Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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LANCASHIRE ( TOST ) . AVAEEINGTON . — Lodge of Lights ( No . 148 ) . —The annual meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Monday , December 28 tb , in the Masonic Rooms , Sankey-street , at two o'clock in the afternoon , for the purpose of installing tho AV . M . elect , and -celebrating the Festival of St . John the Evangelist . The AV . M ., Bro . James Hepherdwas supportod bBros . D . AV . Fiuney
, y , S . AV ., AV . M . elect ; AA'illiam Mossop , J . AV . ; H . B . AVhite , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; John Bowes , P . Prov . G . Reg ., C . & AV . ; Rev . H . P . Stedman , Chap . ; AV . S . Hawkins , P . M . ; Pattison , Org . ; Dr . Cooper AA . AA oods , A . Huttmann , Thomas Domville , Horatio Syred , Joseph Maxflcld , P . M ., Ralph Johnson , James Johnson , James Hannah . Visitors : Bros . James Parr , jun ., AV . M . 1 . 213 ; E , C . Cooper , AA . M . 4 S 4 ; Capt . Mott , P . M . Prov . G . S . Deacon ; and P . J . Edlestein 1131 . The
, , , lodge was opened in due form , when the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge was opened in the second degree , when Bro . Bowes , P . M ., & c , took the chair of K . S ., and Bro . D . AA . Finney , S . AV . and W . M . elect , was presented by Bros . James Hepherd , AV . M ., and Capt . Mott , P . M ., & . c . The Presiding Master then addressed the candidate as to the nature of the qualifications of a Master of a lod after
ge , which Capt . Mott , as Sec , read the summary of the " Antient Charges and Regulations , " to which Bro . Finney gave his assent . The AAOI . elect then took the O . B . as regarded the government of the lodge . The lodge was then opened in tho 3 rd degree , when all brethren below the tank of P . M . retired , and Capt . Mott took the chair and opened a Board of Installed Musters , and the AV . M . elect was duly and solemnly installed in
the chair of K . S . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Hepherd was invested as I . P . M . The M . M . 's , F . C . ' s , and E . A . ' s were then regularly admitted according to ancient custom and with tbe usual honours . The AV . M . then appointed and invested the following brethren as officers for the ensuing year , viz . : —Bros . William Mossop , S . AV . ; AViUium Richardson , J . AV . ; Rev . H . P . ¦ Stedman , Chaplain ; H . B . AVhite , P . M ., & -., Treas . ; John Bowes , P . M ., & c , Sec ; AV . S . Hawkins , S . D . ; Dr . Cooper , J . D . ; Thomas M . Patlison , Org .: Thomas Domville , I . G . ; AV . AA oods and Thomas Jones , Stewards ; Jame 3 Johnson , Tylor . Capt . Mott delivered all the charges in his usual accurate and
impressive manner . As a small acknowledgement of the obligations of the lodge to Capt . Mott , he was elected an lion , member on the motion of Bro . Bowes , seconded by Bro . Hepherd . The auditors reported that the accounts were well and accurately kept . Bro . Sec . read a petition signed by certain brethren who wished to form a new lodge in AA arrington , to be called tho "Gilbert Greenall Lodge" and now asked the sanction and reommendation of the lod to the petition . On the motion of Bvo . Bowes it was
ge unanimously resolved— "that the petition just reid is approved , ¦ sanctioned , and recommended by this lodge , and that Bro . Sec . do forward the same to H . S . Alpass , Prov . G . Sec , in order that he may submit the same to the Prov . G . M . for approval . " 'The petition was then duly signed by the W . M . and officers . Tiro gentlemen were then proposed as candidates for initiation , and hearty good having been expressed for Nos . 211 , 4 S 1 , and 1
, 213 , and no further business being brought before the lodge , it was closed , and the brethren adjourned to Bro . Thorpe ' s to ¦ celebrate the Festival of St . John the Evangelist . Tho chair was occupied by the W . M . , Bro . D . AA . Finney , who was supported by R-AA ^ . Bro . Gilbert Greenall , P . M . " l 43 and P . G . S . AVarden of England , aud other influential brethren , members of No . 118 . The following toasts wore severally proposed and
responded to , after which the brethren separated in harmony : — •" The Queen—the daughter and niece of Masons , " "The Prince and Princess of AA ales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " " Army , Navy , Militin , Volunteers , and Royal Naval Reserve , ' proposed by the AV . M . "The M . AA' . G . AL , the R . W . D . G . M . and the Grand Lodge of England , " proposed by II . B . AVhite and responded to by Bro . Greenall , P . G . Warden of England . ¦" The Lieut
