steward , and other brethren as repreentatives of lodges . The proceedings of the last half-yearly communication were
read and confirmed . The Prov . G . Master notified that , since the last coimnnnieation , a dispensation had been granted to Lodge Concord , to pass Bro . Franklin Walker within the period of four weeks . Read a letter from Lodge Concord , requesting the opinion of the Prov . G . M . and tho District Grand Lodge as to whether Lodge Concord had acted rightly in giving the 2 nd degree to Bro . II . E . Mirza AH Mahomed Khan , he having been initiated
in Lodge Rising Star , working under Scotland . It was resolved— "That Lodge Concord had acted rightly in giving the 2 nd Degree , and that the lodge would be quite justified in conferring tbe 3 rd Degree also , should the brother wish to lake it . " Read the following letters , namely , one from the District Gi-ixiid Lodge to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , dated the 10 th December , IS 63 , and the reply of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , dated the 2 Sth December ,. 1 SG 3 , sent on the 3 rd March , 1864 , in a letter bearing that date .
No . S 3 . DISTBICT GBAND LODGE OE BOMBAY AND ITS TEEBITOBIES . Bombay , December 10 th , 1 S 63 . To Bro . MAREIOTT , P . G . See . to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India under Scotland , Bomhay . SIB AND BEOMIEK , —I am directed by the Provincial Grand Master of Bombayunder Englandto forward the annexed
, , resolutions , which were unanimously passed at the last halfyearly communication of the District Grand Lodge of Bombay and its Territories , under England , held on the 2 nd inst ., together with a letter from tbe Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Bombay , under England , Bro . G . S . Judge , of tbe 25 th Nov . last , in reply to your predecessor ' s letter to mo of the 17 th Oct . last , and to request you to be good enough to lay tho same
beforethe Provincial Grand Master and Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , under Scotland . I am also directed particularly to call your attention to the 2 nd of the said resolutions , and to inform you that if the reparation therein referred to be not made within the period specified , I have positive orders to send home the whole case to the Grand Lodge of England by the mail following . I remain , Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , ( Signed ) AXEEED KING . Trov . G . Sec . of Bombay and its Territories .
DISTBICT GRAND LODGE OE BOMBAY AND ITS TEBBITOBIES . Resolutions passed at a half-yearly communication held on the 2 nd of December , 1863 , and referred to in my letter , No . 83 ,. of the 10 th December , 1863 : — 1 . " That this District Grand Lodge considers the resolution of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , under Scotland , communicated in the Secretary ' s letter of the October last , to
be written in an unmasonic , unfriendly , and discourteous spirit , and to contain matter calculated to destroy the unity which ought to exist amongst Freemasons , and it strongly condemns the publication of ex parte statements prejudicial to its Deputy-Provincial Grand Master , Bro . G . S . Judge , whilst the matter was under discussion and unconfirmed in lodge . " The District Grand Lodalso entirel of the
lettersge y approves of its Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . G . S . Judge , of the-13 th July and 25 th November last , and considers that lie has entirely exonerated himself from blame , and it concurs with him in maintaining that no Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , under Scotland , existed iu the early part of this year .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
Stedman , F . E . Ward , W . Billington , C . A . Cathie , G . J . Loo , J . L . Vallentin , and many others , opened the lodge according- to ancient custom . Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , P . K . W . M . 8 , was the only visitor present . Ballots were taken for Bro . James Briun , 75 , and Bro . Joseph Delany , 73 , which were declared to be unanimous in favour of their admission . Bros . J . Brinn , 75 ; F . I-I . Ebsworth , 73 ; J . T . C . Powell , 73 ; and G . C . Eraser , 134 ,
being candidates for advancement , were regularly advanced into the ancient and honourable degree of Mark Masters , Bro . H . A . Collington , R . W . M ., rendering the ceremony in his now well known impressive , faultless manner , which elicited the praise of every P . M . present . Bro . E . N . Levy , P . R . W . M ., proposed in an able and fluent speech , that a vote of thanks be recorded on the lodge minute book to Bro . F . Walters , Sec , for the able and talented manner be had kept the books of tho lodge , and in every case had conducted the duties of Secretary to the lodge . This
proposition was carried unanimously . Bro . F . Walters , Sec , returned thanks for this renewed mark of their kindness and esteem . All brethren below the degree of aw installed R . W . M . having- withdrawn , Bro . C . A . Cottebrune installed Bro . C . H . Murr into the chair of tho lodge as R . W . M . for the ensuing year . On the brethren being readmitted , tho R . W . M . appointed his officers as follows , viz ., I-I . A . Collington , I . P . R . W . M . ; A . P . Leonard , D . R . W . M . ; F . J . Lilley , S . W . ; A . A very , J . W . ; A . D .
Loewenstark . Treas . ; F . Walters , Sec ; J . C . Gooddy , R . of M . ; E . Harris , M . O . ; It . Hurrell , S . O . ; G . Morris , J . O . ; J . Hawker , Councillor ; M . Spier , S . D . ; J . C . Vallentin , J . D . ; R . Welsford , T . K . ; W . Lipscombe , Steward , W . Aldhouse , Tyler . Several candidates were then proposed for advancement at the next lodge meeting . Bro . F . Walters , Sec , congratulated Bro . H . A . Collington , I . P . R . W . M ., on bis good fortune in having advanced no less than thirty-seven brethren into Mark Masonry during his
year of office , and hoped to see the lodge flourish as well under their present R . W . M . Bro . C . II . Murr . After the lodge was closed , the brethren , upwards of thirty iu number , sat down to a handsome banquet , prepared by Bro . C . A . Cathie . The usual loyal toasts were given and received . Some good songs well sung , and recitations ably given , brought an agreeable meeting to a pleasant close .
