Article IRELAND. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ISLE OF MAN. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article REVIEWS. Page 1 of 2 →
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testimonial consisting of a suit of Royal Arch clothing , and jewels of tbe different Degrees , on the part of the brethren residing in the Enniscorthy destrict to Bro . George Carroll , the -worthy Secretary of 935 , " in recognition of his laborious services " in connexion with the working of an Institution to which , as they state in their address , it " was their pride and privilege to helong . " The presentation was made in a very able and
comp limentary speech by Bro . George C . Roberts , of Enniscorthy , Bro . Carroll was deeply affected , responded in feeling and appropriate terms . The proceedings of the evening were pleasantly diversified by some excellent singing , and the brethren separated at an early hour in peace , love , and harmony .
Isle Of Man.
DOUGLAS . DOTIGIAS . —Tynwald Lodge , ( No . 1 , 2-1 . 2 ) . —The first regular meeting of this promising new lodge , took place at tho Masonic Rooms , St . James's Hall , on AA ednesday evening last , the 6 th inst ., when there wore present : Bros . Elwood Tibbits , A \ . M . ; John A . Brown , S . AV , ; John J . Harwood , J . AA . ; R . J . AVeaver , P . M . Treas . ; G . M . Loffchousc , P . M . See . ; George Robinson , S . D . ; George HeronJ . D . ; Thomas FairhurstTyler & c & c .
, , , , After the minutes of last meeting had been read and confirmed , the ballot wa 3 taken for nine brethren as joining members all of whom were unanimously accepted . Throe gentlemen were then balloted for , accepted and initiated by the \ A . M ., the general working and arrangements of the lodge reflecting great credit on the officers and members . AVo have great pleasure in wishing the Tynwald Lodgo a happy and prosperous year .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . TEMPERANCE CirAPTEit ( No . 169 ) . —On Tuesday , January 5 th , at the AAliito Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford , the regular meeting of this prosperous chapter was held . The chapter was opened by Comps . G . Brown , M . E . Z . ; J . T . Tibbals , P . Z . as H . ; F . AA ' alters , P . Z . as J . The companions were admitted , the minutes of the former meeting were read and
unanimously confirmed . By arrangement the chapter was officered by Comps . G . Brown , M . E . Z . ; F . AValters , P . Z . as H . ; H . Moore , J . ; N . Wingfiehl , S . E . ; J . Searle , II . as S . N . and P . S . The ballots were in favour of Comps . J . Searle , M . E . Z . ; II . Moore , II . ; N . AVingfiehl , J . ; J . T . Tibbals , P . Z . S . E . ; F . AValters , P . Z . S . N . ; J . Lightfoot , P . S . ; G . Bolton , P . Z . as Treasurer re-elected for the seventh time . These brethren were proposed for exaltation at next meeting . The
chapter was closed until Tuesday , April 6 tb . Besides those mentioned were present : Comps . Andrews , Tinslow , Fleekell , Shaw , Teppett and several others . The usual superior banquet followed , served up well . It was spoken of by all with satisfaction ns all were pleased with it , a few happy hours spent , brought a pleasant evening to an agreeable close .
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORELAND . KENDAE . —Kendal Castle Chapter , ( No . 129 ) . —The regular convocation of this chapter was held at the Masonic Hall , Kentstreet , at two o'clock on Thursday , December 31 st ult . The principals , Comps . John Bowes , M . E . Z . ; John AVhitwell , 1 T . P ., M . E . H ., and AVilliam AVilson , M . E . J ., were supported b y Comps .
