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The Installing- Master then presented tho working tools of the E . A ., also the warrants or charters from the Grand Lodgo of England , the "Book of Constitutions , " and the by-laws . After theso were explained , Bro . Harvey selected and invested the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . James Pool , S . W . ; AA . W . Mildren , J . W . ; Frank Harvey , Treas . ; John Coombe , P . M ., Sec . and Almoner ; N . J . EasterbrookS . D . ; William HollowJ . DN . J . AVcstOrg S .
, , . ; , . ; "Woodman , I . G . ; W . II . Thomas and M . L . Nicholas , Stewards ; and Christopher Ti-atlien , Tyler . The Installing Master gave an address to the AV . M . from ( he AA est , to the newly-invested Wardens from tho South , and to tho other newly-invested brethren from the South-east . The addresses were given in a manner to elicit warm encomiums from all present . The A \ orshipful Master enquired if any brother had anything to propose
for the good of Freemasonry , when Bro . Coombe , P . M ., made a second appeal to the lodge on behalf of tho Boys' School ; tho same being unanimously approved of , the sum of £ 5 5 s . was again voted from the lodge , this being the second donation voted this year . Bro . Frank Harvey , W . JI ., proposed that the sum of : S 10 should bo given as a donation to the Cornwall Masonic Annuity Fund , which was unanimously agreed to . Bro .
Coombe , P . M ., then proposed a candidate for Freemasonry , ballot to be taken next lodge night . The brethren then adjourned to an excellent banquet provided by Bro . Crotch , to which ample justice was done . After dinner the usual loyal toasts were given from the chair , not forgetting our poor and distressed brethren throughout the universe , A collection was made for the same , which amounted to a good sum . Tho lodge
wasfmaUy closed by tbe AA . M . and his newly-appointed officers at eight o ' clock . The remainder of the evening was spent in fraternal conviviality , enlivened by songs from several of the brethren present .
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORELAND . KENDAL . — Union Lodge ( No . 129 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of the lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Kent-street , at 6-15 p . m ., on New Year ' s Eve . The AA . M ., Bro . William Cartmel , P . Prov . G . Dir of Cers ., was supported by Bros . C . G . Thompson , S . W . ; John Holme , J . W . ; K . AV . John Whitwell , M . P . D . Prov . G . M . V . W . Edward BnsherProvGSBof
, ; , . ... England , Prov . S . G . AVarden ; John Bowes , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; Samuel Gawith , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Dr . Moore , Prov . ' G . Supt . of AVorks , AA est Lancashire ; J . B . Grecnall , S . D . ; Henry Rautbmell , I . G . ; Thomas Busber , Dr . Noble , John Talbot , J . Sumner , AV . Bradshaw , AA . Tattcrsnll , and George Cartmcll . A isitors : —W . Prosser , S . D . 1 , 051 ; Thomas Whitwell , 509 ; G . C . AVhitwell , 509 ; S . AVhitwull , 509 ; and Jesse Banning .
The lodgo was opened in due form , and with the usual solemnities , when the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The W . M . stated that he had received a letter from the brother who awaited preferment that ill-health prevented his attendance at the lodge . A'ter some rou ' . ine business had been transacted , the brethren proceeded to the election of W . M . for the ensuing year , when the suffrages of the brethren , unanimousl
y fell upon Bro . Samuel Gawith , Past Senior AVarden of the lodge . Tho Treus ., Sec , and Tyler were unanimously reelected . Auditors were then appointed , mid several complimentary votes were passed . Hearty good wishes and greetings were expressed from Nos . 14 S , 2 S 1 , 509 , 1 , 002 , 1 , 051 , 1 , 073 , and 1 , 07-1 , and , there being no further business , the lodge was closed and the brethren separated to meet again at the Festival of St . John the Evangelist .