R . W . Prov . G . M . .-Col . Sir Thomas G . Fermor-Heskcth , Bart ., M . P . ; the R . W . D . Prov . G . M ., the Rt . Hon . Lord Skelmersdale ; and the Prov . G . L . of AVest Lancashire , " proposed by Bro . Bowes and seconded by Bro . II . B . White . "The Prov . Gt . M . 's of East Lancashire , Cheshire , and the neighbouring Provinces , " proposed by Bro . Hepherd and seconded by Bro . Bowes . " Bro . D . AV . FinneyAVM 148 "
, .. , proposed by Bro . Greenall and seeondod by the W . AI . "The P . M . ' s , Wardens , mid Officers of No . 148 , " proposed b y Bro . Stedman and seconded by Bro . Hepherd . "The Visiting-Brethren , " proposed by Bro . Hepherd and se onded by Bro . Purr , W . M , 1213 ., and Bro . E . C . Cooper , AV . M . IS 4 . "The
Masonic Charities , " proposed by the AV . M . "The Ladies , " proposed by Bro . Pearse . "To all poor and distressed Freemasons throughout the Globe , and speedy relief to them , " proposed by the Tyler . LANCASTER . —Zowleg Lodge , ( No . 1 , 051 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Athenteun ) , Lancasteron Monday evening the 4 th inst . The chair of K . S .
, was occupied by Bro , T . Mason , AV . M . who was supported by the following officers and brethren , AV . Bro . Dr . Moore , Prov . G . Supt , of AVorks , I . P . M . ; Bros . John Hatch , S . AV . 2 S 1 as S , AV . ; Mercer , J . AV . ; W . Barker , Treas . and S . D . ; Irvine , J . D . ; Rossal , Steward ; Taylor , I . G . ; AA ' atson , Tyler . AV . J . A . Baldwin , E . Baldwin and Armistead . The lodge was opened in due form , the minutes confirmed , and usual business transacted , Bro .
Armistead , E . A . having given proof of his proficiency in the first degree , was passed to the degree of F . C . by the I . P . M . The labour of tha lodge being ended , the lodge was closed according to ancient form .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LOD & E . A Provincial Grand Lodge meeting was bold on AVednesday , the 30 th ult ., the D . Prov . G . M ., Bro , Colonel Charles Lyne , presiding , the following P . G . officers being also present : —Bros . Pickford , P . G . S . AY . ; Middleton , P . G . J . AV . ; Rev . S . Fox , P . G . ChaplainRev . G . RobertsP . Prov . G . Chap . ; AV . Williams
-; , , P . G . Sec ; R , B . Evans , P . G . S . D . ; S . G . Homfray , P . G . J . D . ; B . Thomas , P . G . D . C ; H . J . Groves , P . G . Org . ; R , Bond , P . G . D . C ; J . Maddoeks , P . G . Sd . Br . ; J . Griffiths , P . G . Supt . of AVorks ; tho AV . M . and P . M . 471 ; Roper , Huxtable , AVatkins , P . G . Stewards ; L . T . Preeee , Tyler . The lodge having been opened in the usual form , the minutes of the last Provincial Grand Lodge , held at Monmouth , in
November , 1867 , were read and confirmed . The P . G . Treasurer ' s accounts wore produced , aud tho balance in hand iu favour of the Provincial Grand Lodge was found to be £ 130 15 s . 2 d . These accounts were then unanimously approved of , and Bro . Pickford was heartily complimented for taking care of the £ s . d . Bro . Pickford was unanimously re-elected Prov . G . Treas ., and Bro . Preeeeof Monmouththe Prov . G . Tyler for the
en-, , suing year . The Prov . G . Officers appointed in November , 1867 , were then all re-appointed , it being the wish of the Prov . G . M . that they should remain in office twelve months longer . The P . G . Secretary thou brought up the report of the P . G . L . Committee which caused an animated discussion , and the following sums were granted out of the P . G . L . funds , viz ., £ 5 5 s . Bro . Robert's testimonial ; £ ' 2 2 s . Newport Infirmary ; £ 2 2 s . Newport Ragged School ; £ 1 Is . Home for Female Penitents
£ 2 2 s . Boys' School , London ; £ 2 2 s . Girls' School , London ; £ 2 2 s . Aged and Decayed Freemasons' Fund ; £ 2 2 s . to a Mrs . AV . — ., of Commercial-road , Viewport , wife of a brother who died the other day at Abergavenny ; aud £ 5 towards the Masonic Lifeboat Fund . No money was voted to the charities at Monmouth , because £ 6 7 s . were given there exclusively in November , 1867 , and as no AY . M . from oifcber Tredegar or Abergavenny attended the meeting of the P . G . L . Committee , tho
brethren so assembled could not recommend any grants to charities in those towns , or they would have done so with very great pleasure . The P . G . Secretary for tho P . G . Registrar ( Bro . John Allan Rolls ) then handed in the list of members of each lodge in the province , duly enrolled in the register pursuant to the 11 th byla , w and the same having been examined was proclaimed highly satisfactory .
