Article CHIPS OF FOREIGN ASHLAR. ← Page 2 of 3 Article CHIPS OF FOREIGN ASHLAR. Page 2 of 3 →
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Chips Of Foreign Ashlar.
to recommend that sj'stem in preference to any other . HoAvever Freemasons niio-ht have wished to see His Royal Higuess initiated in the United Kingdom , it must be conceded that the Prince exhibited
a better knowledge of the principles of the Craft Avhen he resisted the "improper solicitations" of certain Scotch Freemasons , than did the brethren in question . It is to be hoped that no members of the Craft will ever again manifest a spirit so
contrary to all the tenets of the Order . Bro . Howitz will pardon our saying that the idea to Avhich he alludes as the intention of the Prince to introduce the Swedish system into England , is a delightful illustration of local vanity .
The zeal of new converts is proverbial , and at the moment of his initiation the Prince may have been so much affected hy the ceremonies as to express a Avish that they were practised in England , but that he Avould ever attempt to introduce them here
in their entirety , is simply beyond all possibility , As we have previously remarked the degrees of the Red Gross Knights of Rome aud Constantine in England are said to be analagous to those of the no plus ultra degree in Sweden , so that
H . R . H . Avill find part of the Swedish systems already in operation , Avhile the other degrees of that system , other than the three St . John's degrees which are the same in all countries , are clearly unsuitable for England .
It may safely be affirmed that Freemasonry is independant of any patronage whatever . Still Ave rejoice not so much on behalf of the Craft , as for the sake of the Prince of Wales himself , that he has joined us . If His Royal Highness stands
true to the great principles upon which our Order is founded , he Avill find that the loyalty and affection of the English people to the Crown is intensified , and the British empire Avill one clay have a king in Albert Edward , whoso reign will be not less illustrious than that of his Royal mother .
[ We supplement J . A . H . ' a article with quotations from " Stats Kalender " for 1 SGS , and the " Gotesborge Handels-och Sjofarts Tiding . " We received this information immediately after the circumstance happened , and had the report in type last AA-eek . But , although our friend , the writer of this articlehad
, the best sources in Scandinavia of information open to him , he did not supply us with strict proof of the authenticity of the report , and as we could not receive it elsewhere in time to enable us to publish it , we deferred doing so till now . Moreover , we delayed
Chips Of Foreign Ashlar.
the publication in consideration of the many reports circulated through the press since His Royal Highness came of age , as to his joining the fraternity at Oxford , Edinburgh , and other places . Especially did tve withhold the publication , considering that a short time ago , on the occasion of the Prince laying
the foundation stone of the new University Buildings at Glasgow , he , through his secretary , stated that he " does not propose , at all events for the present , joinany Masonic lodge . "—( See EEEEJIASOSTS' MAGAZINE for 10 th October , 1 SGS , No . 484 , p . 295 ) . We have
UOAV received official information oi the fact through a representative of the King of Sweden , and feel justified in recording it . —En . F . M . ]
Hans Kongl . Ilogliet Arf-Fursten , Hertigen af OstergothnuT Hans Kongl . Hoghefc Arf-Fursten , Hertigen af AVerinland . Hans Kongl . Ilogliet Arf-Fiu-sten , Hertigen af Gotland . Hans Kongl . Ilogliet Arf-Fursten , Hertigen af AVeslergotknd . Hans Kongl . Ilogliet Arf-Fursten , Hertigen af Net-ike . Hans Kongl . Hiighet Arf-Fursten , Hertigen nf Dalarne .
18-13 d . 2 S Jan ., Carl Henrik MoUemimi ; K . S . O . Carl Magnus Hindbcck , f . d . Hof-Riitts-RiUl , R . N . 0 . 181-1 d . 14 Okt . 1-Yil ) . Israol Girl Adam Lagerfelt , K . W . 0 .. 18-17 d . 28 Jim . II . Exc . Grefve Lewenhnupt . ISIS d . 28 Jan . Carl Christian Schmidt , K . N . 0 . 18-19 tl 2 G Feb . Lars Jolian Loven , f . d . Forste Exped .-Sekret . B , N . 0 . 1 S 5-1 d , 28 Jan . Grefve Helming Ludvig Hugo Hamilton , It . o . K . af K . M . 0 .