Edward Busker , P . Z . ; Thomas AA ylie , P . Z ., Prov . G . Reg . AV . L . ; Dr . Moore , Scribe E . ; Rev . James Simpson , Scribe N . ; Capt . Gawith , P . S ., Jones Taylor , Jesse Banning , Titus AVilsou , Treas ., J . Otley Atkinson , Janitor . The chapter was opened by the principals , when the rest of the companions were admitted and the minutos read and confirmed . Subscriptions wore voted to the Zetland Memorialand tho Palestine Exploration Funds . The
, companions then proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year a 3 follows : Comps . John AA bitwell , ilf . P ., D Prov . G , M „ H . as M . E . Z . ; AVilliam AVilson , P . Prov . G . Reg ., J . as M . E . H . ; Rev . , 1 , Simpson , Prov . G . Sec , N . as M . E . J . ; C . G . Thomson , Scribe E . ; Jones Taylor , Scribe N . ; S . Gawith , P . S . ;
Royal Arch.
Titus AVilson , Treas . ; J . Otley Atkinson , Janitor . It was proposed by M . E . Comp . Busher , P . Z ., seconded by Comp . Dr . Moore , E . and supported by M . E . H ., and unanimously resolved that , in consideration of services rendered t > tho chapter since its formation by Al . E . Ooinp . John Bowes , he be e ' ected an honorary life member of the chapter . Comp . Bowes made a suitable acknowledgment . There being no further business before
the chapter it was closed with the usual solemnities , and the companions separated in full and perfect harmony , to meet again at the installation of principal and the investiture of the other officers .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . SAMPSON AND LTON LODGE OE MARK MASTERS ( NO . S 6 ) . — Tho regular meeting of this lodge was held on AAt'dnesday January 6 th , at tho Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , Lineoln ' s-inn-fields . Bro . M . A . Loewcnstark , G . S . AA . M . Two officers were ill and in consequence absent viz ., Richard Boncy , J . AA . and AA . M . elect 79 , where he is to be installed on Monday ,
January 25 tb , and Bro . A . D . Loewcnstark , G . P . P . M . and Treas . The candidates for advancement were unanimously eiectcd , Bro . J . F . Titiims , Mount Lebanon Lodge 73 , was advanced to tho ancient and honorable degree of a Mark Master Freemason , the work being well done . The election by ballot for AA . AI ., resulted in the J . AV . Bro . R . Boncy being elected as the S . AV . Bro . J . J . Haylis for this year declined ti stand . A . D . Loewcnstark , G . P . P . M . and Treas ., was for the fourth time
unanimously re-elected treasurer . Besides those mentioned we noticed in attendance , Bros . J . J . Hayiis , S . AV . ; IT . Rosenthal ; H . AA . Pilcher ; M . Pitcher ; C . Slom ' au ; C . Sunn , P . G . S . B . and others . Visitor : Bro . AV . H . AVarr , P . G . S .
Tito Universal Masonic Calendar , Pocket Boole , and Diary for 1869 ; containing Lists of Lodges , Royal Arch Chapters , & c , in England , Scotland , and Ireland , & c . Edited by Bro . J . D . PORTEOUS , and sub-edited by Bros . JAMES STEVENSON and EAUIA HOLMES . THIS useful Calendar , which has succeeded tho "British , Irish , and Colonial , " and embraces all its distinctive
features , in connexion with its own , has just been published , and we recommend it heartily to the notice of tho brethren . Calendars arc , without doubt , the most difficult of publications to produce with success . Information of the latest date is required , while accuracy in every word is of the last importance . Other Calendars and Directories labour tinder but few of the difficulties
which beset a Masonic , even of a local character ; but how much more must be added to tho difficulties of one professing to be of an universal nature , we do not pretend to say . A glance at tho table of contents will , however , testify that the Editor and Sub-Editors have surveyed mankind " from China to Peru " on tho one hand , and from Norway to the Cape of Good Hope on the
other , and with decided success . AVo do not mean to say that this Calendar is not free from fault , as that is something not to be found in the philosophy of such publications ; and while wc do not assert dogmatically that it is the best of its kind , we shall be rather obliged by any one pointing out to tis a better . To make an useful , and at the same time an universal
Calendar , seems to us a labour to which the toil of Hercules was as nothing . If we consider even the number of letters to be written , not even to the lodges , & c , at home , but to those abroad , the work seems gigantic . To arrange a Calendar for England would be a labour enough ; but when we come to all tho Grand Lodges at home and abroad being set down in due Order , we know something of the difficulties which attend the task , and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
testimonial consisting of a suit of Royal Arch clothing , and jewels of tbe different Degrees , on the part of the brethren residing in the Enniscorthy destrict to Bro . George Carroll , the -worthy Secretary of 935 , " in recognition of his laborious services " in connexion with the working of an Institution to which , as they state in their address , it " was their pride and privilege to helong . " The presentation was made in a very able and
comp limentary speech by Bro . George C . Roberts , of Enniscorthy , Bro . Carroll was deeply affected , responded in feeling and appropriate terms . The proceedings of the evening were pleasantly diversified by some excellent singing , and the brethren separated at an early hour in peace , love , and harmony .
