Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 5 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 5 of 5 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 3 →
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enter the Grand Lodge above , but he would not say that every good Brahmin and every good Mahometan should not enter . He wished them to feel how wide , how great was the feeling of Masonry . The reverend brother concluded by again warmly thanking the craft for the distinguished honour paid to him . Song by Bro . Groves ; " The A'illage Blacksmith . " "The " immediate P . M . 471 , Bro . Oliver , and all tho fiber P . M . ' s . "
Bro . Ol ' ver suitably returned thanks . "The Alsitors" was acknowledged by two seafaring brethren , nnd hy Bro . AA ybert Rousby , who " set the tiible in a roar" by relating a characteristic anecdote . "The AA . M ., aud Brethren of each of the other Lodges in the Province , " responded to by Bros . Thomas AA illiams , AV . AI . Iscii , and George Homfray , AA . M . St . George's . Bro . Rev . Georae Roberts proposedin hihly complimentary
, g terms , "The health of Bro . John Phillpotts , " with thanks to him for his excellent songs . Bro . Phillpotts suitably acknowledged the compliment . The following toasts were also proposed and responded to . By Bro . Evans , " The Governors of the Masonic Hall ; " by Bro . Parnall , " The Principals and Companions of the Chapter 471 ;" hy Bro . Pickford , "The Masonic Charities ; " by Bro . AA ade ,
" The Ladies ; " by Bro . Roper , " The Press ; " by Bro . T . AA illiams , " The President , " Bro . AV . Williams , P . G . Secretary ; " ( Song "b y Bro . George Fothergill , "Tell me what the Mill doth say ; " ) "b y the Tyler , " To all Poor and Distressed Brothers , " & c , & c . Tbe company separated after a most fraternal and delightful evening .
NEWPORT . —Silurian Lodge , ( No . 471 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of the members of this lodge , took place at the Masonic Hall , Dock-street , on AA ednesday , the 6 th inst ., the new AV . AI . Bro . H . J . Parnall in the chair . Considering that this was the first meeting after the installation on the 30 th ult ., there was a large attendance of members of the Craft , and on the dais , -we noticed several P . M . ' s , the Chaplain and Secretary . The minutes of the lodges bold on tbe 2 nd and 30 th December , 186 S , having been read and confirmed , the ballot took place for Mr . Thomas Smith , mill manager , at the Blaesnafor Iron AA orks ,
aged 37 , and the tongue of good report having been heard in his favour , he was unanimously admitted and immediately initiated . \ A e hear this is the precursor of several gentlemen from the hills being admitted , and that it is intended as soon as possible to open a new lodge cither at Blaentigon or Pontypool . AA e wish them every success , and if they will put themselves in the hands of the Newport brethren , there are several in the town who can and will bring tho matter to a successful
issue . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , and Bro . A iue passed to the degree of a F . C ., after which tbe lodge was closed down . Bro . R . B . Evans , P . M ., in an exhaustive speech , proposed pursuant to notice given early in December , "That the by-laws be altered by fixing the day of meeting on the 1 st Friday in every month , instead of the 1 st AA eduescV . iy as heretofore . " This having been seconded by P . AI . B . Thomas ;
the matter was thoroughly discussed . The S . AV . and J . D . being for postponing the propositions fur another month . The S . D . was for putting off the alteration until the end of the year , because all the new Masonic pocket books nnd almanacks were now printed , with the days of meeting on the 1 st AA ednesday in them , and if the date was now altered , brethren from a distance would be disappointed on arriving to the town , whilst the librariean urged the alteration to Friday , on the ground that
mid week services in churches and chapels in Newport , were held on a Wednesday , and many brethren would prefer going there if they had no lod ^ e the same evening . The organist . pro tem ., said the alteration would materially afi ' ect the organist B . io . Groves who hid a very large private practice , and had pecially made all his arrangements so that he should be able to ttend on tbe 1 st , Wednesday . In reply Bro . Evans said there were a great many brothers who were commercial travellers ,
