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as 'Chartered by Malcolm the Third , ' and as 'Chartered by Malcolm the Third' I was determined to leave it . Bro . Buchan then said : Seeing Bro . Ramsay has stated that he came up to-night with the express intention of proposing a vote of censure against me , il I acknowledged myself to be the author of this letter , I now admit being the author , not desiring to put any brother to any extra trouble on my account , so that Bro . Ramsay is now at liberty at once to carry out his
intentions . Some remarks now passed as to convening a special meeting , to which Bro- Buchan was to be summoned to answer to the statements made in his letter , when Bro . Ramsay said , that if Bro . Buchan would retract , or make apology for , the statement in his letter—the said apology to be published—that might , perhaps , he sufficient . Bro . Buchan said he would make no retraction ofor apology
, for , the statements , seeing facts weie facts , and he considered these to be merely true historical data , which he would stand by until it was fairly proved that any of them were wrong ; further , he considered the course at present being adopted , an unwarrantable interference with the liberty of the press . Iu his letter he had " no intention of injuring tho lodgo or the members , but desired to discover the truth . Ho considered the holding on to
" Malcolm the Third" made a fool of the lodge , and if the brethren would only view the thing in its proper light , instead of injuring the lodge , this matter , if handled in a proper Masonic and gentlemanly maimer , would ultimately- redound to its honour . Bro . Ramsay then said he would now write out such a letter of apology as he thought Bro . Buchan ought to signbut if he
, would not do so , the lodge would then consider what should be done . Bro . Ramsay , however , not being able to do it then to his satisfaction , he was allowed time to do so . The names of several new candidates were then given in , and the lodge was immediately- after closed in due form .
ARMAGH . POETADOIVN . —Masonic Lodges ( Nos . S 2 and 219 ) . —As St . John ' s Day fell upon the last Saturday of last year , these lodges met on Monday , the 2 Sth ult ,, at six o ' clock , in the Masonic Rooms , for the purpose of installing officers , & c . Bro . M . B . Birney was then installed ns AV . M . of 82 , and Bro . G . AAllson as AA . M . of 219 . One gentleman being in attendance , after
being duly balloted for , was initiated into the mysteries oi Masonry in the first degree in lodge 219 . The lodges then adjourned from labour to refreshment to the Imperial Hotel , where a sumptuous dinner was provided in Mrs . Hall ' s best style to the two lodges , who had agreed to dine together on this occasion , thus giviug evidence of the fraternal feelings which actuates the members of our ancient Craft . After the usual loyal and Masonic toastsand remembering our poor and
dis-, tressed brethren , the members separated in peace and harmony highly delighted with the evening's proceedings . DOWN . NEWRY . —Jselson Lodge ( No . 18 ) . —The Anniversary of ( St . John . —On Tuesday evening , 27 th ult ., tho members of this lodge met at their lodge roomsat the Savings BankNewryto
, , , install the officers of the lodge for tho ensuing six months . The following members of the lodge were present : —Bros . Henry AA . AYaliace , AA . M . ; Henry G . Henderson , S . W . and See ; G . G . Black , i . Vf ., ; J . C . Brady , S . D . ; Capt , W . H . Graves , J . D . ; James F . Erskine , Treas ., , T . P . ; E . W . Thomson , I . G . ; John Q . uinn Henry , J . P . ; John Ellis ; J . L . Devenish-Meares , C . E . ; James Alexander Henderson , J . P . ; A Stanley Can-, T .