After some other ordinary unimportant business had been conducted , the Pruv . G . Lodge was duly closed , and the brethren proceeded to the banquet , which was held at tbe AVestgate Hotel , where Rro . Hallen catered in excellent style . About sixty of the Craft sat down , under the presidency of Bro . Col . Charles Lyne , D . Prov . G . M . Amongst those present we noticed Bros , the Rev . George Roberts , P . Prov . G . Chap . ; II . JParnallAVM 471 RevSFoxProvGChapand S . AV .
. , .., ; . . , . . , , 471 ; George Homfray , A \ . M ., 1 , 098 ; C . II . Oliver , P . M ., 471 ; AA . AVilliams , Prov . G . Sec ; S . Coombs , P . Prov . S . G . AA . ; B . Thomas , Prov . G . D . C . ; J . Maddoeks , Pvov . G . S . B . ; R . S . Roper , Prov- G . Steward ; J . Plullpotts , 457 ; C . Homfray , S . AV ., 1 , 09 S ; II . J . Gratte . J . W ., 471 ; Thomas AVilliams , AV . AI ., 6 S 3 ; J . Middleton , Prov . G . J . AA . ; AA . Pickford , Prov . G . Treus . ; Jacob James , 471 ; G . Fotherill , 471 ; J . S . Stone , 471 ; B . Powell ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LANCASHIRE ( TOST ) . AVAEEINGTON . — Lodge of Lights ( No . 148 ) . —The annual meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Monday , December 28 tb , in the Masonic Rooms , Sankey-street , at two o'clock in the afternoon , for the purpose of installing tho AV . M . elect , and -celebrating the Festival of St . John the Evangelist . The AV . M ., Bro . James Hepherdwas supportod bBros . D . AV . Fiuney
, y , S . AV ., AV . M . elect ; AA'illiam Mossop , J . AV . ; H . B . AVhite , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; John Bowes , P . Prov . G . Reg ., C . & AV . ; Rev . H . P . Stedman , Chap . ; AV . S . Hawkins , P . M . ; Pattison , Org . ; Dr . Cooper AA . AA oods , A . Huttmann , Thomas Domville , Horatio Syred , Joseph Maxflcld , P . M ., Ralph Johnson , James Johnson , James Hannah . Visitors : Bros . James Parr , jun ., AV . M . 1 . 213 ; E , C . Cooper , AA . M . 4 S 4 ; Capt . Mott , P . M . Prov . G . S . Deacon ; and P . J . Edlestein 1131 . The
, , , lodge was opened in due form , when the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge was opened in the second degree , when Bro . Bowes , P . M ., & c , took the chair of K . S ., and Bro . D . AA . Finney , S . AV . and W . M . elect , was presented by Bros . James Hepherd , AV . M ., and Capt . Mott , P . M ., & . c . The Presiding Master then addressed the candidate as to the nature of the qualifications of a Master of a lod after
ge , which Capt . Mott , as Sec , read the summary of the " Antient Charges and Regulations , " to which Bro . Finney gave his assent . The AAOI . elect then took the O . B . as regarded the government of the lodge . The lodge was then opened in tho 3 rd degree , when all brethren below the tank of P . M . retired , and Capt . Mott took the chair and opened a Board of Installed Musters , and the AV . M . elect was duly and solemnly installed in
the chair of K . S . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Hepherd was invested as I . P . M . The M . M . 's , F . C . ' s , and E . A . ' s were then regularly admitted according to ancient custom and with tbe usual honours . The AV . M . then appointed and invested the following brethren as officers for the ensuing year , viz . : —Bros . William Mossop , S . AV . ; AViUium Richardson , J . AV . ; Rev . H . P . ¦ Stedman , Chaplain ; H . B . AVhite , P . M ., & -., Treas . ; John Bowes , P . M ., & c , Sec ; AV . S . Hawkins , S . D . ; Dr . Cooper , J . D . ; Thomas M . Patlison , Org .: Thomas Domville , I . G . ; AV . AA oods and Thomas Jones , Stewards ; Jame 3 Johnson , Tylor . Capt . Mott delivered all the charges in his usual accurate and
