Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 5 →
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Provincial Grand Officer , in passing through the several offices , was bound to pay his fee of honour for every new dignity conferred upon him , so that in many cases brethren must have paid several pounds ; for instance , he himself had contributed more than £ 15 ; lie inquired whether it was just that the Dep . Prov . G . M ., the highest authority hut one in the province , should be exempted from all payments during the pleasure of the Prov . G . M ., perhaps during a period of twenty years , or even more ;
such an interpretation of the law Bro . Du Jardin considered to he erroneous , very injurious to the interests of the province , and unjust towards the other officers , who were obliged to pay their tees to the Fund of Benevolence year after year . On being put to the vote , the motion was declared to be . carried , there being twelve in its favour and eleven against it ; but on the suggestion of a member who stated that the votes had not been correctly counted , the Prov . G . M . put the proposition tothe meeting a second time ; on this occasion there were thirteen votes for and fourteen against it , so that it was declared to be lost .
Proposition Xo . 4 , previously referred to , having been read , the Prov . G . M . expressed his gratification at being able to declare , that he hoped and expected to have a school for the children of Freemasons attached to fche Masonic Temple about to he erected .. He felt that this motion , if carried , would militate seriously against any educational scheme that might be entertained , inasmuch as it would tend to diminish the funds at the disposal of the Craft in this provincewhich might be
, useful , and even necessary , for the furtherance and eft ' eetual carrying out of these important objects . In reply Bro . Schmitt could not but express his satisfaction at such an announcement on the part of the Prov . G . M ., and again stated his joy at the idea of the establishment of a school supported by the provincial funds being likely to be realised ; he , therefore , most cheerfully withdrew the proposition
. Xo . 5 on the agenda , proposed by Bro . Schmitt , ran thus-. — " That an annuity of £ 16 be voted out of the fund of Benevolence of the Province of Jersey to Bro . John Plyman . Should the motion be carried , it shall be immediately carried into effect . " After a discussion , in the course of which it was stated as undesirable to establish a precedent , though all the members were animated by kind and charitable feelings towards Fl
Bro . yman , the motion was put to the vote , and declared to be negatived . Proposition Xo . 7 , brought forward by Bro . J . T . Du Jardin , as follows , was then considered : — "That tho Committee fertile distribution of the local Fund of Benevolence shall have the power to relieve a deserving brother twice in one year , should he claim relief . " This being carried unanimously affords facilities for
attaining the purpose of Xo . 5 in such a manner as to effect the same object , without a risk of inconvenience resulting therefrom . The following proposition , Xo . 6 , of Bro . E . D . Le Couteur , was passed by acclamation ;— " That so soon as the funds at the disposal of the Committee of the local Fund of Benevolence shall have attained the sum of £ 400 , a school for the education of
the children of indigent Freemasons in this province shall be established . " The Treasurer ' s balance sheet was presented , showing a sum of £ 197 Vs . Gd . in hand in favour of the Fund of Benevolence . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed in due form . LEVOXSHIRE . DAETMOUTU . — Hauley Lodge ( 1099 ) . —The regular lodge
meeting was held on Monday last , when Bro . T . Lidstone , the AV . AI ., raised one candidate and passed two others in a very effective style . The AVardens were at their posts , likewise Bro . S . Jarvis ( Prov . G . Org ., Devon ) , Organist . Bro . the Eev . AA . Langley Pope , M . A ., was elected a joining brother , and officiated as Chaplain . After the routine business of tho lodge , the W . JI . read a lecture of twenty minutes , on the Second Degree . Bro . Dr . Bickards , the indefatigable Treas . and Sec , and Bro .
