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2 . "That if tho Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , under Scotland , do not , within three weeks after this resolution is communicated to them , mark the reparation demanded by Bro . G . S . Judge , in his letter of the 25 th November last , the whole correspondence , together with these resolutions , be sent to the Grand Lodge of England , with a request that the-matter may be laid before the Grand Lodge of Scotland . 3 . "That the resolutions just passed be communicated to the
Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , under Scotland , with a copy of Bro . G . S . Judge ' s letter , of tho 25 th November last , and that these resolutions and the whole of the correspondence bo printed in the form of a pamphlet and distributed , and that the same be sent to tho Indian Freemasons' Friend and the FBEEMASONS' MAGAZINE for publication therein , in order to counteract any ill effect which may have arisen from the publication of the charges , without Bro . G . S . Judge ' s reply thereto . " ( Signed ) ALFRED KING , Prov . G . Sec . of Bombay .
PEOVINCIAL GBAND LODGE OF WESTEBN INDIA , UNDEB SCOTLAND . Bombay , March 3 rd , 1864 . To Bro . ALEBED KING , P . G . Secretary to the District Grand Lodge of Bombay and its Territories , under England . SIB AND BBOTUEB , —The accompanying letter was drafted on the same date which it bears , but through some cause or other
the P . G . Secretary seems to have neglected to forward it to its destination . The R . W . Provincial Grand Master has now ordered me to direct the letter to your address , which I have great pleasure in doing . I remain , dear sir and brother , yours fraternally , ( Signed ) K . It . CAMA , Officiating Secretary , Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , under Scotland . TBOVINCIAL GBAND LODGE OE WESTERN INDIA , UNDER
SCOTLAND . Bombay , December 28 th , 1863 . To Bro . AIMED KING , P . G . Secretary to the District Grand Lodge of Bombay and Us Territories , under England . SIB AND BBOTUEB , —I am desired by the Provincial Grand Master of Western India and the Provincial Grand Lodge , under Scotlandto acknowledge the receipt of your letter
, , dated Bombay , tho 10 th December , 1863 , and its voluminous accompaniments . Your letter and its accompaniments were considered at a meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , held on the 19 th day of December , instant ; and in accordance with tbe resolutions then passed , I have to inform you that , through the inadvertence of the late SecretaryBro . Summerstwo
, , sentences had been added to the resolution passed on the reception of Bro . Judge ' s letter of explanation regarding tho opening by him of a letter which was not addressed to him , and the detention of another which also was not addressed to him , and it was resolved that those sentences should bo expunged from the minutes of the meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge held on the 26 th September last , so that the resolution
referred to as it now ends and stands as confirmed , reads" and that the explanation of Bro . Judge is satisfactory . " A copy of tbe confirmed minutes will be sent to the District Grand Lodge of Bombay and its Territories , and tho lodges working under Scotland , and also to the Grand Lodge of Scotland as soon as tho proceedings shall have been completed . It was also resolved that the Provincial Grand Lodof
Wesge tern India deprecates and disapproves most highly of tbe publication of an attack upon a brother without waiting for his answer ; considering such a proceeding to be unfair and un-Masonic ; and regrets that any such publication should have been made . I am at the same time to state , that the Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , under Scotland , took no part in the publication referred toof the offensive ithets
, ep applied to Bro . Judge , nor- did it authorise such publication . I am further desired to express the hope of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , that . this explanation may bo considered satisfactory , and that we may , iu future , work amicably together in the good cause of Masonry . I am further directed to say that the Provincial Grand Lodge having
made such amends as is in its power , this communication may be received in the spirit it is intended . I remain , Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , ( Signed ) K . R . CAMA , Officiating Secretary , Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , under Scotland . It was resolved— "That tho Provincial Grand Lod of
ge Western India , under Scotland , be informed that , in consequence of their having delayed till the 3 rd March , 1 S 64—a period of eleven weeks—to reply to this District Grand Lodge's letter of the 10 th December , 1 S 63 , tbe whole matter had been referred to the Grand Lodge of England , as it was stated tint it would be in the said letter . Resolved also—That in the opinion of this District Grand Lodge the apology offered to its Deputy Grand MasterBro . G . S . Jud by the Provincial
, ge , Grand Master aud Provincial Grand Lodge or Western India , under Scotland , in their letter of the 2 St ' ii December last , is insufficient for the following reasons : — " 1 st . —Because the following charges made against , Bro . G . S .. Judge are not retracted , nor is any apology offered for their having been made , although Bro . G . S . Judge has clearly proved them to be false : —
" 1 . The having misrepresented to the Secretary of Lodge Hope , Ktirraehee , that the Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India was not in existence on the 37 th January , 1863 . " Whereas the fact is that his representation to that effect was true . " II . The having evinced a most studied desire to mislead one of the daughter lodges working under the Grand Lodge of Scotland .
