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Sec , to be Prov . J . G . W . for the ensuing year , and installed them in their chairs . The Prov . G . M . then appointed the following officers for the ensuing year , and invested those who were present with the insignia of office : — Bro . Thomas Diver Prov . G . Reg . C . E . Mitchell GSec
„ „ . . „ J . Brunton , S . G . D . ,, W , A . Brunton „ J . G . D . „ H . Gamble „ G . Sunt , of Works . „ J . C . V . Johnson „ G . Dir . of Cers . „ A . Gumming „ G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . „ B . Boberts „ G . S . B . ,, R . Donaldson „ G . Assist . Sec .
„ C . G . Swanseger „ G . Org . „ Forrest L . Brown , G . Purst . „ H . T . Bink * ) 2 E . Lecke 7 '' . ' ; . ' . ' . ' .: ' . ' .:::::::::::: f » G * stewards . „ H . Prescott J ,, J . Roddle „ G . Tyler .
The Prov . G . Master intimated that he would take an early ¦ opportunity of filling up the other appointments . Bro . J . J . Farnham proposed , and Bro . G . S . Judge seconded , a vote of thanks to the late Secretary , Bro . A . King , for his valuable services during the past year . ( Carried unanimously . ) The business being concluded , the District Grand Lodge was ¦ closed in due form , with solemn prayer , and adjourned . CIIAS . EDWAED MITCHELL , Prov , G . Sec .
PBOVINCIAL GBAND LODGE OP WESTERN INDIA , UNDEB SCOTLAND . To C . MncnELL , Esq ., District Grand Secretary to the District Grand Lodge of Bombay . SIB A 3 SD BBOTUEB , — -Referring you to my letter of the 28 th March last , 1 have now the pleasure to inform you that the contents of of the lvfch of the same month were maturel
yours y considered at an adjourned quarterly communication of the Provincial Grand Lodge of -Western India , held on the 2 nd instant , and , after a deliberate discussion , the result was tbe ¦ unanimous adoption of the following resolution : — " That the Provincial Grand Lodge expresses its extreme regret that any offensive addition should have been interpolated in the resolution complained ofthat resolution having been intended to
, convey to Bro . Judge tho expression of the feeling of this Grand Lodge that his explanations were perfectly satisfactory , that tbe matters should be buried in oblivion , and that harmony might be restored . This Provincial Grand Lodge now expresses to Bvo . Judge its regret that ho should have been subjected to annoyance hy the unauthorised publication of ex parte records of this Provincial Grand Lodge , and the discourteous expressions used
m the correspondence ; that it is perfectly satisfied with bis explanations , and decides that that portion of the records of this Provincial Grand Lodge containing tho matter personally offensive to Bro . Judge shall be expunged and destroyed ; and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the District Grand Lodgeof Bombay , under England , and the journals in which tbe offensive information was published . The Provincial Grand Lod actuated bthe hihest motives
ge , y g of brotherly love , and wishing for peace and amity , have been induced to adopt the above resolution , which , it is earnestly hoped , will be considered ample by your District Grand Lodge to allay all ill-feeling , and restore peace and harmony between the two Provincial Brand Lodges . I need not point out how necessary it is that a copy of this communication should be forwarded to tbe Grand Lodge of land b
Eng y the first opportunity , and it is to be hoped that it will reach England in time to stay the passing of any judgment hy the superior authorities . I am , Sir and dear Brother , yours fraternally , ( Sd . ) K . R . CAMA , Offg . Prov . G . Secretary . Bombay , July 6 th , 1864 .
THE love of distinction is the ruling passion of the human mind ); we grudge whatever draws off attention from ourselves to others ; and all our actions are but different contrivances , either by sheer malice or affected liberality , to keep it to ourselves or share it with others .
