Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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THEMASONICMIMOR. * * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , AV . C .
Masonic Mems.
THE UNIVERSAL MASONIC CALENDAR , DIARY , AND POCKET BOOK EOK 1 SG 0 . —This useful and comprehensive publication is ¦ now issued . It can be obtained at tho office of the FEEEHASONS' MAGAZINE , 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , or in Glasgow , in addition to the regular agents .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION POB BOYS . —A Quarterly -General Court of the Governors and Subscribers of this Institution will be held at tbe Freemasons' Hall , on Monday , the ISth insfc . —Mrs . Macready attended on Monday evening , the 28 th Dec , aud gave a selection from her " Recitals , " to the pupils of this Institution , by whom the kindly efforts of this talented
lady to instruct and amuse , were highly appreciated . Some few friends and visitors were present , but tho inclemency of the ¦ weather prevented so numerous an attendance as was expected . The evening , however , was eminently an agreeable one , and Mrs . Macready expressed herself as much delighted with her -visit—The Right Hon . Earl de Grey and Ripon , R . AV . D . G . M .,
and Prov . G . M . of West Yorkshire , will take the chair at the anniversary festival , on AVednesday , 10 th March , when it is expected he will be supported by R . AV . Bro . Stephen Blair , Prov . G . M . of East Lancashire , a large number of the Grand Officers and brethren of both provinces , as -well as by many distinguished Metropolitan brethren . Unusual exertions are being used
to render the forthcoming festival memorable by the extinction of the debt which now hangs over the Institution . —It is proposed to admit ten additional boys at the election in April next , so as to give all possible relief to the fifty-three candidates now on the list .
AVAEWICKSHIEE . —A warrant having been granted for the formation of a new lodge at Aston , near Birmingham , to be named the Holte , No . 1 , 24 ( 3 , the consecration of the lodge and installation of Bro . Dr . Thomas Partridge , P . G . O ., will take place at the Holte Hotel , Aston , on Friday , the 29 th inst ., at hree p . m . ROXAII MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION BOB AGED
S ' BEEITASONS . —The anniversary of this Institution will be held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on AVednesday , the 2 Gth inst . The Sight Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , Prov . G . M . for Somersetshire , will preside
THE Provincial meeting for tho AVest Riding of Yorkshire will be held at the Masonic Hill , Sheffield , on the 20 th inst . The Right Hon . the Earl do Grey aud Ripon , M . AV . P . G . M ., and D . G . M . of England , will preside , and lias intimated his intention of afterward ? attending tho Grand Ball to he given on an unusual scale of magnificence at tho Cutlers' Hall . Tbe Earl
will be the guest of Bro . Sir John Brown , D . L ., aud the occasion is looked forward to with great interest . BBETHREN are reminded that the Lod ge Music published a few weeks ago , in several issues of the MAGAZINE , has been republished iu a convenient form for Lodge use , price 2 s . Gd . THE Supreme Grand Council of the 33 ° of the Ancient and
Accepted Rite for England , AVales , and British Colonies , purpose visiting tho following chapters , and holding a meeting of fche 30 th chapter , or IC . Ii ., ' as follows : —Talbot Chapter , Sheffield , Thursday , the 21 st January ; Palatine Chapter , Mun-
Masonic Mems.