Corry , J . Gordon , John Moore , J . P ., and Robert McBlnin . Alsiting brethren present—Henry G . Brooke , J . D . Crawford , H . D ., and Frank A . Potterton . The lodge being opened in due form , the newly-elected officers were installed and saluted according to ancient custom . The business of the meeting having been transacted , the lodge was closed . The brethren then adjourned to the dining-room , where a comfortable repast was
provided by Mrs . Aleek , of Noi th-strect . The chair was occupied by the AV . AI ., Henry AVoodhousc-Wallacc , and the vicechair by the P . Af ., John Quinn Henry , J . P . After dinner the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given from the chair , and
received with enthusiasm . The health of the visiting brethren was proposed and drank with Masonic honours . During the evening several excellent songs were sung , and the brethren separated at an early hour , in peace , love , and harmony . LONDONDERRY AND DONEGAL . BtJKDOHAN . — Lodge of Industry ( No . 129 ) . —St . John ' s Day
falling last year on Saturday , the brethren met on Tuesday ,, the 29 th Dec , to celebrate that feast , and to install the AV . M . elect aud officers . Bro . E . R . Caro'in was installed AA . M ., and the Bros . Hamilton and Johnston , S . and J . W . respectively . After all business had been transacted , the brethren adjourned to the Coterie Hotel , where a superb banquet was provided for them by the proprietor , Bro . AV . A . Graydon . The room was
tastefully decorated with evergreens and artistically wrought devices . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the brethren separated highly gratified with their entertainment . LONDONDERRY . —Provincial Grand Masters' Lodge ( No . 52 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Rooms , Straud-road , on the 2 nd inst ., for the installation of officers , and to pass Bro . G . A . IC . Skipton , 22 nd Regt . The
attendance was ' small ; those present were , Bros . John Muun , AV . M . ; James Skipton , S . W . ; C . Skipton , P . M ., Sec ; J . T . Haslett , P . M ., Treas . ; C . A . Smyth , S . D . ; W . E . Scott , P . M ., D . Prov . G . M . elect ; Major Blackall , J . D . Act . ; Dr . E . Smith , Prov . G . Sec ; Achisou AV . Smyth , 127 , J . AV . Act . ; and G . D . Christie , 196 , I . G . Act . Bro . Skipton being iu attendance , was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft by Bro . E . Smith , Prov . G . Sec . After which the D . Prov . G . M . elect installed Bro . James Skipton , S . W ., as AV . M . ; Charles A . Smyth , S . D ., as J . \ A . ; and C . Skipton , Sec . The lodge was then closed ,
MIDLAND COUNTIES . ABBETXETX . — Queen ' s County Lodge ( No . 402 ) . —This lodge ) held its installation dinner on tbe 2 Sth Dec . The AA . Master for the ensuing six months , Bro . Maxwell , filled the chair with great dignity , and was ably assis ' ed by the S . A \ ., Bro . Finnegau ,. and the J . AA ., Bro . Morris . The visiting brethren were : — Bros . Baird and AA ilsonEnthdowney Lod 150 ; Black
, ge , , Dublin , 100 ; and Griffith , Duvrew , 646 . When the cloth was removed the usual loyal toasts and various Masonic sentiments were given ; several songs were also sung with considerable taste . After enjoying an excellent dinner and a pleasing evening's entertainment , the brethren separated with " Peace , Love , and Harmony . "
WEXFORD . Wr . XT-onv . —Trite Blue Lodge ( No . 935 ) . —The members of this old and prosperous lodge assembled at high noon , on the 28 th Dec . iu their Rooms , Abbey-street , when the AV . M . elect , and his officers having been duly installed and saluted according to ancient form , the brethren adjourned to the Towu Hall , placed at their disposal with his usual courtesy by the mayor , the Riht AA orshiful Joseph S . Wadd to celebrate at six
g p y , o ' clock , p . m ., the anniversary of St . John . The usual loyal and charter toavts were received with the accustomed honours on the occasion , and grateful testimony b ; rne by enlightened Craftsmen to the antiquity and Catholicity of nn Order which dignifies royalty itself and ranks among its adherents a majority of the truly great and good in almost every laud . Passing allusion , too , was made to tbe philanthropic aud benevolent principles of
Masonry evidenced as well by its numerous educational establishments and charitable institutions as by its private contributions towards the relief uf distress . It was felt that—as " Peace on earth and good will toward men" becomes more widely extended , so , Freemasonry being the noblest synonym for the Christian watchword will be more thoroughly appreciated not only by tho members of the Craft , but by those who have the misfortune to " walk in darkness . " In this ago of division , it must be