NEW BRUNSWICK . MASONIC CELEBBATIONS AT CHATHAM . On Tuesday evening , September 13 th , at Chatham , a new chapter of Royal Arch Masons , on the roll of the Grand Chapter of Scotland , was formally opened . Its distinctive title is Mount Lebanon Chapter , No . 101 . The ceremony of installing its principals was performed by M . E . Comp . Robert Gowan , P . Z .
of the Fredericton Chapter , assistedby M . E . Comps . R . T . Clinch , W . F . Bunting , anil J . V . Ellis , of the Carleton Chapter , St . John . The officers of the new chapter are George II . Russell , Principal Z . ; Richard Hocken , Principal H . ; William Muirhead , Principal J . ; Thomas Gillespie , Scribe E . ; Arthur Wright , Scribe N . ; John Haviland , Principal Soj . ; W . J . Johnston , Assist . Soj . ; R . Burbridge , Janitor . The different degrees connected with the Royal Arch Order were conferred upon
applicants by the visiting companions , comprising , in addition to those named above , Rev . C . P . Bliss , of Corinthian Chapter , Hampton ; and Charles E . Potter , Thomas M . Reed , and Alex . Rankin , of the Carleton Chapter , St . John . Mount Lebanon Chapter is an offshoot of the last-named body in this city . It
commences under most favourable auspices , and tbe founders have spared neither pains nor expense in providing the paraphernalia suitable for the proper performance of the ceremonies . On Tuesday evening , the visiting companions were entertained at an oyster supper in the banquet room in the hall , and a few hours were passed pleasantly and speedily in social and fraternal intercourse . The Masonic fraternity at Chatham recently completed a large
and commodious hall , the upper portion of which contains the lodge room , a banquet room , and a suit of spacious ante-rooms ; the lower story is used as a hall for public purposes , is fitted up with a platform , and is lighted with gas . This hall is the only one in Chatham of sufficient size to meet the public wants , and is , we understand , iu tbe receipt of a large income . The building was erected at a cost of over £ 1 , 000 , and it reflects great credit upon the enterprise of the lodge at Chatham . On Wednesday evening the lodge room , which is fitted up in very handsome style , was dedicated to the uses of Masonry with the customary ceremonies of the Craft . Nearly fifty brethren ,
including members of Miramichi Lodge , Chatham ; the Northumberland Lodge , Chatham ; with visiting brethren from Bathuvst and Richibucto , and other places , assembled in tbe lodge room . The Provincial Grand Lodge , including the St . John delegation , met in the lower hall . Bro . R . T . Clinch , represented the Prov . G . M ., Robert Gowan , and Bro . Fredericton acted as D . Prov . G . M . ; Bros . George H . Russell ( Chatham ) as S . G . W . ; and Samuel Thompson ( Newcastle ) as J . G . W . A
procession was then formed , and the Grand Lodge moved to the lodge room . Here the Grand Lodge was opened , and the W . M . of Miramichi Lodge , Bro . Gillespie , made the customary request to tho acting Prov . G . M . for the consecration of the room . In responding , Bro . Clinch made a lengthy and admirable address , expressing bis satisfaction at being the representative of the Prov . G . M . on this auspicious occasion . Ifc was only a year ago since he had laid the cornet stone of that hall , and to-day he was called upon to complete the work by solemnly dedicating the lodge room with the peculiar ceremonies of the fraternity .
He congratulated the brethren ot Uhatliam upon tne energy ana zeal they had evinced in securing for themselves sufficient and comfortable ball accommodation , aud for the foresight they had displayed in so arranging that that accommodation would avail them for many years to come . But they had done more than this . He referred to the architectural works of the ancient operative Masons . The noble edifices that these had erected to this day attested to the skill and genius of the builderswho
, had laboured much for the public good . The fraternity in Chatbam seemed to have imbibed largely of the spirit of their predecessors , foi the hall supplied a great public want in the town , and ifc was to their energy and enterprise—an energy and enterprise that it would be well for others to imitate—that the people there were indebted for sufficient hall accommodation when they assembled togethereither for business or for pleasure . Bro .
