Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 5 →
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closed and a sumptuous banquet , quite in the Old Concord style , placed on tho table by Bro . Charles Gosdon . After banquet the various toasts wcro proposed and responded to , and were interspersed with some beautiful solos by Miss Penrce , and " -lees and part songs by Bros . C . Marriott , AV . H . Hunt , A , Hubbard , T . L . Brady , and F . McDavitt , under the direction of Bro . If . Parker . Bro . Dr . Hogg responded for the Grand Officers , and proposed "Tbe Health of the AV . M . " a goodcleverand aide
, , , Mason , and whose domestic virtues were as great as bis Masonic ones . lie hoped iio would have a very prosperous year of office . Of one thing he felt quite pure—the lodge had an excellent Master , and they were all very , very proud of him . The toast was enthusiastically drunk , and the ' AV . M ., in reply , said he was quite overcome by Bro . Dr . Hogg's kindness . He " felt lie could do lodge work better than tho duties of the banquet table , and
it would he his interest and duty to further tho interests of tho lodge . ^ He would endeavour to go through the various duties ho would have to perforin properly , and to give satisfaction to the lodge . On this night he felt rather diffident , as they might suppose , but he trusted lie would be forgiven for any shortcomings . The AV . M . then gave " The Initiates , " both of whom responded . Bro . S , AV . Hopwood returned thanks for "The
Visitors" in an appropriate speech . Bro . John Emmens , P . M ., replied for the P . M . ' s , and Bro . Gurton for the Benevolent Fund . The lodgo had given away in charity this year £ 200 , from the Benevolent Fund , and it was enabled to do this principally from the profits of the Old Concord ball . About sixty brethren were present in lodge and at banquet . The visitors consisted of Bros . John Mills , P . M . 49 ; C . Payne , S . AV . 169 ;
H . Massey , AV . M . 619 ; V > . Demny , S 13 ; G . J . Vaughan , 193 ; James Hill , 22 S ; H . Parker , 4 ; Okey , 1221 ; J . Davis , 193 ; AV . H . Main ,. P . M . 813 ; E . AValkcr , 813 ; H . M . Levy , 1 SS ; James BIyth , S 13 ; , T . McParisb , 860 ; S . W . Hopwood , Treas ., 263 ; Albert Hubbard , S 13 ; James AA est , 166 ; Jennings , late 201 ; A . Prohyn , 862 ; and G , King , jun ., J . W . Gooch Lodgo 1 , 238 . Bros . John Emmens and AV . Nicholson were among the P . M . ' s Bi
present . -o . AV . Nicholson , P . M ., and Dir . of Cers ., was as usual unremitting in his attention to the comforts of the brethren ; and the same may be said of new Wine Steward , Bro . Stacey .
LION AND LAMB ( No . 192 ) . —The installation meeting of this numerous and flourishing lodgo was held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-stroet , on Thursday , the 7 th inst . Tho efficient W . M ., Bro . J . G . Marsh , P . M . 28 , opened the lodge , assisted by Bros . King , S . W . ; Higman , J . AV . ; Goodyer , P . M ., Treas . ; C . Hosgootl , P . M ., Sec ; Cates , P . M . ; H . Muggeridge , P . M . ; n largo muster of brethren , and a considerable " number of visitorsamongst whom wo noticed BrosEIIPatten
, . . . , P . G . S . B ., See . Girls' School ; AV . II . Hubbard , P . M . 173 ; R . AV . Little , P . M . 975 ; F . Adulters , P . M . 73 ; 11 . Potter , P . M . C . H . Potter , P . M . 719 , & c . The first ceremony performed was the initiation of Mr . Cohn , after which Bro . Muggeridge took the chair , aud in an admirable style installed BroTlviug , S . AV ., as AV . M . for the ensuing year . The officers were then appointed as follows : —Bros . Marsh , I . P . M . ; Higman , S . W . ; Roberts , r Good
J . AA . ; yer , P . M ., Treas . ; Hosgootl , P . M ., Sec ; Harris , S . D . ; Trott , J . D . ; Abbott , I . G . ; and Smith , Tyler . Mr . Crotty bcing in attendance was introduced and duly initiated , after which the lodge was closed , and tbe brethren adjourned to a repast which reflected infinite credit upon the new manager of tho hotel , Bro . Spencer , and his able chef de cuisine , " Bro . Wale . It was excellently served , the attendance was capital , and the wines of
approved qnalitv . Tbe usual toasts were duly honoured , and appropriate speeches delivered by Bros . Patten , Potter , Marsh , Muggeridge , and other brethren . ' AVe must not omit to state that at the next meeting Bro . Marsh , the I . P . M .. will doubtless be presented with a , P . M . ' s jewel , to commemorate his efficient services during the year 18 ( 38 . Bro . Hosgood , the respected and talented Secretary , will represent tho lodge at the anniversary festival of the Aged Masons on tho 27 th hist ., and a large addition to his alread y well-filled list , was made by the brethren upon this occasion .