THE MARQUIS OF DONEGAL AND THE MASONIC ORDER . We ( Irish Times ') were enabled to announce some weeks since that Lord Donegal had conveyed to the Grand Lodge of Ireland his regret at having , in his speech at Belfast , transgressed one of the fundamental rules of the Order , by introducing topics of a political character at a Masonic banquet at Belfast . We , at the
same time , expressed our conviction that the Grand Lodge would , under the circumstances , consider Lord Donegal's letter as sufficiently explanatory . We learn that at the meeting of the Grand Lodge on Thursday week , the letter from Lord Donegal was read , conveying an assurance , couched in the frankest language , that he had no intention whatever wilfully to infringe a fundamental rule of Masonry , as well as an expression of his sincere regret for having done so at the dinner given the
Belfast in August last , on the occasion of his inauguration as Provincial Grand Master of Belfast and North Down . This feeling is so unmistakeably conveyed in his lordship's letters , that the Grand Lodge have accepted his apology , and have dismissed the subject , with a caution as to the avoidance throughout the Order , of any discussion calculated to produce disunion , at meetings of Freemasons ; and as to tbe necessity of excluding all persons , not belonging to the institution , from meetings convened to carry out the business of this ancient fraternity .
ANCIENT LONDON . —The marvellous transformations that have been effected by railways in London during the past few years , render it of no small importance to gather up every scrap of topographical lore while a few sites remain that are dear to history and the muses . It is but the other day we heard of the destruction of Milton ' s residence in Barbican . Now we hear that Goldsmith ' s residence in Green Arbour Court must share the same fate . With such changes going on around us , it is
gratifying to learn that "Aleph , '' the gifted author of "London Scenes and London People , " has a companion volume in the press , the title of which is "The Old City , and its Highways and Byways . "
( From the Indian Freemasons' Friend . ) BOMBAY . . DISTRICT GEAND LODGE . A half-yearly communication was held at Freemasons' Hall , in Bombay , on tbe 9 th March , 1 S 64 ; present , Bros . Georsrc Taylor , Prov . G . M . ; G . S . Judge , D . Prov . G . M . ; Henry
Wiekbam , P . Prov . J . G . W . as Prov . S . G . W . ; Rev . J . J . Farnbam . Chap ., as Prov . J . G . W . ; Alfred King , Prov . G . Sec . ; Thomas Diver , M . D „ Prov . J . G . D ., as Prov . S . G . D . ; C . E . Mitchell , J . W . Lodge Truth ( No . 9-41 ) , as Prov . J . G . D . ; C . G . Swanseger , Prov . G . Org . ; W . R . Donaldson , Prov . G . Purst . ; J . W . Wyun , Prov . G . Steward , and other brethren as repreentatives of lodges . The proceedings of the last half-yearly communication were
read and confirmed . The Prov . G . Master notified that , since the last coimnnnieation , a dispensation had been granted to Lodge Concord , to pass Bro . Franklin Walker within the period of four weeks . Read a letter from Lodge Concord , requesting the opinion of the Prov . G . M . and tho District Grand Lodge as to whether Lodge Concord had acted rightly in giving the 2 nd degree to Bro . II . E . Mirza AH Mahomed Khan , he having been initiated
in Lodge Rising Star , working under Scotland . It was resolved— "That Lodge Concord had acted rightly in giving the 2 nd Degree , and that the lodge would be quite justified in conferring tbe 3 rd Degree also , should the brother wish to lake it . " Read the following letters , namely , one from the District Gi-ixiid Lodge to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , dated the 10 th December , IS 63 , and the reply of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , dated the 2 Sth December ,. 1 SG 3 , sent on the 3 rd March , 1864 , in a letter bearing that date .
No . S 3 . DISTBICT GBAND LODGE OE BOMBAY AND ITS TEEBITOBIES . Bombay , December 10 th , 1 S 63 . To Bro . MAREIOTT , P . G . See . to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India under Scotland , Bomhay . SIB AND BEOMIEK , —I am directed by the Provincial Grand Master of Bombayunder Englandto forward the annexed
, , resolutions , which were unanimously passed at the last halfyearly communication of the District Grand Lodge of Bombay and its Territories , under England , held on the 2 nd inst ., together with a letter from tbe Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Bombay , under England , Bro . G . S . Judge , of tbe 25 th Nov . last , in reply to your predecessor ' s letter to mo of the 17 th Oct . last , and to request you to be good enough to lay tho same
beforethe Provincial Grand Master and Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , under Scotland . I am also directed particularly to call your attention to the 2 nd of the said resolutions , and to inform you that if the reparation therein referred to be not made within the period specified , I have positive orders to send home the whole case to the Grand Lodge of England by the mail following . I remain , Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , ( Signed ) AXEEED KING . Trov . G . Sec . of Bombay and its Territories .
DISTBICT GRAND LODGE OE BOMBAY AND ITS TEBBITOBIES . Resolutions passed at a half-yearly communication held on the 2 nd of December , 1863 , and referred to in my letter , No . 83 ,. of the 10 th December , 1863 : — 1 . " That this District Grand Lodge considers the resolution of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , under Scotland , communicated in the Secretary ' s letter of the October last , to
be written in an unmasonic , unfriendly , and discourteous spirit , and to contain matter calculated to destroy the unity which ought to exist amongst Freemasons , and it strongly condemns the publication of ex parte statements prejudicial to its Deputy-Provincial Grand Master , Bro . G . S . Judge , whilst the matter was under discussion and unconfirmed in lodge . " The District Grand Lodalso entirel of the
lettersge y approves of its Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . G . S . Judge , of the-13 th July and 25 th November last , and considers that lie has entirely exonerated himself from blame , and it concurs with him in maintaining that no Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , under Scotland , existed iu the early part of this year .