, Clinch then referred to the solemn and instructive ceremonies about to bo performed , and explained at some length their meaning . He spoke of the high position the Masonic fraternity occupisd in New Brunswick , and closed with tho wish that the hall now about to be dedicated might be the happy retreat of piety , virtue , and benevolence . The address was listened to with great attention . At the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Sec , to be Prov . J . G . W . for the ensuing year , and installed them in their chairs . The Prov . G . M . then appointed the following officers for the ensuing year , and invested those who were present with the insignia of office : — Bro . Thomas Diver Prov . G . Reg . C . E . Mitchell GSec
„ „ . . „ J . Brunton , S . G . D . ,, W , A . Brunton „ J . G . D . „ H . Gamble „ G . Sunt , of Works . „ J . C . V . Johnson „ G . Dir . of Cers . „ A . Gumming „ G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . „ B . Boberts „ G . S . B . ,, R . Donaldson „ G . Assist . Sec .
„ C . G . Swanseger „ G . Org . „ Forrest L . Brown , G . Purst . „ H . T . Bink * ) 2 E . Lecke 7 '' . ' ; . ' . ' . ' .: ' . ' .:::::::::::: f » G * stewards . „ H . Prescott J ,, J . Roddle „ G . Tyler .
The Prov . G . Master intimated that he would take an early ¦ opportunity of filling up the other appointments . Bro . J . J . Farnham proposed , and Bro . G . S . Judge seconded , a vote of thanks to the late Secretary , Bro . A . King , for his valuable services during the past year . ( Carried unanimously . ) The business being concluded , the District Grand Lodge was ¦ closed in due form , with solemn prayer , and adjourned . CIIAS . EDWAED MITCHELL , Prov , G . Sec .
PBOVINCIAL GBAND LODGE OP WESTERN INDIA , UNDEB SCOTLAND . To C . MncnELL , Esq ., District Grand Secretary to the District Grand Lodge of Bombay . SIB A 3 SD BBOTUEB , — -Referring you to my letter of the 28 th March last , 1 have now the pleasure to inform you that the contents of of the lvfch of the same month were maturel
yours y considered at an adjourned quarterly communication of the Provincial Grand Lodge of -Western India , held on the 2 nd instant , and , after a deliberate discussion , the result was tbe ¦ unanimous adoption of the following resolution : — " That the Provincial Grand Lodge expresses its extreme regret that any offensive addition should have been interpolated in the resolution complained ofthat resolution having been intended to
, convey to Bro . Judge tho expression of the feeling of this Grand Lodge that his explanations were perfectly satisfactory , that tbe matters should be buried in oblivion , and that harmony might be restored . This Provincial Grand Lodge now expresses to Bvo . Judge its regret that ho should have been subjected to annoyance hy the unauthorised publication of ex parte records of this Provincial Grand Lodge , and the discourteous expressions used
m the correspondence ; that it is perfectly satisfied with bis explanations , and decides that that portion of the records of this Provincial Grand Lodge containing tho matter personally offensive to Bro . Judge shall be expunged and destroyed ; and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the District Grand Lodgeof Bombay , under England , and the journals in which tbe offensive information was published . The Provincial Grand Lod actuated bthe hihest motives
ge , y g of brotherly love , and wishing for peace and amity , have been induced to adopt the above resolution , which , it is earnestly hoped , will be considered ample by your District Grand Lodge to allay all ill-feeling , and restore peace and harmony between the two Provincial Brand Lodges . I need not point out how necessary it is that a copy of this communication should be forwarded to tbe Grand Lodge of land b
Eng y the first opportunity , and it is to be hoped that it will reach England in time to stay the passing of any judgment hy the superior authorities . I am , Sir and dear Brother , yours fraternally , ( Sd . ) K . R . CAMA , Offg . Prov . G . Secretary . Bombay , July 6 th , 1864 .
THE love of distinction is the ruling passion of the human mind ); we grudge whatever draws off attention from ourselves to others ; and all our actions are but different contrivances , either by sheer malice or affected liberality , to keep it to ourselves or share it with others .