H . Exe . Grefve Manderstrom . Magnus Huss , K . in . st . k . N . 0 . Salomon Main-its von Kruseiist jertia , K . m . at . k . S . O . 185 G d . 5 MUM . GrefVc Claes Gustaf Fritz Piper . Skattniiistare vid K . Jf . 0 . FriU . Carl Adolf llaiidorsh-om , K . AV . 0 . Carl LudviDahlfeltFil 0 KSvensk oNorsk GenKonsul
g , . ., . . .-i Hekingtbrs , R . N . 0 ., K . D . D . 0 ., ii . Fr . 11 . L ., R . Pi-. __R . 0 . 0 . 3 : e kl . ISoy d . 2 S Jan . Grefve Ludvig Ernst von Stediugk , K . m . st . k . S . 0 . Grefv Robert Axel von Ilosen , Cereiiioiiiiuastiire i survivans vid K . M . 0 .
1 S 58 d . Mars . Olof Axel Tauvon , K . m . st . k . X . 0 . Charles Dickson , K . AV . 0 . 1 S 50 d . 28 Jan . Frih . Carl Fredrik Ralamb , Karnmarlierre ,. R . S . 0 . 1 SG 0 d . 28 Jan . Grefv Pontus De la Gardio , K . AA . 0 . 1 SG 2 d . 2 S Jan . Grefv Carl Anton Philip von Saltza , Ofvor-CevemonimiUtare , Kabiii-Kammarherre . f . d . Ordon .-Officer
lios K . Carl XIV : de , f . d . Ryttmastare , Stor-Off . Mexik . Guadeloupe-O . 1801 d . 28 Jan . Curl Leonard ICinnmisoii , J , IC , Kamuiar-Riitts-Rad , Fulluiiigtig i liiksgalds-Kontoret , R . ST . 0 . Malte Leopold Boos , Ol ' w-Lojtn . i Artilleriet , Major vid IC . Sv « i Artill .-Reg ., Tygmiiitarei Stockholm , Led . i K . Krig 3-Hof-Riitten , R . S . 0 . Frih . Georg FleetwoodIlot-JSgniUsture . Ofvcrstc i Arme ' en
, , R . S . 0 ., K . D . D . 0 . 18 G 7 d . 25 Febr . Christian Fredrik Ewert , M . D . o . K . M ., Furstc StatU-Lilkuvoi GOteborg , A ' aeeimlepot-Forestandare , Liikare vid Straff- o . Arbets-Fangelset i Goteborg . R . N . 0 ,,. B . AV . 0 . Jacob AVilhelm Beyer , K . AV . O .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Chips Of Foreign Ashlar.
to recommend that sj'stem in preference to any other . HoAvever Freemasons niio-ht have wished to see His Royal Higuess initiated in the United Kingdom , it must be conceded that the Prince exhibited
a better knowledge of the principles of the Craft Avhen he resisted the "improper solicitations" of certain Scotch Freemasons , than did the brethren in question . It is to be hoped that no members of the Craft will ever again manifest a spirit so
contrary to all the tenets of the Order . Bro . Howitz will pardon our saying that the idea to Avhich he alludes as the intention of the Prince to introduce the Swedish system into England , is a delightful illustration of local vanity .
The zeal of new converts is proverbial , and at the moment of his initiation the Prince may have been so much affected hy the ceremonies as to express a Avish that they were practised in England , but that he Avould ever attempt to introduce them here
in their entirety , is simply beyond all possibility , As we have previously remarked the degrees of the Red Gross Knights of Rome aud Constantine in England are said to be analagous to those of the no plus ultra degree in Sweden , so that
H . R . H . Avill find part of the Swedish systems already in operation , Avhile the other degrees of that system , other than the three St . John's degrees which are the same in all countries , are clearly unsuitable for England .
It may safely be affirmed that Freemasonry is independant of any patronage whatever . Still Ave rejoice not so much on behalf of the Craft , as for the sake of the Prince of Wales himself , that he has joined us . If His Royal Highness stands
true to the great principles upon which our Order is founded , he Avill find that the loyalty and affection of the English people to the Crown is intensified , and the British empire Avill one clay have a king in Albert Edward , whoso reign will be not less illustrious than that of his Royal mother .