Isle Of Man.
DOUGLAS . DOTIGIAS . —Tynwald Lodge , ( No . 1 , 2-1 . 2 ) . —The first regular meeting of this promising new lodge , took place at tho Masonic Rooms , St . James's Hall , on AA ednesday evening last , the 6 th inst ., when there wore present : Bros . Elwood Tibbits , A \ . M . ; John A . Brown , S . AV , ; John J . Harwood , J . AA . ; R . J . AVeaver , P . M . Treas . ; G . M . Loffchousc , P . M . See . ; George Robinson , S . D . ; George HeronJ . D . ; Thomas FairhurstTyler & c & c .
, , , , After the minutes of last meeting had been read and confirmed , the ballot wa 3 taken for nine brethren as joining members all of whom were unanimously accepted . Throe gentlemen were then balloted for , accepted and initiated by the \ A . M ., the general working and arrangements of the lodge reflecting great credit on the officers and members . AVo have great pleasure in wishing the Tynwald Lodgo a happy and prosperous year .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . TEMPERANCE CirAPTEit ( No . 169 ) . —On Tuesday , January 5 th , at the AAliito Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford , the regular meeting of this prosperous chapter was held . The chapter was opened by Comps . G . Brown , M . E . Z . ; J . T . Tibbals , P . Z . as H . ; F . AA ' alters , P . Z . as J . The companions were admitted , the minutes of the former meeting were read and
unanimously confirmed . By arrangement the chapter was officered by Comps . G . Brown , M . E . Z . ; F . AValters , P . Z . as H . ; H . Moore , J . ; N . Wingfiehl , S . E . ; J . Searle , II . as S . N . and P . S . The ballots were in favour of Comps . J . Searle , M . E . Z . ; II . Moore , II . ; N . AVingfiehl , J . ; J . T . Tibbals , P . Z . S . E . ; F . AValters , P . Z . S . N . ; J . Lightfoot , P . S . ; G . Bolton , P . Z . as Treasurer re-elected for the seventh time . These brethren were proposed for exaltation at next meeting . The
chapter was closed until Tuesday , April 6 tb . Besides those mentioned were present : Comps . Andrews , Tinslow , Fleekell , Shaw , Teppett and several others . The usual superior banquet followed , served up well . It was spoken of by all with satisfaction ns all were pleased with it , a few happy hours spent , brought a pleasant evening to an agreeable close .
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORELAND . KENDAE . —Kendal Castle Chapter , ( No . 129 ) . —The regular convocation of this chapter was held at the Masonic Hall , Kentstreet , at two o'clock on Thursday , December 31 st ult . The principals , Comps . John Bowes , M . E . Z . ; John AVhitwell , 1 T . P ., M . E . H ., and AVilliam AVilson , M . E . J ., were supported b y Comps .
Edward Busker , P . Z . ; Thomas AA ylie , P . Z ., Prov . G . Reg . AV . L . ; Dr . Moore , Scribe E . ; Rev . James Simpson , Scribe N . ; Capt . Gawith , P . S ., Jones Taylor , Jesse Banning , Titus AVilsou , Treas ., J . Otley Atkinson , Janitor . The chapter was opened by the principals , when the rest of the companions were admitted and the minutos read and confirmed . Subscriptions wore voted to the Zetland Memorialand tho Palestine Exploration Funds . The
, companions then proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year a 3 follows : Comps . John AA bitwell , ilf . P ., D Prov . G , M „ H . as M . E . Z . ; AVilliam AVilson , P . Prov . G . Reg ., J . as M . E . H . ; Rev . , 1 , Simpson , Prov . G . Sec , N . as M . E . J . ; C . G . Thomson , Scribe E . ; Jones Taylor , Scribe N . ; S . Gawith , P . S . ;
Royal Arch.
