Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PRIVATE LODGE SEALS, Page 1 of 1 Article INITIATIONS AND JOININGS. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article PAST MASTERS. Page 1 of 1
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the music . The principal parts of the anthem wero sung by Bros . Marriott , Dyson aud AVhitehouse , and I need hardly say was most effectively given . At tho banquet a number of sougs and glees were sung by Bros . Marriott , Dyson , Tolley , and AVhitehouse , which wore much admired , and during the evening their healths were proposed in flattering terms , and
acknowledged by Bro . Dyson . Thus much have I ventured to add to your excellent report , which I trust you will give in your next impression . I may add that the musical brethren of the Castle Lodge , Bros . Dyson , Tolley , Marriott , and AVhitehouse , have , in conjunction wifch P . M . Bro . Devereux , Prov . G .
See ., given ranch time and attention fco music and "Masonry , the result of which is that the whole of the ceremonies are worked wifch music , to the great gratification of the brethren of the lodge , and the numerous visitors who come from far aud near to witness the working of this model lodge . I enclose my card and remain fraternally vours , A MEMBER " OF 1073 . AVindsor , November Gfch , 1862 .
Private Lodge Seals,
TO THE EDITOR Ol' TIIE EREEMASOJf ' S MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , — "Will you have fche goodness to inform me and others the reason why the Booh of Constitutions is now different to the publication in 1847 , where at page 86 it was distinctly stated private lodges should have a seal to be affixed to all documents proper to be issued , the necessity of which will appear in many cases ,
for instance : a brother's clearance certificate from his last lodge is worthless , unless ifc is vouched for by having the foregoing proof . Should a Mason leave London to reside in any other part of fche world , ifc would be the duty of any lodge not to admit him without producing his Grand Lodge certificate , as also one from the last lodge he was a member ofto prove he had left ifc in a legal manner .
, Trusting that you will kindly insert this , I am , Sir and brother , yours fraternally , J . AV . AV . [ AVe suppose thafc Grand Lodge in its wisdom thought fit fco alter the law . ]
Initiations And Joinings.
TO THE EDITOB OF THE EREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND JIASONIC MIRROR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —For the last four or five years I have been accustomed to read THE FREEMASONS ' MAGAZINE , but do not think I have ever read an article therein so much required by the Graft as the one in last week ' s number ( Nov . 8 fch ) , on " Candidates for Initiation and Joining . " I can thoroughly endorse ( from my own
close observations ) all that you there set forth . I will not now take up your space by any lengthened remarks , bufc most earnestly recommend your readers and the Craft ; to examine and act upon your remarks in reference to the admission of members fco the various lodges . I must confess ifc seeing to me thafc the chief aim of too many Masters of lodges to be to try how great a
appears number they can initiate into the Crafn , " during their year of office , " without anything like due regard to the character of those they admit . Surely it is more honourable to a brother to pass out of the chair with " white gloves " than fco have made oue Mason ( amongst even so great a number ) who should afterwards bring scandal on the Order .
I have long regretted to see tho various rules , according fco the Booh of Constitutions , so much disregarded as I am sorry to say they are . I hope , however , your kindly calling the attention of brethren to other broken laws , as yon have done to thai ; named , will have the effect of recalling to them their solemn Masonic duties . I am , dear Sir , yours faithfully and fraternally , ONE OF THE CRAFT .
Knights Templar.
TO THE EDITOE OE THE EREEMASONS MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —I find at page 77 of Tire MAGAZINE , certain strictures passed by Bro . Francis , upon fche Granel Vice Chancellor , for placing the title of Hospitaller on the circular , along with that of Templar . _ I trusc thafc before any alteration is again made , as required by the Stuart ; Encampment , the whole may be well discussed ,
considered , and placed upon a proper historical basis . _ AVe are all aware that at the suppression of the English langue of the Templar Order , a small portion , who were opposed to the pretensions of the Romish Church , repaired to the monasteries of York , and iu that town continued their ceremonies in secret unimpaired down to 1787 . The bulk of the Order , however , joined the brethren of Sfc .