DEVONSHIRE . TEIGNMOI- . —Benevolent Lodge ( No . 303 ) . —The annual festival of this lodge on occasion of the installation of AA . AI ., was held on Monday , the l ! h inst ,, at the new Masonic Hall , which was consecrated last summer by the R . W . tbe Rev . John Huyshe , A . M ., Prov . G . M . of Devon , when tho meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge was held at Teignmouth ; but owing to the between the
disproportion number of those who attended and the size of the lodge room , but few comparatively could witness the ceremony on that occasion . The building , though limited in extent , appears well adapted for the purpose , and sufficientl y large tor the local Masonic requirements duriimmany years to come . With tho exception of the decorative arrangements , which it is manifestly unwise to attempt in a new building , all seems complete except one room , which may be
used for banquets or as a library and reading room , or both . A small number of brethren assembled soon after two ; p . m .. the hour fixed upon , and it was necessary for them to await the arrival of others bofore the AV . M ., who was punctual , could commence proceedingu . This seems a very common fault in the district , as noticed at Torquay in the previous week , and is an act of injustice to such as make it a point to attend at the appointed hour Besides the members of the lod there were
. ge , present as visitors , Bros . Capt . Bowes , AA . M . 1 , 138 , and P . Prov . G . S . B . ; Collet * ; , p . n . 135 , ! 11 K 1 P . Prov . J . G . D . for Somerset ; Dr . Hopkins , P . M . 13 and OSS , and P . Prov . S . G . AV . for AA arwickshive , specially invited to work the ceremony of installation ; II . Bartlett ; 710 , and Prov . Assist , G . Dir . of Cers . ; Brown , Ore . 1 , 133 ; Porrot , 710 , & c . The lodge was opened by Bro . Capt ' WalrondAV . M . and Prov . J . G . Al . who has held the
, , Mastership of No . 303 for three years in succession . The minutes having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Mr . T . G . Newman , as a candidate for initiation , and also for Bro . AV . M . Richards , of No . 473 , as a joining member . Iu each case the ballot was unanimous in favour , and in the latter , Bro . Dr . Hopkins gave ample testimony , having been intimately acquainted with him for when both resided in
many years Birmingham . The lodge was opened in the second degree . The Installing Master took the chair , and the retiring W . M . presented Bro . Henry Mozart Bartlett as AV . AI . elect . The ceremony of installation was conducted in the same manner and with precisely the same exactitude as at Torquay in the previous week . Bro . Brown ably presided at the organ , introducing a
portion of the music and chants recently published in the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE . The following were appointed and invested as officers during the ensuing year : —Bros . Capt . AA ulrond , I . P . M . ; G . Burden , S . W . ; Hallett , J . AV . ; Wedhorne , Treas . ; Blanch ford , Sec . ; R . Coles , S . D . ; Taylor , J . D . ; F . E . Tomes , I . G . ; Cotton and Richards , Stewards ; and Haggarty , Tyler . Before delivering the customary address to the AV . M ., ATardens , and brethrenthe Installing Master gave a special one to the
, I . P . M ., and also gave in detail the application of his jewel to the principles of Freemasonry . On the proposition of Bro . Capt . AValrond , I . P . M ., seconded by tho AV . M ., a unanimous vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Dr . Hopkins , for the able and impressive maimer in which he had worked the ceremony , and for the instruction he had communicated to the brethren by the special explanations inti which he had entered . A gentleman
was proposed by the AV . AI . as a candidate for initiation at the next meeting . -The lodge was finally closed by the new AV . AI ., at a quarter past four . Shortly after , the brethren re-assembled at the Queen ' s Hotel for the annual banquet , which was provided on a most liberal scale , and the room was tastefully and . Masonic-ally decorated . The W . M . was supported on his left bthe IPMand BroRichardsand on his right by the
y ... . , Installing Masters , Bros . Colletr , H . Bartlett , and Brown , who occupied tho cross table . All the accustomed honours were paid , complimentary speeches delivered , and mutual congratulations offered on the future prospects of the lodge . Of course a most agreeable evening was spent , for which the preparations had been very complete .
KENT . MAIXING ATHVEY , —Mailing Abbey Lodge , ( No . 1 , 035 ) . —The brethren of this lodge met on the 1 th inst ., at the Bear Inn , West . Mailing . Bro . AVulter Monckton , W . M . and P . G . S . D . presided , Air . Crnddoek Griffiths was balloted for and unanimously elected . The W . M . then in a very feeling manner and appropriate speech , presented Bro . I ! . Pearson , P . Af . 503 and P . Prov
G . D . with a Deacons' jewel as a testimonial of the esteem he is held by the brethren , and as an acknowledgement of the valueable services ho has rendered to the Lodge . Bro . Pearson in returning thanks , said lie hid before received from the brethren of the Mulling Abbey Lodgo what be considered one of the highest compliments that a lodge could bestow , viz ., that of beingelected an honorary member , that he had since the consecration of the lodge felt great interest in itand at all times when he
, could render any assistance it would g ive Mm great pleasure ; after such a handsome testimonial , bo should consider it his duty to help in any way his services could be useful . The lodge was then closed in the usual manner , and being the first meeting in tbe new year , a good gathering of the fraternity banqueted under the presidency of the W . M ., and a very pleasant evening was spent .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Installing- Master then presented tho working tools of the E . A ., also the warrants or charters from the Grand Lodgo of England , the "Book of Constitutions , " and the by-laws . After theso were explained , Bro . Harvey selected and invested the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . James Pool , S . W . ; AA . W . Mildren , J . W . ; Frank Harvey , Treas . ; John Coombe , P . M ., Sec . and Almoner ; N . J . EasterbrookS . D . ; William HollowJ . DN . J . AVcstOrg S .