impressive manner . As a small acknowledgement of the obligations of the lodge to Capt . Mott , he was elected an lion , member on the motion of Bro . Bowes , seconded by Bro . Hepherd . The auditors reported that the accounts were well and accurately kept . Bro . Sec . read a petition signed by certain brethren who wished to form a new lodge in AA arrington , to be called tho "Gilbert Greenall Lodge" and now asked the sanction and reommendation of the lod to the petition . On the motion of Bvo . Bowes it was
ge unanimously resolved— "that the petition just reid is approved , ¦ sanctioned , and recommended by this lodge , and that Bro . Sec . do forward the same to H . S . Alpass , Prov . G . Sec , in order that he may submit the same to the Prov . G . M . for approval . " 'The petition was then duly signed by the W . M . and officers . Tiro gentlemen were then proposed as candidates for initiation , and hearty good having been expressed for Nos . 211 , 4 S 1 , and 1
, 213 , and no further business being brought before the lodge , it was closed , and the brethren adjourned to Bro . Thorpe ' s to ¦ celebrate the Festival of St . John the Evangelist . Tho chair was occupied by the W . M . , Bro . D . AA . Finney , who was supported by R-AA ^ . Bro . Gilbert Greenall , P . M . " l 43 and P . G . S . AVarden of England , aud other influential brethren , members of No . 118 . The following toasts wore severally proposed and
responded to , after which the brethren separated in harmony : — •" The Queen—the daughter and niece of Masons , " "The Prince and Princess of AA ales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " " Army , Navy , Militin , Volunteers , and Royal Naval Reserve , ' proposed by the AV . M . "The M . AA' . G . AL , the R . W . D . G . M . and the Grand Lodge of England , " proposed by II . B . AVhite and responded to by Bro . Greenall , P . G . Warden of England . ¦" The Lieut
R . W . Prov . G . M . .-Col . Sir Thomas G . Fermor-Heskcth , Bart ., M . P . ; the R . W . D . Prov . G . M ., the Rt . Hon . Lord Skelmersdale ; and the Prov . G . L . of AVest Lancashire , " proposed by Bro . Bowes and seconded by Bro . II . B . White . "The Prov . Gt . M . 's of East Lancashire , Cheshire , and the neighbouring Provinces , " proposed by Bro . Hepherd and seconded by Bro . Bowes . " Bro . D . AV . FinneyAVM 148 "
, .. , proposed by Bro . Greenall and seeondod by the W . AI . "The P . M . ' s , Wardens , mid Officers of No . 148 , " proposed b y Bro . Stedman and seconded by Bro . Hepherd . "The Visiting-Brethren , " proposed by Bro . Hepherd and se onded by Bro . Purr , W . M , 1213 ., and Bro . E . C . Cooper , AV . M . IS 4 . "The
Masonic Charities , " proposed by the AV . M . "The Ladies , " proposed by Bro . Pearse . "To all poor and distressed Freemasons throughout the Globe , and speedy relief to them , " proposed by the Tyler . LANCASTER . —Zowleg Lodge , ( No . 1 , 051 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Athenteun ) , Lancasteron Monday evening the 4 th inst . The chair of K . S .
, was occupied by Bro , T . Mason , AV . M . who was supported by the following officers and brethren , AV . Bro . Dr . Moore , Prov . G . Supt , of AVorks , I . P . M . ; Bros . John Hatch , S . AV . 2 S 1 as S , AV . ; Mercer , J . AV . ; W . Barker , Treas . and S . D . ; Irvine , J . D . ; Rossal , Steward ; Taylor , I . G . ; AA ' atson , Tyler . AV . J . A . Baldwin , E . Baldwin and Armistead . The lodge was opened in due form , the minutes confirmed , and usual business transacted , Bro .