" The fact being that he gave that lodge correct information . " III . The acting under a spirit of opposition to the interests of Scotch Masonry in Western India . " The fact being that no such spirit existed . " IV . The having stated what he must have known was not the case . " The fact being that his statement was true . " 2 nd . —Because no apology is offered for having ignored
Bro . G . S . Judge as a Mason , by styling him as " Mr . Judge " and "this Mr . Judge" in the written and printed minutes of the soi-disant Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , at its meeting of the 26 th September last , and by so styling him in a letter to Lodge Hope , Kurrachee . " 3 rd . —Because the Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India has not expunged from its records all mention of the un-Masonic charges made against Bro . G . S . Judgeas unworthy
, of a place in them . " 4 th . —Because the Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India has not directed its apology to be published in the FBEEIIASONS' MAGAZINE and Indian Freemasons' Friend , although tbe charges wore published in these periodicals by some one who
had access to the minutes of the soi-disant Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , which the Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India had adopted as its own , and this District Grand Lodge is not informed that he has been punished for having committed so grave a Masonic offence as that of publishing minutes of lodge proceedings without authority , though this District Grand Lodge is informed that Bro . G . A . Summers , in whose custody those minutes were , has been ,
rewarded by being publicly thanked in the Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , for what he had done whilst he held tbe office of Secretary both of the soi-disant Provincial-Grand Lodge and of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , one of his acts being the ignoring of Bro . G . S . Judge as a Mason by styling him as " Mr . Judge" and " this Mr .. Judge" in lodge minutes , and in a letter to the Secretary of Lodge HopeKurrachee ; anothertho bringing of false charges
, , against Bro . G . S . Judge ; and a third , the permitting of lodgeminutes in his custody to be published without any authority to do so . " Moved by Bvo . II . Wickham , P . Prov . J . W ., seconded by Bro .. T . Diver , and carried unanimously— "That these letters from this District Grand Lodge to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Western Indiaand their replybe forwarded to the Grand
, , Lodge , together with tbe above resolution thereon . " Resolved— " That a letter of condolence be sent to the Grand Lodge of Scotland on the occasion of the death of his Grace the Duke of Athol . " The Prov . G . M . then appointed Bro . the Rev . J . J . Farnham Prov . G . Chap ., to be Prov . G . S . W ., and Bro . A . King , Prov . G
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
2 . "That if tho Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , under Scotland , do not , within three weeks after this resolution is communicated to them , mark the reparation demanded by Bro . G . S . Judge , in his letter of the 25 th November last , the whole correspondence , together with these resolutions , be sent to the Grand Lodge of England , with a request that the-matter may be laid before the Grand Lodge of Scotland . 3 . "That the resolutions just passed be communicated to the
Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , under Scotland , with a copy of Bro . G . S . Judge ' s letter , of tho 25 th November last , and that these resolutions and the whole of the correspondence bo printed in the form of a pamphlet and distributed , and that the same be sent to tho Indian Freemasons' Friend and the FBEEMASONS' MAGAZINE for publication therein , in order to counteract any ill effect which may have arisen from the publication of the charges , without Bro . G . S . Judge ' s reply thereto . " ( Signed ) ALFRED KING , Prov . G . Sec . of Bombay .
PEOVINCIAL GBAND LODGE OF WESTEBN INDIA , UNDEB SCOTLAND . Bombay , March 3 rd , 1864 . To Bro . ALEBED KING , P . G . Secretary to the District Grand Lodge of Bombay and its Territories , under England . SIB AND BBOTUEB , —The accompanying letter was drafted on the same date which it bears , but through some cause or other
the P . G . Secretary seems to have neglected to forward it to its destination . The R . W . Provincial Grand Master has now ordered me to direct the letter to your address , which I have great pleasure in doing . I remain , dear sir and brother , yours fraternally , ( Signed ) K . It . CAMA , Officiating Secretary , Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , under Scotland . TBOVINCIAL GBAND LODGE OE WESTERN INDIA , UNDER
SCOTLAND . Bombay , December 28 th , 1863 . To Bro . AIMED KING , P . G . Secretary to the District Grand Lodge of Bombay and Us Territories , under England . SIB AND BBOTUEB , —I am desired by the Provincial Grand Master of Western India and the Provincial Grand Lodge , under Scotlandto acknowledge the receipt of your letter
, , dated Bombay , tho 10 th December , 1863 , and its voluminous accompaniments . Your letter and its accompaniments were considered at a meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , held on the 19 th day of December , instant ; and in accordance with tbe resolutions then passed , I have to inform you that , through the inadvertence of the late SecretaryBro . Summerstwo
, , sentences had been added to the resolution passed on the reception of Bro . Judge ' s letter of explanation regarding tho opening by him of a letter which was not addressed to him , and the detention of another which also was not addressed to him , and it was resolved that those sentences should bo expunged from the minutes of the meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge held on the 26 th September last , so that the resolution