who lived in the town , who returned home on Fridays , and could and would attend if the day were altered . P . M . Combs , said , if they were to fix on any other day , it would not suit everybody , and he cordially supported the alteration . On tho matter being put to the vote , Bro . Evan ' s motion was carried unanimously . The secretary was then directed to take the necessary steps to carry this resolution into effect , and as the same must be confirmed at the lodgo meeting in Fehruary , and afterwards approved of by the Provincial Grand Master , there will be no chance of the new law coming into operation for two or three
months . The secretary then gave notice that he would at the next meetingmove , " that two P . M . ' s jewels be purchase ! , one to be presented to P . M . Bro . Thomas , the other to P . M . C . II . Oliver . It was then proposed that the sum of two guineas he given to the Masonic Lifeboat Fund , this with £ 5 voted on the 30 th ult . by the Provincial Grand Lodge will make £ 7 2 s . and the Treas . Bro . Pickford confidently expects to be able to make up the amount to £ 10 at the least . To all lodges we say " do
the like . " The librarian reported he had over £ 7 in band unproductive when it was proposed , seconded , and carried " that P . M . Oliver and tho librarian do report what hooks they have in the library , and what they would recommend to he purchased with the view to the same being ordered at the next meeting . " The secretary brought up the address of congratulation to P . M . Hellyer on bis happy marriage , which was read and highly
approved of ; we regret we have not room this week for a copy but it will appear in another weeks' paper . The AA . M . stated lie had received an invite to attend the installation of Bro . Fisher as AV . AI . Saint George's Lodge , 1 . 09 S , Tredegar , on the 14 th and would be happy if some of the brethren would go with him . The installation of Bro . Bnssell as AA " . M . of the Isca , Lodge , 6 S 3 , is also fixed for January the 20 tb , at 7
Newport AAe find we have oaimitted unintentionally to state that the initiation and passing by the new AA . M . Bro . Parnall were most correctly rendered , and were the theme of universal admiration , we augur fortbat worthy brothor , a prosperous Masonic year of office , being assured by those capable of judging that the working not only of the old Silurian 471 , but also of the Isca Lodge , 683 , are the very best out of London , visitors are always received cordially , courteously and fraternally , and to brethren coining to Newport , we say , " go and see , and iudtre for yourselves . "
GLASGOAA . GLASGOW . —Lodge of Glasgow St . John ( No . 3 bis . ) The meeting was held on the 5 th inst ., in the Hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , Bro . Baird , R . AA . M ., in the chair . Bro . M . Millar , S . AV . ; Bro . McAulay , J . AA . ; and a considerable number of the brethren present . The minutes of the last meeting were read and , with some corrections , passed . Nomination of Inner
Guard to be put on card for next meeting . The R . AA . M . in alluding to the lamented death of our Prov . G . M ., Bro . Capt . Speirs , M . P ., who , although so young , had been suddenly called from amongst us , proposed that an address of consolation be sent to his widow , which was seconded by the P . M ., Bro . T . Ramsay . Bro . Buchan desired to sympathise with the intentions of the motion . —Unlike bis predecessorBro . Sir A . Alisonwho was
, , not taken from us until ho had reached a ripe old age . Bro . Speirs is suddenly cut down in all the full bloom and vigour of his youthful manhood , reminding us of the words of the poet" There is a reaper whose name is Death , And , with his sickle keen , He reaps the bearded grain at a breath , And the flowers that lie between . "
Lntil a lew days ago it might have been said of our Prov . G . M . that he possessed all that could make life joyous and pleasantyouth , position , wealth , and a noble career beforo him . But now the place that so lately knew him shall know him no more for ever . To look back upon it , how short seems the time since he cat at our festive board and presided over us ! I can almost imagine I hear his words still ringing in my cars , — " I hope you will not find your last and youngest brother less willing or less
able to assist you than any other member . " He was , as our roll of members shows , the last link of 1867 . AAliile , therefore , the province has lost its Master , our broken chain tells us we have lost a brother . Therefore , in communicating with his sorrowing widow , say how much we esteemed and loved him ; tell her we would mingle our tears with hers , for she has lost a husband , and we a friend and brother . Lost ! did I say ? Nay ! for if 'twere so what were life ? Hope—that briht step in our
g Masonic ladder—says nay ! The teaching of our sublime Master Mason degree says nay ! ' There is no death ! what seems so is transition ; This life of mortal breath Is but a suburb of the life elysiau , AVhose portal wo call Death . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