Chester , Friday , the 22 nd January ; Grand Chapter , K . H ., Manchester , Friday , the 22 ud January ; Liverpool Chapter , Monday , the 25 th January ; Shakespeare Chapter , AVarwick , either 20 th or 26 th January . DoitATic LODGE OI ? INSTRUCTION . —The fifteen sections will be worked on the first Tuesday in February . The lodge meets
at the Palmerston Arms , Palmersfcon-sfcrcefc , AValworth . THE AVESTBOUENE LODGE BALI . —The annual ball of the AVestbourne Lodge is fixed for AVednesday , the 20 th inst ., at the Freemason ' s Hall , and under the auspices of an energetic committee of Stewards , viz ., Bros- H . Reed , AV . M . ; President ; HeladonS . AV . Vice-President ; L . Ascott , J . AV . ; J . Quinton ,
, , Treas . ; J . T . Woodstock , Sec . ; J . Cooper , S . D . ; M . Richards , J . D . ; AV . Horton , I . G . ; C . A . Cottebrune , P . M . ; H . A . Stacey , P . M . ; Allen , A . Treadwell ( Domatic , 177 ) , and others—is certain to prove a genuine success . As on former occasions , the musical arrangements are entrusted to the care of Bro . Marrion . The brethren will appear in full Masonic clothing . Tho tickets
are , ladies , 8 s . 6 d . ; brethren , 12 s . Cd ., which includes refreshments ; and may be had of any of the Stewards . MASONIC ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE . —AVe are requested to inform the members of the institute that the Inaugural Meeting will take place on Friday , the 29 th inst ., when Hyde Clarke , Esq ., will deliver an introductory address . Full particulars
will be given in our next . IBEIAND— Bro . T . H . Babington , M . D ., J . P ., AV . M . Lodge 69 , P . K ., R . A . C . 69 , has been elected Mayor , for the city of Londonderry . On Monday , the 4 th insfc ., tho Most Noble the Martinis of AVaterford was installed AVorshipful Master of the Waterford
Lodge , 5 , South Eastern Counties , Ireland . The brethren assembled iu full numbers for tho occasions . In the evening they dined together at the Adelphi Hotel , his lordship presiding . THE GEAND . LODGE OE IEELAND . —At the last monthly meeting of Grand Lodge in the Freemason ' s Hall , Bro . Charles A . Cameron , P . M .., 25 , was elected S . G . D . for the onsuing halfyear .
LODGE or JUSTICE ( NO . 1-17 ) . —At the AVhite Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford , as an emergency meeting this old lodge met . Bro . J . Patte , AV . M . opened the lodge . There were present during the evening , Bros . It . G . Batt , S . AV . and W . M . elect , J . Perceval , J . AV . ; J . Ligbtfoot , P . Jr . Treas . ; J , Bavin , P . M . Sec . ; H . Sadler , J . D . ; H . Bartlett as I . G . ; G . Chapman , P . M . ; F . Durrant , P . M . ; \ V . Andrews , P . M . ; F . Walters , P . M . ; C . T . SpeihtP . M . ] STAAlngfieldP . M . ; D . DaviesJ . Chappell
g , ; . , , , J . Roper , J . Carver , and many others . Mr . Speight , son of Bro . C . T . Speight , P . M ., was initiated ; Bro . H . Bartlett , worked the first section of the first lecture . All the work was admirably done . The lodge was closed , visitors : Bros . G , E . Gale , P , M . 5-18 , Parker , 518 , E . H . Dalby , 1 , 19-1 , & c , OLD CONCOED LODGE ( NO . 173 ) . —The usual meeting of this lod was held at Freemasons' Hallon Tuesdaythe 5 th
ge , , inst . Bro . G . King , S . AV ., having been unanimously elected AV . M . at the December meeting , was formally installed in a most efficient manner by Bro . John Emmons , P . M . and Sec . The AV . M . appointed Bros . E . A . Masterman , S . W . ; Morrin , J . W . ; Dr . Hogg , P . M ., Treas . ; Rev . J . AV . LaiighHn , P . M ., Chap . ; John Emmens , P . M ., Sec ; Holland , S . D . ; Lawson , J . D . ; SilkIG . W . NicholsonDir . of Cers . ; StaceyAV . S . ;
, , ; , , and Speight , Tyler . Messrs . B . Dickinson and E . Dottridge were initiated by tbe new AV . M ., in an apt anil ready style . The lodge voted a P . M . ' s jewel to Bro . A . Sallust , P . M ., amidst much applause , for his efficient conduct and kind behaviour to all the brethren during his year of office . The lodge was then
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THEMASONICMIMOR. * * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , AV . C .