Phillimore , the esteemed J . D ., rendered especial service towards the efficient order of the workings . The FEEEMASOXS' MAGAZINE was ordered to be taken in by the lodge . On Moridav week next , the " First Section of the First Lecture " will be worked , and a brother tradesman of the town raised . DURHAM . HAETXIPOOE . —St . Helen's Zodge ( Xo . 774 ) . —A regular lodare was holden in the Alasonic Hall on the 6 th of Xovember , 1862 ,
present Bros . James Groves , W . M . ; H . H . Hammerbom , P . M . P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Geo . Moore , P . M ., P . Prov . G . J . AV . ; S , Armstrong , P . M ., Treas . ; AA . S . Hodgson , P . M . ; B . P .. Huntley , S . AA . ; D . Cuninghain , J . W . ; J . Emra Holmes , Sec . ; A . Xathan , S . D . ; S . Lindhardt , J . D . ; J . Sivewright , Acting I . G . ; —Inglis , & c . Lodge was opened in ancient form and with solemn prayer , and the minutes having been read by the Secretary and confirmed , the WM . proceeded to draw the attention ' of the lodge
to the case of tii e widow of one of their brethren , who was in very necessitous circumstances ; and a petition was subsequently prepared , and signed in open lodge , which is to be forwarded to the Board of Benevolence on her behalf . This being the annual meeting of the lodge , when the AV . M . for the ensuing year is chosen , the brethren proceeded to ballot for that officer , when the result proved thafc Bro . Huntley , S . AA ., had been almost unanimously elected . Bro . Huntley may be said to have fairly
" won his spurs , " as he has passed successively , and with merit , through almost all the offices of the lodge . Bro . S . Armstrongwas unanimously elected Treasurer and Bro . Mowbray Tyler , for the next yeai' . Mr . Klaas Hermannus Siersema , of Groningen , master mariner , being a candidate for initiation into our ancient Order , having been ballotted for and accepted , and having come properly prepared , was regularly initiated into the secrets and mysteries of the Craft . Business being concluded , the brethren
retired for refreshment , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to with characteristic vigour , " Our Xewly-elected AA . M ., " and " Our Xewly-initiated Brother , " being most cordially received .
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . TEWKESBTTET . —Saint George ' s Zodge ( IsTo . 1202 ) . —At the meeting on the 6 th instant , after the confirmation of the minutes of the last lodge , & c , the W . M . called before him Bros . Geo . Blizard , Samuel AVooles , Francis H . Harvey , and James Mathews , as well also , Bro . AV . E . H . Ellis , of the Military Lodge ( Xo . 235 ) , Ireland , who was shortly about to proceed to the East ,
and they having passed severally a satisfactory examination , the AV . M . conferred tlie S . D . of M . M . upon fchem in his usual manner . The brethren refreshed and retired . Upon the AV . M . 's suggestion an address of condolence is about to be presented to the B . AV . the Prov . G . M . on the bereavement he is suffering from in the death of his most worthy parent , the Bight Hon . Lord Sherborne , by which the S . W . Prov . G . M . succeeds to the title and estates .
HERTFORDSHIRE . WATSO - . —Watford Zodge ( Xo . 580 ) . —At a meeting held on Friday , Xovember S , at the Freemasons' Hall , in vA'atford , present , Bro . Captain C . M . Layton , W . M . ; the V . AV . Bro . Geo . Francis , P . M . and D . Prov . G . M . ; Bros . H . H . Burchell Heme , C . H . Finch , D . Goodyer , H . Miles , C . F . Humbert , and T . Rogers , P . AI . ' s , and several other brethren , Air . Thos . Hill was initiated
into Masonry . After the disposal of the other business of the lodge , the D . Prov . G . M . rose , and referring to the loss the brethren had recently sustained iu the decease of his predecessor in office , and he felt sure that there was au universal wish among the members of the lodge to place on the grave of Bro . AVard a memorial of their estimation of his worth . He therefore suggested that a committee be formed for thafc object . A committee of seven of tbe leading members of the lodge was accordingly elected . The usual banquet followed the business .