John of Jerusalem , and the possessions of the two Orders were united in fche reign of Edward III ., and so confcinued until the second and final suppression of the Order of Malta by Elizabeth , when it became Masonic , and was adopted at fche re-organisation of Southern Masonry , by the Athol Masons . There can be little doubt that ifc is these United Orders which our Grand Conclave ab
present represents . Everything proves ifc . The clothing was chiefly black , the jewel until recently , a combination of the red and white cross of fche two Orders ; the ritual chiefly used was that of an Hospitaller , and in some of fche encampments , including the Baldwin , this title preceded thafc of Templar , and a candidate was installed a Knight Hospitaller of Sfc . John of Jerusalem aud
Palestine , Rhodes and Malta , and a Knight Templar . Some of these encampments of the United Orders of the Temple and St . John , became possessed of the York degrees of Rose Croix aud Templar K . D . S . H ., whilst one , afc least , of the oldest Yorkshire Encampments , until very recently , adopted the revised ritual , confined themselves to the two latter , but conferred in addition a " Priestly Order , "
which is stated formerly formed a part of the K . D . S . H . Order . This was evidently the unadulterated Order of fche Temple . The Duke of Sussex obtained the appointment of the Grand Prior of the two degrees from the Emperor of Russia , bufc afterwards accepted the office of Grand Prior of the Temple from Sir Sydney Smith . If these views are incorrect , where were the separate Orders ?
If incontrovertible as I believe , —were Bro . Francis' coadjutors justified in going over the Maltese Templars ritual in 1851 , and striking out all that would not apply to tho latter ; forming a separate ritual for the former ; rejecting entirely the genuine Templar ceremony , viz ., the old K . D . S . H .. Our Scottish brethren may well complain of the difference in ritual , though probably in lapse in the Maltese
of time there mighfc . be little resemblance Templar ceremony to their own Order , and perhaps as little in tho other . Unless the Supreme Council ^ is disposed to g-o back fco the Templar K . D . S . H . ritual , is ifc not folly for our Grand Conclave to reject ifc ? I have no theory to uphold , but wish only to elicit the truth , and therefore beg a space in your pages . I remain , dear Sir and brother , yours fraternally , J . Y .
Past Masters.
TO THE EDITOR Or THE EREEMASONS MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . DEAR SIR , —In the Booh of Constitutions , page 18 , No . 1 , it says , " A Past Master loses his rank if he ceases to subscribe fco any lodge , for the space of twelve months , & c . " Does this law apply if a Past Master ceases to contribute to any lodge for three or four years and then joins
his own , or another lodge . Your answer will greatly oblige . Yours fraternally , A P . M . [ Certainly . He will continue to be a P . M ., but he loses fche privileges of his rank until he again passes the chair , ED . ]
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
the music . The principal parts of the anthem wero sung by Bros . Marriott , Dyson aud AVhitehouse , and I need hardly say was most effectively given . At tho banquet a number of sougs and glees were sung by Bros . Marriott , Dyson , Tolley , and AVhitehouse , which wore much admired , and during the evening their healths were proposed in flattering terms , and
acknowledged by Bro . Dyson . Thus much have I ventured to add to your excellent report , which I trust you will give in your next impression . I may add that the musical brethren of the Castle Lodge , Bros . Dyson , Tolley , Marriott , and AVhitehouse , have , in conjunction wifch P . M . Bro . Devereux , Prov . G .
See ., given ranch time and attention fco music and "Masonry , the result of which is that the whole of the ceremonies are worked wifch music , to the great gratification of the brethren of the lodge , and the numerous visitors who come from far aud near to witness the working of this model lodge . I enclose my card and remain fraternally vours , A MEMBER " OF 1073 . AVindsor , November Gfch , 1862 .
Private Lodge Seals,
TO THE EDITOR Ol' TIIE EREEMASOJf ' S MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , — "Will you have fche goodness to inform me and others the reason why the Booh of Constitutions is now different to the publication in 1847 , where at page 86 it was distinctly stated private lodges should have a seal to be affixed to all documents proper to be issued , the necessity of which will appear in many cases ,
for instance : a brother's clearance certificate from his last lodge is worthless , unless ifc is vouched for by having the foregoing proof . Should a Mason leave London to reside in any other part of fche world , ifc would be the duty of any lodge not to admit him without producing his Grand Lodge certificate , as also one from the last lodge he was a member ofto prove he had left ifc in a legal manner .
, Trusting that you will kindly insert this , I am , Sir and brother , yours fraternally , J . AV . AV . [ AVe suppose thafc Grand Lodge in its wisdom thought fit fco alter the law . ]
Initiations And Joinings.