CONFIDENCE LODGE , ( No . 193 ) . — The above excellent working lodge met at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleot-street , on Tuesday January 11 th , Bro . B . D . Kershaw in the char . Bros . Hill and Masters having answered tbe necessary questions , wcro duly passed to the degree of Fellow Crafts , in a very excellent and impressive manner . Bro . Moody proposed that a sum of one guinea be subscribed to the Masonic Lifeboat Fund , which wa 3 carried unanimousl y . No other business being before the lodge ,
the AA . AI . suggested that some of tho sections should be worked , which was very effectively done bv Bros . Lee , S . AA \ , Rogers , P . M ., assisted by Foulger , P . M . The lodge being closed the brethren adjourned to a very excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Clemow , and superintended by Bro . Smith . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to . Bro . Honey returned thanks for the visitors . Tho W . M . in a very neat and feeling speech presented Bro . T . Foulger , I . P . AI . with
a very elegant P . M . 's jewel , for bis very excellent working , and the able manner he had conducted tho business of the lodge during his year of office , and his good . Masonic qualities . Bro . Foulger , in a very feeling manner returned thanks , and remarked in reference to his Masonic qualification , that he , in conjunction with Bro . Rogers , P . M ., stated that the Lodge of Instruction of which he is the instructor , connected with tiiat lodge , has given no less a sum than £ 100 to Ma-onic charities from its
foundation ; he further stated his service were always at the command of the Craft , and in his absence Bro . F . Rogers , P . Af . was always ready to supply his place . Some very excellent sineiintrbv Bros . S . Webb , A'anghaii , Ellington , Raid , H . AA ebb , MUes , II . M . Levy and King . Alsitors : W . II . Honey , AV . M . 11 , II . M . Levy ,. P . M . 18 S , Alcock , 733 . Hcding-ton , 177 . Tho brethren after spending a delightful evening separated in peace and harmony .
LODGE OP ST . JAMES ( NO . 765 ) , —The usual meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 6 th inst .. at the Leather Market Tavern , New Weston-street , Bermondsey . There were present , Bros . R , AVhite , AA . M . ; M . Scott , I . P . M . ; Hyde , S . AA . ; Boyce , J . AV . ; Aldridgc , Treas . ; AV . Parker , M . D ., P . M .- Sec . ; Hooton , S . D . ; J . Neville , J . D . ; AV . Jones , I . G . ; McCullum , Kennedy , Cox , Roderick , Saycvs , tu \ d others . The work done was one passing , and as usual was well performed . The lodge was duly closed , and the usual ; first-class banquet followed . Alsitov , Bro . Rev . 11 . Gordon , New York .