Armistead , E . A . having given proof of his proficiency in the first degree , was passed to the degree of F . C . by the I . P . M . The labour of tha lodge being ended , the lodge was closed according to ancient form .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LOD & E . A Provincial Grand Lodge meeting was bold on AVednesday , the 30 th ult ., the D . Prov . G . M ., Bro , Colonel Charles Lyne , presiding , the following P . G . officers being also present : —Bros . Pickford , P . G . S . AY . ; Middleton , P . G . J . AV . ; Rev . S . Fox , P . G . ChaplainRev . G . RobertsP . Prov . G . Chap . ; AV . Williams
-; , , P . G . Sec ; R , B . Evans , P . G . S . D . ; S . G . Homfray , P . G . J . D . ; B . Thomas , P . G . D . C ; H . J . Groves , P . G . Org . ; R , Bond , P . G . D . C ; J . Maddoeks , P . G . Sd . Br . ; J . Griffiths , P . G . Supt . of AVorks ; tho AV . M . and P . M . 471 ; Roper , Huxtable , AVatkins , P . G . Stewards ; L . T . Preeee , Tyler . The lodge having been opened in the usual form , the minutes of the last Provincial Grand Lodge , held at Monmouth , in
November , 1867 , were read and confirmed . The P . G . Treasurer ' s accounts wore produced , aud tho balance in hand iu favour of the Provincial Grand Lodge was found to be £ 130 15 s . 2 d . These accounts were then unanimously approved of , and Bro . Pickford was heartily complimented for taking care of the £ s . d . Bro . Pickford was unanimously re-elected Prov . G . Treas ., and Bro . Preeeeof Monmouththe Prov . G . Tyler for the
en-, , suing year . The Prov . G . Officers appointed in November , 1867 , were then all re-appointed , it being the wish of the Prov . G . M . that they should remain in office twelve months longer . The P . G . Secretary thou brought up the report of the P . G . L . Committee which caused an animated discussion , and the following sums were granted out of the P . G . L . funds , viz ., £ 5 5 s . Bro . Robert's testimonial ; £ ' 2 2 s . Newport Infirmary ; £ 2 2 s . Newport Ragged School ; £ 1 Is . Home for Female Penitents
£ 2 2 s . Boys' School , London ; £ 2 2 s . Girls' School , London ; £ 2 2 s . Aged and Decayed Freemasons' Fund ; £ 2 2 s . to a Mrs . AV . — ., of Commercial-road , Viewport , wife of a brother who died the other day at Abergavenny ; aud £ 5 towards the Masonic Lifeboat Fund . No money was voted to the charities at Monmouth , because £ 6 7 s . were given there exclusively in November , 1867 , and as no AY . M . from oifcber Tredegar or Abergavenny attended the meeting of the P . G . L . Committee , tho
brethren so assembled could not recommend any grants to charities in those towns , or they would have done so with very great pleasure . The P . G . Secretary for tho P . G . Registrar ( Bro . John Allan Rolls ) then handed in the list of members of each lodge in the province , duly enrolled in the register pursuant to the 11 th byla , w and the same having been examined was proclaimed highly satisfactory .
After some other ordinary unimportant business had been conducted , the Pruv . G . Lodge was duly closed , and the brethren proceeded to the banquet , which was held at tbe AVestgate Hotel , where Rro . Hallen catered in excellent style . About sixty of the Craft sat down , under the presidency of Bro . Col . Charles Lyne , D . Prov . G . M . Amongst those present we noticed Bros , the Rev . George Roberts , P . Prov . G . Chap . ; II . JParnallAVM 471 RevSFoxProvGChapand S . AV .
. , .., ; . . , . . , , 471 ; George Homfray , A \ . M ., 1 , 098 ; C . II . Oliver , P . M ., 471 ; AA . AVilliams , Prov . G . Sec ; S . Coombs , P . Prov . S . G . AA . ; B . Thomas , Prov . G . D . C . ; J . Maddoeks , Pvov . G . S . B . ; R . S . Roper , Prov- G . Steward ; J . Plullpotts , 457 ; C . Homfray , S . AV ., 1 , 09 S ; II . J . Gratte . J . W ., 471 ; Thomas AVilliams , AV . AI ., 6 S 3 ; J . Middleton , Prov . G . J . AA . ; AA . Pickford , Prov . G . Treus . ; Jacob James , 471 ; G . Fotherill , 471 ; J . S . Stone , 471 ; B . Powell ,