Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
Papacy . " The Independance publishes a letter written a year ago by JI . De Persigny to the Archbishop of Bordeaux , which contains a violent attack against the temporal power of the Pope . " Not having been able , says JI . De Persigny , for a long time past to govern its little stateunless Italy was under the yoke of Austria or of France , the temporal government finds itself smitten with powerlessness before every eye . The French occupation of Rome is characterised in terms equally
remarkable . " It is , " says JI . De Persigny , " a strange situation , for while on the one hand the interest of France requires thafc Italy should govern herself freely , without our having to spend our money and sacrifice the blood of our children in an odious mission , on the other hand it is the interest of religion that the Pope , whether he exercises or not his temporal power , should be equally independent . " The brigands still show a bold front in Italy . A strong band
of them have just attacked arid worsted a small detachment of the royal troops in the Capitanata . Additional forces were immediately despatched to the spot , and every effort is to be made to suppress these lawless bands . —~ Garibaldi , in pursuance of the advice of his surgeons , has been removed from Spezzia to Pisa . He left Spezzia on Saturday , on board the war ship Moncalieri , and safely- arrived afc Pisa . His general health is good . The Madrid papers of Saturday state that the
representative of Spain in that city has received instructions which , ifc is thought , will lead to a satisfactory settlement of the affair of the Jlontgomery . The Finance Minister has ordered the commencement of the sale of the landed property of the clergy . The Queen is reported to be enceinte . The King has had a fall from his horse and dislocated his arm . His JIajesty is , however , progressing as favourably as could be expected after the accident . The American Jlinister at Madrid has been instructed
by his Government to state that it considers the conduct of the captain of the Montgomery in seizing a neutral vessel in Spanish waters , and insulting the Alcalde , wholly unpardonable ; that ifc is quite ready to inflict punishment upon him should Spain desire it , and is willing to give any reasonable satisfaction which Spain may require , The ex-Queen of Naples , after much solicitation , has , it seems , been persuaded to leave the Ursuline Convent at Munich , and return to her husband . The conditions are thafc
the Queen-Mother shall not live with them , and that the young couple shall have a separate establishment at fche Farnese Palace at Home . From these conditions the cause of the dispute between the Royal pair is as old as it is clear . The revolution in Greece , up to the present time time , is being carried out very quietly . The National Assembly is summoned to meet at the close of the month , when the form of constitution tinder which the country will for the future he governed will he settled . If
a Monarchical Government be chosen , some of the Paris journals assert that it has already arranged between Russia and France that the Dnke of Leuelifcenberg shall be at its head . Genera ] Grivas , who was supposed to favour a Republican Government , and had been appointed Commander-in-Chief of the National Militia , is dead . The reply to b e given by Denmark to Prussia and Austria on the Schleswig-Holstein question has been settled by the Danish Cabinet , and approved by the King . His
JIajesty , in reply to an address from the Council of the Empire , expressed his entire concurrence in the policy of the Ministry , and his hope that a settlement may yet be obtained . One of the attempts made by political desperadoes to assassinate Russian functionaries in Warsaw has , at length , proved successful . On Sunday afternoon , JI . Telkmer , the head of the secret police of Warsaw , was found dead on a landing in his own house . He had been mortally stabbedand the assassin had likewise cut off
, his ears . The murderer has not been discovered , and it seems probable that his crime will remain unpunished , as his escape will , no doubt , be favoured hy the whole Polish population . The crime has afforded an excuse , if it has not actually given a reason , for the adotion of the most stringent measures to maintain order , and the streets of Warsaw may once more be said to be in the possession of the military . Strong patrols traverse the town in all directions . In some instances the approaches to
points of the city are literally occupied by the military , and over sixty persons have been arrested . For the deed , perhaps , of a solitary assassin , the whole population are doomed to suffer . AHEKICA . —The Asia arrived at Liverpool , and which sailed from Boston on the 29 th ult ., and from Halifax on the 31 st , has brought us New York newspapers of the 28 th and Boston journals of the 29 th . There were reports that Gen . Jl'Cleilan was about to advance against the Confederates ; and General Burnside ' s corps , with General Pleasanton ' scavalry , hud crossed
The Week.