enter the Grand Lodge above , but he would not say that every good Brahmin and every good Mahometan should not enter . He wished them to feel how wide , how great was the feeling of Masonry . The reverend brother concluded by again warmly thanking the craft for the distinguished honour paid to him . Song by Bro . Groves ; " The A'illage Blacksmith . " "The " immediate P . M . 471 , Bro . Oliver , and all tho fiber P . M . ' s . "
Bro . Ol ' ver suitably returned thanks . "The Alsitors" was acknowledged by two seafaring brethren , nnd hy Bro . AA ybert Rousby , who " set the tiible in a roar" by relating a characteristic anecdote . "The AA . M ., aud Brethren of each of the other Lodges in the Province , " responded to by Bros . Thomas AA illiams , AV . AI . Iscii , and George Homfray , AA . M . St . George's . Bro . Rev . Georae Roberts proposedin hihly complimentary
, g terms , "The health of Bro . John Phillpotts , " with thanks to him for his excellent songs . Bro . Phillpotts suitably acknowledged the compliment . The following toasts were also proposed and responded to . By Bro . Evans , " The Governors of the Masonic Hall ; " by Bro . Parnall , " The Principals and Companions of the Chapter 471 ;" hy Bro . Pickford , "The Masonic Charities ; " by Bro . AA ade ,
" The Ladies ; " by Bro . Roper , " The Press ; " by Bro . T . AA illiams , " The President , " Bro . AV . Williams , P . G . Secretary ; " ( Song "b y Bro . George Fothergill , "Tell me what the Mill doth say ; " ) "b y the Tyler , " To all Poor and Distressed Brothers , " & c , & c . Tbe company separated after a most fraternal and delightful evening .
NEWPORT . —Silurian Lodge , ( No . 471 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of the members of this lodge , took place at the Masonic Hall , Dock-street , on AA ednesday , the 6 th inst ., the new AV . AI . Bro . H . J . Parnall in the chair . Considering that this was the first meeting after the installation on the 30 th ult ., there was a large attendance of members of the Craft , and on the dais , -we noticed several P . M . ' s , the Chaplain and Secretary . The minutes of the lodges bold on tbe 2 nd and 30 th December , 186 S , having been read and confirmed , the ballot took place for Mr . Thomas Smith , mill manager , at the Blaesnafor Iron AA orks ,
aged 37 , and the tongue of good report having been heard in his favour , he was unanimously admitted and immediately initiated . \ A e hear this is the precursor of several gentlemen from the hills being admitted , and that it is intended as soon as possible to open a new lodge cither at Blaentigon or Pontypool . AA e wish them every success , and if they will put themselves in the hands of the Newport brethren , there are several in the town who can and will bring tho matter to a successful
issue . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , and Bro . A iue passed to the degree of a F . C ., after which tbe lodge was closed down . Bro . R . B . Evans , P . M ., in an exhaustive speech , proposed pursuant to notice given early in December , "That the by-laws be altered by fixing the day of meeting on the 1 st Friday in every month , instead of the 1 st AA eduescV . iy as heretofore . " This having been seconded by P . AI . B . Thomas ;
the matter was thoroughly discussed . The S . AV . and J . D . being for postponing the propositions fur another month . The S . D . was for putting off the alteration until the end of the year , because all the new Masonic pocket books nnd almanacks were now printed , with the days of meeting on the 1 st AA ednesday in them , and if the date was now altered , brethren from a distance would be disappointed on arriving to the town , whilst the librariean urged the alteration to Friday , on the ground that
mid week services in churches and chapels in Newport , were held on a Wednesday , and many brethren would prefer going there if they had no lod ^ e the same evening . The organist . pro tem ., said the alteration would materially afi ' ect the organist B . io . Groves who hid a very large private practice , and had pecially made all his arrangements so that he should be able to ttend on tbe 1 st , Wednesday . In reply Bro . Evans said there were a great many brothers who were commercial travellers ,
who lived in the town , who returned home on Fridays , and could and would attend if the day were altered . P . M . Combs , said , if they were to fix on any other day , it would not suit everybody , and he cordially supported the alteration . On tho matter being put to the vote , Bro . Evan ' s motion was carried unanimously . The secretary was then directed to take the necessary steps to carry this resolution into effect , and as the same must be confirmed at the lodgo meeting in Fehruary , and afterwards approved of by the Provincial Grand Master , there will be no chance of the new law coming into operation for two or three