Masonic Mems.
THE UNIVERSAL MASONIC CALENDAR , DIARY , AND POCKET BOOK EOK 1 SG 0 . —This useful and comprehensive publication is ¦ now issued . It can be obtained at tho office of the FEEEHASONS' MAGAZINE , 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , or in Glasgow , in addition to the regular agents .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION POB BOYS . —A Quarterly -General Court of the Governors and Subscribers of this Institution will be held at tbe Freemasons' Hall , on Monday , the ISth insfc . —Mrs . Macready attended on Monday evening , the 28 th Dec , aud gave a selection from her " Recitals , " to the pupils of this Institution , by whom the kindly efforts of this talented
lady to instruct and amuse , were highly appreciated . Some few friends and visitors were present , but tho inclemency of the ¦ weather prevented so numerous an attendance as was expected . The evening , however , was eminently an agreeable one , and Mrs . Macready expressed herself as much delighted with her -visit—The Right Hon . Earl de Grey and Ripon , R . AV . D . G . M .,
and Prov . G . M . of West Yorkshire , will take the chair at the anniversary festival , on AVednesday , 10 th March , when it is expected he will be supported by R . AV . Bro . Stephen Blair , Prov . G . M . of East Lancashire , a large number of the Grand Officers and brethren of both provinces , as -well as by many distinguished Metropolitan brethren . Unusual exertions are being used
to render the forthcoming festival memorable by the extinction of the debt which now hangs over the Institution . —It is proposed to admit ten additional boys at the election in April next , so as to give all possible relief to the fifty-three candidates now on the list .
AVAEWICKSHIEE . —A warrant having been granted for the formation of a new lodge at Aston , near Birmingham , to be named the Holte , No . 1 , 24 ( 3 , the consecration of the lodge and installation of Bro . Dr . Thomas Partridge , P . G . O ., will take place at the Holte Hotel , Aston , on Friday , the 29 th inst ., at hree p . m . ROXAII MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION BOB AGED
S ' BEEITASONS . —The anniversary of this Institution will be held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on AVednesday , the 2 Gth inst . The Sight Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , Prov . G . M . for Somersetshire , will preside
THE Provincial meeting for tho AVest Riding of Yorkshire will be held at the Masonic Hill , Sheffield , on the 20 th inst . The Right Hon . the Earl do Grey aud Ripon , M . AV . P . G . M ., and D . G . M . of England , will preside , and lias intimated his intention of afterward ? attending tho Grand Ball to he given on an unusual scale of magnificence at tho Cutlers' Hall . Tbe Earl
will be the guest of Bro . Sir John Brown , D . L ., aud the occasion is looked forward to with great interest . BBETHREN are reminded that the Lod ge Music published a few weeks ago , in several issues of the MAGAZINE , has been republished iu a convenient form for Lodge use , price 2 s . Gd . THE Supreme Grand Council of the 33 ° of the Ancient and
Accepted Rite for England , AVales , and British Colonies , purpose visiting tho following chapters , and holding a meeting of fche 30 th chapter , or IC . Ii ., ' as follows : —Talbot Chapter , Sheffield , Thursday , the 21 st January ; Palatine Chapter , Mun-
Masonic Mems.
