Article Poetry. Page 1 of 1 Article THE GOLDEN SUNSET. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 1 of 2 →
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Poetry .
IF AVE KNEW . BY RUTH . BESTOK . If we knew the cares and crosses Crowding round our neigbbour ' s way , If we knew the little losses , Sorely grevious , day hy day ,
AVould we then so often chide him For his lack of thrift and gain—Leaving on his heart a shadow , Leaving on our lives a stain ?
If we knew the clouds above us , Held hy gentle blessings there , "Would we turn away all trembling , In our blind and weak despair ? Would we shrink from little shadows , Lying on the dewy grass , A \ hile 'tis only birds of Eden ,
Just in mercy flying pasfc ? If we knew the silent story , Quivering through tbe heart of pain , Would our womanhood dare doom them Back to bauuts of guilt again ? Life hath many a tangled crossing .-
Joy hath many a break of woe ; And the cheeks , tear washed , are whitest ; This the blessed angels know . Let us reach in our bosoms For the key to other lives , And with love towards erring nature
Cherish good that still survives ; So that when our disrobed spirits Soar to realms of light again , AVe may say , dear Father , judge us As we judged our fellow men .
The Golden Sunset.
BY LOKGEELIOW . The golden sea its mirror spreads Beneath the golden skies , And but a narrow strip between Of land and shadow lies . The cloud-like rocks , the x-ock-like clouds ,
Dissolve in glory , float , And midway of the radiant flood Hangs silently the boat . The sea is hut another sky , The sky a sea as well , And wliich is earth , and which the heavens ,
The eye can scarcely tell . So when from us life's evening hour , Soft fading , shall descend , ¦ May glory , bom of earth and heaven , The earth and heaven blend . Flooded with peace tbe spirit floats , AVith silent raptures glow , Till where earth ends and heaven begins The soul shall scarcely know .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
NOTES HUM TIIE JIDTUTE BOOKS OP THE ST . PAUL ' S LODGE , BmiiiSGHAX . —Continued from page 367 . 1791 . August Tiih . —Bro . Banks , of the theatre , patronised " as usual . " September 2 nd . —Resolved that the lodge was not to be put hi mourning for brethren not members . October 21 st . —A man was locked up in Park-lane on
suspicion of being a deserter , when , proving himself to be a Mason , he was relieved with 7 s . 6 d ., pledging his honour , when he arrived in London , to prove himself no deserter . December 16 'th . —James Cresshull elected AV . M . About this time there are repeated votes of thanks to Bro . Sketchley for his services to the lodge .
1792 . January 20 th . —St . Alban ' s and St . Paul ' s Lodge resolve to dine together again . March 2 nd . —Bro . Sketchley presented the lodge with a " cabin compass . " The "Union Cross Lodge , of Halifax , No . 65 , advised the lodge of a Mason who had defrauded his brethren , & c , as well as of a man who had refused to go through the ceremony of initiation ,
after having been admitted into their lodge room . April 20 feb . —deceived an invitation from the Hanley Lodge . Notice of the assasination of [ Gustavus Adolphus ] King of Sweden , a brother Mason . Another notice about a " bad brother . " Thomas Thompson , Esq ., M . P . for Evesham , appointed Prov . G . M . The Coventry Lodge ( No . 473 ) , had advised them of this , as well as
the meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge , but as the Prov . G . M . had not written , or sent ; to the St . Paul ' s Lodge the brethren of the latter determined not to notice either circumstance . June 27 th . —Provincial Grand Lodge held at the Shakespeare Tavern . Bros . Timmins made D . Prov . G . M . and Sketchley , Prov . G . Sec . St . Paul's and Sfc . Alban ' s lodges had all the honours between them , the
former getting the largest share . August 3 rd . —An additon of 5 s . made to initiation fee , for the benefit of the Cumberland School for girls . November 2 nd . —The number of the lodge changed to 38 , as per advice from the G . Sec , who asked them to pay their dues . December 7 fch . —Bro . James Millar presented the lodge
wifch a portrait ; of Bro . Sketchley , and thanks were voted him for the gift , as well as to Bro . Sketchley . A frame for it , with all the emblems , ordered . December 21 st . —Eichard Evans elected "W . M . An invitation from St . Albans , to keep St . John ' s Day with them , declined . The Sfc . Paul's brethren advertised for neighbouring lodges to join their festival thafc day .
1793 . January 1 th . —A dance , on an economical plan proposed by Bro . Sketchley . Pebuary 1 st . —A question raised as to the lodge being put in mourning on account of the murder of the King of Prance , [ Louis XVL ] Agreed to write fco Bro . AVhite , G . Sec , to know if he was a Mason ? Pebuary 15 th .- —The lodge drank tho toast of " health
and speedy recovery to Bro . S . Adkins . " Brethren not attending the ballot to be liable to a fine . October 6 fch . —Bro . Sketchley proposed that ; the liberal arts should be brought forward each night by the brethren . The Gooch ' s Masons . October 18 fch . —The last ; lodge of emergency being convened by fche Secretary , without summons or
direction from the Master , Deputy Master , or S . AVarden , tho lodge resolved that such meeting was irregular and unconstitutional . It appears to have been held , to pass and raise Bro . Grant , on the 16 th of October . One guinea and a half was voted to relieve a prisoner , for debt , in Warwick gaol . Bro . Sketchley refusing to record the above minutes , relating to the lodge of emergency , after having been repeatedly ordered fco do so the Master dismissed him from his office .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Poetry .