XORTHUMBERLAXD . XEWCASELE , —Newcastle Zodge of Instruction ( Xo . 24 ) . — Thursday , the Gth of Xovember , being the regular night of meeting , the lodge was opened by Bro . A . M . Loades , AV . M ., assisted by every officer of the lodge . Tho minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed . The report of the finance committee was read and the Treasurer empowered to pay over
the balance to Lodge 793 , for their share in the joint furniture of the lodge , consequent on removal of that lodge . Bro . C . J . Banister , P . M ., called the attention of the lodge to a letter received from the Secretary of the Royal Benevolent Institution for aged Freemasons and their widows , asking for a Steward to serve afc the festival in January next , which was responded to by Bro . Swithinbank , S . D ., and Bro . Banister promised to give him every assistance and information regarding the office . It was the unanimous wish of the lodge that a deputation should wait on
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Officer , in passing through the several offices , was bound to pay his fee of honour for every new dignity conferred upon him , so that in many cases brethren must have paid several pounds ; for instance , he himself had contributed more than £ 15 ; lie inquired whether it was just that the Dep . Prov . G . M ., the highest authority hut one in the province , should be exempted from all payments during the pleasure of the Prov . G . M ., perhaps during a period of twenty years , or even more ;
such an interpretation of the law Bro . Du Jardin considered to he erroneous , very injurious to the interests of the province , and unjust towards the other officers , who were obliged to pay their tees to the Fund of Benevolence year after year . On being put to the vote , the motion was declared to be . carried , there being twelve in its favour and eleven against it ; but on the suggestion of a member who stated that the votes had not been correctly counted , the Prov . G . M . put the proposition tothe meeting a second time ; on this occasion there were thirteen votes for and fourteen against it , so that it was declared to be lost .
Proposition Xo . 4 , previously referred to , having been read , the Prov . G . M . expressed his gratification at being able to declare , that he hoped and expected to have a school for the children of Freemasons attached to fche Masonic Temple about to he erected .. He felt that this motion , if carried , would militate seriously against any educational scheme that might be entertained , inasmuch as it would tend to diminish the funds at the disposal of the Craft in this provincewhich might be
, useful , and even necessary , for the furtherance and eft ' eetual carrying out of these important objects . In reply Bro . Schmitt could not but express his satisfaction at such an announcement on the part of the Prov . G . M ., and again stated his joy at the idea of the establishment of a school supported by the provincial funds being likely to be realised ; he , therefore , most cheerfully withdrew the proposition
. Xo . 5 on the agenda , proposed by Bro . Schmitt , ran thus-. — " That an annuity of £ 16 be voted out of the fund of Benevolence of the Province of Jersey to Bro . John Plyman . Should the motion be carried , it shall be immediately carried into effect . " After a discussion , in the course of which it was stated as undesirable to establish a precedent , though all the members were animated by kind and charitable feelings towards Fl
Bro . yman , the motion was put to the vote , and declared to be negatived . Proposition Xo . 7 , brought forward by Bro . J . T . Du Jardin , as follows , was then considered : — "That tho Committee fertile distribution of the local Fund of Benevolence shall have the power to relieve a deserving brother twice in one year , should he claim relief . " This being carried unanimously affords facilities for
attaining the purpose of Xo . 5 in such a manner as to effect the same object , without a risk of inconvenience resulting therefrom . The following proposition , Xo . 6 , of Bro . E . D . Le Couteur , was passed by acclamation ;— " That so soon as the funds at the disposal of the Committee of the local Fund of Benevolence shall have attained the sum of £ 400 , a school for the education of
the children of indigent Freemasons in this province shall be established . " The Treasurer ' s balance sheet was presented , showing a sum of £ 197 Vs . Gd . in hand in favour of the Fund of Benevolence . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed in due form . LEVOXSHIRE . DAETMOUTU . — Hauley Lodge ( 1099 ) . —The regular lodge
meeting was held on Monday last , when Bro . T . Lidstone , the AV . AI ., raised one candidate and passed two others in a very effective style . The AVardens were at their posts , likewise Bro . S . Jarvis ( Prov . G . Org ., Devon ) , Organist . Bro . the Eev . AA . Langley Pope , M . A ., was elected a joining brother , and officiated as Chaplain . After the routine business of tho lodge , the W . JI . read a lecture of twenty minutes , on the Second Degree . Bro . Dr . Bickards , the indefatigable Treas . and Sec , and Bro .