the Potomac into Virginia , and was said to be marching on Leesburg . It had been rumoured that the Confederates were retiring up the Shenandoah A alley , and had even evacuated AA'ineliester ; but ifc seems very doubtful whether there had been any foundation for the rumours . According to a telegram from Fortress Jlonroe , the Confederate General Wise , with 20 , 000 men , was advanced against Yorktown ; hut there had been no subsequent confirmation of the statement . The action in the
neighbourhood of Pearidge , Arkansas , seems fco have been fought at a place called JIaysville , between a division of the Federal General Schoneld's corps and a portion of the Confederate General Hindman's army . The Federals allege that they ' ¦ ' routed " their enemies , capturing all their camp equipage and a battery of field artillery . The Confederates were believed to be preparing to attack Memphis , and there had been some skirmishing in the neighbourhood of " Island No . 10 . " The
city of Galveston , in Texas , was occupied on the Sth ult . without resistance by the Federals , who had also previously taken possession of Sabine pass and Sabine city , afc the mouth of the Sabine river , -which forms the boundary between Louisiana and Texas . An attempt had been made by the Federals to occupy Pocotaligo and Coosa watchie , and intercept the railway communication between Charleston and Savannah ; but they were , according to a report from Geneial Beauregard , repulsed , and driven to their gunboats and their transports before they could do any serious injury to the railway or telegraph at either place . It was reported in the Xorth that Federal expeditions were
about to be despatched against several parts of the Southern coast , and that serious operations were to be attempted in Texas . The arrival of the Kangaroo puts us in possession of news from Xew York to Xovember 1 . At that date there was every probability that the Confederates and Federals would speedily come to blows in Virginia . Both appear to have been closing with each other , so that a battle was to be expected . It was reported that General Braggwho had escaped from Kentuck
, y , was on his way to join General Lee in A irginia . In Jiississippi , the Federals had occupied Grand Junction , the Confederates being within nine miles of that place . Nashville was stated to be surrounded , and its inhabitants in a starving condition . A fc Fayetteville , Arkansas , the Confederates , according to a report from General Curtis , had been routed . Southern papers state that Gen . Butler , with 7000 men , had londed at Pensacola . The
Southern slaveholders , estimating the President ' s proclamation at its just worth , are endeavouring to save their " property" by running their negroes through the blockade and selling them at Cuba . President Lincoln has interfered at Baltimore and released the citizens of that place who had been arrested by General Wool . At Xew York the Republicans had declared their determination to subjugate the South , and endorsed the anti-slavery proclamation . One curious piece of news is that
the Federal Governor of North Carolina had proposed to hold a conference ivith the Confederate Governor of the State to discuss the position of public affairs and the aspect of the war . Deserters from Richmond report the Merrimac Xo . 2 as a complete success .
To Correspondents.