referred to as it now ends and stands as confirmed , reads" and that the explanation of Bro . Judge is satisfactory . " A copy of tbe confirmed minutes will be sent to the District Grand Lodge of Bombay and its Territories , and tho lodges working under Scotland , and also to the Grand Lodge of Scotland as soon as tho proceedings shall have been completed . It was also resolved that the Provincial Grand Lodof
Wesge tern India deprecates and disapproves most highly of tbe publication of an attack upon a brother without waiting for his answer ; considering such a proceeding to be unfair and un-Masonic ; and regrets that any such publication should have been made . I am at the same time to state , that the Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , under Scotland , took no part in the publication referred toof the offensive ithets
, ep applied to Bro . Judge , nor- did it authorise such publication . I am further desired to express the hope of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , that . this explanation may bo considered satisfactory , and that we may , iu future , work amicably together in the good cause of Masonry . I am further directed to say that the Provincial Grand Lodge having
made such amends as is in its power , this communication may be received in the spirit it is intended . I remain , Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , ( Signed ) K . R . CAMA , Officiating Secretary , Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , under Scotland . It was resolved— "That tho Provincial Grand Lod of
ge Western India , under Scotland , be informed that , in consequence of their having delayed till the 3 rd March , 1 S 64—a period of eleven weeks—to reply to this District Grand Lodge's letter of the 10 th December , 1 S 63 , tbe whole matter had been referred to the Grand Lodge of England , as it was stated tint it would be in the said letter . Resolved also—That in the opinion of this District Grand Lodge the apology offered to its Deputy Grand MasterBro . G . S . Jud by the Provincial
, ge , Grand Master aud Provincial Grand Lodge or Western India , under Scotland , in their letter of the 2 St ' ii December last , is insufficient for the following reasons : — " 1 st . —Because the following charges made against , Bro . G . S .. Judge are not retracted , nor is any apology offered for their having been made , although Bro . G . S . Judge has clearly proved them to be false : —
" 1 . The having misrepresented to the Secretary of Lodge Hope , Ktirraehee , that the Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India was not in existence on the 37 th January , 1863 . " Whereas the fact is that his representation to that effect was true . " II . The having evinced a most studied desire to mislead one of the daughter lodges working under the Grand Lodge of Scotland .
" The fact being that he gave that lodge correct information . " III . The acting under a spirit of opposition to the interests of Scotch Masonry in Western India . " The fact being that no such spirit existed . " IV . The having stated what he must have known was not the case . " The fact being that his statement was true . " 2 nd . —Because no apology is offered for having ignored
Bro . G . S . Judge as a Mason , by styling him as " Mr . Judge " and "this Mr . Judge" in the written and printed minutes of the soi-disant Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , at its meeting of the 26 th September last , and by so styling him in a letter to Lodge Hope , Kurrachee . " 3 rd . —Because the Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India has not expunged from its records all mention of the un-Masonic charges made against Bro . G . S . Judgeas unworthy
, of a place in them . " 4 th . —Because the Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India has not directed its apology to be published in the FBEEIIASONS' MAGAZINE and Indian Freemasons' Friend , although tbe charges wore published in these periodicals by some one who
had access to the minutes of the soi-disant Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , which the Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India had adopted as its own , and this District Grand Lodge is not informed that he has been punished for having committed so grave a Masonic offence as that of publishing minutes of lodge proceedings without authority , though this District Grand Lodge is informed that Bro . G . A . Summers , in whose custody those minutes were , has been ,
rewarded by being publicly thanked in the Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , for what he had done whilst he held tbe office of Secretary both of the soi-disant Provincial-Grand Lodge and of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India , one of his acts being the ignoring of Bro . G . S . Judge as a Mason by styling him as " Mr . Judge" and " this Mr .. Judge" in lodge minutes , and in a letter to the Secretary of Lodge HopeKurrachee ; anothertho bringing of false charges
, , against Bro . G . S . Judge ; and a third , the permitting of lodgeminutes in his custody to be published without any authority to do so . " Moved by Bvo . II . Wickham , P . Prov . J . W ., seconded by Bro .. T . Diver , and carried unanimously— "That these letters from this District Grand Lodge to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Western Indiaand their replybe forwarded to the Grand
, , Lodge , together with tbe above resolution thereon . " Resolved— " That a letter of condolence be sent to the Grand Lodge of Scotland on the occasion of the death of his Grace the Duke of Athol . " The Prov . G . M . then appointed Bro . the Rev . J . J . Farnham Prov . G . Chap ., to be Prov . G . S . W ., and Bro . A . King , Prov . G