CORNAVALL . HAYLE . —Corinthian Lodge ( No . 450 ) . —Tlio annual festiva ? of this lodge was held on the last day of the old year , when about fifty brethren assembled to witness the ceremony of the installation of Bro . Frank Harvey , AY . M . elect , and other business . The lodge was opened at eleven o ' clock a . m ., by the retiring A \ . M . Bro . Eusticewhen the minutes of the previous
, , meeting and lodgo of emergency were read and confirmed . There were two candidates balloted for who had in open lodge , at the previous meeting , beon proposed , when one was rejected . The ballot for the other was declared unanimous . He being in attendance was introduced , and was regularly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry , that important rite being very ably performed by the retiring W . M . Two
candidates for passing being present , they were first examined and afterwards , the lodge being opened in the second degree , regularly passod as Fellow Crafts . Bro . Frank Harvey , tbe AV . M . elect , being in attendance , was presented by Bro . Dr . Mudgc , P , M ., P . Prov . G . Sec , for the benefit of installation . After an address ft-nil the Installing Master , Bro . Eustice , his attention was directed to the ancient charges ; after giving his assent to all the qualifications for A \ . M ., tho brethren below the degree
of Installed Master were requested to retire . The Board or Installed Masters was then declared open . After going through the ceremony , which was performed admirably , Bro . F . Harveywas regularly installed in the chair , according to the ancient custom , aud was greeted as AVovsUipful Master of the Cornubian Lodge ( No . 150 ) , ' by tho Past Masters . Bro . Frank Harvey , AV . M ., then delivered an appropriate address to Bro . Eustico , the Installing Master , and invested him with tho collar and
jewel of his offica as I . P . M . Tbe Board of Installed Masters was then duly closed . Tho Master Masons having boon readmitted , Bro . ' Harvey was again saluted as the A \ . AI . of the Cornubian Lodge . The Installing Master presented him with the working tools of a Master Mason . The Lodge was then closed down to the second degree by Bro . Harvey , W . M . The Fellow Crafts were re-admittod , and he was again saluted tho third time as AA . M . The working tools of tbe Fellow Crafts
were presented and explained . The lodge was then closed down to the first degree , when the Entered Apprentices were readmitted , and Bro . Harvey for the fourth time greeted as AV . M .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
closed and a sumptuous banquet , quite in the Old Concord style , placed on tho table by Bro . Charles Gosdon . After banquet the various toasts wcro proposed and responded to , and were interspersed with some beautiful solos by Miss Penrce , and " -lees and part songs by Bros . C . Marriott , AV . H . Hunt , A , Hubbard , T . L . Brady , and F . McDavitt , under the direction of Bro . If . Parker . Bro . Dr . Hogg responded for the Grand Officers , and proposed "Tbe Health of the AV . M . " a goodcleverand aide
, , , Mason , and whose domestic virtues were as great as bis Masonic ones . lie hoped iio would have a very prosperous year of office . Of one thing he felt quite pure—the lodge had an excellent Master , and they were all very , very proud of him . The toast was enthusiastically drunk , and the ' AV . M ., in reply , said he was quite overcome by Bro . Dr . Hogg's kindness . He " felt lie could do lodge work better than tho duties of the banquet table , and
it would he his interest and duty to further tho interests of tho lodge . ^ He would endeavour to go through the various duties ho would have to perforin properly , and to give satisfaction to the lodge . On this night he felt rather diffident , as they might suppose , but he trusted lie would be forgiven for any shortcomings . The AV . M . then gave " The Initiates , " both of whom responded . Bro . S , AV . Hopwood returned thanks for "The
Visitors" in an appropriate speech . Bro . John Emmens , P . M ., replied for the P . M . ' s , and Bro . Gurton for the Benevolent Fund . The lodgo had given away in charity this year £ 200 , from the Benevolent Fund , and it was enabled to do this principally from the profits of the Old Concord ball . About sixty brethren were present in lodge and at banquet . The visitors consisted of Bros . John Mills , P . M . 49 ; C . Payne , S . AV . 169 ;
H . Massey , AV . M . 619 ; V > . Demny , S 13 ; G . J . Vaughan , 193 ; James Hill , 22 S ; H . Parker , 4 ; Okey , 1221 ; J . Davis , 193 ; AV . H . Main ,. P . M . 813 ; E . AValkcr , 813 ; H . M . Levy , 1 SS ; James BIyth , S 13 ; , T . McParisb , 860 ; S . W . Hopwood , Treas ., 263 ; Albert Hubbard , S 13 ; James AA est , 166 ; Jennings , late 201 ; A . Prohyn , 862 ; and G , King , jun ., J . W . Gooch Lodgo 1 , 238 . Bros . John Emmens and AV . Nicholson were among the P . M . ' s Bi
present . -o . AV . Nicholson , P . M ., and Dir . of Cers ., was as usual unremitting in his attention to the comforts of the brethren ; and the same may be said of new Wine Steward , Bro . Stacey .