S . J . —Certainly not . X . Y . Z . —Must apply to the Grand Secretary . AVe are not in the secrets of the Grand Secretary ' s Office , if there be any such . J . 0 . —You can apply if you think fit , but we do not look upon your case as one for relief . You say you were initiated fifty years ago , but have nothiug to prove it beyond an old letter
from the Secretary of your lodge . AA e do not look upon our funds as accumulated for the benefit of those who have for " gotten us for fifty years . AN AMERICAN . —Foreign brethren are relieved hy the English Lodge of Benevolence on giving sufficient proof that they are Jlasons and in distress . AN AECH MASON . —Xo . There is no annual payment from
Arch Jlasons to the Grand Chapter , bufc we trust there will be before long . We agree with yon that the exaltation fee is too high , but when we tried to press our views on Grand Chapter we were left in a minority . Of course , we , like all true Masons , must bow to the decision of the constituted authorities .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
Papacy . " The Independance publishes a letter written a year ago by JI . De Persigny to the Archbishop of Bordeaux , which contains a violent attack against the temporal power of the Pope . " Not having been able , says JI . De Persigny , for a long time past to govern its little stateunless Italy was under the yoke of Austria or of France , the temporal government finds itself smitten with powerlessness before every eye . The French occupation of Rome is characterised in terms equally
remarkable . " It is , " says JI . De Persigny , " a strange situation , for while on the one hand the interest of France requires thafc Italy should govern herself freely , without our having to spend our money and sacrifice the blood of our children in an odious mission , on the other hand it is the interest of religion that the Pope , whether he exercises or not his temporal power , should be equally independent . " The brigands still show a bold front in Italy . A strong band
of them have just attacked arid worsted a small detachment of the royal troops in the Capitanata . Additional forces were immediately despatched to the spot , and every effort is to be made to suppress these lawless bands . —~ Garibaldi , in pursuance of the advice of his surgeons , has been removed from Spezzia to Pisa . He left Spezzia on Saturday , on board the war ship Moncalieri , and safely- arrived afc Pisa . His general health is good . The Madrid papers of Saturday state that the
representative of Spain in that city has received instructions which , ifc is thought , will lead to a satisfactory settlement of the affair of the Jlontgomery . The Finance Minister has ordered the commencement of the sale of the landed property of the clergy . The Queen is reported to be enceinte . The King has had a fall from his horse and dislocated his arm . His JIajesty is , however , progressing as favourably as could be expected after the accident . The American Jlinister at Madrid has been instructed
by his Government to state that it considers the conduct of the captain of the Montgomery in seizing a neutral vessel in Spanish waters , and insulting the Alcalde , wholly unpardonable ; that ifc is quite ready to inflict punishment upon him should Spain desire it , and is willing to give any reasonable satisfaction which Spain may require , The ex-Queen of Naples , after much solicitation , has , it seems , been persuaded to leave the Ursuline Convent at Munich , and return to her husband . The conditions are thafc
the Queen-Mother shall not live with them , and that the young couple shall have a separate establishment at fche Farnese Palace at Home . From these conditions the cause of the dispute between the Royal pair is as old as it is clear . The revolution in Greece , up to the present time time , is being carried out very quietly . The National Assembly is summoned to meet at the close of the month , when the form of constitution tinder which the country will for the future he governed will he settled . If
a Monarchical Government be chosen , some of the Paris journals assert that it has already arranged between Russia and France that the Dnke of Leuelifcenberg shall be at its head . Genera ] Grivas , who was supposed to favour a Republican Government , and had been appointed Commander-in-Chief of the National Militia , is dead . The reply to b e given by Denmark to Prussia and Austria on the Schleswig-Holstein question has been settled by the Danish Cabinet , and approved by the King . His
JIajesty , in reply to an address from the Council of the Empire , expressed his entire concurrence in the policy of the Ministry , and his hope that a settlement may yet be obtained . One of the attempts made by political desperadoes to assassinate Russian functionaries in Warsaw has , at length , proved successful . On Sunday afternoon , JI . Telkmer , the head of the secret police of Warsaw , was found dead on a landing in his own house . He had been mortally stabbedand the assassin had likewise cut off
, his ears . The murderer has not been discovered , and it seems probable that his crime will remain unpunished , as his escape will , no doubt , be favoured hy the whole Polish population . The crime has afforded an excuse , if it has not actually given a reason , for the adotion of the most stringent measures to maintain order , and the streets of Warsaw may once more be said to be in the possession of the military . Strong patrols traverse the town in all directions . In some instances the approaches to
points of the city are literally occupied by the military , and over sixty persons have been arrested . For the deed , perhaps , of a solitary assassin , the whole population are doomed to suffer . AHEKICA . —The Asia arrived at Liverpool , and which sailed from Boston on the 29 th ult ., and from Halifax on the 31 st , has brought us New York newspapers of the 28 th and Boston journals of the 29 th . There were reports that Gen . Jl'Cleilan was about to advance against the Confederates ; and General Burnside ' s corps , with General Pleasanton ' scavalry , hud crossed
The Week.