hailed as a pleasant sight , and an earnest rf the " good time coming , " to witness gentlemen realizing their position as children of the same Father , and expectants of the same home , merging their differences , political and religious , and filled with a portion of His spirit whose tender mercies are over all His works , becomingly cherishing those kindly feelings implanted in our nature by the Great Architect of the Universe , and under the most solemn sanctions pledging themselves mutuall y to support each other in the pilgrimage of life . An interesting feature of the evening was the presentation of a valuable
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
as 'Chartered by Malcolm the Third , ' and as 'Chartered by Malcolm the Third' I was determined to leave it . Bro . Buchan then said : Seeing Bro . Ramsay has stated that he came up to-night with the express intention of proposing a vote of censure against me , il I acknowledged myself to be the author of this letter , I now admit being the author , not desiring to put any brother to any extra trouble on my account , so that Bro . Ramsay is now at liberty at once to carry out his
intentions . Some remarks now passed as to convening a special meeting , to which Bro- Buchan was to be summoned to answer to the statements made in his letter , when Bro . Ramsay said , that if Bro . Buchan would retract , or make apology for , the statement in his letter—the said apology to be published—that might , perhaps , he sufficient . Bro . Buchan said he would make no retraction ofor apology
, for , the statements , seeing facts weie facts , and he considered these to be merely true historical data , which he would stand by until it was fairly proved that any of them were wrong ; further , he considered the course at present being adopted , an unwarrantable interference with the liberty of the press . Iu his letter he had " no intention of injuring tho lodgo or the members , but desired to discover the truth . Ho considered the holding on to
" Malcolm the Third" made a fool of the lodge , and if the brethren would only view the thing in its proper light , instead of injuring the lodge , this matter , if handled in a proper Masonic and gentlemanly maimer , would ultimately- redound to its honour . Bro . Ramsay then said he would now write out such a letter of apology as he thought Bro . Buchan ought to signbut if he
, would not do so , the lodge would then consider what should be done . Bro . Ramsay , however , not being able to do it then to his satisfaction , he was allowed time to do so . The names of several new candidates were then given in , and the lodge was immediately- after closed in due form .
ARMAGH . POETADOIVN . —Masonic Lodges ( Nos . S 2 and 219 ) . —As St . John ' s Day fell upon the last Saturday of last year , these lodges met on Monday , the 2 Sth ult ,, at six o ' clock , in the Masonic Rooms , for the purpose of installing officers , & c . Bro . M . B . Birney was then installed ns AV . M . of 82 , and Bro . G . AAllson as AA . M . of 219 . One gentleman being in attendance , after
being duly balloted for , was initiated into the mysteries oi Masonry in the first degree in lodge 219 . The lodges then adjourned from labour to refreshment to the Imperial Hotel , where a sumptuous dinner was provided in Mrs . Hall ' s best style to the two lodges , who had agreed to dine together on this occasion , thus giviug evidence of the fraternal feelings which actuates the members of our ancient Craft . After the usual loyal and Masonic toastsand remembering our poor and
dis-, tressed brethren , the members separated in peace and harmony highly delighted with the evening's proceedings . DOWN . NEWRY . —Jselson Lodge ( No . 18 ) . —The Anniversary of ( St . John . —On Tuesday evening , 27 th ult ., tho members of this lodge met at their lodge roomsat the Savings BankNewryto
, , , install the officers of the lodge for tho ensuing six months . The following members of the lodge were present : —Bros . Henry AA . AYaliace , AA . M . ; Henry G . Henderson , S . W . and See ; G . G . Black , i . Vf ., ; J . C . Brady , S . D . ; Capt , W . H . Graves , J . D . ; James F . Erskine , Treas ., , T . P . ; E . W . Thomson , I . G . ; John Q . uinn Henry , J . P . ; John Ellis ; J . L . Devenish-Meares , C . E . ; James Alexander Henderson , J . P . ; A Stanley Can-, T .