TO THE EDITOB OF THE EREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND JIASONIC MIRROR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —For the last four or five years I have been accustomed to read THE FREEMASONS ' MAGAZINE , but do not think I have ever read an article therein so much required by the Graft as the one in last week ' s number ( Nov . 8 fch ) , on " Candidates for Initiation and Joining . " I can thoroughly endorse ( from my own
close observations ) all that you there set forth . I will not now take up your space by any lengthened remarks , bufc most earnestly recommend your readers and the Craft ; to examine and act upon your remarks in reference to the admission of members fco the various lodges . I must confess ifc seeing to me thafc the chief aim of too many Masters of lodges to be to try how great a
appears number they can initiate into the Crafn , " during their year of office , " without anything like due regard to the character of those they admit . Surely it is more honourable to a brother to pass out of the chair with " white gloves " than fco have made oue Mason ( amongst even so great a number ) who should afterwards bring scandal on the Order .
I have long regretted to see tho various rules , according fco the Booh of Constitutions , so much disregarded as I am sorry to say they are . I hope , however , your kindly calling the attention of brethren to other broken laws , as yon have done to thai ; named , will have the effect of recalling to them their solemn Masonic duties . I am , dear Sir , yours faithfully and fraternally , ONE OF THE CRAFT .
Knights Templar.
TO THE EDITOE OE THE EREEMASONS MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —I find at page 77 of Tire MAGAZINE , certain strictures passed by Bro . Francis , upon fche Granel Vice Chancellor , for placing the title of Hospitaller on the circular , along with that of Templar . _ I trusc thafc before any alteration is again made , as required by the Stuart ; Encampment , the whole may be well discussed ,
considered , and placed upon a proper historical basis . _ AVe are all aware that at the suppression of the English langue of the Templar Order , a small portion , who were opposed to the pretensions of the Romish Church , repaired to the monasteries of York , and iu that town continued their ceremonies in secret unimpaired down to 1787 . The bulk of the Order , however , joined the brethren of Sfc .
John of Jerusalem , and the possessions of the two Orders were united in fche reign of Edward III ., and so confcinued until the second and final suppression of the Order of Malta by Elizabeth , when it became Masonic , and was adopted at fche re-organisation of Southern Masonry , by the Athol Masons . There can be little doubt that ifc is these United Orders which our Grand Conclave ab
present represents . Everything proves ifc . The clothing was chiefly black , the jewel until recently , a combination of the red and white cross of fche two Orders ; the ritual chiefly used was that of an Hospitaller , and in some of fche encampments , including the Baldwin , this title preceded thafc of Templar , and a candidate was installed a Knight Hospitaller of Sfc . John of Jerusalem aud
Palestine , Rhodes and Malta , and a Knight Templar . Some of these encampments of the United Orders of the Temple and St . John , became possessed of the York degrees of Rose Croix aud Templar K . D . S . H ., whilst one , afc least , of the oldest Yorkshire Encampments , until very recently , adopted the revised ritual , confined themselves to the two latter , but conferred in addition a " Priestly Order , "
which is stated formerly formed a part of the K . D . S . H . Order . This was evidently the unadulterated Order of fche Temple . The Duke of Sussex obtained the appointment of the Grand Prior of the two degrees from the Emperor of Russia , bufc afterwards accepted the office of Grand Prior of the Temple from Sir Sydney Smith . If these views are incorrect , where were the separate Orders ?
If incontrovertible as I believe , —were Bro . Francis' coadjutors justified in going over the Maltese Templars ritual in 1851 , and striking out all that would not apply to tho latter ; forming a separate ritual for the former ; rejecting entirely the genuine Templar ceremony , viz ., the old K . D . S . H .. Our Scottish brethren may well complain of the difference in ritual , though probably in lapse in the Maltese
of time there mighfc . be little resemblance Templar ceremony to their own Order , and perhaps as little in tho other . Unless the Supreme Council ^ is disposed to g-o back fco the Templar K . D . S . H . ritual , is ifc not folly for our Grand Conclave to reject ifc ? I have no theory to uphold , but wish only to elicit the truth , and therefore beg a space in your pages . I remain , dear Sir and brother , yours fraternally , J . Y .
Past Masters.
TO THE EDITOR Or THE EREEMASONS MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . DEAR SIR , —In the Booh of Constitutions , page 18 , No . 1 , it says , " A Past Master loses his rank if he ceases to subscribe fco any lodge , for the space of twelve months , & c . " Does this law apply if a Past Master ceases to contribute to any lodge for three or four years and then joins
his own , or another lodge . Your answer will greatly oblige . Yours fraternally , A P . M . [ Certainly . He will continue to be a P . M ., but he loses fche privileges of his rank until he again passes the chair , ED . ]