LION AND LAMB ( No . 192 ) . —The installation meeting of this numerous and flourishing lodgo was held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-stroet , on Thursday , the 7 th inst . Tho efficient W . M ., Bro . J . G . Marsh , P . M . 28 , opened the lodge , assisted by Bros . King , S . W . ; Higman , J . AV . ; Goodyer , P . M ., Treas . ; C . Hosgootl , P . M ., Sec ; Cates , P . M . ; H . Muggeridge , P . M . ; n largo muster of brethren , and a considerable " number of visitorsamongst whom wo noticed BrosEIIPatten
, . . . , P . G . S . B ., See . Girls' School ; AV . II . Hubbard , P . M . 173 ; R . AV . Little , P . M . 975 ; F . Adulters , P . M . 73 ; 11 . Potter , P . M . C . H . Potter , P . M . 719 , & c . The first ceremony performed was the initiation of Mr . Cohn , after which Bro . Muggeridge took the chair , aud in an admirable style installed BroTlviug , S . AV ., as AV . M . for the ensuing year . The officers were then appointed as follows : —Bros . Marsh , I . P . M . ; Higman , S . W . ; Roberts , r Good
J . AA . ; yer , P . M ., Treas . ; Hosgootl , P . M ., Sec ; Harris , S . D . ; Trott , J . D . ; Abbott , I . G . ; and Smith , Tyler . Mr . Crotty bcing in attendance was introduced and duly initiated , after which the lodge was closed , and tbe brethren adjourned to a repast which reflected infinite credit upon the new manager of tho hotel , Bro . Spencer , and his able chef de cuisine , " Bro . Wale . It was excellently served , the attendance was capital , and the wines of
approved qnalitv . Tbe usual toasts were duly honoured , and appropriate speeches delivered by Bros . Patten , Potter , Marsh , Muggeridge , and other brethren . ' AVe must not omit to state that at the next meeting Bro . Marsh , the I . P . M .. will doubtless be presented with a , P . M . ' s jewel , to commemorate his efficient services during the year 18 ( 38 . Bro . Hosgood , the respected and talented Secretary , will represent tho lodge at the anniversary festival of the Aged Masons on tho 27 th hist ., and a large addition to his alread y well-filled list , was made by the brethren upon this occasion .
CONFIDENCE LODGE , ( No . 193 ) . — The above excellent working lodge met at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleot-street , on Tuesday January 11 th , Bro . B . D . Kershaw in the char . Bros . Hill and Masters having answered tbe necessary questions , wcro duly passed to the degree of Fellow Crafts , in a very excellent and impressive manner . Bro . Moody proposed that a sum of one guinea be subscribed to the Masonic Lifeboat Fund , which wa 3 carried unanimousl y . No other business being before the lodge ,
the AA . AI . suggested that some of tho sections should be worked , which was very effectively done bv Bros . Lee , S . AA \ , Rogers , P . M ., assisted by Foulger , P . M . The lodge being closed the brethren adjourned to a very excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Clemow , and superintended by Bro . Smith . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to . Bro . Honey returned thanks for the visitors . Tho W . M . in a very neat and feeling speech presented Bro . T . Foulger , I . P . AI . with
a very elegant P . M . 's jewel , for bis very excellent working , and the able manner he had conducted tho business of the lodge during his year of office , and his good . Masonic qualities . Bro . Foulger , in a very feeling manner returned thanks , and remarked in reference to his Masonic qualification , that he , in conjunction with Bro . Rogers , P . M ., stated that the Lodge of Instruction of which he is the instructor , connected with tiiat lodge , has given no less a sum than £ 100 to Ma-onic charities from its
foundation ; he further stated his service were always at the command of the Craft , and in his absence Bro . F . Rogers , P . Af . was always ready to supply his place . Some very excellent sineiintrbv Bros . S . Webb , A'anghaii , Ellington , Raid , H . AA ebb , MUes , II . M . Levy and King . Alsitors : W . II . Honey , AV . M . 11 , II . M . Levy ,. P . M . 18 S , Alcock , 733 . Hcding-ton , 177 . Tho brethren after spending a delightful evening separated in peace and harmony .
