Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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the adjoining Province of Suffolk , where there were 100 , 000 inhabitants less than there were in Norfolk , there were eight or nine years ago thirteen lodges , and about 100 subscribers , and they were returning between £ 30 and £ 40 per annum , bv way of dues , to the Provincial Grand Lodire , whilst Norfolk was only returning £ 10 . What was the state of things at present ? Why , at the last meeting of the Finance Committee for the Province of Norfolkover £ 50 was paid to the Provincial
, Grand Treasurer . They had paid sums annually to all the charities , and he believed that at the present there was £ 150 in the Provincial Grand Fund , with which to relieve poor brethren . ( Cheers . ) In conclusion , Bro . Fox proposed " The Health of tbe Worshipful Master of the Sondes Lodge . " ( Applause . ) The W . MASTEB said it was with deep feelings of humility , and a painful sense of his own deficiencies , that he arose to
return thanks , but nevertheless he was encouraged in no slight degree by the consideration that he was addressing his brethren in Masonry . In the first place he wished to congratulate the brethren upon the occasion on which they were then assembled —that of consecrating a new lodge . They had had to take part , as it were , in the baptism of one of the youngest daughters of their time-honoured Order . To all Masons it must be an occasion of deep rejoicing , loving , as he trusted they all did , the
principles of Masonry , and admiring its beautiful ritual and far more beautiful precepts and directions . The fact that the lodges were on the increase spoke Well for Masonry . It proved that those who were amongst the followers of the Craft were deeply interested iu the institution . They were constantly seeing friend introducing friend , brother proposing brother , fathers recommending their own sons , and occasionally themselves initiating them into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry
. Those facts spoke volumes , and were the best testimonials they could give . During all his long Masonic experience , he did not hesitate to say , that he never knew a good and worthy man in private life who did not , after being initiated into Masonry , love aud cherish its precepts . The consecration of a new lodge was certainly , to his mind , a token of good for the locality in which it was established . ( Hear , hear . ) Long might the principles of brotherl
y love flourish , and from the foundation laid that day , might there rise a superstructure perfect in all its parts , and honourable to its builders , ( Applause . ) He loved Masonry , and admired all that belonged to it ; and as he never had , so he hoped he never might , feel any labour too great , if by submitting to it he could contribute to the advancement of the Order . The W . M . then proposed " The Health of the Provincial Grand Chaplain . "
Bro . the Rev . J . CUOMELEY returned thanks . He remarked that he had had many arguments with those whom he bad great reason to look up to as to whether he was not standing in a false position iu preaching for Masonry , and preaching as a Christian clergyman at the same time . He was positive , however , that he did not . He not only felt it an honour , but he was grateful for having had the opportunity of publishing the
last sermon which he preached to the brethren , because he believed it was a sermon which would do good to all who read and studied it , whether they were Masons or not . He was very glad to hear the sentiments which had been expressed by previous speakers , because they proved that tbe words which ho had spoken in sermons and speeches had found an echo in the hearts of true Masons . ( Cheers . )
The W . MASTEK next proposed " The Health of the Officers of tbe Lodge , " to which Iiro . BABWJELI , S . W ., responded . '' The Health of the Provincial Grand Secretary , " was then proposed , and suitably responded to by Bro . A . M . F . MOEUAN . This brought the toast list to a conclusion , and the brethren separated .