Chester , Friday , the 22 nd January ; Grand Chapter , K . H ., Manchester , Friday , the 22 ud January ; Liverpool Chapter , Monday , the 25 th January ; Shakespeare Chapter , AVarwick , either 20 th or 26 th January . DoitATic LODGE OI ? INSTRUCTION . —The fifteen sections will be worked on the first Tuesday in February . The lodge meets
at the Palmerston Arms , Palmersfcon-sfcrcefc , AValworth . THE AVESTBOUENE LODGE BALI . —The annual ball of the AVestbourne Lodge is fixed for AVednesday , the 20 th inst ., at the Freemason ' s Hall , and under the auspices of an energetic committee of Stewards , viz ., Bros- H . Reed , AV . M . ; President ; HeladonS . AV . Vice-President ; L . Ascott , J . AV . ; J . Quinton ,
, , Treas . ; J . T . Woodstock , Sec . ; J . Cooper , S . D . ; M . Richards , J . D . ; AV . Horton , I . G . ; C . A . Cottebrune , P . M . ; H . A . Stacey , P . M . ; Allen , A . Treadwell ( Domatic , 177 ) , and others—is certain to prove a genuine success . As on former occasions , the musical arrangements are entrusted to the care of Bro . Marrion . The brethren will appear in full Masonic clothing . Tho tickets
are , ladies , 8 s . 6 d . ; brethren , 12 s . Cd ., which includes refreshments ; and may be had of any of the Stewards . MASONIC ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE . —AVe are requested to inform the members of the institute that the Inaugural Meeting will take place on Friday , the 29 th inst ., when Hyde Clarke , Esq ., will deliver an introductory address . Full particulars
will be given in our next . IBEIAND— Bro . T . H . Babington , M . D ., J . P ., AV . M . Lodge 69 , P . K ., R . A . C . 69 , has been elected Mayor , for the city of Londonderry . On Monday , the 4 th insfc ., tho Most Noble the Martinis of AVaterford was installed AVorshipful Master of the Waterford
Lodge , 5 , South Eastern Counties , Ireland . The brethren assembled iu full numbers for tho occasions . In the evening they dined together at the Adelphi Hotel , his lordship presiding . THE GEAND . LODGE OE IEELAND . —At the last monthly meeting of Grand Lodge in the Freemason ' s Hall , Bro . Charles A . Cameron , P . M .., 25 , was elected S . G . D . for the onsuing halfyear .
LODGE or JUSTICE ( NO . 1-17 ) . —At the AVhite Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford , as an emergency meeting this old lodge met . Bro . J . Patte , AV . M . opened the lodge . There were present during the evening , Bros . It . G . Batt , S . AV . and W . M . elect , J . Perceval , J . AV . ; J . Ligbtfoot , P . Jr . Treas . ; J , Bavin , P . M . Sec . ; H . Sadler , J . D . ; H . Bartlett as I . G . ; G . Chapman , P . M . ; F . Durrant , P . M . ; \ V . Andrews , P . M . ; F . Walters , P . M . ; C . T . SpeihtP . M . ] STAAlngfieldP . M . ; D . DaviesJ . Chappell
g , ; . , , , J . Roper , J . Carver , and many others . Mr . Speight , son of Bro . C . T . Speight , P . M ., was initiated ; Bro . H . Bartlett , worked the first section of the first lecture . All the work was admirably done . The lodge was closed , visitors : Bros . G , E . Gale , P , M . 5-18 , Parker , 518 , E . H . Dalby , 1 , 19-1 , & c , OLD CONCOED LODGE ( NO . 173 ) . —The usual meeting of this lod was held at Freemasons' Hallon Tuesdaythe 5 th
ge , , inst . Bro . G . King , S . AV ., having been unanimously elected AV . M . at the December meeting , was formally installed in a most efficient manner by Bro . John Emmons , P . M . and Sec . The AV . M . appointed Bros . E . A . Masterman , S . W . ; Morrin , J . W . ; Dr . Hogg , P . M ., Treas . ; Rev . J . AV . LaiighHn , P . M ., Chap . ; John Emmens , P . M ., Sec ; Holland , S . D . ; Lawson , J . D . ; SilkIG . W . NicholsonDir . of Cers . ; StaceyAV . S . ;
, , ; , , and Speight , Tyler . Messrs . B . Dickinson and E . Dottridge were initiated by tbe new AV . M ., in an apt anil ready style . The lodge voted a P . M . ' s jewel to Bro . A . Sallust , P . M ., amidst much applause , for his efficient conduct and kind behaviour to all the brethren during his year of office . The lodge was then