LODGE OP ST . JAMES ( NO . 765 ) , —The usual meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 6 th inst .. at the Leather Market Tavern , New Weston-street , Bermondsey . There were present , Bros . R , AVhite , AA . M . ; M . Scott , I . P . M . ; Hyde , S . AA . ; Boyce , J . AV . ; Aldridgc , Treas . ; AV . Parker , M . D ., P . M .- Sec . ; Hooton , S . D . ; J . Neville , J . D . ; AV . Jones , I . G . ; McCullum , Kennedy , Cox , Roderick , Saycvs , tu \ d others . The work done was one passing , and as usual was well performed . The lodge was duly closed , and the usual ; first-class banquet followed . Alsitov , Bro . Rev . 11 . Gordon , New York .
CORNAVALL . HAYLE . —Corinthian Lodge ( No . 450 ) . —Tlio annual festiva ? of this lodge was held on the last day of the old year , when about fifty brethren assembled to witness the ceremony of the installation of Bro . Frank Harvey , AY . M . elect , and other business . The lodge was opened at eleven o ' clock a . m ., by the retiring A \ . M . Bro . Eusticewhen the minutes of the previous
, , meeting and lodgo of emergency were read and confirmed . There were two candidates balloted for who had in open lodge , at the previous meeting , beon proposed , when one was rejected . The ballot for the other was declared unanimous . He being in attendance was introduced , and was regularly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry , that important rite being very ably performed by the retiring W . M . Two
candidates for passing being present , they were first examined and afterwards , the lodge being opened in the second degree , regularly passod as Fellow Crafts . Bro . Frank Harvey , tbe AV . M . elect , being in attendance , was presented by Bro . Dr . Mudgc , P , M ., P . Prov . G . Sec , for the benefit of installation . After an address ft-nil the Installing Master , Bro . Eustice , his attention was directed to the ancient charges ; after giving his assent to all the qualifications for A \ . M ., tho brethren below the degree
of Installed Master were requested to retire . The Board or Installed Masters was then declared open . After going through the ceremony , which was performed admirably , Bro . F . Harveywas regularly installed in the chair , according to the ancient custom , aud was greeted as AVovsUipful Master of the Cornubian Lodge ( No . 150 ) , ' by tho Past Masters . Bro . Frank Harvey , AV . M ., then delivered an appropriate address to Bro . Eustico , the Installing Master , and invested him with tho collar and
jewel of his offica as I . P . M . Tbe Board of Installed Masters was then duly closed . Tho Master Masons having boon readmitted , Bro . ' Harvey was again saluted as the A \ . AI . of the Cornubian Lodge . The Installing Master presented him with the working tools of a Master Mason . The Lodge was then closed down to the second degree by Bro . Harvey , W . M . The Fellow Crafts were re-admittod , and he was again saluted tho third time as AA . M . The working tools of tbe Fellow Crafts
were presented and explained . The lodge was then closed down to the first degree , when the Entered Apprentices were readmitted , and Bro . Harvey for the fourth time greeted as AV . M .