[ We supplement J . A . H . ' a article with quotations from " Stats Kalender " for 1 SGS , and the " Gotesborge Handels-och Sjofarts Tiding . " We received this information immediately after the circumstance happened , and had the report in type last AA-eek . But , although our friend , the writer of this articlehad
, the best sources in Scandinavia of information open to him , he did not supply us with strict proof of the authenticity of the report , and as we could not receive it elsewhere in time to enable us to publish it , we deferred doing so till now . Moreover , we delayed
Chips Of Foreign Ashlar.
the publication in consideration of the many reports circulated through the press since His Royal Highness came of age , as to his joining the fraternity at Oxford , Edinburgh , and other places . Especially did tve withhold the publication , considering that a short time ago , on the occasion of the Prince laying
the foundation stone of the new University Buildings at Glasgow , he , through his secretary , stated that he " does not propose , at all events for the present , joinany Masonic lodge . "—( See EEEEJIASOSTS' MAGAZINE for 10 th October , 1 SGS , No . 484 , p . 295 ) . We have
UOAV received official information oi the fact through a representative of the King of Sweden , and feel justified in recording it . —En . F . M . ]
Hans Kongl . Ilogliet Arf-Fursten , Hertigen af OstergothnuT Hans Kongl . Hoghefc Arf-Fursten , Hertigen af AVerinland . Hans Kongl . Ilogliet Arf-Fiu-sten , Hertigen af Gotland . Hans Kongl . Ilogliet Arf-Fursten , Hertigen af AVeslergotknd . Hans Kongl . Ilogliet Arf-Fursten , Hertigen af Net-ike . Hans Kongl . Hiighet Arf-Fursten , Hertigen nf Dalarne .
18-13 d . 2 S Jan ., Carl Henrik MoUemimi ; K . S . O . Carl Magnus Hindbcck , f . d . Hof-Riitts-RiUl , R . N . 0 . 181-1 d . 14 Okt . 1-Yil ) . Israol Girl Adam Lagerfelt , K . W . 0 .. 18-17 d . 28 Jim . II . Exc . Grefve Lewenhnupt . ISIS d . 28 Jan . Carl Christian Schmidt , K . N . 0 . 18-19 tl 2 G Feb . Lars Jolian Loven , f . d . Forste Exped .-Sekret . B , N . 0 . 1 S 5-1 d , 28 Jan . Grefve Helming Ludvig Hugo Hamilton , It . o . K . af K . M . 0 .
H . Exe . Grefve Manderstrom . Magnus Huss , K . in . st . k . N . 0 . Salomon Main-its von Kruseiist jertia , K . m . at . k . S . O . 185 G d . 5 MUM . GrefVc Claes Gustaf Fritz Piper . Skattniiistare vid K . Jf . 0 . FriU . Carl Adolf llaiidorsh-om , K . AV . 0 . Carl LudviDahlfeltFil 0 KSvensk oNorsk GenKonsul
g , . ., . . .-i Hekingtbrs , R . N . 0 ., K . D . D . 0 ., ii . Fr . 11 . L ., R . Pi-. __R . 0 . 0 . 3 : e kl . ISoy d . 2 S Jan . Grefve Ludvig Ernst von Stediugk , K . m . st . k . S . 0 . Grefv Robert Axel von Ilosen , Cereiiioiiiiuastiire i survivans vid K . M . 0 .
1 S 58 d . Mars . Olof Axel Tauvon , K . m . st . k . X . 0 . Charles Dickson , K . AV . 0 . 1 S 50 d . 28 Jan . Frih . Carl Fredrik Ralamb , Karnmarlierre ,. R . S . 0 . 1 SG 0 d . 28 Jan . Grefv Pontus De la Gardio , K . AA . 0 . 1 SG 2 d . 2 S Jan . Grefv Carl Anton Philip von Saltza , Ofvor-CevemonimiUtare , Kabiii-Kammarherre . f . d . Ordon .-Officer
lios K . Carl XIV : de , f . d . Ryttmastare , Stor-Off . Mexik . Guadeloupe-O . 1801 d . 28 Jan . Curl Leonard ICinnmisoii , J , IC , Kamuiar-Riitts-Rad , Fulluiiigtig i liiksgalds-Kontoret , R . ST . 0 . Malte Leopold Boos , Ol ' w-Lojtn . i Artilleriet , Major vid IC . Sv « i Artill .-Reg ., Tygmiiitarei Stockholm , Led . i K . Krig 3-Hof-Riitten , R . S . 0 . Frih . Georg FleetwoodIlot-JSgniUsture . Ofvcrstc i Arme ' en
, , R . S . 0 ., K . D . D . 0 . 18 G 7 d . 25 Febr . Christian Fredrik Ewert , M . D . o . K . M ., Furstc StatU-Lilkuvoi GOteborg , A ' aeeimlepot-Forestandare , Liikare vid Straff- o . Arbets-Fangelset i Goteborg . R . N . 0 ,,. B . AV . 0 . Jacob AVilhelm Beyer , K . AV . O .