Phillimore , the esteemed J . D ., rendered especial service towards the efficient order of the workings . The FEEEMASOXS' MAGAZINE was ordered to be taken in by the lodge . On Moridav week next , the " First Section of the First Lecture " will be worked , and a brother tradesman of the town raised . DURHAM . HAETXIPOOE . —St . Helen's Zodge ( Xo . 774 ) . —A regular lodare was holden in the Alasonic Hall on the 6 th of Xovember , 1862 ,
present Bros . James Groves , W . M . ; H . H . Hammerbom , P . M . P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Geo . Moore , P . M ., P . Prov . G . J . AV . ; S , Armstrong , P . M ., Treas . ; AA . S . Hodgson , P . M . ; B . P .. Huntley , S . AA . ; D . Cuninghain , J . W . ; J . Emra Holmes , Sec . ; A . Xathan , S . D . ; S . Lindhardt , J . D . ; J . Sivewright , Acting I . G . ; —Inglis , & c . Lodge was opened in ancient form and with solemn prayer , and the minutes having been read by the Secretary and confirmed , the WM . proceeded to draw the attention ' of the lodge
to the case of tii e widow of one of their brethren , who was in very necessitous circumstances ; and a petition was subsequently prepared , and signed in open lodge , which is to be forwarded to the Board of Benevolence on her behalf . This being the annual meeting of the lodge , when the AV . M . for the ensuing year is chosen , the brethren proceeded to ballot for that officer , when the result proved thafc Bro . Huntley , S . AA ., had been almost unanimously elected . Bro . Huntley may be said to have fairly
" won his spurs , " as he has passed successively , and with merit , through almost all the offices of the lodge . Bro . S . Armstrongwas unanimously elected Treasurer and Bro . Mowbray Tyler , for the next yeai' . Mr . Klaas Hermannus Siersema , of Groningen , master mariner , being a candidate for initiation into our ancient Order , having been ballotted for and accepted , and having come properly prepared , was regularly initiated into the secrets and mysteries of the Craft . Business being concluded , the brethren
retired for refreshment , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to with characteristic vigour , " Our Xewly-elected AA . M ., " and " Our Xewly-initiated Brother , " being most cordially received .
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . TEWKESBTTET . —Saint George ' s Zodge ( IsTo . 1202 ) . —At the meeting on the 6 th instant , after the confirmation of the minutes of the last lodge , & c , the W . M . called before him Bros . Geo . Blizard , Samuel AVooles , Francis H . Harvey , and James Mathews , as well also , Bro . AV . E . H . Ellis , of the Military Lodge ( Xo . 235 ) , Ireland , who was shortly about to proceed to the East ,
and they having passed severally a satisfactory examination , the AV . M . conferred tlie S . D . of M . M . upon fchem in his usual manner . The brethren refreshed and retired . Upon the AV . M . 's suggestion an address of condolence is about to be presented to the B . AV . the Prov . G . M . on the bereavement he is suffering from in the death of his most worthy parent , the Bight Hon . Lord Sherborne , by which the S . W . Prov . G . M . succeeds to the title and estates .
HERTFORDSHIRE . WATSO - . —Watford Zodge ( Xo . 580 ) . —At a meeting held on Friday , Xovember S , at the Freemasons' Hall , in vA'atford , present , Bro . Captain C . M . Layton , W . M . ; the V . AV . Bro . Geo . Francis , P . M . and D . Prov . G . M . ; Bros . H . H . Burchell Heme , C . H . Finch , D . Goodyer , H . Miles , C . F . Humbert , and T . Rogers , P . AI . ' s , and several other brethren , Air . Thos . Hill was initiated
into Masonry . After the disposal of the other business of the lodge , the D . Prov . G . M . rose , and referring to the loss the brethren had recently sustained iu the decease of his predecessor in office , and he felt sure that there was au universal wish among the members of the lodge to place on the grave of Bro . AVard a memorial of their estimation of his worth . He therefore suggested that a committee be formed for thafc object . A committee of seven of tbe leading members of the lodge was accordingly elected . The usual banquet followed the business .
XORTHUMBERLAXD . XEWCASELE , —Newcastle Zodge of Instruction ( Xo . 24 ) . — Thursday , the Gth of Xovember , being the regular night of meeting , the lodge was opened by Bro . A . M . Loades , AV . M ., assisted by every officer of the lodge . Tho minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed . The report of the finance committee was read and the Treasurer empowered to pay over
the balance to Lodge 793 , for their share in the joint furniture of the lodge , consequent on removal of that lodge . Bro . C . J . Banister , P . M ., called the attention of the lodge to a letter received from the Secretary of the Royal Benevolent Institution for aged Freemasons and their widows , asking for a Steward to serve afc the festival in January next , which was responded to by Bro . Swithinbank , S . D ., and Bro . Banister promised to give him every assistance and information regarding the office . It was the unanimous wish of the lodge that a deputation should wait on