WARWICKSHIRE . PEOVINCrAE GllAND LODUE . _ On Tuesday , the 11 th inst ., the annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Warwickshire was held in Birmingham . The brethren assembled at one o ' clock in the Athol Lod Masonic HallSevern-streetwhere the
ge , , , lodge was opened iu due form by the Right Hon . and Right Worshipful Bro . Lord Leigh . Amongst the members of the Craft present we observed—B . W . Lord Leigh , Prov . G . M . ; C . W . 'Elkington , D . Prov . G . M . ; J . Maehin , P . J . G . W . ; Robert H . Foster , P .. I . G . W . ; Isaac H , Bedford , Prov . G . Reg . ; Thomas Clarke , P . Prov . S . G . W .: W . B . Briggs , P . Prov . J . G . D . ; H . Weiss , P . Prov . G . Sec . i
J . Pm-sall , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Edward H . Kittoe , P . Prov . G . Chap . ; Thomas B . Dickens , P . Prov . G . W ., P . M . 284 ; J . T . Robins , P . Prov . G . W ., P . M . 6 S 9 ; F . Empson , P . S . G . W . ; Fred . Cohen , 473 ; W . Williams , 4 / 73 ; Benj . Hunt , Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; James Morris , 473 ; W . Wyman , Prov . S . G . B ., P . M . 301 ; I . T . Collins , G . 'Irons ., P . M . 46 S ; C . H . Hebbert , Prov . G . Reg . ; Stimpson , G . Org . ; Bell Fletcher ( Lodpe of Light ); R .
Croydon , P . M . 395 and 567 ; Matthew Smart , Sec . 74 ; Theopbilus Carter , 473 ; James M . French , 74 ; Charles Mackey ; 925 ; John Watkins , W . M . 395 ; Charles H . Gem , Chap . 567 , J . W . 1 , 016 ; J . S . Solomon , 43 ; Henry Hadley , P . M . 47 ; Henry Osborne , 794 ; Henry Smith , 74 ; Thomas H . Davis , 794 ; Thomas Halbeard , W . M . v 94 ; W . Henry Fairfax ,-S . W . 43 ; G . Septimus Phillips , S . W . 427 ; A . H . Ferris , Chap .
254 ; Richard Dawson , W . M . 587 ; C . F . Davie , 301 ; C . J . Barwell ( St . Paul ' s ); I . J . Turner , P . M . 413 , P . Prov . S . B . ; M . W . Wilson , S . W . 794 ; H . MaUinson , P . M . 31 G ; John Beresford , P . M . 925 ; M . 0 . Suffield , S . D . 725 ; William Glydon , 74 ; C . F . Browne , 284 ; Geo . M . Dickinson , W . M . 74 , P . S . B . ; W . L . Bellamy , 794 ; J . Fenn , 74 ; Stephen Wood , 74 ; F . Hill , 74 ; W . H . Haslour , 739 ; Thomas Allen , 74 ; Joseph Jennens 734 ; John C . Edwards 74 J . VaughanP . M . 74 ;
, , ; , C . Pembrook , 925 ; Fras . H . Griffiths , 925 ; J . R . Chirm , I . G . 473 ; John Stamford , 74 ; J . P . Blunt , 938 ; T . Knight , 567 ; John A . Beddle , 74 ; Wm . Guy Wilkens , S . D . 567 ; John Flinn , I . G ., Chris . Reeve , James Webster , 74 ; J . A . MinsbuVi , 74 ; Alfred Minsbull , 74 ; Thos . James , ' P . M . 539 ; Edwin C . Middleton , 794 ; W . H . Tyler , P . M . 426 ; Geo . Dickinson , W . M . 512 ; Chas . Lee , W . M . 74 , P . G . S . B . ; Thomas Bragg , P . M . 74 ;
C . J . Penn , Treasurer 74 ; Charles Swinden , 473 ; Charles H . Turris , 473 ; Samuel S . Hand , 925 ; Ebenezer Davis , 927 ; John Allen , 74 ; William Hayden , 925 ; John Clements , 74 ; John Howells , 74 ; Daniels , 473 ; James Ure , 74 and 1 , 016 ; James Stubbin , S . W . 759 ; J . Garner , 794 ; W . J . Walters , S . W . 74 , John Darwen , W . M . 567 ; Edward Arthavs , 794 , & c , including several members of the Craft from Staffordshire , and a goodly number of visitors .