NEW BRUNSWICK . MASONIC CELEBBATIONS AT CHATHAM . On Tuesday evening , September 13 th , at Chatham , a new chapter of Royal Arch Masons , on the roll of the Grand Chapter of Scotland , was formally opened . Its distinctive title is Mount Lebanon Chapter , No . 101 . The ceremony of installing its principals was performed by M . E . Comp . Robert Gowan , P . Z .
of the Fredericton Chapter , assistedby M . E . Comps . R . T . Clinch , W . F . Bunting , anil J . V . Ellis , of the Carleton Chapter , St . John . The officers of the new chapter are George II . Russell , Principal Z . ; Richard Hocken , Principal H . ; William Muirhead , Principal J . ; Thomas Gillespie , Scribe E . ; Arthur Wright , Scribe N . ; John Haviland , Principal Soj . ; W . J . Johnston , Assist . Soj . ; R . Burbridge , Janitor . The different degrees connected with the Royal Arch Order were conferred upon
applicants by the visiting companions , comprising , in addition to those named above , Rev . C . P . Bliss , of Corinthian Chapter , Hampton ; and Charles E . Potter , Thomas M . Reed , and Alex . Rankin , of the Carleton Chapter , St . John . Mount Lebanon Chapter is an offshoot of the last-named body in this city . It
commences under most favourable auspices , and tbe founders have spared neither pains nor expense in providing the paraphernalia suitable for the proper performance of the ceremonies . On Tuesday evening , the visiting companions were entertained at an oyster supper in the banquet room in the hall , and a few hours were passed pleasantly and speedily in social and fraternal intercourse . The Masonic fraternity at Chatham recently completed a large
and commodious hall , the upper portion of which contains the lodge room , a banquet room , and a suit of spacious ante-rooms ; the lower story is used as a hall for public purposes , is fitted up with a platform , and is lighted with gas . This hall is the only one in Chatham of sufficient size to meet the public wants , and is , we understand , iu tbe receipt of a large income . The building was erected at a cost of over £ 1 , 000 , and it reflects great credit upon the enterprise of the lodge at Chatham . On Wednesday evening the lodge room , which is fitted up in very handsome style , was dedicated to the uses of Masonry with the customary ceremonies of the Craft . Nearly fifty brethren ,
including members of Miramichi Lodge , Chatham ; the Northumberland Lodge , Chatham ; with visiting brethren from Bathuvst and Richibucto , and other places , assembled in tbe lodge room . The Provincial Grand Lodge , including the St . John delegation , met in the lower hall . Bro . R . T . Clinch , represented the Prov . G . M ., Robert Gowan , and Bro . Fredericton acted as D . Prov . G . M . ; Bros . George H . Russell ( Chatham ) as S . G . W . ; and Samuel Thompson ( Newcastle ) as J . G . W . A
procession was then formed , and the Grand Lodge moved to the lodge room . Here the Grand Lodge was opened , and the W . M . of Miramichi Lodge , Bro . Gillespie , made the customary request to tho acting Prov . G . M . for the consecration of the room . In responding , Bro . Clinch made a lengthy and admirable address , expressing bis satisfaction at being the representative of the Prov . G . M . on this auspicious occasion . Ifc was only a year ago since he had laid the cornet stone of that hall , and to-day he was called upon to complete the work by solemnly dedicating the lodge room with the peculiar ceremonies of the fraternity .
He congratulated the brethren ot Uhatliam upon tne energy ana zeal they had evinced in securing for themselves sufficient and comfortable ball accommodation , aud for the foresight they had displayed in so arranging that that accommodation would avail them for many years to come . But they had done more than this . He referred to the architectural works of the ancient operative Masons . The noble edifices that these had erected to this day attested to the skill and genius of the builderswho
, had laboured much for the public good . The fraternity in Chatbam seemed to have imbibed largely of the spirit of their predecessors , foi the hall supplied a great public want in the town , and ifc was to their energy and enterprise—an energy and enterprise that it would be well for others to imitate—that the people there were indebted for sufficient hall accommodation when they assembled togethereither for business or for pleasure . Bro .
, Clinch then referred to the solemn and instructive ceremonies about to bo performed , and explained at some length their meaning . He spoke of the high position the Masonic fraternity occupisd in New Brunswick , and closed with tho wish that the hall now about to be dedicated might be the happy retreat of piety , virtue , and benevolence . The address was listened to with great attention . At the