, , . ; , . ; "Woodman , I . G . ; W . II . Thomas and M . L . Nicholas , Stewards ; and Christopher Ti-atlien , Tyler . The Installing Master gave an address to the AV . M . from ( he AA est , to the newly-invested Wardens from tho South , and to tho other newly-invested brethren from the South-east . The addresses were given in a manner to elicit warm encomiums from all present . The A \ orshipful Master enquired if any brother had anything to propose
for the good of Freemasonry , when Bro . Coombe , P . M ., made a second appeal to the lodge on behalf of tho Boys' School ; tho same being unanimously approved of , the sum of £ 5 5 s . was again voted from the lodge , this being the second donation voted this year . Bro . Frank Harvey , W . JI ., proposed that the sum of : S 10 should bo given as a donation to the Cornwall Masonic Annuity Fund , which was unanimously agreed to . Bro .
Coombe , P . M ., then proposed a candidate for Freemasonry , ballot to be taken next lodge night . The brethren then adjourned to an excellent banquet provided by Bro . Crotch , to which ample justice was done . After dinner the usual loyal toasts were given from the chair , not forgetting our poor and distressed brethren throughout the universe , A collection was made for the same , which amounted to a good sum . Tho lodge
wasfmaUy closed by tbe AA . M . and his newly-appointed officers at eight o ' clock . The remainder of the evening was spent in fraternal conviviality , enlivened by songs from several of the brethren present .
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORELAND . KENDAL . — Union Lodge ( No . 129 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of the lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Kent-street , at 6-15 p . m ., on New Year ' s Eve . The AA . M ., Bro . William Cartmel , P . Prov . G . Dir of Cers ., was supported by Bros . C . G . Thompson , S . W . ; John Holme , J . W . ; K . AV . John Whitwell , M . P . D . Prov . G . M . V . W . Edward BnsherProvGSBof
, ; , . ... England , Prov . S . G . AVarden ; John Bowes , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; Samuel Gawith , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Dr . Moore , Prov . ' G . Supt . of AVorks , AA est Lancashire ; J . B . Grecnall , S . D . ; Henry Rautbmell , I . G . ; Thomas Busber , Dr . Noble , John Talbot , J . Sumner , AV . Bradshaw , AA . Tattcrsnll , and George Cartmcll . A isitors : —W . Prosser , S . D . 1 , 051 ; Thomas Whitwell , 509 ; G . C . AVhitwell , 509 ; S . AVhitwull , 509 ; and Jesse Banning .
The lodgo was opened in due form , and with the usual solemnities , when the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The W . M . stated that he had received a letter from the brother who awaited preferment that ill-health prevented his attendance at the lodge . A'ter some rou ' . ine business had been transacted , the brethren proceeded to the election of W . M . for the ensuing year , when the suffrages of the brethren , unanimousl
y fell upon Bro . Samuel Gawith , Past Senior AVarden of the lodge . Tho Treus ., Sec , and Tyler were unanimously reelected . Auditors were then appointed , mid several complimentary votes were passed . Hearty good wishes and greetings were expressed from Nos . 14 S , 2 S 1 , 509 , 1 , 002 , 1 , 051 , 1 , 073 , and 1 , 07-1 , and , there being no further business , the lodge was closed and the brethren separated to meet again at the Festival of St . John the Evangelist .