The minutes of tbe preceding Grand Lodge and the meeting at Coventry having been read and confirmed , the R . W . Prov . G . M . proceeded to appoint his officers for the ensuing year , viz .: — Bro . Bedford Prov . S . G . W . „ Weiss „ J . G . W . „ W . Bramwell Smith „ G . Chap . „ J . Stonehouse , Junior G . Chap . Hudson G . Reg .
„ „ „ W . B . Briggs „ G . Sec . „ Read „ G . S . D . „ Asker „ G . J . D . „ Pursall „ G . Supt . of Works . „ I . J . Turner „ G . Dir . of Cers . „ Mulliuer „ Assist . Dir . of Cers . „ Wyman „ G . Sword Bearer .
„ W . L . Harrison „ G . Org . „ Jones „ G . S . B . „ Charles Lee „ Assist . G . S . B . „ Beech . „ Assist . G . See . „ Halbeard „ G . Purst . „ C . W . Johnson „ Assist . G . Purst . „ I . T . Collins „ G . Treas . „ Joseph Coates „ G . Tyler .
Those officers having been properly invested , the R . W . PBOV .. G . MASTEB suggested that a fund should be established in theprovince by the members of each lodge contributing voluntarily a sum annually for the relief of the widows and children of Masons in the province . However large the Masonic Charities were , he felt assured that all the brethren would be glad to contribute to such a fund ; and if they only contributed something like £ 150 annumhe thought it would be the means of
formper , ing an annuity fund for the relief of the brethren , and widows and brethren of the province . Bro . C . W . ELKINOTON having supported the suggestion iu order that the brethren present might have an opportunity of expressing an . opinion upon it , Bros . J . RAY , BELL FLETCIIEB , and TnoiiAS BBAOG- advocated the plan . It was therefore resolved , " That a distinct fund be formed in the provinceto be called the Annuity Fundand that
, , a committee consisting of the Provincial Grand Master , Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Past Deputy Provincial Grand Masters , Wardens , and Past Wardens of the province , and the Masters , Past Masters , and Wardens of the various lodges in the province , be formed for the purpose of raising , receiving , and dispersing
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
the adjoining Province of Suffolk , where there were 100 , 000 inhabitants less than there were in Norfolk , there were eight or nine years ago thirteen lodges , and about 100 subscribers , and they were returning between £ 30 and £ 40 per annum , bv way of dues , to the Provincial Grand Lodire , whilst Norfolk was only returning £ 10 . What was the state of things at present ? Why , at the last meeting of the Finance Committee for the Province of Norfolkover £ 50 was paid to the Provincial
, Grand Treasurer . They had paid sums annually to all the charities , and he believed that at the present there was £ 150 in the Provincial Grand Fund , with which to relieve poor brethren . ( Cheers . ) In conclusion , Bro . Fox proposed " The Health of tbe Worshipful Master of the Sondes Lodge . " ( Applause . ) The W . MASTEB said it was with deep feelings of humility , and a painful sense of his own deficiencies , that he arose to
return thanks , but nevertheless he was encouraged in no slight degree by the consideration that he was addressing his brethren in Masonry . In the first place he wished to congratulate the brethren upon the occasion on which they were then assembled —that of consecrating a new lodge . They had had to take part , as it were , in the baptism of one of the youngest daughters of their time-honoured Order . To all Masons it must be an occasion of deep rejoicing , loving , as he trusted they all did , the
principles of Masonry , and admiring its beautiful ritual and far more beautiful precepts and directions . The fact that the lodges were on the increase spoke Well for Masonry . It proved that those who were amongst the followers of the Craft were deeply interested iu the institution . They were constantly seeing friend introducing friend , brother proposing brother , fathers recommending their own sons , and occasionally themselves initiating them into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry
. Those facts spoke volumes , and were the best testimonials they could give . During all his long Masonic experience , he did not hesitate to say , that he never knew a good and worthy man in private life who did not , after being initiated into Masonry , love aud cherish its precepts . The consecration of a new lodge was certainly , to his mind , a token of good for the locality in which it was established . ( Hear , hear . ) Long might the principles of brotherl
y love flourish , and from the foundation laid that day , might there rise a superstructure perfect in all its parts , and honourable to its builders , ( Applause . ) He loved Masonry , and admired all that belonged to it ; and as he never had , so he hoped he never might , feel any labour too great , if by submitting to it he could contribute to the advancement of the Order . The W . M . then proposed " The Health of the Provincial Grand Chaplain . "
Bro . the Rev . J . CUOMELEY returned thanks . He remarked that he had had many arguments with those whom he bad great reason to look up to as to whether he was not standing in a false position iu preaching for Masonry , and preaching as a Christian clergyman at the same time . He was positive , however , that he did not . He not only felt it an honour , but he was grateful for having had the opportunity of publishing the
last sermon which he preached to the brethren , because he believed it was a sermon which would do good to all who read and studied it , whether they were Masons or not . He was very glad to hear the sentiments which had been expressed by previous speakers , because they proved that tbe words which ho had spoken in sermons and speeches had found an echo in the hearts of true Masons . ( Cheers . )
The W . MASTEK next proposed " The Health of the Officers of tbe Lodge , " to which Iiro . BABWJELI , S . W ., responded . '' The Health of the Provincial Grand Secretary , " was then proposed , and suitably responded to by Bro . A . M . F . MOEUAN . This brought the toast list to a conclusion , and the brethren separated .
WARWICKSHIRE . PEOVINCrAE GllAND LODUE . _ On Tuesday , the 11 th inst ., the annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Warwickshire was held in Birmingham . The brethren assembled at one o ' clock in the Athol Lod Masonic HallSevern-streetwhere the
ge , , , lodge was opened iu due form by the Right Hon . and Right Worshipful Bro . Lord Leigh . Amongst the members of the Craft present we observed—B . W . Lord Leigh , Prov . G . M . ; C . W . 'Elkington , D . Prov . G . M . ; J . Maehin , P . J . G . W . ; Robert H . Foster , P .. I . G . W . ; Isaac H , Bedford , Prov . G . Reg . ; Thomas Clarke , P . Prov . S . G . W .: W . B . Briggs , P . Prov . J . G . D . ; H . Weiss , P . Prov . G . Sec . i
J . Pm-sall , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Edward H . Kittoe , P . Prov . G . Chap . ; Thomas B . Dickens , P . Prov . G . W ., P . M . 284 ; J . T . Robins , P . Prov . G . W ., P . M . 6 S 9 ; F . Empson , P . S . G . W . ; Fred . Cohen , 473 ; W . Williams , 4 / 73 ; Benj . Hunt , Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; James Morris , 473 ; W . Wyman , Prov . S . G . B ., P . M . 301 ; I . T . Collins , G . 'Irons ., P . M . 46 S ; C . H . Hebbert , Prov . G . Reg . ; Stimpson , G . Org . ; Bell Fletcher ( Lodpe of Light ); R .
Croydon , P . M . 395 and 567 ; Matthew Smart , Sec . 74 ; Theopbilus Carter , 473 ; James M . French , 74 ; Charles Mackey ; 925 ; John Watkins , W . M . 395 ; Charles H . Gem , Chap . 567 , J . W . 1 , 016 ; J . S . Solomon , 43 ; Henry Hadley , P . M . 47 ; Henry Osborne , 794 ; Henry Smith , 74 ; Thomas H . Davis , 794 ; Thomas Halbeard , W . M . v 94 ; W . Henry Fairfax ,-S . W . 43 ; G . Septimus Phillips , S . W . 427 ; A . H . Ferris , Chap .