months . The secretary then gave notice that he would at the next meetingmove , " that two P . M . ' s jewels be purchase ! , one to be presented to P . M . Bro . Thomas , the other to P . M . C . II . Oliver . It was then proposed that the sum of two guineas he given to the Masonic Lifeboat Fund , this with £ 5 voted on the 30 th ult . by the Provincial Grand Lodge will make £ 7 2 s . and the Treas . Bro . Pickford confidently expects to be able to make up the amount to £ 10 at the least . To all lodges we say " do
the like . " The librarian reported he had over £ 7 in band unproductive when it was proposed , seconded , and carried " that P . M . Oliver and tho librarian do report what hooks they have in the library , and what they would recommend to he purchased with the view to the same being ordered at the next meeting . " The secretary brought up the address of congratulation to P . M . Hellyer on bis happy marriage , which was read and highly
approved of ; we regret we have not room this week for a copy but it will appear in another weeks' paper . The AA . M . stated lie had received an invite to attend the installation of Bro . Fisher as AV . AI . Saint George's Lodge , 1 . 09 S , Tredegar , on the 14 th and would be happy if some of the brethren would go with him . The installation of Bro . Bnssell as AA " . M . of the Isca , Lodge , 6 S 3 , is also fixed for January the 20 tb , at 7
Newport AAe find we have oaimitted unintentionally to state that the initiation and passing by the new AA . M . Bro . Parnall were most correctly rendered , and were the theme of universal admiration , we augur fortbat worthy brothor , a prosperous Masonic year of office , being assured by those capable of judging that the working not only of the old Silurian 471 , but also of the Isca Lodge , 683 , are the very best out of London , visitors are always received cordially , courteously and fraternally , and to brethren coining to Newport , we say , " go and see , and iudtre for yourselves . "
GLASGOAA . GLASGOW . —Lodge of Glasgow St . John ( No . 3 bis . ) The meeting was held on the 5 th inst ., in the Hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , Bro . Baird , R . AA . M ., in the chair . Bro . M . Millar , S . AV . ; Bro . McAulay , J . AA . ; and a considerable number of the brethren present . The minutes of the last meeting were read and , with some corrections , passed . Nomination of Inner
Guard to be put on card for next meeting . The R . AA . M . in alluding to the lamented death of our Prov . G . M ., Bro . Capt . Speirs , M . P ., who , although so young , had been suddenly called from amongst us , proposed that an address of consolation be sent to his widow , which was seconded by the P . M ., Bro . T . Ramsay . Bro . Buchan desired to sympathise with the intentions of the motion . —Unlike bis predecessorBro . Sir A . Alisonwho was
, , not taken from us until ho had reached a ripe old age . Bro . Speirs is suddenly cut down in all the full bloom and vigour of his youthful manhood , reminding us of the words of the poet" There is a reaper whose name is Death , And , with his sickle keen , He reaps the bearded grain at a breath , And the flowers that lie between . "
Lntil a lew days ago it might have been said of our Prov . G . M . that he possessed all that could make life joyous and pleasantyouth , position , wealth , and a noble career beforo him . But now the place that so lately knew him shall know him no more for ever . To look back upon it , how short seems the time since he cat at our festive board and presided over us ! I can almost imagine I hear his words still ringing in my cars , — " I hope you will not find your last and youngest brother less willing or less
able to assist you than any other member . " He was , as our roll of members shows , the last link of 1867 . AAliile , therefore , the province has lost its Master , our broken chain tells us we have lost a brother . Therefore , in communicating with his sorrowing widow , say how much we esteemed and loved him ; tell her we would mingle our tears with hers , for she has lost a husband , and we a friend and brother . Lost ! did I say ? Nay ! for if 'twere so what were life ? Hope—that briht step in our
g Masonic ladder—says nay ! The teaching of our sublime Master Mason degree says nay ! ' There is no death ! what seems so is transition ; This life of mortal breath Is but a suburb of the life elysiau , AVhose portal wo call Death . "