Corry , J . Gordon , John Moore , J . P ., and Robert McBlnin . Alsiting brethren present—Henry G . Brooke , J . D . Crawford , H . D ., and Frank A . Potterton . The lodge being opened in due form , the newly-elected officers were installed and saluted according to ancient custom . The business of the meeting having been transacted , the lodge was closed . The brethren then adjourned to the dining-room , where a comfortable repast was
provided by Mrs . Aleek , of Noi th-strect . The chair was occupied by the AV . AI ., Henry AVoodhousc-Wallacc , and the vicechair by the P . Af ., John Quinn Henry , J . P . After dinner the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given from the chair , and
received with enthusiasm . The health of the visiting brethren was proposed and drank with Masonic honours . During the evening several excellent songs were sung , and the brethren separated at an early hour , in peace , love , and harmony . LONDONDERRY AND DONEGAL . BtJKDOHAN . — Lodge of Industry ( No . 129 ) . —St . John ' s Day
falling last year on Saturday , the brethren met on Tuesday ,, the 29 th Dec , to celebrate that feast , and to install the AV . M . elect aud officers . Bro . E . R . Caro'in was installed AA . M ., and the Bros . Hamilton and Johnston , S . and J . W . respectively . After all business had been transacted , the brethren adjourned to the Coterie Hotel , where a superb banquet was provided for them by the proprietor , Bro . AV . A . Graydon . The room was
tastefully decorated with evergreens and artistically wrought devices . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the brethren separated highly gratified with their entertainment . LONDONDERRY . —Provincial Grand Masters' Lodge ( No . 52 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Rooms , Straud-road , on the 2 nd inst ., for the installation of officers , and to pass Bro . G . A . IC . Skipton , 22 nd Regt . The
attendance was ' small ; those present were , Bros . John Muun , AV . M . ; James Skipton , S . W . ; C . Skipton , P . M ., Sec ; J . T . Haslett , P . M ., Treas . ; C . A . Smyth , S . D . ; W . E . Scott , P . M ., D . Prov . G . M . elect ; Major Blackall , J . D . Act . ; Dr . E . Smith , Prov . G . Sec ; Achisou AV . Smyth , 127 , J . AV . Act . ; and G . D . Christie , 196 , I . G . Act . Bro . Skipton being iu attendance , was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft by Bro . E . Smith , Prov . G . Sec . After which the D . Prov . G . M . elect installed Bro . James Skipton , S . W ., as AV . M . ; Charles A . Smyth , S . D ., as J . \ A . ; and C . Skipton , Sec . The lodge was then closed ,
MIDLAND COUNTIES . ABBETXETX . — Queen ' s County Lodge ( No . 402 ) . —This lodge ) held its installation dinner on tbe 2 Sth Dec . The AA . Master for the ensuing six months , Bro . Maxwell , filled the chair with great dignity , and was ably assis ' ed by the S . A \ ., Bro . Finnegau ,. and the J . AA ., Bro . Morris . The visiting brethren were : — Bros . Baird and AA ilsonEnthdowney Lod 150 ; Black
, ge , , Dublin , 100 ; and Griffith , Duvrew , 646 . When the cloth was removed the usual loyal toasts and various Masonic sentiments were given ; several songs were also sung with considerable taste . After enjoying an excellent dinner and a pleasing evening's entertainment , the brethren separated with " Peace , Love , and Harmony . "
WEXFORD . Wr . XT-onv . —Trite Blue Lodge ( No . 935 ) . —The members of this old and prosperous lodge assembled at high noon , on the 28 th Dec . iu their Rooms , Abbey-street , when the AV . M . elect , and his officers having been duly installed and saluted according to ancient form , the brethren adjourned to the Towu Hall , placed at their disposal with his usual courtesy by the mayor , the Riht AA orshiful Joseph S . Wadd to celebrate at six
g p y , o ' clock , p . m ., the anniversary of St . John . The usual loyal and charter toavts were received with the accustomed honours on the occasion , and grateful testimony b ; rne by enlightened Craftsmen to the antiquity and Catholicity of nn Order which dignifies royalty itself and ranks among its adherents a majority of the truly great and good in almost every laud . Passing allusion , too , was made to tbe philanthropic aud benevolent principles of
Masonry evidenced as well by its numerous educational establishments and charitable institutions as by its private contributions towards the relief uf distress . It was felt that—as " Peace on earth and good will toward men" becomes more widely extended , so , Freemasonry being the noblest synonym for the Christian watchword will be more thoroughly appreciated not only by tho members of the Craft , but by those who have the misfortune to " walk in darkness . " In this ago of division , it must be
hailed as a pleasant sight , and an earnest rf the " good time coming , " to witness gentlemen realizing their position as children of the same Father , and expectants of the same home , merging their differences , political and religious , and filled with a portion of His spirit whose tender mercies are over all His works , becomingly cherishing those kindly feelings implanted in our nature by the Great Architect of the Universe , and under the most solemn sanctions pledging themselves mutuall y to support each other in the pilgrimage of life . An interesting feature of the evening was the presentation of a valuable