254 ; Richard Dawson , W . M . 587 ; C . F . Davie , 301 ; C . J . Barwell ( St . Paul ' s ); I . J . Turner , P . M . 413 , P . Prov . S . B . ; M . W . Wilson , S . W . 794 ; H . MaUinson , P . M . 31 G ; John Beresford , P . M . 925 ; M . 0 . Suffield , S . D . 725 ; William Glydon , 74 ; C . F . Browne , 284 ; Geo . M . Dickinson , W . M . 74 , P . S . B . ; W . L . Bellamy , 794 ; J . Fenn , 74 ; Stephen Wood , 74 ; F . Hill , 74 ; W . H . Haslour , 739 ; Thomas Allen , 74 ; Joseph Jennens 734 ; John C . Edwards 74 J . VaughanP . M . 74 ;
, , ; , C . Pembrook , 925 ; Fras . H . Griffiths , 925 ; J . R . Chirm , I . G . 473 ; John Stamford , 74 ; J . P . Blunt , 938 ; T . Knight , 567 ; John A . Beddle , 74 ; Wm . Guy Wilkens , S . D . 567 ; John Flinn , I . G ., Chris . Reeve , James Webster , 74 ; J . A . MinsbuVi , 74 ; Alfred Minsbull , 74 ; Thos . James , ' P . M . 539 ; Edwin C . Middleton , 794 ; W . H . Tyler , P . M . 426 ; Geo . Dickinson , W . M . 512 ; Chas . Lee , W . M . 74 , P . G . S . B . ; Thomas Bragg , P . M . 74 ;
C . J . Penn , Treasurer 74 ; Charles Swinden , 473 ; Charles H . Turris , 473 ; Samuel S . Hand , 925 ; Ebenezer Davis , 927 ; John Allen , 74 ; William Hayden , 925 ; John Clements , 74 ; John Howells , 74 ; Daniels , 473 ; James Ure , 74 and 1 , 016 ; James Stubbin , S . W . 759 ; J . Garner , 794 ; W . J . Walters , S . W . 74 , John Darwen , W . M . 567 ; Edward Arthavs , 794 , & c , including several members of the Craft from Staffordshire , and a goodly number of visitors .
The minutes of tbe preceding Grand Lodge and the meeting at Coventry having been read and confirmed , the R . W . Prov . G . M . proceeded to appoint his officers for the ensuing year , viz .: — Bro . Bedford Prov . S . G . W . „ Weiss „ J . G . W . „ W . Bramwell Smith „ G . Chap . „ J . Stonehouse , Junior G . Chap . Hudson G . Reg .
„ „ „ W . B . Briggs „ G . Sec . „ Read „ G . S . D . „ Asker „ G . J . D . „ Pursall „ G . Supt . of Works . „ I . J . Turner „ G . Dir . of Cers . „ Mulliuer „ Assist . Dir . of Cers . „ Wyman „ G . Sword Bearer .
„ W . L . Harrison „ G . Org . „ Jones „ G . S . B . „ Charles Lee „ Assist . G . S . B . „ Beech . „ Assist . G . See . „ Halbeard „ G . Purst . „ C . W . Johnson „ Assist . G . Purst . „ I . T . Collins „ G . Treas . „ Joseph Coates „ G . Tyler .
Those officers having been properly invested , the R . W . PBOV .. G . MASTEB suggested that a fund should be established in theprovince by the members of each lodge contributing voluntarily a sum annually for the relief of the widows and children of Masons in the province . However large the Masonic Charities were , he felt assured that all the brethren would be glad to contribute to such a fund ; and if they only contributed something like £ 150 annumhe thought it would be the means of
formper , ing an annuity fund for the relief of the brethren , and widows and brethren of the province . Bro . C . W . ELKINOTON having supported the suggestion iu order that the brethren present might have an opportunity of expressing an . opinion upon it , Bros . J . RAY , BELL FLETCIIEB , and TnoiiAS BBAOG- advocated the plan . It was therefore resolved , " That a distinct fund be formed in the provinceto be called the Annuity Fundand that
, , a committee consisting of the Provincial Grand Master , Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Past Deputy Provincial Grand Masters , Wardens , and Past Wardens of the province , and the Masters , Past Masters , and Wardens of the various lodges in the province , be formed for the purpose of raising , receiving , and dispersing