Titus AVilson , Treas . ; J . Otley Atkinson , Janitor . It was proposed by M . E . Comp . Busher , P . Z ., seconded by Comp . Dr . Moore , E . and supported by M . E . H ., and unanimously resolved that , in consideration of services rendered t > tho chapter since its formation by Al . E . Ooinp . John Bowes , he be e ' ected an honorary life member of the chapter . Comp . Bowes made a suitable acknowledgment . There being no further business before
the chapter it was closed with the usual solemnities , and the companions separated in full and perfect harmony , to meet again at the installation of principal and the investiture of the other officers .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . SAMPSON AND LTON LODGE OE MARK MASTERS ( NO . S 6 ) . — Tho regular meeting of this lodge was held on AAt'dnesday January 6 th , at tho Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , Lineoln ' s-inn-fields . Bro . M . A . Loewcnstark , G . S . AA . M . Two officers were ill and in consequence absent viz ., Richard Boncy , J . AA . and AA . M . elect 79 , where he is to be installed on Monday ,
January 25 tb , and Bro . A . D . Loewcnstark , G . P . P . M . and Treas . The candidates for advancement were unanimously eiectcd , Bro . J . F . Titiims , Mount Lebanon Lodge 73 , was advanced to tho ancient and honorable degree of a Mark Master Freemason , the work being well done . The election by ballot for AA . AI ., resulted in the J . AV . Bro . R . Boncy being elected as the S . AV . Bro . J . J . Haylis for this year declined ti stand . A . D . Loewcnstark , G . P . P . M . and Treas ., was for the fourth time
unanimously re-elected treasurer . Besides those mentioned we noticed in attendance , Bros . J . J . Hayiis , S . AV . ; IT . Rosenthal ; H . AA . Pilcher ; M . Pitcher ; C . Slom ' au ; C . Sunn , P . G . S . B . and others . Visitor : Bro . AV . H . AVarr , P . G . S .
Tito Universal Masonic Calendar , Pocket Boole , and Diary for 1869 ; containing Lists of Lodges , Royal Arch Chapters , & c , in England , Scotland , and Ireland , & c . Edited by Bro . J . D . PORTEOUS , and sub-edited by Bros . JAMES STEVENSON and EAUIA HOLMES . THIS useful Calendar , which has succeeded tho "British , Irish , and Colonial , " and embraces all its distinctive
features , in connexion with its own , has just been published , and we recommend it heartily to the notice of tho brethren . Calendars arc , without doubt , the most difficult of publications to produce with success . Information of the latest date is required , while accuracy in every word is of the last importance . Other Calendars and Directories labour tinder but few of the difficulties
which beset a Masonic , even of a local character ; but how much more must be added to tho difficulties of one professing to be of an universal nature , we do not pretend to say . A glance at tho table of contents will , however , testify that the Editor and Sub-Editors have surveyed mankind " from China to Peru " on tho one hand , and from Norway to the Cape of Good Hope on the
other , and with decided success . AVo do not mean to say that this Calendar is not free from fault , as that is something not to be found in the philosophy of such publications ; and while wc do not assert dogmatically that it is the best of its kind , we shall be rather obliged by any one pointing out to tis a better . To make an useful , and at the same time an universal
Calendar , seems to us a labour to which the toil of Hercules was as nothing . If we consider even the number of letters to be written , not even to the lodges , & c , at home , but to those abroad , the work seems gigantic . To arrange a Calendar for England would be a labour enough ; but when we come to all tho Grand Lodges at home and abroad being set down in due Order , we know something of the difficulties which attend the task , and