Article MASONIC PERSECUTION.—III. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC PERSECUTION.—III. Page 2 of 2 Article CHIPS OF FOREIGN ASHLAR. Page 1 of 3 →
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Masonic Persecution.—Iii.
soul . It goes on Avith the threadbare argument , that if the actions of Freemasons were irreproachable , they Avould not so carefully conceal them from the light ; and then instructs all Bishops , Superiors , and Ordinaries , to punish the
Freemasons " Avith the penalties they deserve , as people greatly suspected of heresy , having recourse , if necessary , to the secular arm . The meaning of " having recourse to the secular arm , " may be best guessed from the interpretation given to the Bull
by Cardinal Firrao in his edict of publication , in to assemble at any lodge of the said society , the beginning of 1739 . " No person shall dare nor be present at any of their meetings , under pain of death , and confiscation of goods , the said
penalty to be without hope oi pardon . " The origiual runs : —¦ " Che nessuno ardisca di radunarsi ¦ e congregarsi e di aggregarsi , in luogo alcuno , sotto le sudette societa , no di trovarsi presente a tali radunanze , sota pena della niorte e confiscazione de beni , da incorrersi irremisibilmente , senza speranza di grazia . "
In subsequent articles Ave shall have occasion to take up the relation of the Church of Rome with Freemasonry , but here Ave may draw a slight parallel of good and evil between them . The Church of Rome is illiberal in everything in Avhich
Freemasonry is liberal ; in purse , mind , and body . Rome is bad in all its tendencies , Freemasonry is good . Rome has founded upon the heathen temples of Greece and Rome a more degrading religion than ever was practised by Greek or
Roman . Freemasonry teaches the respect due to the Creator ; its motto is , " Charity to all men ; " its princip les are founded upon piety and virtue , and it supports the ladder , Avhose rounds lead from earth to heaven . Rome is retrograde , savage , a
thing of the barbarous past . Freemasonry is progressive , civilizing—for cell time . In fact , lvhile Rome is a fungus on the dead root of superstition , Freemasonry is a strong sapling growing out of the body of truth .
Those Masons Avho look upon themselves as the direct descendants of the Templars , will furthermore remember Rome ' s treatment of these Champions of Christendom , and Avill not Avonder that she persecutes every liberal , noble , and pious
Order . In fact , IIOAV could Rome be otherwise ? Light let into her , or a comparison draAvn between her and other , but noble and God-like Orders , ends in shoAYing her in such black and coAvardly colours ,
Masonic Persecution.—Iii.
that she rushes behind the petticoats of a Saint , from where she yelps curses and blasphemy , and in this striking—although not noble , neither uncommon position—Ave Avill for the present leave her .
Chips Of Foreign Ashlar.
By J . A . H . No . 11 . —BROTHER ALBERT EDAVARD PRINCE OF AVALES . The loyal hearts of the Masonic subjects of Her Majesty throughout the Avorld will be delighted
Avith the intelligence , that to the long list of Royal Freemasons must now be added the name of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales . It cannot be denied that this event will gratify a desire Avhich has been universal among the Craft to again see a
prince of the blood admitted to the order . To whatever political party an English Freemason may belong , he is by nature of his solemn obligations , loyal to the supreme authority of the realm , but nevertheless there is no doubt that devotion
and respect for the Royal Family will be increased in every Freemasons' breast by the fraternal position Avhich II . R . H . the Prince of Wales now occupies . It appears that the Prince Avas initiated during
his recent visit to Sweden , and those who know the mystery Avhich surrounds our Order in that country Avill not be surprised that the fact has not been hitherto published . In a letter Avhich we have just received from Brother Howitz , Government Director of Gasworks , Copenhagen , the following statement is made : —
" You know perhaps that the Prince of Wales has been made a Freemason at Stockholm , according to the Swedish system . It is said that he intends to introduce this system into England . " Brother Howitz is not the sort of man who would ,
be likely to give currency to an idle rumour , and the intimate relations berween the Craft in Denmark and in Sweden , Avould naturally place our Danish brethren in possession of the information before it reached England . We therefore see no
reason to doubt the troth of the intelligence and it has certainly every appearance of probability . The King of Sweden is a great friend of the Prince's , and Avould doubtless be glad to initiate His Royal Highness , Avhich the Prince's brother-inlaw the Crown Prince of Prussia , has taken the degrees of the Swedish system , and would be likely
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Persecution.—Iii.