DEVONSHIRE . TEIGNMOI- . —Benevolent Lodge ( No . 303 ) . —The annual festival of this lodge on occasion of the installation of AA . AI ., was held on Monday , the l ! h inst ,, at the new Masonic Hall , which was consecrated last summer by the R . W . tbe Rev . John Huyshe , A . M ., Prov . G . M . of Devon , when tho meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge was held at Teignmouth ; but owing to the between the
disproportion number of those who attended and the size of the lodge room , but few comparatively could witness the ceremony on that occasion . The building , though limited in extent , appears well adapted for the purpose , and sufficientl y large tor the local Masonic requirements duriimmany years to come . With tho exception of the decorative arrangements , which it is manifestly unwise to attempt in a new building , all seems complete except one room , which may be
used for banquets or as a library and reading room , or both . A small number of brethren assembled soon after two ; p . m .. the hour fixed upon , and it was necessary for them to await the arrival of others bofore the AV . M ., who was punctual , could commence proceedingu . This seems a very common fault in the district , as noticed at Torquay in the previous week , and is an act of injustice to such as make it a point to attend at the appointed hour Besides the members of the lod there were
. ge , present as visitors , Bros . Capt . Bowes , AA . M . 1 , 138 , and P . Prov . G . S . B . ; Collet * ; , p . n . 135 , ! 11 K 1 P . Prov . J . G . D . for Somerset ; Dr . Hopkins , P . M . 13 and OSS , and P . Prov . S . G . AV . for AA arwickshive , specially invited to work the ceremony of installation ; II . Bartlett ; 710 , and Prov . Assist , G . Dir . of Cers . ; Brown , Ore . 1 , 133 ; Porrot , 710 , & c . The lodge was opened by Bro . Capt ' WalrondAV . M . and Prov . J . G . Al . who has held the
, , Mastership of No . 303 for three years in succession . The minutes having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Mr . T . G . Newman , as a candidate for initiation , and also for Bro . AV . M . Richards , of No . 473 , as a joining member . Iu each case the ballot was unanimous in favour , and in the latter , Bro . Dr . Hopkins gave ample testimony , having been intimately acquainted with him for when both resided in
many years Birmingham . The lodge was opened in the second degree . The Installing Master took the chair , and the retiring W . M . presented Bro . Henry Mozart Bartlett as AV . AI . elect . The ceremony of installation was conducted in the same manner and with precisely the same exactitude as at Torquay in the previous week . Bro . Brown ably presided at the organ , introducing a
portion of the music and chants recently published in the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE . The following were appointed and invested as officers during the ensuing year : —Bros . Capt . AA ulrond , I . P . M . ; G . Burden , S . W . ; Hallett , J . AV . ; Wedhorne , Treas . ; Blanch ford , Sec . ; R . Coles , S . D . ; Taylor , J . D . ; F . E . Tomes , I . G . ; Cotton and Richards , Stewards ; and Haggarty , Tyler . Before delivering the customary address to the AV . M ., ATardens , and brethrenthe Installing Master gave a special one to the
, I . P . M ., and also gave in detail the application of his jewel to the principles of Freemasonry . On the proposition of Bro . Capt . AValrond , I . P . M ., seconded by tho AV . M ., a unanimous vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Dr . Hopkins , for the able and impressive maimer in which he had worked the ceremony , and for the instruction he had communicated to the brethren by the special explanations inti which he had entered . A gentleman
was proposed by the AV . AI . as a candidate for initiation at the next meeting . -The lodge was finally closed by the new AV . AI ., at a quarter past four . Shortly after , the brethren re-assembled at the Queen ' s Hotel for the annual banquet , which was provided on a most liberal scale , and the room was tastefully and . Masonic-ally decorated . The W . M . was supported on his left bthe IPMand BroRichardsand on his right by the
y ... . , Installing Masters , Bros . Colletr , H . Bartlett , and Brown , who occupied tho cross table . All the accustomed honours were paid , complimentary speeches delivered , and mutual congratulations offered on the future prospects of the lodge . Of course a most agreeable evening was spent , for which the preparations had been very complete .
KENT . MAIXING ATHVEY , —Mailing Abbey Lodge , ( No . 1 , 035 ) . —The brethren of this lodge met on the 1 th inst ., at the Bear Inn , West . Mailing . Bro . AVulter Monckton , W . M . and P . G . S . D . presided , Air . Crnddoek Griffiths was balloted for and unanimously elected . The W . M . then in a very feeling manner and appropriate speech , presented Bro . I ! . Pearson , P . Af . 503 and P . Prov
G . D . with a Deacons' jewel as a testimonial of the esteem he is held by the brethren , and as an acknowledgement of the valueable services ho has rendered to the Lodge . Bro . Pearson in returning thanks , said lie hid before received from the brethren of the Mulling Abbey Lodgo what be considered one of the highest compliments that a lodge could bestow , viz ., that of beingelected an honorary member , that he had since the consecration of the lodge felt great interest in itand at all times when he
, could render any assistance it would g ive Mm great pleasure ; after such a handsome testimonial , bo should consider it his duty to help in any way his services could be useful . The lodge was then closed in the usual manner , and being the first meeting in tbe new year , a good gathering of the fraternity banqueted under the presidency of the W . M ., and a very pleasant evening was spent .