IF AVE KNEW . BY RUTH . BESTOK . If we knew the cares and crosses Crowding round our neigbbour ' s way , If we knew the little losses , Sorely grevious , day hy day ,
AVould we then so often chide him For his lack of thrift and gain—Leaving on his heart a shadow , Leaving on our lives a stain ?
If we knew the clouds above us , Held hy gentle blessings there , "Would we turn away all trembling , In our blind and weak despair ? Would we shrink from little shadows , Lying on the dewy grass , A \ hile 'tis only birds of Eden ,
Just in mercy flying pasfc ? If we knew the silent story , Quivering through tbe heart of pain , Would our womanhood dare doom them Back to bauuts of guilt again ? Life hath many a tangled crossing .-
Joy hath many a break of woe ; And the cheeks , tear washed , are whitest ; This the blessed angels know . Let us reach in our bosoms For the key to other lives , And with love towards erring nature
Cherish good that still survives ; So that when our disrobed spirits Soar to realms of light again , AVe may say , dear Father , judge us As we judged our fellow men .
The Golden Sunset.
BY LOKGEELIOW . The golden sea its mirror spreads Beneath the golden skies , And but a narrow strip between Of land and shadow lies . The cloud-like rocks , the x-ock-like clouds ,
Dissolve in glory , float , And midway of the radiant flood Hangs silently the boat . The sea is hut another sky , The sky a sea as well , And wliich is earth , and which the heavens ,
The eye can scarcely tell . So when from us life's evening hour , Soft fading , shall descend , ¦ May glory , bom of earth and heaven , The earth and heaven blend . Flooded with peace tbe spirit floats , AVith silent raptures glow , Till where earth ends and heaven begins The soul shall scarcely know .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
NOTES HUM TIIE JIDTUTE BOOKS OP THE ST . PAUL ' S LODGE , BmiiiSGHAX . —Continued from page 367 . 1791 . August Tiih . —Bro . Banks , of the theatre , patronised " as usual . " September 2 nd . —Resolved that the lodge was not to be put hi mourning for brethren not members . October 21 st . —A man was locked up in Park-lane on
suspicion of being a deserter , when , proving himself to be a Mason , he was relieved with 7 s . 6 d ., pledging his honour , when he arrived in London , to prove himself no deserter . December 16 'th . —James Cresshull elected AV . M . About this time there are repeated votes of thanks to Bro . Sketchley for his services to the lodge .
1792 . January 20 th . —St . Alban ' s and St . Paul ' s Lodge resolve to dine together again . March 2 nd . —Bro . Sketchley presented the lodge with a " cabin compass . " The "Union Cross Lodge , of Halifax , No . 65 , advised the lodge of a Mason who had defrauded his brethren , & c , as well as of a man who had refused to go through the ceremony of initiation ,
after having been admitted into their lodge room . April 20 feb . —deceived an invitation from the Hanley Lodge . Notice of the assasination of [ Gustavus Adolphus ] King of Sweden , a brother Mason . Another notice about a " bad brother . " Thomas Thompson , Esq ., M . P . for Evesham , appointed Prov . G . M . The Coventry Lodge ( No . 473 ) , had advised them of this , as well as
the meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge , but as the Prov . G . M . had not written , or sent ; to the St . Paul ' s Lodge the brethren of the latter determined not to notice either circumstance . June 27 th . —Provincial Grand Lodge held at the Shakespeare Tavern . Bros . Timmins made D . Prov . G . M . and Sketchley , Prov . G . Sec . St . Paul's and Sfc . Alban ' s lodges had all the honours between them , the
former getting the largest share . August 3 rd . —An additon of 5 s . made to initiation fee , for the benefit of the Cumberland School for girls . November 2 nd . —The number of the lodge changed to 38 , as per advice from the G . Sec , who asked them to pay their dues . December 7 fch . —Bro . James Millar presented the lodge
wifch a portrait ; of Bro . Sketchley , and thanks were voted him for the gift , as well as to Bro . Sketchley . A frame for it , with all the emblems , ordered . December 21 st . —Eichard Evans elected "W . M . An invitation from St . Albans , to keep St . John ' s Day with them , declined . The Sfc . Paul's brethren advertised for neighbouring lodges to join their festival thafc day .
1793 . January 1 th . —A dance , on an economical plan proposed by Bro . Sketchley . Pebuary 1 st . —A question raised as to the lodge being put in mourning on account of the murder of the King of Prance , [ Louis XVL ] Agreed to write fco Bro . AVhite , G . Sec , to know if he was a Mason ? Pebuary 15 th .- —The lodge drank tho toast of " health
and speedy recovery to Bro . S . Adkins . " Brethren not attending the ballot to be liable to a fine . October 6 fch . —Bro . Sketchley proposed that ; the liberal arts should be brought forward each night by the brethren . The Gooch ' s Masons . October 18 fch . —The last ; lodge of emergency being convened by fche Secretary , without summons or
direction from the Master , Deputy Master , or S . AVarden , tho lodge resolved that such meeting was irregular and unconstitutional . It appears to have been held , to pass and raise Bro . Grant , on the 16 th of October . One guinea and a half was voted to relieve a prisoner , for debt , in Warwick gaol . Bro . Sketchley refusing to record the above minutes , relating to the lodge of emergency , after having been repeatedly ordered fco do so the Master dismissed him from his office .