soul . It goes on Avith the threadbare argument , that if the actions of Freemasons were irreproachable , they Avould not so carefully conceal them from the light ; and then instructs all Bishops , Superiors , and Ordinaries , to punish the
Freemasons " Avith the penalties they deserve , as people greatly suspected of heresy , having recourse , if necessary , to the secular arm . The meaning of " having recourse to the secular arm , " may be best guessed from the interpretation given to the Bull
by Cardinal Firrao in his edict of publication , in to assemble at any lodge of the said society , the beginning of 1739 . " No person shall dare nor be present at any of their meetings , under pain of death , and confiscation of goods , the said
penalty to be without hope oi pardon . " The origiual runs : —¦ " Che nessuno ardisca di radunarsi ¦ e congregarsi e di aggregarsi , in luogo alcuno , sotto le sudette societa , no di trovarsi presente a tali radunanze , sota pena della niorte e confiscazione de beni , da incorrersi irremisibilmente , senza speranza di grazia . "
In subsequent articles Ave shall have occasion to take up the relation of the Church of Rome with Freemasonry , but here Ave may draw a slight parallel of good and evil between them . The Church of Rome is illiberal in everything in Avhich
Freemasonry is liberal ; in purse , mind , and body . Rome is bad in all its tendencies , Freemasonry is good . Rome has founded upon the heathen temples of Greece and Rome a more degrading religion than ever was practised by Greek or
Roman . Freemasonry teaches the respect due to the Creator ; its motto is , " Charity to all men ; " its princip les are founded upon piety and virtue , and it supports the ladder , Avhose rounds lead from earth to heaven . Rome is retrograde , savage , a
thing of the barbarous past . Freemasonry is progressive , civilizing—for cell time . In fact , lvhile Rome is a fungus on the dead root of superstition , Freemasonry is a strong sapling growing out of the body of truth .
Those Masons Avho look upon themselves as the direct descendants of the Templars , will furthermore remember Rome ' s treatment of these Champions of Christendom , and Avill not Avonder that she persecutes every liberal , noble , and pious
Order . In fact , IIOAV could Rome be otherwise ? Light let into her , or a comparison draAvn between her and other , but noble and God-like Orders , ends in shoAYing her in such black and coAvardly colours ,
Masonic Persecution.—Iii.
that she rushes behind the petticoats of a Saint , from where she yelps curses and blasphemy , and in this striking—although not noble , neither uncommon position—Ave Avill for the present leave her .
Chips Of Foreign Ashlar.
By J . A . H . No . 11 . —BROTHER ALBERT EDAVARD PRINCE OF AVALES . The loyal hearts of the Masonic subjects of Her Majesty throughout the Avorld will be delighted
Avith the intelligence , that to the long list of Royal Freemasons must now be added the name of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales . It cannot be denied that this event will gratify a desire Avhich has been universal among the Craft to again see a
prince of the blood admitted to the order . To whatever political party an English Freemason may belong , he is by nature of his solemn obligations , loyal to the supreme authority of the realm , but nevertheless there is no doubt that devotion
and respect for the Royal Family will be increased in every Freemasons' breast by the fraternal position Avhich II . R . H . the Prince of Wales now occupies . It appears that the Prince Avas initiated during
his recent visit to Sweden , and those who know the mystery Avhich surrounds our Order in that country Avill not be surprised that the fact has not been hitherto published . In a letter Avhich we have just received from Brother Howitz , Government Director of Gasworks , Copenhagen , the following statement is made : —
" You know perhaps that the Prince of Wales has been made a Freemason at Stockholm , according to the Swedish system . It is said that he intends to introduce this system into England . " Brother Howitz is not the sort of man who would ,
be likely to give currency to an idle rumour , and the intimate relations berween the Craft in Denmark and in Sweden , Avould naturally place our Danish brethren in possession of the information before it reached England . We therefore see no
reason to doubt the troth of the intelligence and it has certainly every appearance of probability . The King of Sweden is a great friend of the Prince's , and Avould doubtless be glad to initiate His Royal Highness , Avhich the Prince's brother-inlaw the Crown Prince of Prussia , has taken the degrees of the Swedish system , and would be likely