the Potomac into Virginia , and was said to be marching on Leesburg . It had been rumoured that the Confederates were retiring up the Shenandoah A alley , and had even evacuated AA'ineliester ; but ifc seems very doubtful whether there had been any foundation for the rumours . According to a telegram from Fortress Jlonroe , the Confederate General Wise , with 20 , 000 men , was advanced against Yorktown ; hut there had been no subsequent confirmation of the statement . The action in the
neighbourhood of Pearidge , Arkansas , seems fco have been fought at a place called JIaysville , between a division of the Federal General Schoneld's corps and a portion of the Confederate General Hindman's army . The Federals allege that they ' ¦ ' routed " their enemies , capturing all their camp equipage and a battery of field artillery . The Confederates were believed to be preparing to attack Memphis , and there had been some skirmishing in the neighbourhood of " Island No . 10 . " The
city of Galveston , in Texas , was occupied on the Sth ult . without resistance by the Federals , who had also previously taken possession of Sabine pass and Sabine city , afc the mouth of the Sabine river , -which forms the boundary between Louisiana and Texas . An attempt had been made by the Federals to occupy Pocotaligo and Coosa watchie , and intercept the railway communication between Charleston and Savannah ; but they were , according to a report from Geneial Beauregard , repulsed , and driven to their gunboats and their transports before they could do any serious injury to the railway or telegraph at either place . It was reported in the Xorth that Federal expeditions were
about to be despatched against several parts of the Southern coast , and that serious operations were to be attempted in Texas . The arrival of the Kangaroo puts us in possession of news from Xew York to Xovember 1 . At that date there was every probability that the Confederates and Federals would speedily come to blows in Virginia . Both appear to have been closing with each other , so that a battle was to be expected . It was reported that General Braggwho had escaped from Kentuck
, y , was on his way to join General Lee in A irginia . In Jiississippi , the Federals had occupied Grand Junction , the Confederates being within nine miles of that place . Nashville was stated to be surrounded , and its inhabitants in a starving condition . A fc Fayetteville , Arkansas , the Confederates , according to a report from General Curtis , had been routed . Southern papers state that Gen . Butler , with 7000 men , had londed at Pensacola . The
Southern slaveholders , estimating the President ' s proclamation at its just worth , are endeavouring to save their " property" by running their negroes through the blockade and selling them at Cuba . President Lincoln has interfered at Baltimore and released the citizens of that place who had been arrested by General Wool . At Xew York the Republicans had declared their determination to subjugate the South , and endorsed the anti-slavery proclamation . One curious piece of news is that
the Federal Governor of North Carolina had proposed to hold a conference ivith the Confederate Governor of the State to discuss the position of public affairs and the aspect of the war . Deserters from Richmond report the Merrimac Xo . 2 as a complete success .
To Correspondents.
S . J . —Certainly not . X . Y . Z . —Must apply to the Grand Secretary . AVe are not in the secrets of the Grand Secretary ' s Office , if there be any such . J . 0 . —You can apply if you think fit , but we do not look upon your case as one for relief . You say you were initiated fifty years ago , but have nothiug to prove it beyond an old letter
from the Secretary of your lodge . AA e do not look upon our funds as accumulated for the benefit of those who have for " gotten us for fifty years . AN AMERICAN . —Foreign brethren are relieved hy the English Lodge of Benevolence on giving sufficient proof that they are Jlasons and in distress . AN AECH MASON . —Xo . There is no annual payment from
Arch Jlasons to the Grand Chapter , bufc we trust there will be before long . We agree with yon that the exaltation fee is too high , but when we tried to press our views on Grand Chapter we were left in a minority . Of course , we , like all true Masons , must bow to the decision of the constituted authorities .